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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. No kidding. I trip and fall down in my back yard and I'm whining for days about my aches and pains. No, not shocking and unusual. It was made into a Dateline ep because the guy was put in prison decades later after being found guilty of killing his wife. If he hadn't poisoned her to death, he'd still be a fake "nuclear physicist" earning a huge pay check at the nuke plant. Excellent point about Abagnale, Whimsey. There are people all over the world who fake their resumes, for whatever reasons. I'll bet all of us know at least one, whether we realize it or not. An aside: I've seen Frank Abagnale speak in person, and he's remarkably compelling.
  2. NBC''s Dateline this past Friday, the day after Gracepoint's finale, was about a murdered woman who was married to a nuclear physicist, MENSA member and Jeopardy champ, a man who was the No. 1 employee at a nuclear plant and had been for years. Only after the wife was murdered, it was discovered Paul Curry was not only not a nuclear physicist, he didn't even have a college degree. He quit his job before he was fired, and moved away. So, if that can happen IRL at a nuclear plant, a high-end place of employment, then who would be checking on the background of some guy who rents canoes to tourists and counts whales in the bay? Or checking on the backgrounds of any residents of Gracepoint? The newspaper lady did check on Susan after she was threatened.
  3. Just a warning, Chaos ... I didn't know David Tennant played Carver on Broadchurch as well, so I went to Wikipedia's list of actors for that series to see if any other actors crossed over. And right there I read, "Actor XYZ plays Character ABC, the killer." They really did not need to add that not-so-small detail. Maybe it's better to be spoiled so one can pick up the clues easier? As for complaints that Beth's daughter looked older than Beth, that was one of my problems too, until I gave it some thought. What mom wouldn't want to be thought younger looking than her high school daughter? I'll take it any day! So, good on Beth for staying youthful. l bet she'd pop some grey hairs in S2, if there were one.
  4. I watched this show because of Tennant. I did not know Anna Gunn was in it until I saw the first episode, and I didn't recognize Nick Nolte until I read here that he was in it. I've never seen a single episode of Dr. Who. I just know Tennant has been voted UK's most popular actor for a zillion years in a row so wanted to see what he was like. I did like him in the Masterpiece short series he starred in. Plus what else am I going to do with my Thursday nights? This show was more realistic than Prison Break, which I loved. Gotta take a non-reality pill when watching any tv show these days. I'm replying to my own statement. Because if they had set up that Danny fell and killed himself off his skateboard, then this would have been a one-episode show. Which I guess would have pleased a lot of watchers! Still, I didn't find Gracepoint any more poorly written or acted than 95 percent of other commercial network shows.
  5. There is a huge difference here in what networks will allow. All (except one) of the shows listed above are cable shows: Oz, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Homeland, House of Cards. I do not have cable but watched Oz on DVD, Breaking Bad and Homeland online. I've never seen one episode of Sopranos or House of Cards. Network shows have advertisers that paid big bucks to have their commercials in Gracepoint. The only network show listed above is Hannibal, which I watched every week ... EXCEPT the week that episode four was PULLED because it depicted kids being killed. So THAT is the point I was making, that Gracepoint would not dare show a kid intentionally killing another kid, commercial-based networks would not allow it. They would risk offending viewers (face it, everyone is offended by everything these days) and therefore lose advertisers. (I've never seen Law and Order so cannot comment on that.) I agree with what Netfoot posted a while back: Why not put Danny's body on the curb somewhere, like he fell off his skateboard and cracked his head on the cement if they weren't going to cop to the accident. I'm still confused why they had to put him on the beach via a stolen boat. So much work to cover up an accident. It had to have taken forever to play out. Maybe if there were a S2, Tom would come forward and admit he accidentally killed Danny and Joe would get out of jail and the Millers would all live happily ever after. But I did like this ending the way it did. Carver knows the big secret and Ellie loses her family. Ellie deserves it for pretending to be such a swell friend to everyone when in reality she was one great big snot. ETA: I'm a huge DT fan, but that neck hair ... ACK, so grossly nasty. Someone buy the man a razor.
  6. My thoughts: Tom was jealous of Danny's relationship with his dad, and suspected something more was going on between them than them just being pals. Especially in the middle of the night. In my script, Joe and Danny were having "relations." Plus Tom is creepy, so there's that. Do we believe Joe and Tom weren't having relations? I don't believe anything Joe or Tom say about that. Everyone in that town is a liar. The daughter and boyfriend ranked on other townsfolk because they could. There are lots of people like them out there. They post online all the time. IRL, they are called bullies. Vince tattooed Danny's name on his arm because he's a freakazoid and probably a pedo. Who knows what he had going on with Danny inside his closed garage. Use your imagination. If Vince could do it, so could Joe. I know: gross. But it happens. Vince did not "almost shoot" Archie the dog. He pointed his rifle at him and gave a speech about what he wished he could do. He was imagining what he wanted to do to Susan. And he didn't shoot her, either. I've pointed my rifle at a few things and thought evil thoughts. Doesn't mean I did any of what I was thinking. But imagining can sometimes be pretty satisfying. Rosemont was not really important, except we were made to think since Carver didn't solve that, he wouldn't solve Danny's murder either. Because of the Rosemont failure, Carver was sent to Gracepoint because it was a dead end town where nothing more important than a fence being cut (pilot) ever happens. Plus Rosemont allowed Renee to come to Gracepoint and wreak some havoc. So there's that. How should this news have been delivered? What would have been a better scenario? I think all together on the couch was pretty okay. If I were bringing that news, I'd rather say it once than four different times in private.
  7. Oh, RiddleyWalker, you just made me laugh hard ... at myself. I had Orlando on the brain, and "Bloom" just came out of my keyboard. Thanks for correcting me; yes, "Jones" is what I meant. Perhaps Mr. Jones' prettiness in that photo linked above pixellated my brain. Although I wouldn't mind a purgatory threesome script containing two Orlandos and one Cho. Triple hot! When I heard this, all I could think of was what did Crane say about Adams and Revere. At least Ben Franklin wasn't part of it so I didn't have a flashback to a naked Timothy Busfield.
  8. Some "clues" that pointed to Joe might have been Joe's freakout that Carver put his hand on Tom's leg during the memorial service. Like Carver was a pedo like Joe is. Also, Nick Nolte was castigated as a pedophile, even though he wasn't. But child abuse was insinuated, like abuse was insinuated when Joe made the pass at Danny. I think if this had been a movie or anything but a network show anyone could watch w/o paying, Joe might have been portrayed as more of a pedophile. And Tom accidentally killing Danny softens what could have really happened, that Tom killed Danny on purpose because of his friendship with his dad and his snotty emails to Tom. I'd be all about that ending, but "regular" tv just can't show a kid killing another kid. So, writing had to be namby-pambied up a bit for the general American public.
  9. Well, maybe, except I believe Tom went to Hitchhiker's cabin to plant Danny's crossword book, thus implicating him in Danny's murder. I'm thinking Tom was found that same night of the morning he disappeared, right? So he wasn't gone all that long. But yeah, it's weird Joe was freaked about Tom going alone to school since he knew there was no kid murderer around. Unless he had to stay with Tom for keeping up appearances sake. I don't remember it ever being said size six shoe prints were found around Danny's body. Did we know that and I slept through it? Also, did they announce Joe's adult-sized prints were found? And what size shoe did Susan wear as she stood there smoking? And hey, wasn't that the police guy who hit on Ellie who was at her house as she was leaving for the motel? I was thinking, "Hey, dude, she's available now for that drink."
  10. I have been a fan and supporter of this show since ep. 1, but I found the finale disappointing. Whomever killed Danny, Joe or Tom, I don't know why, if they were going to cover it up, they carried his body to the beach, cut loose a boat which they rowed to the beach UNDERNEATH THE CLIFF WHERE HE WAS KILLED and then put his body there. The heck? That must have taken a huge amount of time when they could have dumped him over the cliff and chucked the skateboard after him, like he boarded off the cliff to his death. I was thinking Danny and Joe had a "relationship" thing going. Why else would the kid leave his bed to meet Joe at a remote cabin in the middle of the night? Then Danny decided he was done being the victim. Ellie was the worst cop ever. She was dreadful and snotty snarky to Carver. "Don't call me Ellie," and blah blah snotty retorts and comments. She deserves a pedo husband and psycho kid. Glad she's leaving town. I wish nothing good on her. But Anna Gunn is great at being married to dysfunctional men. Breaking Bad was the perfect audition for Gracepoint! I had a big problem with the motel Ellie was put into. What motel/hotel/apartment doesn't have a peep hole in the door? There was a knock and she opens it without seeing who was knocking? Please! Although I did think reporter boy was there to get her "exclusive." No narration on any of my tv shows ever, including this one. To the poster who complained about that, check your menu settings! I'm hoping there will be no S2. Let us imagine Carver confronting Tom. Our imagination will be more satisfying than whatever the show could write. Also: $500 CASH to pay a cell phone bill by a 12-year-old kid? Just how is a little boy suppose to pay? My invoices are all paid with checks or bank transfers. Shouldn't Joe have been taking care of that phone bill himself instead of handing over cash? He weaseled it from Ellie, he could have written then trashed a check or online payment. Oh: I did tear up at all the bonfires being lit around the cove. But, I had to laugh at Ellie saying the entire town was at the beach for the bonfire lighting. There were what, maybe 10 people there, including the Solanos? Gracepoint wasn't THAT small. And what's up that the show couldn't hire a bunch of extras for that scene, they could have gotten unpaid people to show up if they had asked around. ETA: David Tennant was indeed a ginger during that beach scene! I do love me some ginger.
  11. ITA, Criminey. I love(d) this show for the Crane/Abby interaction and friendship. If Katrina is going to be taking center stage, then I'm going to have to bow out. I dislike the character AND the wooden actress that much. Like Orlando's "black, white, black, white," I'll be "here, gone, here, gone, gone, gone ..." Maybe Bloom and Cho can start their own series from purgatory. I'd watch that.
  12. Finally, we get to find out the killer! I'll be sad to see this series end, though. It's been a fun Thursday night for me, and Friday day here. It occurred to me this morning ... whose phone was Tom deleting the messages from, his or Danny's? Stay tuned!
  13. That Orlando video is the best recap EVAH. Hee-larious that he sees S2 pretty much the same way as the rest of us. *coughkatrinacough*
  14. My thoughts exactly, although I figured I had missed something else "important" that prevented them from taking this easy road. All sorts of behind-the-scenes things happen with governments. I'd think this solution is preferable to some epidemic, regardless of who/what caused it.
  15. So is Wells really crippled or is he faking that? Or is he crippled but he can stand when he enters the Magic Chamber of Secret Things?
  16. I'm wondering what other men Susan knows who would rape Newspaper Editor since didn't she say her husband was dead?
  17. I was really surprised that Allison was in the Philippines, and everyone was all about, "OOooh, she's a working model." Especially when she said she had only had jobs the last five months or something? Her convo was edited so I didn't catch it all, but I got the impression she was being pimped as an ANTM success when in actuality, not so much. I wonder if there are waitress jobs in Philippines that can tide models over until the next audition for a paying gig. In thinking more about Will, there was a conversation here about his being a "professional" dancer. Alas, he is too tall for that profession, too. The average for an American male principal is 5 ft. 9 in. At 6 ft. 6 in., his best career choice would have been basketball or volleyball. Still, I think he could make it as an editorial model. Or a face model. Meanwhile, his career as a dance instructor works well.
  18. I know, right? There were bins and bins of classified waste down there. Does it just sit around? Sort of, "out of sight, out of mind" once it goes down the laundry chute to the basement? And a janitor sweeps around the bins, yada yada, no big deal. I had imagined that chute went straight to a working incinerator. Shows what I know about national security. Except that Charleston treats them to tin-foil catered-in dinners!
  19. Orlando Jones looks hotter than the hot Tom Mison in that tumblr photo. Yowza!
  20. Thanks Netfoot. You obviously pay more attention to this show than I do. Heh. But why did Jack go back? Other than to get captured so there will be something to do next week. Not that it matters.
  21. And who will create the most DRAH-MA in the house. A real modeling show with people acting like adults between shoots would be boring and immediately canceled. Even though that's what so many of us want to see. I did think it was funny when Yu Tsyi (how do you spell his name?) pulled the imaginary stick from Adam's a$$ before the last shoot.
  22. That reminds me, the girl Tyra said had the alien face, I've forgotten her name, but her Tyover (heh) was to become bleached blond, had bangs at the final runway walk. It was a big improvement. I think much of Tyra's makeovers are to just make freakish personas for the show. She let that guy last cycle keep his mountain man long hair that looked filthy and greasy every shoot, but she shaved Adam's head when he could have rocked his long locks. Go figure.
  23. Well, thanks ottoDbusdriver, you already said everything I was going to say about this episode. Except, I must add: I guess I have a problem with Charleston getting all mad at Nick for putting his hand on her leg and pulling her "my fiance was killed" face when she's screwing every other guy in the room. But getting ready for sex on the side of some main road through DC? Please. Even high school kids know to find a dark parking lot somewhere. Can't figure out what happened to the other Army guys on the vial-retrieval detail. Just the main guy got caught?
  24. That's almost one-half million dollars in one year! What the frak? Even after taxes takes half, that's one-quarter million dollars. And I expect that's approximately what he got in the injury settlement, at least one-quarter mil. Isn't THAT enough to get mom out of the projects? Regular people are living on $20,000 (or less) a year and making it work without having to live in the ghetto. Either Keith's sob story is a total lie or he's a selfish jackass who took all his NFL money and jacked it away on himself. There's no excuse. Plus he's saying the $50,000 (after taxes) he's getting from ANTM will save his family from the projects. So where the heck was he and his NFL money before that? Please. Just thinking about that makes me ill. I wasn't an Adam fan but I would rather have had him win and say he was using his win money to finish grad school and become a mathematician at some university. Like I posted earlier, I know someone who was tackled/injured on his way to the field at his very first NFL practice, never even got in one practice much less one game, and was set for life with his settlement. His name is not Keith.
  25. Wow, netfoot, you just freed up my Thursday. Now I have to look for something else to do that night since you went and spoiled the entire ending for everyone.
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