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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. As opposed to Chris not even being able to spit out a complete sentence much less a coherent THOUGHT when asked why Becca was perfect for him? I was shouting at my tee vee, "I want Becca because she's a VIRGIN" but Chris couldn't even cough that out. I'll take his less-than-perfect reasons for chosing Whitney over his inability to even form a thought or choke out a sentence to describe Becca. Plus I could care less about PDAs, especially during television interviews. I find them squicky and yucky. Too many couples hang all over each other at ATFR, then ... it's over. *coughandijoshjakevienna ... and countless otherscough* Means nothing. Whether they last or not or get married or not is entirely up to the two involved.
  2. I was thinking about one person's post here that was really funny, about Neil Lane being PO'd that he comped a ring for a trip to Bali, not Dubuque. Even he was cranking about being in Darkest Iowa. So I checked flights and it's not as bad as what I thought. While my Dubuque friends drive to Moline, Ill., to fly out of Quad Cities airport, there are regular flights from LAX to Chicago, then a puddle jumper to Dubuque. Although maybe flying a five-seater prop plane from O'Hare to Dubuque helped sour Mr. Lane on the trip. Well, that and landing in -20 degree weather. ETA: A late-night entertainment show reported Becca was being considered for B-ette but rejected because, to quote Harrison, "She is not ready for love." I interpreted that as "She has even less personality than Soules and we're not suffering through another excruciatingly MOST.BORING.SEASON.EVAH! again."
  3. About my Bachelor Nation question ... I'm just wondering how Chris H. says BN wants one B-ette or the other when I never got to vote other than to express my opinion here. Plus those viewing parties ... the one held for the finale at the Dubuque hotel even had a guy there from near Chicago. How did he find out about it while I, who lives WAY closer to Dubuque, never knew a thing? Should I be reading over at ABC.com?
  4. Question: What is "Bachelor Nation"? Chris H. is always talking about it, there are Bachelor Nation viewing parties. But what and where the heck is it? Is it just online post sites like this one or is there a REAL Bachelor Nation? Inquiring minds want to know where the "heartbeat" of this show can be found.
  5. I know, right? In a season full of yawning boredom and an inarticulate lead lacking in charisma, they had to manufacture SOMETHING to get people to watch. And talk later, like here!
  6. Wasn't the answer something like, Whitney said they have sex "every chance we get"? That could mean never, because they haven't had any chances. So there's that interpretation of it! Of course, the answer deflected further embarrassing questions, which Kimmel loves, so there's that, too. If Whitney had said "We're waiting for marriage," Kimmel would have been all over that like a cheap suit. Of course, what is an argument to one is a discussion (or, actually, nothing much) to another. Like asking hubby to take out the garbage is NAGGING to him, while it's just asking for him to freaking do SOMETHING around the house to her. It's all in the interpretation!
  7. Yeah, for all the lip service Chris gives to his wanting to be married and have a family, I just don't see that from him any time soon. Or maybe ever. Which maybe is why he was painted to liking Becca better ... neither one really want to get married. I'm interested in why Chris's mom (and other family) said he had been hurt before. I thought it was Chris who called off the engagement to the Paddle Board woman, just before they were supposed to get hitched? Because she moved to California? I'd love to hear her side of that story. I'm thinking Cold Feet Chris. Of course, all I know is what Fleiss has let me see on tee-vee.
  8. Wow, is that really Whitney on that People cover? That woman looks beautiful, and NOTHING like the Whitney I saw on TB. Go figure!
  9. Hey Mu Shu, I thought of you last night during the scene in the Dubuque hotel where Chris is walking around w/o his shirt.* * I guess that translates to: "Topless." Topless Chris!
  10. When Chris popped out another "Becca and I's relationship" I wanted to call the president of Iowa State and tell him/her that they REALLY need to test all grads on English grammar and the correct use of pronouns. And fail anyone who doesn't pass. Chris, alas,would still be residing in Ames all these years later. LOVED the gorgeous Holstein heifer Jimmy brought out, all groomed and clean and walking on a lead ... Juan Pablo def is a show girl. And Chris H's "Ess okay" was hee-larious. Almost "amazing!" *ding* Vaseline is NASTY and not something you want to lick. The tooth-licking might have been more of an Emily veneer thing, or nerves. Like I want to tell all of the women to keep their freaking hands OFF THEIR HAIR! So irritating.
  11. Well, my cold heart actually melted and I shed some tears when Whitney was "toasting" Chris's family, and during the proposal. This is the first episode I watched w/o flipping to other channels so got to concentrate more on what was happening/being said. When Mom asked Chris what he saw in Becca and he was fumbling and stumbling and unable to articulate ANYTHING, I shouted out, "Because she's a VIRGIN!" Then BIL hit it right on the head, Becca is the woman at the bar everyone wants to date and who shuts all the guys down. Bingo! Kimmel showed a funny Becca video ... he clipped a zillion of her "I don't knows" together. (When Chris asked if she loved him, would move, would do ANYTHING.) That was all telling to me. Becca is SO painful to look at. It's like her face is swollen, her mouth is in a permanent downturn (worse than Grumpy Cat Andi) and her eyes are so painted-on black I want to do a cast-out-the-demon spell on her. Then her pink lips ... just ... no. Plus her personality isn't missing, I don't think she ever had one. Girl is completely stone-faced. I have to say, I felt wonderfully comfortable with Chris's family. And bless his dad, getting out of that combine wearing his regular work clothes. He looked like everyman around here. I really, truly felt welcome in that family myself. Maybe because those are my people. (Midwestern farmers.) The only one I did not feel was settled and ready to get married and have kids was ... CHRIS. I just don't feel it from him. If the relationship fails, I'd point the finger at him. The heck, TB was in Dubuque? The local newcast covered a viewing party held at the Julien Dubuque hotel. Darn, who knew? The manager of the hotel said he got a call from a "reality show" wanting to book there for filming but the caller wouldn't say WHAT reality show was coming. Then only four staffers knew it was TB, so it was all kept secret. Otherwise, I would have been there in a heartbeat, Dubuque is a super easy drive for me. The difference between Becca and Whitney: It was FREAKING COLD when that episode was filmed. Even Chris had on gloves. Whitney never said one word about it, even when Dad asked her if she was cold. Girl lives in Chicago, 15 degrees with a stiff wind is nothing. Becca ... all she could say is, "It's COLD" and "It's warm in here." Then, getting in the driveaway car, "It's warm!" Girl would never ever make it outside out San Diego. Buh-bye, Becca. LOL at the barn proposal. ABC could have sprung for some battens for that barn to help keep the wind out. I was looking for the space heaters (I could see Chris's breath) but they were well-hidden. I thought TB decorations in the barn were hilarious, especially since there were multiple chandeliers. Remember Chris said his house was waiting for a woman to decorate and Whitney replied, "What? No chandeliers?" I thought both women were in an awkward position during that barn scene. Becca showed absolutely no reaction to Chris sending her home, and he only managed some snot sucking, and that only because it was freaking cold in that barn. Then Whitney had to give a speech before Chris would say anything. LOL at the straw bale entry to the barn. I could just imagine all these California production kids trying to imagine what a Midwestern barn proposal is suppose to look like. LOL also at the added-in horse whinny VOs. Horses do not whinny "just because." Mine go months and longer without vocalizing a thing. All I could think of was Becca had to make that long-ass ride from Dubuque to Arlington HOW many times, and for nothing? LOL again at the "date" vehicle which had a wiper on the back window that had wiped the dust off so the driver could see out the back. Because those gravel roads were piling out CLOUDS of gravel dust, even in the frozen tundra of winter. Also, when Becca opened the door to get in her ride back, there was a coffee cup in the door holder. Was someone riding with her? Chris's house is all kinds of beautiful. Just ... wow. Chris H. was not wearing a pocket square. I guess Kelsey really DID keep his. When Chris H. was telling us about the problem of deciding who would be B-ette, I yelled at my tv, "Get them both." Wow, first time this show has listened to me. Why didn't it listen when we all wanted Jef and Ari to be duel bachelors? My last thought was, welcome back, Bugs ... glad to know you will be joining us in The Bachelorette thread! Oh: And Whitney looked beautiful in that black dress. (And my radio station TOTALLY made fun of her voice today. Try listening to her w/o looking at her. It's horrible.)
  12. Wasn't it Kaitlyn who told Chris she was falling in love with him and he replied he was falling in love with her? Then we turned around and it was "Buh-bye, Kaitlyn." No one this season is playing the "the rules." But hey, in a couple of hours we'll all be put out of our misery to know F1, plus we'll get to meet the next B-ette. Get out your dollar *amazing* jars. Or drink bottles. Whichever works best for you! See ya'll tomorrow.
  13. Phil, your post reminded me of this tweet: Bill Murray @BiIIMurray · Feb 18 sometimes I use big words that I don't fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthesis
  14. I would agree to this 100 percent if the adjective "engaging" were eliminated. From the Yahoo link: "Whitney, the squeaky-voiced fertility nurse ..." LOL! Squeaky, meet Flipper. The perfect match. From the e-online link: "He wants somebody and he is scared to death that this won't work," Harrison explains. "That when these women [saw] his barn and [saw] where they're going, they would run. It scared the hell out of him. He truly knew that this is as good a chance as he'll ever have." OMG, is "barn" a euphemism for something i'm not aware of? I do know what a "barn door" is and sometimes men leave them open (read: unzipped, heh). Maybe that "barn" is what is inside that "barn door" ?
  15. Oh, but are you sure you don't know better? This make a lot of sense to me.
  16. Some posters have said here they could see Chris was "over" Britt (as opposed to being "all over" her!) on WTA because he was stiff and stilted (okay, so more than usual) and didn't lean into her, hug was "cold," yada yada. Consider this: F1 was chosen months ago and now has watched the season and has seen Chris being all hotsy for Britt, including the closed-door two-hour "nap." That F1 could have been living in Chris's isolated house all season and no one anywhere would know (outside of his family). So, consider this: Chris has been nagged and ragged all season by F1 for doing all those things with Hot Britt while F1 sat around with a bunch of other women. Nag, nag, rag, rag ... "Why did you do THAT with her?" "You mean you kissed her THAT many times?" "I thought I was the one you were in love with from the start." This ad infinitum. So, when he sees Britt in person these months later at WTA, he's going to go in for the "I'm really sorry, I miss you, I made a mistake letting you go" hug and kiss? No way in hell! Refer to my earlier posts about women bringing up everything from the past during an argument. Chris is doing a save-his-ass thing with F1. Who, at this point, is the only one who matters to him.
  17. Maybe that good-looking guy Red hired to keep an eye on Lizzie in that sleezebag hotel has the dog. Yeah, that's the ticket ... man loses woman, gets dog. It's a win win! (Plus I don't know what happened to him, either.)
  18. Those smoking cigarette closeups were some great artsy film footage. But if Tom is/was a smoker, he was great at keeping those nicotine withdrawls (or secret smokes) secret from his wife. But then Tom is the master of ... everything! I wonder if he will come back next week when Lizzie gets called into court for that Harbormaster thing. (If that's what happens.) That was the Lizzie we all know and love! Otto, you are never going to get your answer to "where is the dog." More's the pity.
  19. I just heard on the radio that a recent study showed "one drink makes anyone look better." This could be one reason why TB has free booze flowing, and Chris has a whiskey/scotch in his hand all the time. No wonder everyone falls in love with Prince Farming!
  20. One can be ancient in years and have plenty of life experience, yet still not be mature and evolved when relationships disintegrate. Note that I just described myself. I'm pretty sure I've been around longer than the majority here. When a relationship has devolved into hatred, all past "mistakes" become fair game, regardless of age or maturity of the arguing contestants. Because we become "contestants" when arguments go bad, whether we are TB contestants or real-life combatants. I was not the least bit surprised when TB-ettes turned on ones not considered part of "The Group." It happens every season, and the same thing goes on between TBs themselves. Remember that pool party one year when all the Bs turned on the one guy with a kid? (Names and seasons escape me.) Plus, this is what TB's TPTB depend on to drive ratings. So there's that. Don't like a witch hunt or shrew fest? Don't tune in.
  21. This made me laugh because nearly every married man in America (if not EVERY man, period) will tell you that's what being married to ANY woman is like ... they don't forget, and will bring up ancient history to use as ammunition at a moment's notice. Heck, you don't even have to be married, just dating. Because: It's a hard-wired female trait. Best part of this entire episode: Chris's dolphin laugh. Now THAT was gold, Jerry, pure GOLD.
  22. I have to say, I laughed out loud when, at the end, Red fired the revolver ... "What are the ODDS?" ... and killed the guy in the wheelchair. Whom, I did not know until I came here, was poor DALE, whom I wept for last time I saw him die. Once again I didn't recognize Lance Hendricksen. Maybe because I still see him as Frank Black in Millennium. Yes, I AM that old. What character did he play? (I didn't recognize him on Hannibal, either, and had to be told. Gah.) Yes, WTHeck was up with stripping Lizzie to her undies (not black this time!) and then, when the door opens, she grabs the coverup to hide from the maid, then drops it when Dale wheels in? I thought she would have been wearing a bug of some sort, but I guess FBI trusts her to go undercover and ... whatever, she'll be fine. It did make me think maybe she needs a microchip implant, however, so she can be found. Then the black gown she wore to the auction? I guess her white suit wasn't classy enough. I SWEAR I saw Tom in the back of the auction crowd, wearing a fake long beard. Red bidding on himself was a highlight, however. How did Lizzie know that VanGogh painting was in the auction? Red became surprisingly inarticulate at the end of the show, when Lizzie wanted him to thank her. Sometimes you just need to STFU, Lizzie. And for Red to just SIT THERE and say NOTHING? Really out of character, writers of Red. So Tom gets real tats for his new job, and on his neck, too. Geesh. Way to ruin your next job interview. And while he's a "trained assassin," I still can't figure how he can wipe out a bar full of heavyweights all by himself. I wondered how the actor playing Tom felt about giving himself a butch. That had to be a one-take scene. And yeah, way to try to find Tom. He calls you and you just click "disconnect" when the call is over and go on with whatever. The heck? Real FBI of you, Lizzie.
  23. The Office reruns are on here late at night. I never watched that show, but I've have seen a couple lately because they are when Spader was on. And YES, he has EXACTLY the same mannerisms, expressions and voice inflections as on Blacklist. (He does have more hair, though.) All I can assume is this is the "real" Spader. All I remember of him from Boston Legal is smoking cigars with Shatner at the end. I've seen the Seinfeld ep several times where he is the recovering alcoholic who won't apologize to George. He did not have any "Red" afflictions back then, but he was maybe 20-something so probably not set in his "most comfortable" acting style. A compilation disk of Red's soliloquys would be a hoot. Long, but a hoot.
  24. That big clump of Kelsey hair that she kept sweeping back as it kept falling into her face was as irritating as she is. Doesn't anyone know how to use hairspray/hairpins/barrettes ... or SCISSORS ... any more? I'd think someone so highly educated and articulate would know how to handle a simple hairdo. I mean, Kelsey's entire 'do was just chop the hair off in the straight line just below her ears. That hair clump and her snotting on Chris H's pocket square ... you're just too, too much, Kelsey.
  25. Well, then I guess you won't be tuning in Monday night ... LOL!
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