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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes! And the men got to tell Ashley she didn't have any boobs, so she was a double loser. That was one HEE-larious roast.
  2. Wasn't it just last season when either TB or B-ette gave out multiple first-impression roses? I remember events, just not names connected with them. Although I do remember way back, when Rated R hobbled miles (right?) on his crutches to surprise his B-ette. Was that Ali? I remember the B-ette chasing him through hotel shrubbery later in that season.
  3. I still don't know anyone's name and am shocked that most posters here are calling B-ettes by name. Well, maybe not shocked but depressed at my own lack of being able to distinguish between a bunch of women who all resemble each other. JenE4, Rosanne's Tom Arnold was born in Ottumwa, Iowa. They used to go back there to visit his family, And that's why they served the loose meat sandwich in the cafe. The Maid Rite was born in either eastern Iowa or western Illinois. I grew up just accepting it like one accepts McDonald's. The only different thing is, if you ask for a Maid Rite with everything, you have to specifically say, "Including catsup." You can read a bit about it here: Maid Rite. They really are really, really good. You can blame me for all that unwanted farm knowledge. Just remember me if you need a Plus One for Millionaire's "Farm Animal" category!
  4. Thanks chocolatine. While I disliked Sean intensely, I had put Flapjack totally out of my memory. Chris is a breath of fresh air compared to those two. Yeah, I wondered about the Harley being inside. But then again, I've seen others bring their bikes inside. Can't leave Baby out in the weather/dust/sun/dark. Bike owners are usually obsessive about polishing the chrome with soft rags at every opportunity. And I mean that literally, even if it does sound sleazy!
  5. Donald Ressler at their side! My dream show!
  6. Mu Shu, you gotta be from the Midwest. No one else knows what a Maid Rite is, and out-of-staters get offended if they are served a "loose meat sandwich."
  7. Chris H. told them all to take advantage of their time with Chris, and to MAKE time with him whenever they had the chance. He all but said outright: Get thee to his bedroom. We'll be filming, of course. The show is looking for more women slipping out to steal Chris from in between his bed sheets to hot tub naked. Or whatever. This is a really sleazy season so far, but I expect nothing less from this show. It has to top itself every season. I really don't mind Chris kissing everyone right away though. Wasn't it Sean who couldn't think of anything to say so macked on everyone?
  8. Now all the terrorists have been alerted to wear extra-long sleeves. Or even ... gasp! ... gloves! My hands are not the youngest, but I am hard-pressed to see any veins on the back of my hands. When I was a 20-something college student, I'm POSITIVE there were no veins showing. Go figure ... this show might be making something up? Shocking! I do like how Charleston always calls POTUS *drink* "Ma'am." I think that's cool.
  9. Good point, chocolatine. There are so many Right Reasons to be on TB. I sometimes forget that one or maybe two are looking for a life partner. Interesting side note about Mackenzie, Kbilly. I got the feeling the timeline was sort of goofy when she talked about having a "kid" and there was a bit more to the story.
  10. Plus, at the big-money horse farms, due to medical magic, a world champion mare can now produce multiple foals per year without ever having a foal herself. Whitney could be in for a big time popular profession if she skips from people to animal fertility! You know what they say about "big feet!"
  11. What, you are thinking she is there to meet her future husband? That is not the Right Reason to be on TB! It's to become a famewhore, possibly become the next B-ette, get invited on Bach in Paradise if you are crazy enough, and become one of TB family members so you can go to Red Carpets and be invited to Chris H.'s house for seances. Having a one-year-old child to leave at home is like putting your pup in the kennel while you travel. Not a big deal TO SOME PARENTS. It completely bugged me that she said she had a KID while Chris replied, Oh, you have a CHILD. So much more respect from TB that from the mom. So there's that to consider, too.
  12. It has to be the makeup. I remember watching Miss America YEARS ago, back when there were only three channels so everyone just watched it, just because. All the contestants were 18-20 but I would have bet a zillion dollars all were high 30s. It's makeup, hair, clothes. Remember how old poor wee JonBenét Ramsey looked? Check out her photo here. And she was a mere SIX years old when killed. JonBenét Ramsey So I have to believe these women are really the age they say they are. Six-year-old JonBenet could fit right in this group, looking 30-40. Onion girl's Mesa Verde ... that's a national park in Colorado known for its extensive Pueblo cave dwellings. It's very famous,although there is nothing supernatural about it, like the supposed mystical powers one can experience in Sedona, Ariz.
  13. Hope you borrowed a motorcycle helmet before you did this. Andrea, your "cunt-try" cracked me up. That was not only brilliant, it was amazing! And a crazy thing to say!
  14. Yes, true. There was a debate at TWOP about whether Sean was wearing trunks/pants in the shower. It was shown as the final scene, the one that's suppose to be funny after credits roll. It was just stripper music playing while Sean lathered up and rinsed off, rinse, repeat. I read something from Sean later (I posted link at TWOP) that he was indeed naked but the camera woman being a lesbian made it okay for her to be in the shower stall with him.
  15. Thanks for your glass-half-full analogy, leighdear! Just proves that things can always be worse. It probably would not have phased the chick with the hairy ass though. Is it a requirement for everyone to dump on TB their hard-luck sob stories right away? "Chris needs to know this about me: I have a kid. I'm a virgin. My dad's dead." Yada yada. I'd wait a while to see if I'm compatible with a guy before I unloaded that stuff. Or, is it a ploy so Chris would feel guilty sending them home?
  16. Sticking needles in my eye is better than one minute of Geraldo and Trump. Thanks, as always, for your recap, Otto. My takeaway was more detail-oriented: The camera angle clearly showed there was no coffee in the cup POTUS (*drink*) was drinking from, just like there is never anything in those paper cups everyone on this show carries around. What happened to the days before Starbuck's, when people just went to work and worked w/o drinking coffee. And what happened to the props department putting some tea or cola in the cup. She was fake-drinking nothing, she could fake-drink flat cola. Sure he can, since POTUS *drink* walks around Arlington Cemetery and the hospital with no SS guys following or with her. You'd think the show could hire a couple of unpaid extras to wear black suits and stand in the background or something. First Husband is a real bitch. "I want to talk to my WIFE' with emphasis on The Little Woman. Hubby has a real problem with wifey having a paying job and him, not so much. Nick can grade and evaluate every gem ever produced without a jeweler's loupe. Impressive. He needs to hire on at Harry Winston. Jack's captors were the stupidest bunch ever. First, they fall for the "piranha-in-the-river" gag, then the leader tells his men to "go catch a peccary" when it's pitch black night and raining. Like peccaries are just standing around, waiting to be caught. Good luck catching one in daylight when you actually are prepared to catch a wild hog. What a bunch of dumb-asses. I thought Jack escaped by himself and took off into the woods, to be tracked by Charleston by the bright red beacon he gives off on radar. This after he took time to draw a "V" in the beach sand as a signal to Charleston. But he really was liberated by the Krieg group? I'm so confused. (Not that it matters.)
  17. Thanks for that blog link, jb0495. So those bikini girls had to walk ONE FREAKING MILE down an LA highway? The heck. Interesting Chris's comments about being filmed in the shower. They are the direct opposite of VIRGIN Sean, who invited the woman camera person into the shower with him, to film him naked, which was okay with him because "she was a lesbian." Gah.
  18. The neighbors have cattle. Did Kimmel do his pick for Final Rose? I haven't watched him for a few weeks. He usually brings out a board with all the faces on it and choose his winner, and he's usually right. But now this season he's been to the "mansion" and met all the women. That might color his decision. When he was shown getting out of the limo and sneaking into the house, all that was shown was his legs/feet, and I couldn't help but think, man, that guy is tiny and wearing skinny pants! And now we all know Chris sleeps with his mouth open.
  19. Like another poster said, I didn't see any paintballs flying during the zombie shoot. I think it was all for show and no paintballs were harmed during that segment. That kept down any legal repercussions from someone shooting Chris's eye out. You mean like, oh, I don't know ... SEAN? The Born Again Virgin? Not that we ever heard anything about that or his wedding night or anything. It wasn't even mentioned this season on the Red Carpet by Chris H. About Chris's build: Most farmers are in pretty good shape, not carrying a lot of weight, look real good in jeans. And look really sexy driving a tractor. But Chris had to get in Hot Tub Shape for his season, hence Cody, a guy whose job is to have, show off and train six packs. Most "regular" guys just have regular builds whether they are carrying extra weight or not. And yeah, that "beer gut" thing happens first. Sorry all you men out there. It just does. I was all turned around this season from thinking Chris was sincere to thinking he's a D-List wannabe. THEN he goes and does that TH: "She's smart, beautiful, talented ... Why the hell is she here for me?" That was pretty endearing and flopped me back to falling for his being sincere in his *cough* journey for love. Question: Does everyone make a sound like a wet suction cup when they kiss? Or do TB sound editors play some recorded tape during kissing scenes? That ultra-loud smacking really makes me uncomfortable. It happens every season. Thanks, Bugs, for clarifying Whitney is from Kentucky. And my condolences, KYBlonde! I thought the show was very careful to not show the label of nor mention the name of the Iowa whiskey. I've seen a PBS program on Templeton Rye so knew what it was. I'll bet the company decided not to pay a sponsor fee so, no recognition (soup!) for you, Templeton!
  20. This make me laugh so loud, I woke up my dogs. THAT was some uncomfortable talk since I'm guessing Chris is familiar with "Big nose, big hose" and "Big feet, big meat." Not something one SHOULD talk about on a first date, especially one televised to the entire nation. The Grand Canyon date ... even if it was on the western edge of the most beautiful part, if someone flew me there on a date, I'd be IN LURVE forever. That's my favorite place in the entire world. Wow, I'm impressed all you guys know everyones' names. I don't have a clue who is whom yet. Plus it's impossible for me to read the occupations that TPTB display in white lettering on a yellow background. The heck? Try using a red background you dorks. Not everyone has HDTV. Whitney is from Chicago but has a southern accent. Does anyone know her real story? Like, where is she REALLY from.
  21. I was thoroughly disgusted by the bikini tractor "race." I'm guessing Kubota was, too, since all of the tractor manufacturer identification was masked out on all the orange (Kubota) tractors. Then what, they had the transmissions stuck into first gear so Chris could make fun of them? I'm saying one of those Kubotas could get up to 40 mph or more. Chris sitting there watching all 'his girls' riding tractors in barely (pun) any clothes was so sexist, then making all the women walk down the street in bikinis while Chris had on shorts to his knees and a jacket? Please. I was waiting for Chris to do what cattle judges do at the state fair when they select best feeder steer ... walk up and slap the winning b-ette on the ass. "I choose you, you have the best rump in the group." Then afterward they all sit on freaking STRAW BALES set in a LA street? Please. This show is reaching. Chris keeps Onion Girl? Producer driven, for sure. Plus she was the last MOST DRAMATIC choice. Tara, with all your tears and feeling sorry for yourself THs, I thought for a while you were auditioning for the next Hollywood acting gig. Kelp's mom was so crazy at that dinner, talking about aliens. Chris's TH says she's weird, then says she's SO interesting. WTH? Make up your mind, Chris. If I were in that limo being "attacked" by zombies, Chris would have gotten my foot in his face when he surprise-opened the door and stuck his head in. Shooting zombies would have been fun, but what happened to the three-person teams? I also would have taken the opportunity to paint-ball some of the other women. And Chris's ass. Which, I guess, is why I'll never be on that show.
  22. You guys crack me up. I love reading your posts. When does the last ep air? I'd say Whitney would have brain freeze if she went to Arlington, Iowa, right now, it's freaking COLDER than the Arctic right now. But then again, she lives in Chicago, one of the worst cities ever in the winter. There they talk about "The Hawk," the wind that blows off the lake and around downtown sky scrapers. It knocks you off your feet and will suck the breath right out of your lungs. So, maybe they are not such a bad pair. Plus, Whitney said in Ep. 1 that she could get all those pigs and cows pregnant. Maybe she's not so far off the mark. Big hog and cattle operations breed AI, and so do the larger horse farms. Plus there's embryo flushing and transplants. A lot of that work is done by laymen. Whitney could be a popular visitor around livestock farms. She could ride to farm appointments on the back of Chris's Harley. Alapaki, just when I was thinking maybe Chris really is looking for a wife, you brought me back to reality. Thanks for that! Next week: Jimmy Kimmel? REALLY? Oh, please.
  23. You are behind the times. Bach Pad was two years ago. This summer we got Bachelor in Paradise. Hence, YOPO. Too funny, and maybe true! Good one, JenE4. Those could have been Chris's HS classmates at that cafe!
  24. Only Chris and his banker know that answer. 6,000 acres is freaking HUGE. The biggest farm family here works 3,000 acres and that's a major operation. Chris is the one who said he grew corn, beans and raised hogs when talking to one of the b-ettes. I dated a hog farmer for a while and, if any one mentioned the smell, he just replied: "Smells like money to me." Here are stats on raising pigs: One sow can produce 24 piglets per year, 12 in two litters. It takes a bit more than five months to get the pigs to market weight, 250-270 lbs. Today's market price closed at $64.66 per hundred weight, which means each sow can produce $3,879.60 worth of pork per year, if the hogs are sold at 250 lbs. And that's today's price. It's been as high as $74.13 per hundred weight this past year. So: If you have 200 sows bringing in $775,920 per year, that's a good reason for "a filthy rich farmer to raise a few hogs on the side." And he raises his own grain so feeding those sows is minimal. He's basically bringing in more than $775,000 per year for basically no investment other than the initial cost of sows and boars. And once a sow or boar is done producing, those guys weight 500-800 lbs. Do the market price math on one of those. Most hog operations are farrow to finish, meaning they breed/raise the piglets, then feed/grow them to market weight. Takes less than six months to complete that process and get a paycheck. Commercial hog raising is a HUGE business and I doubt Chris has just "a few hogs on the side." That's like thinking he plants his fields all by himself, with a hoe and a bag of seeds around his neck. By contrast, a cow can produce only one calf per year, which then takes almost two years to get to market weight. Which is why cattle ranchers either raise/sell calves or have a finish/feeding lot to get steers to market weight. And is also why beef is more expensive than pork at your grocery.
  25. "I hope your mother sees this." And Andi remains a beyotch to the bitter end.
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