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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I just got this tweet: Mall of America @mallofamerica .@SeanLowe09 will be signing copies of his new book this Saturday at MOA! We hope you can join us :) Event Info: bit.ly/1Bwn77i Did anyone know he's written a book, "For The Right Reasons: American's favorite bachelor on faith, love, marriage, and why nice guys finish first." Favorite Bachelor? Eh ... His Twitter account has a link to his Today show segment which I guess he did ... Today. Also, a link to his interview with Glamour magazine. Next: FarmHunk writes a book?
  2. Actually, I was wishing when she got to the bottom of the stairs, she would have grabbed that display-only glass slipper, held it over her head and yelled back at Chris, "COME FIND ME!" before tossing it down on the floor in front of the steps. Now THAT would have been some dork-a-licious tv. Call me cray-zee, but I liked Jake, and I thought Juan Pablo was refreshingly real. To each his or her own! To clarify, my opinions of Jake and JP did change after their seasons were over. But I'm still not a hater of either. Chris ... meh so far. At least he's got a better haircut than Flapjack, although not by much.
  3. I'm still wondering about these dates. Chris keeps saying he's an outdoors-type of guy, yet we don't see him doing anything. It's the women who are competing and doing things. He did do a token jump into the water during the wedding-dress-mud date, but that's it. Otherwise, all he does is jump into lakes, pools and hot tubs with bikini-clad women. And watch them try to catch pigs, milk goats, drive tractors, climb ropes ... everything he doesn't do. Even Emily, who made it clear she was NO WAY adventurous or outdoorsy, had a repel-down-a-building date, and during an incoming thunder/lightning storm on top of that. Has there ever been a TB before who never did anything athletic? Jake did the bridge bungee with Vienna. Even the B-ettes do "this is just like a relationship" athletic things so as to clarify their true love with their (current) date partner. I see Chris talking the talk, but he sure isn't walking the walk. ETA: Some really good tv would have been for one of Ashley's fake eyelashes to fall off during one of her poor-me sob sessions. I was waiting for/hoping for that, big time.
  4. I wasn't even going that far in my interpretation of Carly's remark about Ashley's non-virgin mouth. She was shown practically swallowing Chris' face with it; that's as far as my mind went. I'm simple! As for Brit confronting Chris about his approving indecent behavior with his roses: What I took from that was Chris' TH that said, basically, WTH, Brit is WASTING her TIME WITH ME! talking about other women when she could be getting to know ME! That was all about Chris' ego, nothing else. How dare Brit not concentrate on asking Chris about Chris and what Chris wants and how Chris feels. So Chris made his Andi speech about how he's there to FIND HIS WIFE! and if you want to talk about anyone else besides ME, then go home. Which no one will ever do, and no one will ever refuse a rose, because why miss out on the next "fabulous" date/vacation site? I agree with LittleDog2 that Chris is the second kind of bachelor. I hated his mocking the SLooow tractor race, mimicking how slow they were going, like little old ladies. Then they pitch tents in freaking bikinis ! while Chris is fully dressed. Chris walks a herd of bikini women one freaking MILE down an LA highway while he's fully clothed. This isn't one red flag about what kind of man he is, it's an entire planet of red flags. Me thinks Chris is a biscuits-in-the-oven kind of man. I hate to say it, because I live here, but he has the typical Midwestern farmer mentality toward his "wimen." ETA: I meant to ask all here, what's the thinking about Chris' three sisters all sporting bright, light-blond hair, yet Chris has dark brown hair? What's up with that?
  5. I was all for Nick-style interrogations of the bratty college kids. What a bunch of nambies. They needed some blow torch action. I wish the First Husband had been the bomb-disposal guy. He needs to get blowed up real good. I can't stand his whiny *ss. POTUS (drink) should find a way to "get rid of him," if you know what I mean. I would if he were my spouse and I were POTUS (drink). So a tracker is put on that guy's new car ... why? The saleman put it on there? Is that included with TKG bullet proofing? Kudos to all you guys who know who is playing on which team and what everyone's names are. I know Charleston, Nick, Mo and POTUS (drink) and that's all. Still, I watch every week!
  6. Best line of the night, Carly about Ashley: "Her mouth isn't a virgin."
  7. Everyone named Ashley this season is crazy and needs to go home. Stat. (Thank you, Chris, for getting rid of one, even if she didn't care.) One Crazy A leaves, one remains. When Jillian was talking and talking about herself, all I could think was, men HATE that, they only want to talk about themselves and have their dates tell them how great they are. I was reminded of that classic line men say to women: "I love your eyes; I can see myself in them." Then Chris admitted he stopped listening and started thinking about unicorns. WTH? I call BS on that. He really was thinking about what other woman could have been on that "most romantic date EVAH!" and what he could do with his "handsy thing" with her. And what a drag Jillian had to win that stupid wedding-dress contest so he was stuck with her instead of someone he could mack on and feel up a bit. After the edit Jillian got, I'm convinced TPTB HATE her, and that black bar is, indeed, just to cover up the *ss she is so proud of so no one can see it. That black bar, as another poster wrote, is just a "Take THAT, Jillian. We put a black bar on the body part you love the most, just because we can." I'm positive the sisters picked Jade for the Cinderella date because she's from Nebraska, which is even more isolated than Iowa, and she has her own company that could be run out of Chris' house. Cinderella date ... how awkward. Chris is no dancer. All I could think was, too bad Maks or Derek weren't there to take Jade on a real Cinderella spin around the waltz floor. Instead ... it was Elaine Bennis (?) embarrassing to watch. Loved the lady with the pink hair being a stylist. Gotta love Hollywood. And finally, who the heck cares who is a virgin? Anyone? Hello ... Is that some new big deal or something? This show is making it seem like "virgin" is some gigantic cross to bear. All I could think was, who gives a sh*t. Because I don't. Chris did finally reveal his seven-year engagement. I wonder if he said more and it got edited out. I know if I had been that date, I for sure would have dived in for the scoop.
  8. Compare all you want to House. This is its own show, and it sucks big pond water. If I wanted to watch House, I would watch House. Not this POS. They have nothing to do with each other. But for the record, while I never watched House, out of curiosity I did watch the pilot that was rerun a couple of months ago on some channel. I made it all the way through and, though House was insufferable, I thought maybe I could watch another episode some time. Not so with this show. Suffering through 45 minutes of it, commercials included, made me turn it off, never care to know the ending or anything else about it except its cancellation date. Which I hope comes soon. WTH does this cr*p get approved to be made in the first place?
  9. I was looking forward to this because the previews looked fun and I needed a show to watch on this night. So I kept with it for 45 minutes, then couldn't stand it any more and turned it off. I won't be back. Backstrom is insufferable, unlikeable and, on top of that, crude, crass and rude. And is anyone anywhere named Neidermeyer outside of Animal House? There are a zillion names the writers could have picked besides Neidermeyer, a name that only makes me want to rent a fun old movie so I can spend my tv time seeing something worth my time. I couldn't be more disappointed.
  10. I don't know about Chris being "soft looking." He's got a great pair of man boobs that are all stand-out, stand-up and perky, no sag there at all. Plus those pecs are so big, I'm almost (almost) embarrassed to look at them. They need their own black bar. He and Cody could stage a moob-off competition. I'd watch.
  11. The blame finger only points to the producers. They need DRAH-MAH! in every episode. I'm positive she was told to do this and do it quickly, before she is sent home and TPTB can't exploit her private life. The same with the Virgin Queens. And the Black Box Butt. It's all to promote buzz about the show and talking points in an otherwise pretty boring season with *yawn* Prince Farming. Does anyone know if the Hot Tub Catsup was used/filmed? I'm suspecting it might have been but just was too gross, even for this show, to air. Kimmel isn't one to pass up a scene like that. I only saw a couple episodes of that, but I remember the women coming to the rose ceremony in jeans and sweaters/t-shirts. I wish the U.S. version would take that more casual approach. But then again, the U.S. version likes to exploit women as much as network television censors will allow.
  12. This episode reminded me why I was fully and totally in love with Wentworth Miller. Loved his delivery on everything: "Car trouble?" to Caitlyn. It was good to see Dom have an acting job again, too. Cold's cool head was entertaining to the max. Joe acted like Iris was moving to Europe or something instead of just down the street. Apron strings, anyone? Geesh. Barry is the perfect man if he can clean a house and pack to move that quickly. With no nagging! Loved that Barry wanted pizzaS. Also loved the Barry/Joe scenes at the end. That living arrangement is going to work well. Wells made me laugh when he talked about "catching cold" then said, yes, he heard it as soon as it came out of his mouth. Good writing that.
  13. Thanks paigow. I hope Nestor makes it. His character was just getting interesting. Impaled with a large piece of glass makes me think Walking Dead. Hey, nothing like proving your loyalty by killing someone!
  14. Plus she pointed out Chris's girly girl laugh. That was good tv IMO. I thought Whitney looked like some 60-year-old crone at the first rose ceremony. I haven't been able to pick her out of the crowd otherwise, except when she Minnie Mouse talks. Then ... ugh. She could look like Marilyn Monroe and that voice would send her home if I were TB.
  15. Sorry, paigow, Blacklist is going to Thursdays, leaving this show in its present spot. You have no excuse to not keep watching. I watch this show only for Otto's recaps here. I have to admit, I burst out LOL at "Ben's sister," and because of that, and in your honor, Otto, I am ordering the veal. In an explosion like that, there's a body to cover up with a tarp? What happened to Nestor? I was watching Sleepy Hollow during the commercial and turned back late. I was really liking him standing up to the senator woman, that was a good convo. I wish the First Husband would have been in that bomb blast. POTUS needs a d-i-v-o-r-c-e, pronto. Why did the big terror guy kill the younger terror guy on the plane?
  16. I loved Jimmy saying he specializes in saying things that make people uncomfortable. I also agree with posters who say he came on the show because Chris is having a difficult time. Nice guy, yes, like another poster wrote. But so typically farm boy. It's hard for them to be spontaneous or wild and crazy. As for Chris having to disinfect his mouth, I don't see anything wrong with his kissing everyone everywhere. The guys these women date at home are probably macking on a dozen other women the night before (or the hour before) a date with them. It's a case of what you don't know won't hurt you. We're just seeing it here, we don't see it in real life. I'd trust the germ count of a guy on a tv show more than some guy I met in a bar somewhere. Props to everyone who can see a Chris connection with Whitney. This happens every season, posters can tell who TB likes best by body language, background music, whatever. I didn't see Chris being any different with Whitney than anyone else. Color me relationship-stunted. Frankly, I don't see him having a connection with anyone, including Whiny Whitney.
  17. Hey, where was Onion Ashley last night? Last two weeks she's gotten prime time appearances. Last night, not one peep out of her. Maybe knowing Kimmel would skewer her made her shut up, or else wait for another week if she is indeed a producer plant. When Ashley Bellybutton was crying/laughing to Chris about how others were not giving her time with HIM and being MEAN to HER, all I could think was, men do not like to hear about or be dragged into woman problems. They want to hear about how great they are, or hey, let's go play football. Or kiss. Or something. Anything but wah, wah, another girl was mean to me. Her days are numbered. As are widow woman's. Tragic, yes, her husband's suicide, but sobbing about it on national tv and expecting to be the next B-ette (because it worked for Emily): Just no. Just like Chris says he's a "grown-ass man," I think he'd want a "grown-ass woman." Way to bring down the fun times, whatever your name is. And that hot tub thing ... what happened to every woman just "stealing" Chris? That happens at every rose ceremony cocktail thing, the same technique doesn't work in a hot tub? Please.
  18. Okay, I vote for Jimmy Kimmel to be a permanent part of this franchise. Maybe even the host. Good bye, Chris H. Right away, when he brought in the AMAZING jar, I LOL'd. Finally, someone said on the show what we all say here. Now he just needs to add a LIKE jar and all the orphans in the world could be fed with the proceeds. Loved the Costco date, even if they had to work really, really hard to make it interesting. I'm sure there is one of those human rolly balls just sitting around for people to jack with. Also loved that the date girl said Chris laughed like a girl. She had a great laugh; Chris, not so much. I'd work hard to never say anything funny because if I had to listen to that stupid laugh of his, I might go all postal on him, especially during a long, cold Iowa winter when I have cabin fever anyway. I liked the hoe down competition. Well done, Kimmel. When the eventual winner was trying to get into the pig pen, I said "Climb over!" to my tv. Then Jillian came flying over the top of the gate. How cool was that? Loved that the boat singer won the competition, she is so not in Chris's vision to "win" this. But that was totally rude of him to not give her the date rose, especially since she got one later. Dumb move, Soules. I laugh at people getting grossed out drinking goat milk. It tastes just like ... milk. What's the big deal. Although warm milk is no joy, it's as appetizing as drinking hot water from your kitchen tap. But what was up with the one chick saying it was "salty, warm, and protein?" She could have just come out and said what she meant since I sure caught her drift. No guy will date her after she expressed her displeasure about ... THAT. I was so disappointed when the *ding* didn't go off for AMAZING on the night group date. Then they started and I laughed and laughed at each one. The sound editor just missed the very first. Brilliant idea. I have never laughed during TB, but I sure did last night. Kimmel, you were the BEST. Wedding crashing? Yeah, right. With a full camera crew in tow. Way to sneak in under the radar. Add Whitney's nose baby voice to Chris's girly laugh ... they make the perfect couple. Why do they keep black boxing Jillian's ass? Is she the "hairy" one? When Chris and the b-ette jumped on the bed together ... the heck, she was wearing hooker sl*t strut heels. With a bikini? Yikes. And I swear I saw some boobage action. Chris is going to take the kissing-est TB ever title away from Flapjack. I think he already has.
  19. I don't know ... being left with all those Navy pilots and midshipmen is not a bad thing IMO! Andy leaving might have stung for a while, until several dozen new hotter guys came on deck to "save" her! (This is all in my imagination, but still, not a bad ending.)
  20. This cracks me up because it means at least one other person cannot keep seasons straight, they all blend together into one big ... well, mush pit. And there are so many who remember all the details. I know I count on you guys who have good memories. Well, by that I mean good RECALL, not that TB has any "good memories."
  21. I swear, I can't remember who was on which season. I remember Des climbing a tree, but I don't remember what Bachelor she did that in front of. Or even if it was on her B-ette season. Maybe my forgetfulness is a blessing.
  22. Yes, the roller-derby date was Juan Pablo's I think. I get the people mixed up, they all sort of blend together for me. That was the same date backformore describes, with one-arm-sarah crying about not being able to do it. I seem to remember Juan Pablo telling her, "Eess all right." Was the first "leap of faith, jumping off a bridge is the same as a relationship" date Jake and Vienna when they bungeed off the bridge, only to be bonded together forever afterward? That's the first daredevil date I remember.
  23. Agree, this was SO uncomfortable. But then, Marcus decided to reinact his stripper routine for Andi on his hometown. Another uncomfortable-to-the-max moment.
  24. Wow, Dr. Pepper, that hurts my head. You mean I have to actually think deep thoughts about this show? I wouldn't even know what happened each week if it weren't for Otto's recaps. Still, I watch ...
  25. We should be careful not to learn TOO much or none of us will be eligible to be contestants on future TB and TB-ette. (I'm going to look up those recipes, NikSac. I use that site all the time. I think Maid Rite is trademarked so others have to call their creations "loose meat" sandwiches, like on Roseanne. Either that, or because no one knows what the heck a Maid Rite is!)
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