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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Geesh, was Frank even buried? If so, how is his back-from-Purgatory personage going to be explained?
  2. Flirting or having a one-night stand isn't in every woman's wheelhouse as a definition of "letting your hair down." Some would rather work out at the gym, go for a run, lift weights ... heck, eat Hagen Daaz and watch Sleepy Hollow. Having a boy toy doesn't mean work-life balance for everyone. We got to see Abbie FINALLY go back to work. About time! For some, work IS life. No sh*t Sherlock! Loved it when Abbie told Crane (or vice versa) that he'd have to get a job and a place to live. It stinks when real life rears its ugly head!
  3. Bless your heart, Otto. I was hoping you would be here to fill me in. Thanks! Now I'm all caught up for NEXT WEEK. Ha ha!
  4. For a minute, I thought Duck Lip Andi was back in the mix. Did anyone notice how ragged the first-impression rose was when Chris gave it to Brit? The head was bent over its stem and petals were hanging off, like someone had played keep away with it. Then later Brit shows it off in her TH and it's all pretty and perfect. Ha ha! When one of the women told Tara she smelled like whiskey, she said sure she did, she was drinking Jack. Or one of those J whiskey names. In reply to another poster, I've never seen food at the "cocktail" parties, just lots of alcohol, which is freely served to create DRAMA! As for everyone looking alike, I always think that. The women all are in ball gowns, LONG hair extensions, same hair dos, same makeup. I give Tara credit for arriving in Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots. I wish more would do that. Too bad she's a sloppy drinker. That big-eyed woman was the ballet teacher, if I remember right. The one who doesn't cook, clean, do dishes, lives with mom. She got sent home.
  5. Two people cannot farm 6,000 acres and raise hogs by themselves. The daughters might have husbands who farm with them, plus there are combine crews for hire and hired men/women who work the harvest every year. (One can make good money working harvest.) One person drives the combine, but people are needed to drive the grain trucks to the elevators, plus multiple combines are working fields, from before dawn to WAY after dark, every day weather allows. Family farming is usually done in partnerships and/or shares, it's all put on paper and is legal. Dad does not rule the roost. It might be Daddy's money and Daddy's farm, but it's not ALL Daddy's money/farm. Chris didn't go to college and go into that business an idiot. However, as anyone knows who works in a family business, there are lots of "issues" involved. People leave farming because it's a very hard and very dangerous life, plus your income depends on bank loans for seed, fuel, equipment (that tractor Chris drove during his hometown? Cost six figures.) Have a bad year, drought, too much rain, a tornado flattens your crops just when they were ready to harvest ... you are now in serious debt for that year, and need yet another bank loan to buy seeds, fuel, equipment to plant NEXT year's crops which, again, depend on the weather. The farm behind mine, the son farmed with his dad and had forever. He went to college, had a family, built his own house on family land. Then he had enough of the stress, sold his part and moved his family to Orlando where he bought a gas station. Farmers work with chemicals that can easily kill them, and Chris shoveling in the grain bin ... yikes, so many people have died in bins. Farmers get hands/fingers cut off all the time. It's not a life for the faint-of-heart. So, yes, Chris might be using TB as his way of getting out. Only Chris knows his "right reason" for being on this show. Thought it was funny he was only shown riding a Harley. Where was his pickup truck? I always thought the contestants should wear name tags. But I believe each rose has a small name tag on it. I've seen them in other seasons, small, you have to look closely. The Bach always looks at the rose before calling the name. Then people are edited to be before/after others so there's DRAMA in the name called last.
  6. Abbie was insulted when Crane said she should get married. Abbie's not the type to need the affirmation of a man to be a complete person, which is one reason I love the character. She's a bad ass PERSON. Not every woman needs a man to make her life fulfilled.
  7. What, did the writers redo these scripts and episodes reshot over the hiatus? I actually liked this one. Loved that Crane isn't so head-over-heels with his "wife" and is confiding in Abbie a bit, and she understands. We all know Katrina is a dick, maybe Crane and Abbie are catching on too. Speaking of, Katrina could really use some bangs on her wig. Her forehead goes on FOREVER. You could land a plane on it. Too bad Orion gave himself up so quickly as being Bad Angel. But then, maybe angels aren't deceitful. I'm a Supernatural watcher too, and Castiel doesn't get sarcasm or other human bad traits. As soon as Orion said Purgatory had opened up and everyone was loose, I knew Orlando would be back. Hooray! Did I imagine Abbie thinking, the heck, we could have waited to get Katrina out then. Geesh. I caught the Field of Dreams reference in that last scene in the Quick Stop: "Is this heaven or hell?" "No, man, it's Sleepy Hollow." (As opposed to 'Iowa.") Katrina's side eye at Crane at the end ... what did that mean? Is she Team Abraham or Team Crane? No Henry! Ya-hoo! Now I just need John Cho to walk his way back to SH from Purgatory.
  8. Because farmersonly.com is full of the worst people EVER. I'm on that site and every day I get sent five "best matches" that are the dregs of humanity, none I would even look at/talk to in a grocery store much less want to spend one minute with on a "date." That is the worst dating site EVER and guess what ... practically NO farmers on it. Horrible. And yes, most definitely, he's planning on staying on the farm. Farming 6,000 freaking acres? Holy crap, I said that to my tv when he said 6,000 acres. You don't walk away from millions of dollars of income combined with millions of dollars of debt without some steep consequences. And doing the C-list star routine in Hollywood won't pay those bank loans or land rent fees. Interesting he also said they had hogs but only showed cattle, which obviously belong to a tenant or a farmer friend. I dated a hog farmer for a bit. I walked into a farrowing barn, SUPER clean, sows/piglets all bedded on super-clean straw. I spent 10 minutes in there and had to wash all of my clothes when I got home. Pee-YEW. And yes, I'm a farmer used to manure. But hogs are a different "smell" altogether. Kaitlyn reminded me just too much of Freespirit who went naked on Bachelor in Paradise. Same voice, same sleazy talk. Chris, however, seemed to like it. Men do view women differently than other women. First-impression-rose Brit is GORGEOUS. But a waitress in Hollywood? Yeah, right. No way can Chris keep her down on the farm. Loved all the film of Chris at home. First, it's July/August with all the corn/beans green and growing. (Chris taste-tests the soybeans? Oh, please! Those are not raised as human food.) Then there's him whining he'll be gone during harvest, which is October/November. THEN there's a shot of him walking in a snow-covered field already picked. Then he says, he can see any one of those women living there as his wife. Yeah, right, Chris, how about having them all visit today, when it's -20 in Arlington and a foot of snow is blowing your roads closed? I don't live all that far from Arlington and winters are brutal. Might as well live in Antarctica, the climate is the same. Whitney's OLD looking face combined with her WHINY nasal voice .... just kill me now. When the women all said Chris is SO HOT and the most perfect man EVER, all I could think of was, what would they be saying if they saw him in some Des Moines nightclub? Stockholm Syndrome, anyone? All the women inside the mansion catting on the incoming women ... I'm positive that goes on each season, they just elected to show it this time. Could Chris H. have spent any more time trying to get Nikki to say something negative about Juan Pablo? Good on her that she kept to the high road. I actually liked JP during his season. He sure ranks higher IMO than SeanCatherine, neither of which I can tolerate. Thank goodness for the remote control when they came on. Maybe it was my tv, but it looked like daylight when the rejected B-ettes were sent home. Which means the rose ceremony/drinking party went on ALL freaking night. The heck!
  9. THIS! I knew it was her in her voice overs because her voice is HORRIBLE and so grating. Plus, they kept showing her during the rose ceremony and I was all like, "Who's that really OLD person?" She looks at least 40, closer to 50. Then there's that VOICE. OMG, Chris, I hope RS is wrong. But from the previews, nope, it's Whitney. Speaking of previews, they make it look like Chris got busted for sleeping with some of those other "girls." Of course, we all know how misleading previews are. Most dramatic season yet! *cough*
  10. Okay, so I was watching this only during commercials on The Bachelor so I need some 'splanin'. Not that there is really any logic to this show. But Nick's captor disappears why? And he is able to pull his "hanger" out of a ceiling that looks like drywall? The heck, Nick, why didn't you do that last week. Nick walks out of the container and instantly recognizes Yemen? Unless there was a big WELCOME TO YEMEN sign we couldn't see, that port looked like any place else with the exception of Manhattan or Chicago. Plus, being shut in a closed container in Yemen ... wouldn't that kill a person from heatstroke in a coupla hours? Or was their an air conditioning unit in that drywall ceiling? How did Charleston hook up ... I mean, MEET up with Nick? Next time I looked, they were heading toward that checkpoint together in a car they got ... where? Would Yemen soldiers recognize an Aussie accent vs. an American one? Did they even speak English at all? Just caught the end of the sex scene. Unfortunate for me since I read here there was Shirtless Nick.
  11. I disliked Trump before, but now he is, to quote Kevin O'Leary, dead to me. "You tried to second guess me? NO ONE second guesses me. YOU'RE FIRED." The heck? Props to Gilbert for the quote of the night: "Yes, mine Fuhrer." Nothing is closer to the truth about this show than that. Because of you, mine Fuhrer, this show is now dead to me. Thanks for freeing up my Monday nights. Anyone looking for me on Tuesdays from now on, I'll be in Sleepy Hollow watching The Bach.
  12. All she has to do is push up her girls and let them look Donald in the face next boardroom and she'll be golden. Some woman on another season kept crying in the BR, I just can't remember the details. Yes, I DO block some things from memory! I think the name "Vortex" sucks, like, into a vortex. I couldn't believe her speaking up out of turn and interrupting to talk over others when the conversation wasn't even hers. But then, that's why Donald will keep her around, for her PITA-ness which, no doubt, will anger teammates soon.
  13. Not to mention, if the contestants don't tell The Bach/Bach-ette he/she is IN LOVE! with that person around Fantasy Suite time, that person gets sent home pronto. Adios, people who will not profess true love after two dates! It's my thought that Chris was becoming a fan favorite early on in Andi's season, so she was told to keep him around. Remember how his home town was "her favorite" of all the visits? They played some stupid hide-and-seek around the grain bins. Not my idea of a good time, and I have grain bins for neighbors. And her letting him go before FS was so he'd stay "pure" for his own season. We all knew here he was going to be the next Bach. I only have network/antenna tv so miss a lot of these people who go on to "become famous." *cough* What's up with this show being on opposite Celebrity Apprentice AND Sleepy Hollow? Networks, you are screwing with my Monday nights!
  14. Wow, I couldn't believe all the DWTS alumns on this show. Their agents must be connected, go from DWTS to CA to ... ? I laughed at Sig Hansen being on this show since all he talks about when he's on a chat show is how he wants in the worst way to be on DWTS. The women's team is full of what Trump likes, big boobs popping from tops and vacuous brains. Shawn is one exception, she looked lovely in the board room and kept her mouth shut, the wisest thing to do. Kate couldn't shut up and is a PITA, just like she was so horrid on DWTS. I knew Trump wouldn't fire her because she's gonna bring the drama that Keisha could not/will not. Sorry to see Keisha go. I really liked her hair. Keisha could have called any of her other "Cosby family." Some of them are still working. If Bill Cosby had made an appearance, even w/o coughing up money, Trump would have kept Keisha. But glad she's gone so we don;t have to hear any more about how fabulous Cliff Huxtable is. I don't get what having X number of Twitter followers has to do with this show. How many are in NYC so they could come buy a pie? Maybe if Jonas had set up a PayPal account and asked every one of his 4.5 million followers to donate one dollar, that would have been something. But then Shawn could have done the same with her followers. Since the whole show was about how could donate the most money, then making pies was just filler for the first hour, right? It meant nothing. Gilbert is my favorite so far. His board room answer to Trump's question if Geraldo was a good PM was classic: "He was great. Unless you don't like him, then he was terrible." Trump didn't ask Gilbert any more questions after that. Trump spends his board room time trying to make trouble within the teams. "Who would you fire, Shawn?" "Who would you fire, Jonas Brother?" Too bad this show is now on opposite The Bachelor. True Love beats Trump tonight. ETA: Oops! Double post.
  15. She was on DWTS, plus I think she did some hosting on DWTS after her dance days were finished. I sort of remember her dancing with Tony. In any case, everyone on the show gets 1. paid 2. trips to exotic cities (or to Harford, Conn.!) 3. tv exposure which can give them "fame" for the back home pick ups/dating scene besides becoming part of the *cough* Bachelor Family. I think it's pretty odd that someone would come on this show to REALLY find "love." Not that I don't find the ride fun, and the snark here even more fun.
  16. Like Ari hooking up with Courtney. That was the catch phrase on Bachelor in Paradise. Yes, I'm in this Bachelor franchise in all ways, even if my reasons are all wrong. Which, I guess if we keep with tradition, is the right reason! Was Travis from TB or Survivor? Don't forget the memorable Bachelor episode of Wipe Out that TB and TB-ette participants got to be on! Plus Chris S. got to lead a steer in the Iowa State Fair celebrity steer auction, so there's that, too. Free admission to the Des Moines fair and getting to be on Iowa PBS!
  17. I'm seeing commercials for the upcoming season. Scenes show Angus cattle and Chris hauling around straw bales. I'm going to hate this season. I'm a farm person, I live in the middle of the heartland of farm country and my neighbors are all farmers. From what I saw on his hometown in Andi's season, Chris's farm operation is grain only, no livestock, which means no cattle, no scooping, no straw bales. There wasn't even a DOG on the place for pete's sake. Plus, modern-day farmers don't "scoop poop" by hand any more, everyone uses a skid with bucket attachment. Cattle not at pasture on on a cement feedlot. Only horse stalls are cleaned by hand with pitchfork and wheelbarrow. While I liked Chris during Andi's season, even if he was wooden and awkward, he has a TERRIBLE irritating laugh. I know I'm in for this season but I am prepared to hate it like no other.
  18. I'll bet he did request a shorter woman. It's my feeling that men who cannot date women as tall or taller than them fall into the same category as men who will not date a woman the same age or older, even by one year. It's threatening. I'm 5'10" and have been criticized for "not fitting under my arm" by dates. And when one guy I dated found out I was older than he, his entire demeanor changed. I dropped him like a hot rock. I've always consider 5'6" to be average height for a woman. Who knew? Side note! I turned on the Rose Parade (ABC) yesterday and right there, first thing, was THE BACHELOR float with both Chrises on it, waving to the crowds. Announcer said Chris Soule's family sent corn husks to be included on the float. I've never seen a TV show have a Rose Parade float before, not that I watch it every year. Plus I wonder if the NBC coverage skipped that float?
  19. I just saw the commercial for this coming Monday: A triple feature of this show, three eps all in a row! Me, I'm checking movie theater showtimes for that night.
  20. I thought I read somewhere that production people got to eat leftovers after filming. Of course, all dinners would be starkly cold and gelatinous by then. But free food for people getting not a huge salary ... sweet! Bunky1412, a lot of those bios had so much ... well, so much brainlessness. Your quote about the most romantic gift coming from a creep was one of the priceless ones. I also thought SO many of the women were short, 5 ft. 4 in. was about average. A couple were 5-10 or 11. But the majority were really short for Chris at 6 ft. 1. But maybe he asked for shorties. He'll have to put a booster seat in the combines if he expects help during harvest.
  21. I just rewatched the episode with the Kindred in it. Henry was sitting at a table, eyes closed, and looked like he was in a trance while "his" horseman fought the Kindred. So I guess he does all his fighting vicariously, eyes closed.
  22. Thanks Bugs. That works. Before, those sites had arrows to click to go on to the next contestant. Maybe ABC doesn't care enough who Chris will be dating to make a user-friendly website. ETA: Okay, so I read all the bios. I got a laugh that several said this: "If I never got to eat, I would be very sad." I don't believe any of those deep thinkers realized if they never got to eat, they would be very dead.
  23. I found the website for Chris' women too tedious to make it all the way through. Click on a face, read her bio, click back to main page, click on a face, read her bio, click back to main page, ad infinitum. One theme that carried through, however, is nearly all of the women are afraid of getting diarrhea on a date. I've had hundreds of dates and that has never entered my mind. But I guess it explains why no one ever eats their meals on those dates. I'm always fascinated by the full plates left on the tables, even during the home-town visits.
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