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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. You are a deep thinker, LeGrandElephant! Yes, it wasn't so long ago that families typically lost children to various diseases, even polio crippled/killed kids in the 1950s, and before that, during Dust Bowl times, kids died all the time, and so did moms during childbirth. Supposedly, families had lots of kids so as to provide farm labor (or to replace the dead ones), but also birth control was pretty much potluck back then. (And many women died from illegal abortions, but that's another thread.) I've been enjoying this show and don't feel it's been slow or whatever. Sure, there are points I can complain about, like reality things and continuity, but I can gripe about those in every television program. Well, except The Wire, which was perfect. And to complain during a 10-part series that enough clues are not being given so we know the killer is like complaining in the middle of a Star Wars film that Luke is never going to find out who is father is. Patience, everyone! We just get a one-week break between scenes instead of seeing it all in one viewing. Thanks for the heads up about the Fox photos, wandeljw. I am definitely not going there! Wikipedia already screwed Broadchurch for me. Although after Gracepoint is over, I want to watch that series so I can compare.
  2. I think the biggest disappointment in not winning ANTM is the cash. The others can still pick up contracts and modeling gigs. But $50,000 cash (remember, taxes will take about half) in the pocket is nice. Still, each of these people were getting a weekly paycheck on top of free room and board, so it's not like the rest came away with nothing. My friend who was on an obscure reality show on Animal Planet, not exactly a network powerhouse, got $800 a week, plus all expenses paid for everything else: food, travel, whatever. Since most of the ANTM kids don't really have jobs, I'd say it's a nice perk to just be on the show. Plus they become D-list reality stars!
  3. There's no way in heck Doug would ever think he's not the most important person in the room. I know men like him. They are ALWAYS right, always the funniest, smartest, whatever. It's that Donna is still letting him bully her that bugs the beejesus out of me. He wanted those meal vouchers ... if she had only said, "That'll be 10 bucks, please." Instead, she was still acting the whipped pup. If the first thing out of his mouth after not seeing her for so long is about how fat she still is, then she's been verbally abused and made to feel bad about herself for a long, long time and she's getting no help for it. Not even the fat-sucking MOTW spa helped her self esteem. And that's why I did not like this episode. I've lived Donna's life, I know what it's like and I know what verbal abuse can do to ruin a person. I think Dean giving Donna a spin around the dance floor would have done her psyche some good, Doug be scr*wed. I know it would have made me happy. A big YES to this!
  4. It's so we, the viewers, get all emotionally attached to the down-and-out person. My best friend got on a competition reality show. She and her husband were furious when she came in second. Yes, she was the one who SHOULD have won, technically, but she is WASP, well-off financially, and had no "problems" in her perfect life. The winner was pulling himself up by his boot straps, trying to make a go of life as a minority from the wrong side of the tracks and was gay on top of it all. That's just the way reality shows are. I know. There is something WAY wrong with Keith's sob story. Or with Keith himself that he left mom in the pjs. I would actually buy some of that sh ... I mean, make up. But Kelly is told every week by Tyra how important she is. Why wouldn't Keith want to hook up with Her Highness? I did wonder why Tyra kept making cracks at Miss J at panel. Like what J was wearing was worse than the dreck Tyra had on her body and head? Miss J looked so unhappy. I wonder if he had to come back because of some contract goofup and he wasn't getting paid or something.
  5. Will is a dance instructor, not a professional dancer. Most instructors have trained as dancers themselves but "teach instead of do." He's already shown us he can kick over his head, pirouette, plus walk in 6-in. heels, something none of the other contestants could do, male or female. They showed a picture of him with his wee girl students in the finale last night. I wouldn't hesitate to have him teach my little girl (or boy) if I had one. He doesn't need to be all ripped and cut to teach since he is not dancing professionally himself, unlike teachers Maks, Val, Louie et. al. from DWTS. Heck, even retired pro dancers can get soft and marshmallow-y once they are able to eat food instead of smoke cigarettes to pass the time. Plus this show demonstrated he does know how to use himself in photos.I also noticed that Will was the only contestant all season long who actually SMILED at panel and was at ease talking and chatting up the others. That shows a huge level of sophistication, something all the others lacked. Or, at least Tyra's editing did not allow us to see it. Will was given a great edit. I think everyone on the show knows he is special, he just wasn't "right" to win this season. Does anyone know why Tyra's runway models are not allowed to smile or look at anyone or anywhere, just "smize" straight ahead? I've seen other runway shows and those models are interesting and draw my eye to them just by them showing a personality. Tyra's kids are never allowed to smile in their photos, either. What's up with that? Does a model always have to look mean, threatening or unhappy? Isn't Keith the one who owns Tyra's "Manaconda"? Just sayin'.
  6. I had forgotten to say that I did like the Moloch monster. I thought it and the gold-glowing Dead Horseman were pretty good effects for network tv. Moloch even got speaking lines and a close up, without him being all reverse-mirror blurred! ETA: I might say that I do not have HDTV, so there's that to consider about my above statement.
  7. To say nothing of what is called "a beer gut" in men. Guys his age can stay slim and cut, but give him a couple of years and he's going to look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy if he keeps pounding the beers. No way could Adam win since he only had his "I gave up grad school" story line. I think Tyra took him to the end so she could get a more diverse group to apply for S22. Stocky short guys will now apply because if Adam could do it, they can too! I agree Keith only had one look and face in all his photos. Thought it was hee-larious that Tyra made sure Will would get the makeup that would force him to model sans shirt. Way to get in everyone's phobias, Tyra. Wow, I didn't realize Keith played for those major teams. Just signing a contract with NFL would have gotten Keith's mom a great house in the 'burbs, all paid for. Who wants to bet that Mom won't see any of ANTM's $100,000 either. (Well, more like $50,000 after taxes.)
  8. At the very beginning of the first episode, we are shown the Solano family and others sleeping, and the time on the bedside clocks are shown. Does anyone remember if Tom was shown? I remember Beth sitting up like she'd had a bad dream. Wouldn't that be a kicker if she were Danny's killer and she's just psycho crazy, the grief she's going through is because she killed her own son? I know, I know, I'm just making things up. I cannot imagine letting my spouse off the hook for screwing up a murder investigation while she's screwing someone else. And letting my kid think I'm the loser. No, altruism doesn't go nearly that far in my book. I'd roast that "other half" over an open campfire before I let that person ruin my life while she (and the killer) go Scot free.
  9. If I had never watched a single episode and just tuned in for the last 10 minutes and saw Will standing next to Keith, I would have bet all my money on Keith winning. People don't have to be prejudiced to prefer one race over another, and in my mind Tyra would naturally pick Keith over Will. Just like I would have picked Will over Keith. After all, isn't modeling a personal preference thing anyway? Plus Keith had the sob-story back story. But I have to ask: What "professional football" team did he play for that his mom is still living in the projects? I know someone who was signed by an NFL team, tackled/injured at his first practice and never played a game. And the insurance payout made him a millionaire. Will, on the other hand, only had his "coming to accept himself" back story. Not good enough to be the final winner, even if all his photos were the best and everyone liked him, including the photographers he worked with and the other contestants. To the poster who commented on Seoul just being in Korea, did ya'll notice Adam, when he called home, said he was in Seoul, SOUTH Korea? I thought of you guys here! Well done, Adam. Adam getting best photo for the last time was his consolation prize for coming in third. Chantelle, please, what was up with your "Everyone is upset that I'm back" TH? We are all over you so get over yourself. You are NOT ANTM. Thought it was squiggy that she was part of the "light/dark" commercial though. How smart was Will to pick Ivy first for his commercial? Boy noticed that she had best photo each week, even after being eliminated first. He even picked her over his girl Raelia. I did like Will's commercial best. That I liked it at all is shocking since Tyra's film editing is schizophrenic at best. Will is still the most beautiful human I've ever seen. Staring at his face has been the highlight of my Friday night.
  10. Since supposedly Tom gave the laptop to Father and Father gave it to Carver, it's all contributed so no warrant would be required, right? I'm by no means up on legal stuff, although I'm sure some lawyer would find a way to toss out the evidence somehow if this went to trial. But: What could be on the laptop that would be incriminating? And the text messages Tom deleted ... were they during Danny's skateboarding trip down Main Street to his death? Maybe the laptop held a spreadsheet for the business end of the drug dealing. My favorite ending, just before Carver walks out of town, is for Tom to admit killing Danny, Joe to admit he dumped Danny's body, then Tom and Joe to skateboard off the cliffs to their demise below. *wishful thinking* BTW: The EMTs I know make a cr*p wage. Don't know any cops so can't compare, but it has to be better than an EMT. I was shocked at how little they made. Around here, anyway. And daycare is outrageously expensive.
  11. I'm hoping the network goes for the shock of having the kid Tom be the murderer, although that would be controversial. But maybe that's what they are going for? I just want Carver to be okay at the end, driving (walking?) off into the sunset, flipping the town the bird, as another poster wrote. That would be my perfect ending. Yes, previews were shown for next week, except I don't remember any of what was shown, only that Danny's "good" phone was active again, pinging the cell towers, and a cop car was heading toward the coordinates. Great point, that Tom was biking to Backpacker's cabin to plant one of Danny's crossword books as fake evidence against the guy. He would have gotten that lead from snooping Ellie's notepad. Then he says the crossword book is the only thing he has to remember Danny by. Yikes. Such good friends, no? I also think the killer (Tom, I hope) bashed in Danny's head with that skateboard, which is why Tom was giving it such a freaked look after Susan gave it to him.
  12. I know, right? Those cups are so light, I keep waiting for them to blow out of peoples' hands. Plus most of the time no one even pretends to fake-drink out of them. You'd think a PA could fill them with water or something, just so they LOOK real. I did wonder if Charleston ordered her coffee with milk, light foam. If so, she was really setting herself up. I wondered, though, what the age cut off is for a MILF. Sort of insulting to Charleston since I do not believe she considers herself that old yet. Well, maybe not, especially if you are a White House fence jumper. Hallways in that place are pretty empty from what I understand.
  13. I'm totally watching that show. Can't wait for tonight. Will Will (ha ha) wear his 6-in. heels to walk the runway? Tune in and see!
  14. Thanks, Winston, for the fill-in for the part I missed. Since Carver and his wife are divorced, I'm saying his altruism goes way above and beyond for protecting both the cheating ex and his daughter, with whom he seems to have an almost nonexistent relationship anyway. Maybe this story line is to show us Carver's soft side. In any case, I do not like it! Agree that Carver is getting Tom's HD restored secretly without having to deal with Ellie's meddling. Can you imagine the tizwad she'd throw if Carver even SUGGESTED her Darling Tom was destroying evidence? Plus it will be cool to see Tom's reaction (and lie) when she asks him for it. And I can't imagine him sleeping through the noise of her rifling through his room looking for it. I'd have been all about waking him up and asking him where it is. But then again, it IS her Darling Pure Tom who can Do No Wrong. Then for your sake I hope you are above suspicion for the murder of your "best friend." If Tom was all bent about Paul taking his mashed-up laptop, then why didn't he go tell Mommy Dearest about it instead of threatening Paul that he'd tell cops Paul struck Danny if Paul turned over the laptop? Apparently, Paul wasn't going to do anything with the laptop until Tom came over and put the evil eye on him.
  15. Automne hit the nail on the head by bringing up HIPPA laws. That nurse who told Rene about Carver even being in the hospital much less his diagnosis is all set up to be fired. This is a total breech of confidentiality. Medical records cannot be made public without some serious court order signed by a judge, or something close to that. Total fail for this show. Also, what does Carver being sick have anything to do with how he is doing is job? When his boss said, "Why did you accept this job if you knew you were sick," I was hoping Carver would have replied: "FOR THE INSURANCE!" I know people who have taken jobs, got all their medical problems taken care of, then quit. So I totally called it that Susan is Vince's real mom. Give me a pat on the back. Good on Father Paul for taking the laptop away from Tom and giving it to Carver. BRAVO! Finally, someone is being proactive. Yes, Dick Head Mark is back. I have to say, how he is written is the most realistic of any of the characters, as anyone who has had a cheating spouse can attest. Yes, he's a douche. But so are many husbands. So I had to laugh when Ellie asked Joe what he did all day at home. Another good question, if anyone has ever had a stay-at-home husband. Woman will end up with a full-time job earning money, then doing all the work at home, too. *cough* Would that be a hoot if the missing daughter were Beth? True this. Ellie was at work. Remember, Tom was all spazzed out that his mommy was spending too much time at work instead of at home hugging on him. Tom SAID dad was inside doing something, but we don't know if that's true. Joe might have been in that cabin, wearing the Hoodie Cloak of Darkness. Freaked that Vince grabbed Susan's head through the bars. I was fully expecting him to do a face smash. I'm completely wondering how a skateboard can leave PAINT CHIPS in someone's closet, if the board is just being stored there. The heck? Doesn't say much for the quality of Vince's work as a painter. Best part of the show: Carver telling Ellie she is basically useless. Well said. I totally agree. So my dog decided she needed to go outside during Carver's speech to the newspaper guys. What was revealed about Rosemont? I completely missed that part.
  16. When Crane had the sword at Henry's throat, I was screaming "KILL HIM! KILL HIM" at my tv. Crane ignored me. I do not believe Crane/Katrina were "proven right" that Henry is redeemable. He used that to get free, then mocked the Cranes for it, then killed Moloch so he could take over The End Of Times all by himself, not to "save the world." Trust me, I know I'm right! Hawley was needed as The Headless Babysitter. Because, supposedly, he would know how to recapture him if Abe slipped his chains. Yeah, I know ... right. Vote me in too with not liking Crane's down do hair. I like it tied back, even if he was always sloppy about it. Plus, one cannot fight decently with hair flopping and flipping around one's eyes and face, so there's that. Having it hanging down is stupid when you are fighting The Horsemen for pete's sake. I'm thinking the hair and coat change is, as Reese says, Katrina's Crane. And hoping that will change BUT SOON!
  17. But then again, Oliver failed to mention to Barry that his father blew his brains out in front of him, while they were on that life raft. Then toss in his being responsible for girlfriend Shado's brains being blown out in front of him, and lover Sara being killed. So, mind your manners, Barry. Oliver is way ahead of you on the family-tragedy and just-life-tragedy scales. Excuses? No, it's what Oliver's lived the past eight years. How can that stuff NOT affect him negatively?
  18. I actually liked this episode with, of course, a few exceptions. I'm positive Henry killed Moloch so Henry himself could rule the world after Apocalypse. Moloch was such a PITA, always telling the petulant Henry what to do. I liked Fighting Irving. That was a fantastic scene, and I loved him defeating the gold-glowing Horseman, Henry 's second. But then Katrina, All Powerful Witch, couldn't heal or save him afterward? Yeah, figures, since she hasn't been shown to have any more powers than anyone else during the entire run of this show. Katrina = Epic Fail. I liked that Crane overheard Katrina confess her love for Headless so, crosses fingers, I hope he's over her romantically. I'd like to see him partner with Abbie for life. Not that I need a romance there, I just like them together. Can anyone clear up why Henry said he had lost all his powers when Irving killed his Horseman Second, yet he was able to root-tie everyone and fling people around by waving his hand in the next scene? I for sure did not get that. So Abbie got shot? Did anyone help her with that afterward? No? Not even Katrina using a BindTheWound spell? No? Okay then. Henry killing Moloch obviously means more Henry. Ugh. Crane letting Abraham live I hope means Headless and Katrina will ride off into the sunset together on Red Eye, never to be seen again. Crosses fingers.
  19. First, I was wondering if Sam/Dean had the correct FBI badges when Donna recognized them and called them by their fake FBI names. They use different ones each week. Embarrassing to be caught with the incorrect Kinko's paperwork. HATED that Donna let Dick talk all over her like they were still married. She needed to kick his *ss or at least appreciate Jodi for doing it for her. Donna, Donna, Donna ... you don't need that from any man. I was hoping that Dick would be the next vamp victim. THAT would have been satisfying. Not one of my fav episodes, because of the Mean Dick to Wimpy Donna scenes and dialogue. I was also disappointed that the boys knew for sure it wasn't vamps they were dealing with. Then it was vamps. Don't the boys know better? And to let themselves get so easily caught. The heck? No, not a fav episode, even if I do love me some Jodi. Cas and Donna ... yes to that. Especially now that Hannah's gone home.
  20. Liked this episode. Got a huge laugh out of Ollie shooting Barry in the back, then pulling the arrows out: "I hear you heal fast." Is Baby Momma the same actress who Mrs. Queen paid off a season or so ago, to disappear while pregnant with Ollie's love child? I hope not. Although if so, she should still have plenty of $$ to loan Ollie since he's no longer a billionaire. Eddie and Iris together in bed ... oh my. Barry needs to know he's totally being outdone in the love department now. Wish he would have flashed by the window so he'd just get over Iris. So Ollie is one of three guys Iris would cheat with. And Barry didn't ask who the other two are? Don't inquiring minds want to know? Felicity in her underwear ... another "Oh, my."
  21. There was one short scene where I forget what Charleston was doing, but she was looking at someone, stopped and said, "SERIOUSLY?" So, was that a shout out to Grey's or what?
  22. i read an interview with him when he was on Lost. He said those are his real eyes, no liner. In which case, he could use some concealer! I got a kick out of the green night-time GoPro camera view that Charleston and the group were watching live as the girls were rescued. It was supposedly all from one guy's helmet camera, yet kept jumping around to show individual girls, different views, all cut and spliced together. Way to (not) keep it real, show. I couldn't figure out how Charleston goes from primped up in a great suit with hair all done up while with the prez to lounge-casual pjs and straggly hair as soon as she gets back to her office. Does she have a separate wardrobe allowance and dressing room at the office? Plus those guys she works with are all a bunch of jokers, no? What fun they all are having! And an office romance! How (not) interesting. The barrista was pretty good looking though. But who was coming through the door to rendezvous with Nick in that hotel room? I thought Charleston had made a deal to sleep with Nick if he arranged the girls' rescue. But then, what do I know. (Or care, I guess.) Anyone want to bet that Charleston will NOT be on the Top 10 Most Popular Girl Names for 2015?
  23. This is just so much cr*p and I hate it, these are suppose to be terrifying HORSEMEN, not robots controlled by whomever. And this was written in the script because the actor who plays Henry is no way getting on a horse, any horse. Am I right? That was something I was really looking forward to. I mean, come ON, show, there are stunt people out there who could fake ride for Henry. And Henry is all about being a big, bad Horseman of ... War, Famine, Death ... whatever. Instead he's gonna be standing around working a joystick? That's really terrifying, Henry. Geesh. You're making Katrina look badass by comparison. And that's pitiful.
  24. I wish that two-way mirror had been working so Crane could have seen and heard Henry declare he was beyond redemption "with his every breath" and had absolutely not one shred of humanity in him, so give up Mom, you stupid b*tch. I mean, witch. Once they both lit the oil (they could because they were different than all the other sword searchers, because "they have each other."), the world-saving sword appeared in the cauldron. Crane motioned for Abbie to pull it out, but she said no, you do it. So Crane pulled out the sword, which glowed all kinds of awesomeness, and he gave some speech about saving the world and yada yada. Cut to Henry telling Katrina she is a stupid b*tch (see above) and he cannot be saved and she's a loser big time, and he duped her by letting her use that two-way mirror. The last scene was all dark, with two horsemen, Abe on Red Eye and another on a fire-snorting bag-head horse, all gathered around a circle waiting for the End Of Times. Did I miss anything?
  25. Thanks Halccyon. I've seen every episode but don't remember the Mason ring thing. I was hoping it was Crane's wedding ring signifying that he was now available and over Katrina. Wishful thinking!
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