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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This just occurred to me: Sitting around the cafe or feed elevator is sort of an old-guy thing. Their 30-something sons are all back at the farm, repairing equipment, mowing grass, taking care of livestock, yada yada yada. It's true!
  2. Consider this: Whitney doesn't HAVE to work. Chris is filthy rich. I have friends, both in the medical field. He makes so much money that she stays home to take care of the property, dogs, is there for repair people and deliveries, and she doesn't have to take a leave from work when they want to fly to Europe or Australia. She keeps up her medical licenses "just in case," something Whitney also could do while she stays home to raise the kids. Trust me, even without kids, it's so nice to have someone at home so the other partner doesn't have to miss work for ... whatever is going on at the house. Just because someone isn't driving to a "paid job" every day doesn't mean there isn't more work to do at home than one person can keep up with. And I don't mean all "the little wifey" stuff, either. Whitney also could work on a consulting basis, traveling to major cities as an outside medical vendor. I have another friend in the medical field who does this, staying overnight in Chicago while on call there for a day, then going back home. It's all workable. And sounds like heaven to me. "Is this heaven?" "No, it's Iowa."
  3. Wow, I saw the title and came here to post I wouldn't watch TB if it did not suck, but I love what everyone has to say. I agree with everyone's ideas. Except bosawk's vote for keeping hooker attire. You just can't please everyone. LOL! Remember when Emily did this? I forgot who the guy was, but I remember him being extremely uncomfortable in the kitchen.
  4. Great post, cereality. Very well-thought-out. Yes, Chris has to have an entire group of friends his own age, both male and female. ABC just wants to play up the teeny-tiny town aspect where no one lives except old guys sitting around a cafe. Poor Chris, he really needs him a woo-man. I know plenty of big-time farmers, family farmers. I live right in the middle of them, my neighbors are corn/bean fields. Like Cheers, this is a place "where everyone knows your name." And business. Most kids who grow up in small-town farming communities stay to work the family farm, if they are so inclined to that life. It depends on how they were raised, and how easy Dad is to work for, and what they want from life. But to speak in generalities, small farm town kids grow up together and remain friends forever. The majority of Americans have an "Aw, shucks" view of the hayseed farmer. There are posts here that prove that. Overalls, a straw stuck in the mouth, dirt-kicking feet, straw hat, hands in pocket. "Git out the pitchfork and shovel some manure, Mabel." That's how America views farmers. And they are so wrong. That's not what farming is about any more if one is in the farming BUSINESS as opposed to the hobby farm where one keeps a few bucket calves, hammer pigs and a dozen chickens. I got a kick out of the coffee-shop scene where the old guys are discussing grain futures and Chris is the only "young'un" there. Before the elevator burned down here, I'd go in to buy grain and there'd be a bunch of good old boys sitting around drinking coffee, hashing over world views. That's a small farm town's Starbuck's. Chris is a wealthy man. He's involved in real estate besides grain futures, plus hogs. Soules Farms also has a state-licensed trucking company, named "G." One acre of tillable Iowa land can cost more than $5,000, and Chris's operation has 6,000 of those acres, whether owned outright or rented on shares. His farming operation is as much a REAL business/corporation as Trump's towers and golf courses. Of course he feels a guilty about being gone during harvest. Combines are in the fields from before dawn to WELL after dark. Fields can only be harvested when the moisture content is right on both corn and beans, and ground cannot be wet or equipment will sink to its hubs. It's a roulette game to get harvest finished before Mother Nature screws you. Multiple combines and crews are needed to harvest that amount of land. Just getting one combine to one field takes at least three people: One to drive the combine, one to drive the truck/trailer carrying the corn head, one to drive the grain truck. Better two grain trucks if the elevator is slow unloading, so that's four people per combine just to get to the field. I'm sure Chris is hands-on during that season, but if his being gone WERE a big deal, he would have negotiated TB's contract and appearances to a different time period. Face it, TB is really worn out so having "Prince Farming" is a hook for middle America to tune in. Just like Emily was paid more, ABC is making it worth Chris's time. I'm positive.
  5. Mu Shu, will you accept this rose? (No commitment required or expected, of course!)
  6. Yes, MsPH, it would be interesting to know just when that seven-year relationship/engagement was. And as for the "good, not great" thing, how many people who have been married seven years can say their relationship is still "great"? Marriage is hard work, to keep yourself up and happy and still pay attention to your mate. Everyone, and I mean everyone, gets on your nerves if you spend too much time with them. Maybe Chris H. needs to Nikki-grill Chris S. about why that relationship failed. It could have been so many things, including Chris's sisters saying, "Hey, dump Susie, we can get you on The Bachelorette and then you can escape this Hell Hole that is Iowa." I've gone from liking Chris (because I can relate to him as an Iowa farmer) to thinking he's just another famewhore. Although I'll be there every Monday night just to prove myself right in my new evaluation of him!
  7. Thanks, andromeda, for reminding me about Chris's bio. I read it but the engaged part did not stick in my mind. This really sticks in my craw: Heartbroken, Chris ended that seven-year relationship just months before he expected to walk down the aisle. WTH? He waits a freaking SEVEN years, THEN breaks it off before he has to make an actual commitment? The heck. I'll bet his ex has plenty to say about Chris, and I'll bet ABC (or Chris) has already paid her to keep her mouth shut. I was all about Chris wanting a wife to live in Iowa and raise a bunch of kids on the farm, but now I agree with this. He's had a taste of the good life on the D List, plus, his farm is such a big business, like a corporation, he can still keep his farming $ coming in while he rides that loaner Harley around southern California for the next few years, going from talk show to DWTS to Celebrity Whatever, all while he can. And now Andi is free for that FS night he missed last season!
  8. Oh, no, I like Puddy! Where is there an article about Chris's seven-year relationship? His "good, not great" makes me now think he is on the show for all the right reasons: Famewhoring in sunny California, and maybe YOPO! on Bach Pad/Paradise beach.
  9. No kidding. When she opened the cooler, I expected to see some funny and clever thing, maybe a heart box of chocolates. Anything but the gross real heart in there. Ugh, it was nasty, even for a farm boy. To say nothing of nasal-voiced Whitney. I swear she looked 40 at the minimum, not that 40 is ancient. But she just looked worn out and haggard, too old to be staying up all night for a reality tv show. Bo, the plus-sized model, was featured on some show last night, either Extra or something. She was interviewed saying it was a major achievement for her to even be accepted to go on TB and she was thrilled with the little bit she was on. The show said she "didn't make it past the first round," although I don't remember her being sent home. But I guess she was. She is a model now but used to be a professional surfer, and the show showed her surfing. The segment was a lot about body image, that most of TB women are size ZERO while the average woman is a size 14. They showed her clip of her telling Chris she needed to eat all the things he raised on his farm so she could keep her plus-sized curves. Anyway, she came across as very likeable, honest and a good person happy with herself. You know, everything TB is not about!
  10. I'd say annoyed, savinggrace. I know it annoyed me. This would irritate the heck out of me since Katrina was completely worthless saving Irving.
  11. I just heard on the news that 30 percent of all farmers/farming people/farm owners are WOMEN and women vastly out number men in ag colleges. So, for Chris to have not found his Princess Farming ... what's WRONG with you, dude? Yes, Chris's TIGHT suit reminded me of Roberto's. At least Chris's wasn't all sweated through like poor Roberto's, but then again, let's wait 'til Chris gets on his knee in some sweltering-hot and humid exotic locale. Unless that's going to be Orlando, since Chris H. said they are not going for the exotic this season. That might be another reason this will be the MOST DRAMATIC season EVAH: The B-ettes all revolt because they are in Geneva, Wisconsin, and not in Geneva, Switzerland. America's heartland is not what they signed up for! I was wondering if Chris got his wardrobe before Cody finished bulking him up. It was fun to see Cody doing the personal-trainer-on-the-farm thing. I wonder how much he got paid for that. Yes, even I admit Chris's farm operation is way remote. I think Waverly is the closest city of consequence. Still an hour each way if his dearly beloved were a teacher or nurse. More likely, a person who can work from home is the ideal wife. That's my situation, and I'm not interested in shopping or city life, but I tell you, it's a big mental relief when I get to even a small-town Dollar General after weeks of going nowhere other than the pasture/barn. As for Chris's house: I'd say that was purchased in a farm takeover, is on one of the tenant farms or built on some property the farm purchased. That it's one level is smart in that kind of winter climate, easier to keep warm in winter, cool in summer. And summers are freaking HOT in Iowa.
  12. I'm hoping for another Red Carpet, maybe next season, or before The Bach-ette, and Chris H. GRILLING Andi about why she and Josh broke up. Didn't he say he loved her? Wasn't she No. 1 in his life? Yada yada yada *NikkiJuanPablo* yada yada. That would be worth tuning in for.
  13. Thank you luvgoldens. That is EXACTLY what I was asking about! I'm waiting to see how long before the tabs hit up his exes for some juice. Chris H. did say in his interview today that this season is going to stay more "real" and less exotic. Which, to me, translates as all U.S. travel until the end. Maybe those water shots we saw in previews were at the gravel quarry outside Des Moines.
  14. Or Ben Flapjack. THAT'S even harsher than Guiney. Yes, you did! Thanks Mu Shu. I thought Chris's reaction to the organic question was hysterical. He was completely speechless!
  15. Well, good on Josh for getting to live another day ... without Grumpy Cat. Chris H. was on some talk show this morning. I had just turned the tv on when his segment came on so I watched. He brought roses for the five women hosts, and showed a clip of the woman who refused to leave after being sent home. It was just Chris asking Chris what to do, and that's all. One host asked Chris about being divorced and would he go on TB. He said no, one had to have a certain level of "naïveté" to go on the show and believe they would find true love, and he is too jaded. Heh. Good response.
  16. Wow, they could have waited a couple of weeks instead of making it obvious they (read: Andi) wanted to be showcased on the Red Carpet. Big heads: Yes, I've noticed lots of actors/actresses have gigantic heads. It must be because when they diet down to a size zero, their skull can't shrink any more. One who really has Big Head bad is Katie Segal. I can't stop staring. Someone else commented on Chris's suit. It looked SO TIGHT, but he was shown getting his wardrobe so you'd think a Hollywood tailor ("sticking pins in his ass") would have made him look more comfortable. Or are "skinny suits" in now? Then his collar sticking out with the tie underneath ... all so uncomfortable. I liked the onion woman too. Which one was the "I've never heard of alfalfa" person?
  17. That was a Seinfeld episode! I remember because I think it's a good idea, too.
  18. I thought of this, since Castiel has white wings. Is Orion so obviously bad because he is *cough* black-winged? About Orion revealing his hand so early, I defer to the authority on angel behavior, Supernatural. Angels don't possess the human trait of sarcasm, cheating or telling an untruth. They are pretty straightforward and even miss obvious jokes. I do think an Orion/Abbie hookup could be interesting though. And he did give her his "ring."
  19. I thought Whitney's voice sounded like a nasal nose job every time she spoke, including in her individual montage. That was when I first thought, yikes, that girl needs to be out of here. Thanks for catching that Harley credit, Lone Wolf. Nice snag. It's really odd they showed Chris riding a Harley all over Iowa. Not like he couldn't own one, but he probably really drives a pickup truck (Ford, Ram tough) and/or a luxury "regular" car for dating. Maybe even Lexus. IF that's made in America. And, if he dates. Bottom line, I doubt that bike was his, it was all for image, thank you very much Harley Davidson. Which makes me ask: Has anyone seen anything about past dates/sweethearts/fiancées? This guy couldn't have gone to a major HUGE university like Iowa and not had a single hookup or girlfriend. Those universities are FULL of beautiful women, and Ames has a quite nice vet college besides the ag courses. TONS of available women in both colleges who wouldn't mind settling down in rural Iowa. What's up with Chris's past? Anyone know? I mean, besides the drunk arrests that is. Just because he lives/farms in a small town, he still went to junior high, high school and a majorly huge university. It's not like he was in a military boys-only boarding school all those years. There were plenty of women around, and lots that wouldn't mind driving meals out to the fields to feed her man during harvest/planting. I had forgotten to say earlier: I did not notice Nikki's boobs. I usually don't notice "those things" unless they are popping out or dancing around inside a shirt. But, I remember reading Juan Pablo's bio during Des's season. One thing he never did was read a book, and the thing he looked for in a woman was BIG BREASTS. Yeah, true.
  20. Yeah, I'm confused that the Apocalypse is over just because Moloch is gone. And Abraham is nothing but another petulant whiner, like Henry. Give me old Headless, he of the stomping boots, swinging axe and shotgun backpack. Now THERE'S a bad ass!
  21. This. Grain farmers are outrageously busy in spring and fall, planting and harvest. Winter is spent either repairing machinery and buldings or drinking coffee at the local grain elevator/cafe. Summer is spent mowing grass and keeping their yards and houses immaculate. Others go to Florida/Arizona over winter to get away from ... winter. Many farmers gave up livestock as being too much work (year 'round) for not much profit, although some still have feedlots if they have excess grain to spare. Today while I was outside in multi-layers of clothes, gloves and boots, pitching hay and feeding livestock in -35 degree weather, falling face down in a foot of snow on a few occasions after tripping on things under the snow, my one thought was, if I had Chris's opportunity to get the H*LL out of Iowa, I'd go for it, too. While Chris H. was grilling Nikki to say something bad about Juan Pablo, I kept wishing she would have said, "So Chris, how's YOUR marriage coming along?" Who hasn't dated someone for a period of time, then broken up for whatever reason? Juan Pablo was hilarious in those clips when he was on B-ette and the boys got him to say things in his heavy accent. I know I appreciated that humor, AND his legs on the football pitch.
  22. Netfoot, your comment came into my brain late last night. Nick needs to shave, YES, because nothing (or, not much) is worse than whisker burn. How hilarious would it be for Charleston to show up for work the next day with her face (and other areas) all red and scraped up.
  23. *waves at my neighbor!* Hi, jmonkey! I still have to go outside everyday to do an hour's worth of chores, regardless of weather. Where Chris lives, there are gates on the Interstate ramps to keep cars from entering when winter comes on like it is right now. I don't see any of Chris's B-ettes living there. But then, what do I know. About Chris's 6,000 acres ... A safe bet would be, the majority of that is rented land, farmed on shares or rented outright. The farmer I buy hay from farms with his family, about 3,000 acres, the majority rented. But he is from the major farm family here, everyone knows them, LOTS of money. Even if a lot of it is tied up in mortages and bank loans. Farming is just a business after all.
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