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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Monday night, my local news is playing an interview with Chris and all the b-ettes (six of them?) that came here on a date. I'll try to remember to watch and will post in Spoilers if anything worthwhile happens. Supposedly, the tv interviewer says the favorite for F1 will be revealed. Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it. Still, I wish I would have known Chris et. al. were here*. I would have liked to have gone and been a groupie watching. *Iowa, in case anyone wondered where Chris lives. Heh.
  2. Well, we don't know for sure who, if anyone, died in the fire. The newscasts that played toward the beginning of ep. 1 all got cut off when Red's background was being told, right when the newscaster was going to give us some of that missing info about Red, the fire, Lizzie's parents, everything that this show has been stringing us along about. All we really know is, there was a fire. Lizzie has a scar on her wrist; Red has scars on his back. One thing I found surprising ... that oil rig was hit by a missile with the intent to destroy it and kill everyone. Yet everyone pretty much lived plus were able to fly away on the helicopters. The only damage was, as Red said, the rig was going to sink into the Bering Sea. No wonder it took so long to kill Bin Ladin. When Red was knocked "dead" by the missile and was under that sheet of plywood, I questioned Lizzie trying to revive him by beating on his chest, which probably should have been full of broken ribs penetrating his lungs. I was waiting for the mouth-to-mouth. Yeah, I know. I guess NBC didn't want to "go to there." Then the bad guys come in and she throws the plywood back over him. OUCH! Someone else was able to revive him by ... what, saying his name? Lizzie was very irritating with her "Me, ME, it's all about ME!" whinging to Red at the end, when she complained that REALLY? He wasn't there to be with HER? It was about Fulcrum or something else besides HER? What a baby.
  3. Okay, this show is so confusing I have to get clarity by reading here. That proves how warped I am. First, I cannot imagine some prison on an oil rig in the middle of the Bering Sea. Haven't the writers ever watched Deadliest Catch? The heating bill alone would break the government treasury bank. I was a victim of the time-warp crazies too, from Alaska to DC in a blink. At least the Supernatural boys are shown riding Baby down the road and, as far as I know, have never driven from Alaska to the east coast in micro-minutes. I still don't know what Fulcrum is. Or care, really. I just watch the show because of ... oh, I don't know ... it's a habit? All I know is Red and Dembe rule, and Donald is one nice piece of eye candy. I guess those are reasons enough to keep tuning in. But hey everyone: It's been renewed for next year! So the party will continue.
  4. This prettiest talk reminds me that I thought Juelia, while attractive, was the most "normal" and thus most "plain" b-ette this season when compared to the others. She was just more ... MIDWESTERN looking. And I say that as a Midwestern gal myself. Therefore, she had to be sent home. Chris can find a dozen "wimen" who resemble Juelia in any Iowa saloon. Pretty, nice bone, strong, Nordic, large framed so as to carry lots of kids and milk pails from the barn. At the same time. I'm not slamming Juelia by any means. It's just that I thought she was just not flashy enough to keep going in this contest. Don't hate me because I'm Swedish! Reggiejax, Britt can turn herself blond in an instant if you just say the word.
  5. Of course, one has to consider if Ashley is really looking for a husband. There's always that on this show. After just seeing the Adam Sandler/Chris Farley SNL Gay Beer commercial again, I vote banana hammock too. I have to admit, I could watch that on a continuous loop for days and never get tired of it.
  6. I'm not sure why, but this made me laugh and snort through my nose. Does nose snorting qualify me for next b-ette? Aww, I liked homely Canada Jillian. Although Muscles Jillian would make for an interesting b-ette: "If you can do THIS, you get a one-on-one date with ME!" Agree Carly isn't cut from the right cloth for b-ette. I still think it's Britt. TPTB don't care about fake and wooden as long as their main character looks good. *coughjakeseancough* And an actress would be a big plus. She could practice her lines on the guys. I'm totally up for that!
  7. Good deal, this episode is being rerun this Thursday since football ran late and I was watching a PBS Mystery anyway. When I did turn over to Blacklist, I fell asleep during one of those eternally long commercial breaks. Maybe that says something about the episode? Or my attention span. In any case, I'm in for this coming Thursday. The second part is running right after it at 8 p.m. central, which means I can still watch Doc Martin at 9. Life is good! (Even if this episode wasn't.)
  8. How many Next-Week DRAHMA previews have we seen on ABC that have been misleading and never happen? Oh, I don't know ... maybe ALL OF THEM? Britt "not showering" is an online snippet and could mean anything. Maybe she had just gotten up and was lazying on the couch when she was told she needed to go shower. Who knows. Those TB editing monkeys play with us all the time. I, for one, am not falling for it. I don't see anyone standing out as next b-ette so far, but it's only week 4. Brit, at least, is nice to look at. In a Gia kind of way. So I vote for her.
  9. I totally forgot! I came here this morning to post the following and got distracted by everyones' posts. Heh. The Bachelor Week 4 is being rerun on ABC tomorrow, Super Bowl Sunday. It's on at 3 p.m. Chris Soules time, meaning Iowa Central Standard. Check your local listings!
  10. Oh, the heck. I actually LIKE Mark Pellegrino. So I cannot agree! Although the character contrast is a good one, so thanks for that.
  11. This has ALWAYS bugged me. Everyone is so GROSSED OUT by Speedos and European men are ridiculed by Americans to no end. But what's the deal ... women are expected to wear the tiniest pieces of cloth in a minute bikini to cover their "nasty bits" yet every American man wears the equivalent of Bermuda shorts, covered totally from waist to knees, and in some cases, even the knees are hidden. It's so, so wrong. I have no problem with swim team guys in Speedos. I demand the same on what TV wants us to think is man eye candy. (Even if it isn't ... men deserve to get raked for the same body flaws women get raked about.) Remember, "fitness model" Sean let the woman camera person into his shower while he was naked because she was a lesbian. IMO, that's all kind of wrong. In Chris' defense, I admire his being uncomfortable with ANY camera filming ANYWHERE while he's naked. Now I have hopes of Jillian coming back for YOPO and meeting up with Cody. Except TPTB hate her, and I'm tired of their black-bar joke. Knox, we need to start a One-Day-At-A-Time sponsor group here, for you to join. Email if you feel failure coming on!
  12. Michelle Money is always right in there to say smack about contestants that she's never met and is only seeing on tv along with the rest of us. Could MM be ... GASP! ... a famewhore looking for press time/quotes/video clips, another invite to YOPO? Gee, go figure. Wasn't she busted a while back saying something mean about someone else that she later recanted? I remember that, just not the details. Britt might not be one for group showers, which is what some reality shows have available for contestants. A friend who was on one show on a cable network got up VERY early to shower before everyone else got there and walked through the open shower room, including production crew. THIS. Absolutely true. Until the Britt-never-showers clip airs on ABC, it's a non-entity. Maybe it will come out at ATFR, like the guy who, it was revealed, never washed his hands. But I doubt it. If Britt does make TPTB mad, however, THEN the clip will air and be talked about.
  13. So much agreement here. That "lake" could have been in Chris' hog pasture for all we knew. And, besides sleeping in tents, what about bathrooms? Port-a-potties? Ground squatting? Because that sure was not some good old swimming hole. And who could tell that "so romantic" date with Jillian was in San Francisco? I couldn't. There were just city lights below, no Golden Gate, no China Town, no Alcatraz, no nuthin'. Just *yawn* Chris. Even the Grand Canyon date was filmed on the far western edge of the canyon where there is no color and not much spectacular. Why not fly all the way to Page, Ariz., for a boat float on Lake Powell? Or something. Anything. We all made fun of one year when TB went to Connecticut or Newark or something like that out east. Now that seems like a big time date location. And about the Cinderella date. We made fun of it here, how corny, but take a drink every time some b-ette says this is her "fairy tale" and you'll be late for work the next day with that hangover.
  14. Eh, that FB clip is just another thing that no one will ever see on the "real" program. If Britt stinks that much, how could what's-her-name be sitting next to her? I laughed when she said she didn't shave her legs. Obviously, she's got Chris pegged for "not worth it." Hooray, a woman who isn't primping CONSTANTLY to make herself "irresistible" to Prince Farming. Britt gets my vote for next b-ette. As for her "smelling" vs. tats: I can't smell her through my tv. I can see Kaitlin's weed arm tats, and hear her obnoxious crude "jokes." And, as Mu Shu has pointed out, everyone has a different level of body odor. I doubt Britt is that difficult to get close to. So there's that.
  15. Sort of like pitching tents in bikinis, walking a mile down an LA highway in bikinis, driving slow tractors in bikinis and taking off said bikinis when dared to will gain those same women a rose and perhaps a *cough* Prince Farming husband.
  16. Wings707: Thanks for the definition of dime piece. I didn't think until later to go to Urban Dictionary, then was sort of afraid to. Heh. I know what a "side piece" is, but dime piece was new to me. Obviously, it's a term used by God-Fearing Christian Virginal folk.
  17. I totally agree with you, leighdear. TPTB already hated Juan Pablo when Andi's FS "nightmare night" happened with him. That could have been a set up for America to hate JP for what he did to poor, sweet Andi, and so Andi would become a sympathetic b-ette who the viewers could get behind. And so America would hate JP as much as TPTB did and still do. I've always been positive that Chris was sent home before the FS so he could stay pure and w/o any FS did he/didn't he controversy. He was pegged next TB by then, for sure. ABC already had Prince Farming lined up, and most of us here knew it way before the BIG.REVEAL! on national tv. It will depend on the edit Britt gets when she leaves. But, she's beautiful so right there is The Right Reason to become next b-ette.
  18. It's so she can get on TB, get a lot of THs and screen time, and possibly become next b-ette or get on DWTS or some cheap cable talk show. Or get a show of her own. There are so many RIGHT REASONS! to be on TB. And she came up with a hook, one that worked for "born-again" Sean. Not all (hardly any) of what we see on reality tv is real. So there's that.
  19. TPTB will choose the next b-ette based on what THEY interpret as "America's Favorite Bachelorette," which as nothing to do with what we think here. Brit is beautiful, which will draw in (male) viewers. Kaitlin is fun and borderline gross, and has those tats that look like weed on both arms. While Kaitlin, IMO, would be a fun b-ette, she doesn't seem to REALLY be there "looking for love," the safe bet is Brit. She will have a dramatic exit, break America's heart, and we will all cheer to see her become next b-ette. Kaitlin could be the female Juan Pablo, which is a death blow in this franchise now. Carly, while she has had some good THs, just isn't flashy enough or shown enough to be next. We should start a betting pool!
  20. That's the same as saying, "Come on people, it was just a vagina." Or: "It was just a penis." Yeah, really, what's the big deal about going naked on national television? Shame on us prudes. *sarcasm* This. It's already been proven TPTB hate her with the constant black bar hiding her self-proclaimed best ass-set. Jillian might have been shown droning on about herself and her workout routine, but at least she was freaking TALKING about something, unlike our Mister Farm Hunk Prince who can't put two coherent words together. Just ask Jimmy Kimmel's chalkboard. And I'm positive Chris knew he wasn't keeping her and production set her up for the rose fail. No way was Male Chauvinist Chris keeping some woman with more muscles and a better build than his. And more athletic, too. Which might be why we haven't seen him do anything but sit and oogle bikini wimen ... he's a klutz.
  21. I have to agree Chris is boring, which disappoints me since I was all for a farmer TB, being a corn-belt-kid myself. But so far, he could be any man. He hasn't talked about all the land they farm, how he grew up driving a tractor at age 9 (or whatever), or his trucking company or real estate deals ... or anything. He hasn't talked about ANYTHING that we've heard. All we know is, "his wife is in this room." Barf. Then when he asked Jillian to tell him about herself, he got all p*ssed off and sent her home when she did. I'm afraid Chris is 1. a victim of Juan Pablo backlash, where he must conform to milque-toastiness; and 2. really is a dull farm guy who want a biscuits-in-the-oven wife. Farmers don't even want dogs in the house, they are strict about all animals being "livestock" and they belong outside. He is really getting the male chauvinist edit. Whether he is or not (his wimen are there for him to kiss whenever he feels like it, to watch bend over in micro-bikinis and to never question him), that's how he will be remembered. Chris H. said on one talk show before TB started that they were staying in the United States this time to concentrate on the All American Down Home Farm Boy Middle American Theme That Is Chris Soules. You'd think they could at least go a bit farther than one-half-hour away though. So far, the travel porn has been non-existant.
  22. When I looked at Sean's Twitter, in his description he calls his "wife" a "dime-piece." Does anyone know what that means? The photo shows him hugging someone in a giant pumpkin (?) costume. Catherine? https://twitter.com/seanlowe09
  23. You guys crack me up. The best thing about The Bachelor is reading all of you here. Mu Shu, your imagined dialogue was right off of Jimmy Kimmel's chalk board. Brilliant! (And probably pretty close to truth.) And yes, Andromeda, "pulling a Mesnick" has become part of popular lexicon!
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