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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Too bad she didn't "blow" at her husband, the person who's sharing her bed at night. She TALKED at him, which made that scene well-done and strong IMO. If she had slut-shamed Gemma, that scene would have been much more powerful and memorable to Gemma. Put her on the spot and make her squirm under your steely gaze and pointed questions. But no, Beth became a hot-headed little child throwing a tantrum. She made it easy to see why Mark wanted an affair, to get away from that. And solved nothing with Gemma. After Mark and Beth get divorced, which is in the cards, no way can their marriage survive cheating and Danny's death, Gemma will be there to take poor abused Mark in and shelter him from his childish and uncontrolled ex. JMHO from having been in that situation IRL.
  2. All I could think of during this episode was Sleepy Hollow doesn't need the Witnesses, it needs Sam and Dean Winchester. WTH was up with the Supernatural soul sucking? This show has really turned into a POC, and by that I mean Piece of Cr*p. Someone needs to get Crane a scrunchie for his hair that used to be down on rare occasion and now is down all the time, no doubt because the cr*p writers believe viewers think it's hot. Not. And talk about soul sucking, Katrina sucked the soul right out of this episode. And all the blabber about who is lusting after whom, including the succubus who stops her attack on Crane to give a soliloquy that's just long enough for Crane to be saved. The heck? And on a shallow note, what's up with Katrina's hair that goes from dark brown to Lucy Ricardo henna red? Last season this was my favorite show, I really cared about Crane and Abbie and the horrible Horseman of Death. This season? Please. The writers have become the succubus, sucking the life out of what was once a really fun experience.
  3. Was it Raelia who came to panel bra-less? And got raked for it? Miss J even said if she didn't wear a bra she could get a mammogram and pedicure at the same time. That was so ... well, stupid. I don't care how many bras a woman wears, when she's 60-plus, things are going to sag just like a man can wear snug jockies his whole life and when he reaches a certain age his stuff is going to be taking a dip in the pool when he uses the toilet. It's just how life works. And how plastic surgeons make a living. I was struck at panel by how tall and thin (and model-like!) Raelia was at panel. Seeing everyone standing together really brings out the contrasts.
  4. Funny! Especially since Rodman played for Chicago (and is now playing for his buddy Kim). But RedheadZombie brought up a good point, that these people probably DON'T know where Seoul is or where to find Korea on a map much less that there's a north and south part. I hope that's not the case, but the IQ level of some reality-show people sometimes isn't very high. However, a DMZ Go See Challenge would be worth watching.
  5. Since they were going to Seoul after eating soul food, it's sort of a given they were heading to South Korea and not North, being that Seoul is the capitol of South Korea and all. Sort of like it's easy to figure out you are in Illinois if you wake up in Chicago. I knew Raelia was going home this week after Will's TH that he would be miserable without his BFF. Sad Will! You're still my favorite one to stare at if that's any consolation. Plus I agree that if she was too sexy for the merch, then don't put her crawling around on the floor like a drunken hooker. Although that made a set up for Kelly's snark, so there's that, thank you very much show. (Not.) How about her (or any of the women) jumping like Will and Keith did instead? That would have been cool.
  6. Yeah, I can see it now ... all the models pose for Kim Jong-un, he selects best photo. The losers are sent to the firing squad and the winner is put in prison. End of show.
  7. I thought for a minute this episode was a rerun, then it dawned on me it was The Bachelor/Bachelorette bunch that went to Korea and had to dance with a K-Pop group. These reality shows are starting to run together. I don't see why the eliminated people are still going along and being photographed. Does anyone know what's up with that? I thought Ivy's photo was stunning. I don't even remember her, she was sent home (read: not sent home) so early. I could care less if I were still in the running for, basically, no prize if I got to go overseas plus get some great shots for my portfolio on top of it all, all expenses paid! It's so obvious Tyra has a thing for Keith. And Adam, for some reason. He has had the most terrible photos, yet he's still there. Could it be *gasp* for the Drah-Mah? I'm positive that's why Chantelle is there. I find it odd that someone who has been criticized for her appearance so much that she's emotionally dysfunctional about it chooses to go into a career based on appearance. WTH? I'm Team Will all the way, but I can't see him winning. He's clearly not Tyra's favorite nor does he cause problems in the house. So, no "opportunity" for you Will.
  8. I liked that Hugo commented on what a nasty job it was to sift through all that public beach sand to find evidence. I imagine he found (and discarded) a lot of skanky bits. But he said he found the fresh cig butts before the tide could wash them away. Wouldn't the tide have washed those tents away by the next day? I really don't have a clue what day we are suppose to be on after the Thursday Danny was found dead, but in-and-out tides are a daily event, right?
  9. Wasn't it Matthew who told Yu Tsai his name was Matthew and not Matt? And he got raked over the coals for it, how dare he talk back to the photographer or anyone else on the set. Then he got sent home. I think Panda is a cute nickname, but then I don't have Chantelle's skin condition, so there's that. Even models deserve respect. They are employed to be models, not to be harrassed. The photo shoot is their office and bosses are not suppose to harrass employees. (I know, good luck on that.)
  10. Yes, for all we know, CreepySusan competes in the XGames! Or she is Tony Hawk's ex and that's his board.
  11. After Jack told him, didn't Mark head back to the lynch mob and then turn and shout at Jack to get out of town? The scene is hazy in my mind. But I do remember Mark did nothing to cool off his mob except tell them to go home. Plus, after Jack told his story, Mark could have expressed his sympathy on the loss of his son, but no, he said nothing because Mark is a self-centered jackass. Jack's death is on Mark's head IMO, and the head(s) of whomever threw the rock and painted the dock. As for Jack listening to Mark's "advice," Jack wasn't even given time to pack and move away before the attack on his home. And who can say who would/would not have accepted Jack if they knew the truth? No one was given that chance. Jack was a talented piano player. Who knew? And letting how many gallons of craft beer go down the drain? Or onto the floor in this case. And as for who would fault her, I'm raising my hand. Because one has suffered a loss and feels anger toward another doesn't give them carte blanche to walk into that person's place of employ and trash it. Beth herself asked Father if she would have to pay for the damages, so even she knew she was wrong. A confrontation between a lover and a scorned wife can be handled in an adult way. Beth didn't physically attack Mark and he's the one (not) wearing the pants in the Mark/Gemma relationship. She gave him a verbal beat down/guilt trip, and that's how she should have confronted/handled Gemma, not with a childish act of glass throwing/beer letting. Amen, Automne. You said it much better than I.
  12. Except Gemma DIDN'T get trashed by Beth, her inn/bar did. This town is full of hotheads with no sense of how to approach a problem or conflict except with more conflict and physical abuse. Lawyers in Gracepoint could really be kept busy with the fallout.
  13. So much for "Stranger Danger" which obviously is not taught by the Gracepoint police department. Yeah, way to get in good with the boss, Ellie. Not.
  14. I know, right? Ellie was all like she was being sexually harrassed by a co-worker who only asked if she wanted to go for a drink. So she reports Hugo to Carver. It reminded me of when Carver called Ellie an eager beaver and she was all "Sexual Harrassment, Sexual Harrassment!" Geezy Pete, Ellie, get a grip. I've seen so little of him, I didn't even recognize that was Ellie's husband. I just thought the guy was too eager to sign a petition that he knew nothing about. Yeah, it would be interesting if Joe ended up being the murderer. He's the only one who hasn't had the creep-oid factor lathered on him, he's the perfect husband. And no drain under those beer taps. Yeah, what was up with that?
  15. I rewatched the pilot and Ellie was returning from a two-week vacation, a typical American length of vacation, during which Carver was placed in Gracepoint to get him out of Rosemont, for whatever reason that was arranged by people at the cop top. It just happened Danny decided to get killed on her first day back from vaca. And we don't know how comfortable they are living as a one-income family. Many moms (or dads, in this case) give up a job because daycare baby-sitting costs are more than what they were making. Ellie's husband was an EMT, right? They don't make all that much. Plus we haven't seen they have a big-screen flat tv or cable or anything that would put them over the top on income or living "comfortably". I got the impression Ellie was promised the Top Cop job as an Upwardly Mobile Equality thing. Governmental departments have to meet quotas of so many women/different races to get federal funds. Not that such thought has gone into this show! I can't criticize a show that's a continuing series for certain episodes not achieving much more than laying groundwork for events to come. Events WILL come. Whether we like those events or not, we won't be able to say for another four eps. That's why binge watching is so much more satisfying than one commercial-laden episode per week.
  16. The burned boat ... doesn't everyone here know everyone else? In that case, anyone could have identified who owned the burned boat, plus been able to account for the one missing among the ones still there. Not sure what the deal is with Ellie's sister. So she can't pay her bills. She's obviously not the coke dealer since then she would be loaded with money. Danny had $500 stashed. Maybe Sis should ask one of the kids for cash, not Ellie. This week we are being pointed to Creepy Trailer Lady as the murderer. Which, I'm guessing, means she's not. But wouldn't it be easy to find out where those cigarettes are being sold and who purchases them, if it's a local store? So Carver passes out once and Gemma deduces it's some major death-dealing illness? We never did get a doctor's diagnosis before he strolled out of the hospital. Gemma's inn is full of reporters and photographers? What newspapers have the cash to send staff off to live in some small town and WAIT for something to happen? Thank you whale tail. One whale has now been counted during this major whale-watching season in a whale-watching town. EDIT: I know I sound sarcastic and snarky, but I really am enjoying watching this show. So there's that!
  17. RIP Nick Nolte. He was great this episode. Although when he was standing in front of the ocean, I knew he was going to do a full-on Coming Home Bruce Dern. I actually teared up when his body was found. So Jack opens up to Mark and tells him his whole story and Mark walks off saying he'd better get out of town NOW, he can't live there any more? Way to be sympathetic, Mark, you jackass, because Jack saying the death of a child can destroy a marriage is exactly what is happening to you and Beth. Beth's scene where she asks Mark why he cheated was so realistic. If anyone out there has had that happen, her reaction and questions to Mark were spot on. And Mark blaming Beth for his affair ALSO was spot on! It's always someone else's fault when a partner cheats. I actually liked Beth then, for the first time. Carver/Gemma was awkward, yes, but I've had the feeling she's been coming on to him so I was surprised she didn't take him up on his offer. She parks herself at his dinner table, she goes through his wallet while saying she's his wife (and he could do worse) at the hospital, then bringing the towels to his room and hanging around instead of just handing them to him through the door. I found myself trying to decide who would be better, Mark or Carver. Tom skateboarding down Main Street with cops in tow? WTH was that all about? Timing from cameras to estimated murder time? It just didn't make sense to me. So the boat is gone. Anyone could have cut that chain and taken the boat. Or was the padlock unlocked? I couldn't tell. If it's unlocked, then Owen's mom needs some cop-time questioning. So a co-worker asks you out for a drink. What's the big deal. Then all-tough-cop Ellie is afraid to talk to the guy on a work-related thing? Ugh. When Elllie asks Carver if the case will ever be solved, then she says they can't let everyone down, all those people are her FRIENDS, I wished Carver had replied, "Well, one of your friends is a murderer." I did love that he shut the Rosemont conversation down. That's the Carver that I love, all real cop tough. I know! All I could think was TURN OFF THE TAPS! Plus shout after Beth, "You're getting invoiced for this." It's one thing for Beth to confront Gemma, it's quite another for her to walk in and trash the place.
  18. Where was that sink Ressler tossed his drugs into? His apartment? Is he living in the basement of some skid-row tenament? All I could think was, "Ewwww, nasty". And it was the first time I'd seen pills sinked, usually they are flushed. My knee-jerk response to Tom saying that would have been, "You can count on that." Tom needs to STFU. I liked him last season. This season as Dead Tom he's an albatross. Count me in the Say-No-To-Flabby-Bare-Assed Camp for Lizzie in undies. Just ... no. At least not on my tv, please. At least it wasn't an open-back hospital gown. Nice way to get Berlin's daughter back to him, but poor girl ... I hope Red takes her back so she doesn't have to stay with Daddy. Does Red owe Berlin a couple packages in payment for his ex-wife's finger and other parts? Best.Post.Ever. And exactly what I was thinking. Time to change lanes, Ressler! Plus roll up your window, you stupe.
  19. That was a great part of S1, when Abbie/Crane and Co. tricked him into coming into the tunnels where he was subsequently chained under UV light, all at great risk to his captors. Now all anyone has to do is walk into his house, open the shades and Domestic Headless is finished. *yawn*
  20. Funny you should mention this. Last episode, I was the one who brought up Abbie's double-jug yoga pants and "hello girls" hanging out of her tank top, something I felt inappropriate to wear around Crane even if he weren't from 200 years ago. However, Crane could have cared less, never made a mention, and Abbie never once had to say "My eyes are up here." But this week, with Katrina in jeans as tight as Abbie's and a corset-type top, Crane is all embarrassed and comments that the outfit is inappropriate and highly provocative. But they had to toss it on her to get her out of the hospital. WTH? This is the first episode of this show that I really disliked, and I've figured out it had to do with Katrina. I loved the beginning, with the Abbie/Crane exchanges that I enjoy. I also like Abbie pointing out she supports Crane. Ha ha! We've wondered here if that was the case. Anyway, once Katrina comes on the scene, Crane is transformed into some namby pamby everyman. HATED the scenes of he and Katrina together. Just hated them, and made me wonder why I am watching this show. I WAS watching it for Mison/Crane, but if this is how the character is going to go, forget it. Question: I thought Moloch was already around. Didn't he reprimand Henry a couple weeks ago for "thinking for himself" and not following Moloch's orders? So now Moloch needs to be born? The heck? Can someone explain, please? Katrina pregnant ... my first thought was abortion doctor. My second thought was Ripley alien baby. My third thought was, no way was that kid being born in the traditional manner given Katrina was still packed into those skin-tight skinny jeans. I hate the Henry-can-be-redeemed story line. I wonder if Adolph Hitler's parents felt the same way. Or Jeffry Daumer's or Pol Pot's. I still can't see why Crane feels any connection to this man who is older than he is. And, given Katrina's talent for "truth telling," might not be his real son at all. And what's up with Crane getting flashbacks when he touches Henry? Is Crane a sin eater now, too? At least Crane learned CPR in the last couple of weeks. Now he can drive like Fast and Furious, play Internet war games AND save lives! What the heck happened to Scary Headless? All anyone has to do is walk into his house and open the shades and Headless is helpless. WTH is up with that?
  21. I know, my thought exactly. Or pocket the card since they can't be smashed that easily. Now he'll have to buy that photog a new camera and answer to an assault charge. Plus there were a dozen other memory cards recording that event, which made the entire scene ridiculous IMO. So they were photographing through the window, so what? Those photos were meaningless, but the photo of Mark giving a beat down ... priceless. And not in his best interest being he's a suspect in his son's murder and all.
  22. RIP lovedwallflower's laptop. The thing is, I remember seeing much of that "never-before-seen" footage. Or else it was just all so similar it seemed like it. I didn't see anything in this episode that was new, except maybe the Will "hookup" with Raelia. It's the only one that is still intact and working, according to the show!
  23. Those were cattle tags that are shot through the ear itself and connected on the back side, sort of like you would put a tie tack on. Rip it off and half the ear comes off with it. Which means Ressler now has a fantastic hole in his ear, big enough for one of those biker bolt-and-nut ear inserts. The tags come in different colors and some have numbers to identify livestock for different reasons (age, sex, pedigree, etc.) and some contain insecticide to keep flies off the animal. *lesson over* Keen automatically assuming Ressler has a drug problem because he has a prescription and an obviously broken thumb? Please. I did love the scene where Ressler verbally attacked that guy, telling him what he would do to him. But then Keen giving him the stink eye because he SAID mean things? Double please. This is the FBI dealing with murderers, not a pre-school assembly. Tom behind the door ... why? So what? Does anyone care? It hasn't been said the food truck woman is Red's daughter, right? It's never been said/revealed who she is, right? This show would be the best if it were Red, Ressler and Dembe 24/7. Count me in if Keen and Tom are killed in some explosion and those three will be next season.
  24. Seeing Matthew made me miss him, too. So good looking, and a nice guy. I got a kick out of the show making up couples. Like Will and Raelia (?) are a real couple. Then they skipped right over Will and Matthew, a couple that might really have happened. Still love looking at Will. Eye candy for me. Love Miss J, and she is severely underused. And what's up with Kelly and that Goth look she has going? Is it because black is suppose to make one look smaller? Not working.
  25. Yeah, like everyone has already posted, we know she wasn't murderred but it was a strange time to cut to commercial and the murder thought crossed my mind as well. With Susan sneaking into the office -- how DID she get in? -- then the threat, then the cut to commercial ... the 10-minute commercial break gave my mind time to go there, a more interesting place for it to go than to watch those insufferable political commercials. Wondering something isn't the same as believing it happened. They were unhappy before Danny was killed. Why was Mark cheating? Why doesn't Beth joyously tell Mark she is pregnant? It doesn't take a small town to make couples miserable and bored, everyone and anyone everywhere can have that problem. And as for moving away .... good luck with that. Easy to say, not so easy to do. For some, impossible to do.
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