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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Mu Shu, your post cracked me up. Pancake feed vs. rat disposal ... gee, I don't know ...
  2. Makemelaugh beat me to it. Breaking up after the requirements for this show are fulfilled is a requirement!
  3. I wonder if the actor is British and just let the Brit inflection slip in. What's up with Ressler getting his ass kicked every week and nothing ever happens to Lizzie? Why did the kids shoot/beat up/kill the woman cop but not Lizzie? Why did they capture Ressler and not kill him? If it was a male vs. female thing, see my question re: shooting Lizzie. If I were getting beat up every week like Ressler is, I'd be eyeballing some opiates too, Lizzie and her attitude be damned. So those little kids reached the pedals of those big vans ... how? The local police now has jurisdiction over the FBI? When a tire blows, isn't one suppose to SLOW DOWN by applying THE BRAKES? And not speed up and crash into a tree? Ressler can't climb out of the window? Although his convo with the little girl was pretty good. Lizzie getting in the car with the little girl gave me deja vu back to episode 1. Lizzie still lives in the motel? The heck? She could rent some jive apartment on her salary, one would think, without Red having to sugar-daddy her into new digs. So the head of this fancy smancy FBI group doesn't have enough clout to get into some local cancer research program? Thanks to Red for getting him in as No. 36. (We all know he's the "friend of a friend.") So that presidential limo was under the church, access gained by a trap door in the floor above. I was expecting Red to drive the car out ... but how? And why, when all the containers were robbed, didn't anyone find the car-in-a-case? After the fun episode last week, this one really sucked. I could care less about Tom Keen coming back next week, although I'd really like it if he IS a woman now. And "Deer Hunter" ... are writers not old enough to have seen that movie? Please. ETA: Did anyone else see the white cargo van driving alongside Red's car when the aerial view was shown before Red made a phone call? I was expecting him to look out the window and go, "Oh, sh*t, there's a bomb van driving right next to me, Lizzie!"
  4. This. You know we all end up hating every person who gets lead anyway. So why pick someone you actually like? PhilW, look at all the fun you are having here now that you were forced to watch this show. I'm not sure I would tune in every week if it weren't for these posts. We're glad you're here, Phil!
  5. Hey, MsPH's zip code link says this about Arlington, Iowa: Mean travel time to work (commute): 23.4 minutes. Heck, that's SEVEN FREAKING MINUTES SHORTER than the commute shown for my zip code. Go figure.
  6. Oh, I hope that happens so we can get the scoopage here! In other news: Jake has a SISTER? Who knew? Maybe people say the sis/brother/friend signed them up so as to put the stupidity of being on this show onto someone else and not the contestant. Especially after seeing the edit those monkeys give them.
  7. This made me laugh, so thanks. The volunteer firemen around here have yearly "feeds" to raise money for equipment. They are indeed yummy, and well-attended. I live 10 miles from Bumblefuck! Howdy, neighbor!
  8. One sis in Winnetka, one in Ireland. Does anyone know where the third lives? At least two did not marry into the farming business. I read somewhere that the sister(s) signed him up for TB-ette Andi's season.
  9. As for the value of multiple plumbers, if some "girl" doesn't know that, she's not ready for marriage, a house of her own, kids. I sure knew the value of "multiple plumbers" when my well split a connector and flooded my basement. Turning the water off meant no water for the house OR the barns/livestock. But then again, I haven't been a wee "girl" for many years. With age comes wisdom. Many of Chris's "girls" want nothing more than an apartment with a hot tub, and a nightclub on every corner.
  10. The $23,000 was from the "Other Bachelors of Arlington" calendar they made and sold to fund a community center, plus other events they held on their own. The link is further back on this thread. (The dairy-calf guy is cute IMO.) Arlington got no $$ from ABC. Des Moines had to cough up $70,000 for ABC to film there, like SantE Fe paid $50,000. Sounds like every city pays TB to go to their location. To each, his or her own. The west coast isn't "all that" for everyone. And I did not/have not seen any of the 30 b-ettes remove themselves from becoming Chris's wife. All knew he was Prince Farming from the Obscure Outer Limits of Iowa. If they didn't know it before they got into that limo, they all knew it after they arrived at the mansion that first night. All I've seen is each one crying inconsolably after he sends them home. So there's that, too. Like I've said, a place is what you make it. Every b-ette signed up for Chris. And the *cough* Right Reason.
  11. How on earth would her family know what she's doing ... or not doing ... when she lives on the other end of the country from them? I still think Becca's "Chris is my first love" thing is producer-driven and a bunch of malarky. For what end? Only TPTB know. Everyone called "BS" on Ashley's virgin status. What about Becca's? Real or Memorex?
  12. Thanks, Shibori. Every house still has water pipes, a furnace, and lots of people still attend church every Sunday, plus the church is a great social-gathering place with spaghetti dinners, bingo nights ... all sorts of fun events. (!) I'm guessing there are more business run out of houses that don't pay rent on a commercial building, like construction, garage repair, mowing, lawn care, house cleaning, painting, child care ... the list goes on. Like I said, a place is as good as what you make it.
  13. [snip] Maybe because it's [snip] impossible to produce that many, even if she did twins every year? There's such a thing as hyperbole. I seriously doubt Chris took her, like, seriously. If Britt started at age 15 and ended at age 40, doing two kids a year, she could only have produced 50 kids. So there's that. And even 50 is hyperbole. Her "100 kids" was just a way of saying 'lots."
  14. Plus, for people who work online (like I do), any place works. I live remotely ... I make my own pizza and burgers. But when I get to town, maybe once a month, I have the option of buying a restaurant-made meal. But I rarely do. Like THEY say, a place is WHAT YOU MAKE IT. Linky Loo, you obviously are an old(er) computer person! Let's consider THIS: That "poor guy" obviously never made a move on Becca, either. We're here all ranking on her, but what about the duds ... I mean dudes ... she's dated in the past? I thought back about the two guys I mentioned here, that I went out with a lot but never did anything with, including kiss. Was it me? No, them, because neither ever made an attempt at a pass. Maybe they were waiting for me while I was waiting for them. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Both those guys were straight as am I. It's just how it played out for us, and for Becca with her guy(s). Becca's "butterflies" were most probably producer words fed to her. She needs a hook to stay in this game, after all. Feeling "love" for the first time because of the hot, romantic lead that is Chris (*cough*) is a great story line.
  15. See, I told you guys production picked a time to go to Arlington when everything was closed, just so it would look crappy. And TPTB aren't commenting, OF COURSE. Because this show is all manipulated. They wanted a total b-ette breakdown over the one thing Chris says worries him the most, Arlington. The 400 population has to be totally within city limits and does not include the surrounding country families that have Arlington as their address, something that would add hundreds more to the pop. For the town to have a library AND medical center is remarkable. And a bank and three churches. It takes a lot of people to support three churches. And for the plumbers to have shops IS a big deal. In my small town (pop. 1,700) the furnace and plumbing guys work out of their houses.
  16. Apologies to the poster here who said one cannot get into Canada if they have a DUI (Chris) since that is considered a felon. That is true, although it has nothing to do with being a pilot (Jake!). So ... sorry!
  17. Nicely said, Superpole. In other news, that HTD with Whitney really took me back to the autopsy/embalming HTD from an earlier season. Asking Chris to donate a sperm sample so Whitney could check out if he had healthy swimmers was just as uproariously funny as Chantel (?) having the Bach lie down on that stainless steel, drain-filled slab table.
  18. By "looks," do you mean the No. 1 (and for the most part, only) reason people are cast on this show?
  19. Remember when one B told Andi that same thing? There are actors and then there are ... Master THESPIANS! (TM Jon Lovits)
  20. I don't know. I once dated a guy for months, spent LOTS of time alone with him in his apartment, and I never even kissed him. He bought me roses, took me fancy places and gave me expensive perfume, but we just never made out ... or anything else. I thought nothing of it at the time. I also dated a guy in college who was a twin for Omar Shariff (young Omar) and it was the same with him. We just had a blast doing everything together ... except "that." I'm not a lesbian even though I love plaid flannel shirts and I wear Crocs whenever I can. Based on my clothing preference and not boning every guy I go out with, I fit the stereotype. Except I have a lesbian friend and I never made out with her, either. I'm just more selective about my mates. It just takes THE RIGHT GUY to get me interested. I expect Becca's the same. Of course, my family knows nothing about my dating life, unlike Becca's Nosey Parker family. And now the rest of America.
  21. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I was totally waiting for Aaron to come walking out of that tent, which would explain why CC could "feel him" beside her. Maybe that's Aaron in the sniper's SUV!
  22. POTUS (drink) is surrounded by nasty men: David, her husband. Both are creepy jerks. Only CC is her true friend. Does this show have women writers?
  23. I'm changing my screen name to Jennifer Donut!
  24. I know, right? Especially when Chris blogged, "What's the big deal, it's only a tush" when Kaitlyn or whomever took off her swimsuit to swim naked on his Truth or Dare at the old swimmin' hole. Someone else took off her bikini top. All that was a-okay with Prince Farming. Again, I say: "Two-faced much, Chris?"
  25. I thought all the HTs were clumsy and awkward. Was it because Chris is clumsy and awkward? This was the first time HTDs went beyond the family meetings/dinners and the couple did something afterward. This just continues with the theme of how WILD and CRAZY* this season has been. *Chris's favorite word.
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