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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. As far as the Chatelle-lie thing, whether she slept with Keith or not, either way she was gross for telling anyone or saying anything about it. WTH is up with that kind of behavior anyway? But to tell Shei and then tell her "not to tell anyone?" Way to keep your lie private. But even if she was telling the truth, who would sleep-and-tell and expect to keep the atmosphere in that small house on an equal keel? Lie or truth, Chantelle needed to be kicked off. It's my opinion she was brought back for drama since there wasn't anything happening in that house to raise ratings or get people (us) talking online. Not since the Romeo head-butt. I'd say the same thing about Adam or Will or Keith if one of them said he had hooked up with someone in the house, but added: "Don't tell anyone!" He'd be worthy of leaving the show. Truth or lie, you're dog meat for talking about it at all. Those "social media" scores ... does anyone know if they are real? Or are they just made-up producer BS? Will is too tall, Adam is too short. Does anyone know who dresses them for those photo shoots? Clothing size hasn't been brought up until the go-sees when they had to fit into off-the-rack designer clothes. I noticed that, too! And who could blame him. I'd love to do a 'private shoot' with Will myself. Heh.I'm guessing that photographer is under contract so gets to go to Korea to take photos instead of hiring local talent. Sort of like Miss J and Kelly are there at panel but aren't seen in between. They could have gotten some Korean designers to do panel instead of lugging those two along. But ... contracts. With perks!
  2. I have to say, I hadn't noticed the sports-themed outfits, I can't get past the hair to see the clothes. But you do make a good point ... given that Keith is an ex-football player. Is she wearing a prediction/reveal of the eventual winner? As for what we are shown, and thinking something didn't happen because we didn't see it, if contests/shoots are held every day, that's 24 HOURS of film that has to be edited down to 45 MINUTES of air time. That's a lot on the cutting-room floor, so to speak. If contest/shoots are every two days, that's 48 hours that has to be whittled down to 45 minutes, making even more we don't see.
  3. Except check the name of this episode. The editors/producers know exactly who lied and they put it in the title of the episode. Whether we were shown the actual footage makes no difference. Maybe, but if my background was on a Wikipedia page and was incorrect, I'd edit it. I think these contestants are cyber-wise enough that they can and would fix their own bios. I'm waiting to learn that as well.
  4. And my question is, who the heck cares? Zima, me too. I want Will to at least make final three so I can stare at His Loveliness another couple of weeks.
  5. Because you really, really need to fill in seven down because it will clue in about eight other answers, and the backpacker was the only human within eyesight. When one is stonewalled, one usually does ask for help. Besides, the backpacker was needed for the storyline, so there's that.
  6. The heck. This show was a hot commodity last year. This year its ratings are tanking and fans are jumping the sinking ship like rats. Go figure.
  7. Okay, this cracked me up because right away I went to an image from The Beast with Five Fingers (1946). Now THAT would be a real red herring, one we won't see until the finale, when The Hand is cornered in the rental beach cabin and attacks Miller, and Carver has to save her! (It was in Tom's backpack after he steals it from Vince's garage freezer.) Thanks Winston. Good catch. I'm guessing there are more Easter eggs for those in the know. And I did notice some GINGER in Tennant's hair this week!
  8. I don't predict you will have to come out as Boris Biff, but start thinking of a new persona when Keith wins. Me too. And last week, after Will's over-done THs about how he would miss Raelia if she went home. Zap, she's gone! I continue to LOVE Ivy's photos each week in the photo-post page. Funny she was the first one "voted off." As for Chantelle "working" now ... is anyone sure about that? Or are her photos a trade off: "You pose for me/my magazine and I'll get free ad pics and you'll get portfolio shots." If she is indeed signed by and working for an agency, now THAT'S different, and how models actually make a living. The other thing? Even if pics are posted online it doesn't mean she's paying her bills through modeling.
  9. Good observation, one that I missed! This and all negative comments about Yu Tsai only remind me of all the department managers I've worked for during my extremely long career. Most are dicks and treat employees poorly because they can. Talk back and you get a bad review and your position suddenly gets "downsized." And you're in the unemployment line. (Which the company will fight because you were a "negative influence" in the office, so it's YOUR fault you got "let go.") One just learns to suck it up, keep your thoughts to yourself, put on a happy face and collect a paycheck. AND keep applying for new jobs/transfers whenever one gets the chance. Chantelle will have to learn to do the same or one photographer fight will cause her a permanent black mark and a check in the "she's trouble" model list. Modeling is a small world, everyone working in it knows each other, and models of Chantelle's level are a dime a dozen. Or, a nickel a dozen. What a photographer/agent says about a model will be remembered, whether it's true or not. That's just life in the big city. So sorry Will is so tall. He's still gorgeously delicious to look at. I got a kick out of Tyra saying she wished he were 20 years older and straight. Ha ha!
  10. While we viewers were shown Nolte walked into the ocean and assumed he drowned (drown? drownd? drown-ed?) himself, the police don't know that. Unless he left a note, which was never revealed to viewers, his death could have been a homicide, especially given the mob-mentality of the town folk. Just like Danny's death could have been an accident and NO ONE MURDERED HIM! He stole that boat to take to where he hid his coke stash on some island, fell and hit his head as he was getting off the boat, and washed up later on the beach. So his drug-dealing partner Tom had to burn the boat. So, surprise! No one is the murderer! Wouldn't that be the biggest red herring of all?
  11. This is over my head. Explain, please? And thank you! Somewhere there is a really cold storage room, and probably not in the teeny tiny town of Gracepoint. Maybe Dany's in Vince's freezer, inside his locked garage?
  12. I know. What was up with first, Yu and Chantelle get in a big argument and he's going to call her "Porkypine" from now on. Then the next scene, they're all lovey dovey and besties. The heck? It's like they filmed it both ways, then needed the extra contrary footage to fill the hour. Plus someone needs to explain to Chantelle that being called a "cow" is vastly different than being called a "panda," skin condition or no skin condition. Someone also needs to tell her cows come in all colors, most typically solid black (Angus). Black-and-white cows are Holsteins. But I don't expect her to know that, she's not exactly a bright bulb and is so defensive she would twist it around and not listen, just like Yu said she doesn't. Being called a "cow" insinuates you are huge, fat and clunky. Not spotted. "Pinto" would mean spotted. Gah ... Chantelle ... get over yourself. Keith's photo ... no way. All I could see was his legs all sprattled open and the photo shooting up, turning it into a crotch shot, not a shoe shot. Oh, wait ... Tyra picked it for best. Not that she's after Keith's crotch or anything ... right? This episode really showed how Will is too tall, Adam is too short, and Tyra totally screwed Shei from working with that "Ty-over". Finally, some real-life comments that we've shared here but never on the show. Adam thinking Tyra was going to kiss him was hee-larious. Doesn't he know she is into Keith? Loved the quick shot of Will being thanked by the photographer for being great to work with. Of course, photographer's opinions are not welcome at panel. Kelly and her black Goth outfits and stringy black hair are really getting to me. Someone needs to send her pompous self to hair, make up and wardrobe.
  13. Yes. People IRL react differently to a stranger who might know intimate details about their life. He knew something about Carver's Rosemont victim's necklace (I think she is the one in his wallet photo). But a knee-jerk reaction from SOME is to say "GET OUT OF HERE!" Heck, some will say it to people who don't claim to be psychic. They just can't listen to it. However, Beth did listen to him, and did so again about Tom being "hurt." I agree. Watch a Miss Marple two-hour Masterpiece and the first one hour, 45 minutes is full of misdirection. Then the murderer is revealed in the next five minutes, then the last five minutes explains why none of us watchers could figure out the plot twists. (The last 10 minutes are PBS commercials.) What fun would Gracepoint be if we were shown Danny being murdered and then nine episodes of Carver/Ellie trying to figure out what we already know? Everyone would be griping about how they can't figure out what we know! Complainers about red herrings maybe should wait until the series is over, then binge watch to alleviate their frustration. Not established yet, but I wonder if Susan is Vince's real mom who is keeping a watch on him and his adopted mom who is becoming senile. They ARE both creepy. Maybe creepy is hereditary. 8. a. Ask all the kids Danny's age you know and my guess is most if not all of them won't even know Hungary is a country much less where it is located much less what its capitol is. Heck, most adults don't know. b. Teaching is a job. You can call in sick. You don't have to give your "boss" or anyone else your agenda for the day. In fact, most people who call in sick to work are not REALLY sick, except maybe sick-of-work and need/want a day off for whatever. 9. Schools in different parts of the country have different days off. Try "Pulaski Day" in Chicago. 10. I can't get Internet access in much of my small town. How good is the wifi on an ocean cliff in a small vacation town? Plus I've never accessed Internet via a phone. Danny's "fancy" phone might not have been with him. PLUS ... as one who enjoys crosswords, it's cheating to look up your answers. Why bother taking a smartness test if you are going to take it open book? Crosswords are tests of knowledge and skill in deciphering word puns. I'm wondering if Tom took off on his bike to hide something related to Danny's murder. His backpack was "heavy." How twisted would that be if he were the murderer? Except if he were, he would have already deleted those text and computer messages. So ... never mind.
  14. I clearly saw this time that Paul's church is Episcopalian. Episcopal priests are allowed to marry/divorce. It's jokingly called "Catholic Light" since the services/hierarchy is pretty much the same as the Catholic church so when Catholics used to be kicked out of that church because they got divorced, they became Episcopalian. Not that that has anything to do with the storyline, except Paul and Beth COULD get together if Beth and Mark divorce.
  15. It's my opinion that Father Paul is the father of Chloe and Mark married Beth out of chivalry when Paul skipped town. It's SO annoying when people come for social calls when one it at WORK for freaks sake. Julianna couldn't CALL her dad back and say I want to come visit, when's a good time? Like, maybe AFTER 5 p.m.? That is so irksome. Then for the cop to deliver her to Carver while he's in his boss's office? OMG, no. Then again, Carver could have at least acted happy to see her and given her a hug. So there's that. Vince is so obviously the killer that there is no way he could possibly be the killer. Joe goes from being "Let's invite your boss for dinner! Hey Carver, have a drink, we're buds!" to "Never talk to my son EVER, everyone hates you, especially Ellie." The heck? What was up with THAT scene? I'm trying to see Joe as Danny's killer but it isn't working. Although I would like that scenario. Loved how Carver was all slouched down in that chair, though, after nearly passing out and no one hardly noticing even after the loud tray banging. I love David Tennant but I cannot get past that neck hair. Please! Someone send him a razor. So Beth does the drink ordering from Gemma for her husband. Heh.
  16. I started laughing out loud at the beginning, when the play director said the Supernatural poster needed something ... then all the Supernatural splash screens started flashing, including one I caught that was Supernatural coming out of Bonanza's burning Ponderosa map. Then laughing started again when Sam and Dean pulled out their fake FBI badges only to be immediately mimicked by the two actors on stage. Brilliant. Best episode in a LONG time, and a big relief from Sam-The-Demon eps. At the end, though, instead of Chuck being there I thought it was going to be Crowley. Still, Chuck ... well done, show.
  17. I didn't know Abbie had a copyright on being able to tilt her head. Everyone can do it. Katrina. Miss Caroline. Jenny. Hawley. Heck, even Crane can tilt his head. As can Henry. Not so sure about Abraham.
  18. I know. She could have taken a pipe to Tom's head or mid section, or shot him in the shoulder if she could stand the reverberation inside that crappy boat. Instead, she just stands there and yells at him. The heck? Lizzie goes from being portrayed as tough assed to wimp. I think the body was just left there, for Red to find and "take care of" later with his cleaning crew. That had to be ripe days later, inside a closed-up rusty iron room. To say nothing of how rank Tom must smell. Yeah, Lizzie is one piece of work. I wish Ressler would turn her in.
  19. Or reading the Harry Potter books. I wouldn't recommend it. Seeing what the succubus is wearing and how it tilts its head are not reasons to subject yourself to such suffering. Spare yourself and just read the recap!
  20. I actually enjoyed this episode even if I didn't understand it. Nothing made sense, like Tom working for both Berlin and Red, but it was good mindless action. I like Lizzie being badassed in the time-lapse-Tom questioning but then couldn't figure out why she did nothing when Tom was strangling the boat snooper. But, like I said, nothing made sense anyway. Ressler is now drug-free thanks to Lizzie giving him the side-eye last episode, so good on him. I couldn't help but wonder who cleans that box where Alan Alda blew up. Last time we saw it, more brains got blown up on it. If Tom was working for Red, what was up with the scene outside Lizzie's Dad's hospital when Dad was dying where they talk like they don't know each other. But, like I said, I don't understand anything about the continuity of this show. It's just a mindless one hour on Monday nights. So ... never mind. I don't care about any Tom/Lizzie relationship. But maybe Red vs. Tom will be interesting next season. In fact, I thought this was the end of S2, but it's only a hiatus? Oh. More Ressler, please. Maybe with a new partner as Lizzie has become increasingly stupid this season. Does anyone really care if she is Red's daughter? Does anyone care about Lizzie at all?
  21. This reminded me of another reason I dislike Katrina so much. Mison's voice is like honey, I wait for his every word. Katrina's voice is irritating and condescending and so haughty, it makes me dislike the character (or actress?) even more, regardless of what she is asked to do in a scene. I can't stand to listen to her snotty voice. I hate, hate, hate it. Mison, on the other hand, can talk to me all day. And night. Heh. I'm hoping for one, too, now that Selfie has been CANCELLED! Bring Andy back, please. Maybe have him kill/zombie-fy Katrina. That would make two big improvements to this show.
  22. Adam drinking too much is a conundrum. The show provides all the alcohol, and then some. Alcohol fuels controversy and drama, which is what the show wants for ratings. So Tyra really couldn't smack down Adam for being drunk without criticizing herself since, basically, she's the one providing the booze. All the food and drink is free so for kids who had probably been on a budget before the show, being able to drink all the liquor you want for free is pretty appealing. Nothing against Adam, but I haven't liked any of his photos. Tyra talks about how great his face is but never mentions the rest of him is cr*p in all his photos. They all look like snaps his buddy could have taken with his iPhone. I don't mind he's there since Tyra has already made up her mind who is going to be the winner. How good the photos are have nothing to do with who is going to win.
  23. You just described the best crossover show EVAH! Thanks for the great visuals. Heh.
  24. Romance, showmance. Who cares. I'm in this show for the kick-*ss Abbie and Crane fighting Headless and other Monsters Of The Week. I could care less who is lusting after whom. Which is why I'm really disliking this season after last week and especially this week. So much lovelorn, namby-pamby Crane and prissy Katrina, who can't do an incantation without passing out. Only Abbie is still sort of like what she used to be. Maybe that's why Katrina is still wearing that stupid bodice she wore to escape from the hospital. You'd think Abbie could have gotten her a Goodwill t-shirt or something.
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