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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I've been seeing commercials where Bruno gets up and leaves after he said that, and all the judges are upset at him, plus Patti says, "No he did-dn't." Is that editing or did that really happen?
  2. I'm for all Ressler, all the time. And I'm all for Donald working with Red as much as possible, hopefully after Lizzie is killed off. Then the show would be near perfect IMO. Can't have too much Ressler Eye Candy, and Ressler, Red and Dembe are the best things in this show. Lord knows why Lizzie was even cast. That would be the BEST.EPISODE.EVER! if Donald turned out to be Red's son. Please, writers ... GO THERE!
  3. That's right. By the same token, no one is obligated to open the door for a person on crutches, give up a bus seat for a woman nine months pregnant, say "Pardon me" if they fart/belch in public, get in a long line at the back instead of the front, say "You're welcome" when someone tells them "Thank you," or say "Thank you" ever at all. It's just that some of us were taught courtesy and how to be polite by our moms. Andi ... not so much. So, lack of manners bothers some of us. Others ... not so much. Thanks for my morning laugh, Bugs. Good one.
  4. Maybe because that look on her face is her thinking, "God, TC is such a DICK." ? Because that's pretty much what I was thinking.
  5. I agree about the bad writing. I think owning a dog is suppose to show a person is all soft and sweet and loving and kind, which is what (I'm guessing) the writers want us to feel about Lizzie. Yet she never feeds, walks or lets the dog out. There could be nice scenes with her and the dog, but no. So, the only way I view Lizzie is how the writers have written her: as a liar, egotist, big fat liar, perjurer, murderer, abuser of power, gigantic liar and just all around nasty self-centered snot. I am not bothered by the actress, but maybe if she WERE a good actor, as is Spader, then maybe I wouldn't dislike her so intensely? I'll never know. She is just SO dislikeable, even compared to Tom and Red, who at least own their despicability. So how does Lizzie know for sure that "thing" she pulled out of the rabbit is The Fulcrum? Red never said what Fulcrum was or looked like. I still say that thing is the fuse for the windshield wipers on Red's plane. And just where was it Tom was letting Lizzie out of his car? I would think it was at her cockroach-ridden dive motel, but it was all residential. She just gets out on some random neighborhood street and walks ... where?
  6. A big YES vote from me on this idea.
  7. I saw Catherine's Instagram April Fool's joke on some site back when it happened. What's up with people not understanding that April 1 is APRIL FOOLS DAY? As if we didn't know, all kind of dumb pranks are pulled on that day, that's the day for anything goes, joke-wise. Anyone who gets mad when they get pranked needs to lighten up and take a laugh break. And maybe create a joke or two of their own.
  8. "The dog" is not only an object of obsession with (some) viewers of this show, now it's starting over at Night Shift. I guess I didn't understand any of this episode, including who those people were Red was meeting. All I know is I shouted a bad word at my teevee when Red got shot. Also I was extremely disappointed that the coolest scene ever, the one they kept promo'ing, Red and Dembe with guns pulled on Lizzie/Tom, only lasted one half of one second. *yawn* So Red is able to get real fake government passports and no one else can?
  9. I know, right? So much of that is in the interpretation of "dramatic." But it's starting out that way, with *gasp* TWO bachelorettes!
  10. Oh, wow, I can hear Harrison's promos now about TheMostDramaticSeasonEVAH!
  11. This talk cracks me up since it's DWTStars and it's the amateur who is suppose to be winning the MBT. However, I would be all for a season where the pros dance together and get voted on, like Val w/Karina, Tony w/Cheryl and so forth. Now THAT would be good tv worth watching. It'd be DWTP.
  12. Yeah, a show can kill X number of people per week and no one bats an eye, but neglect a dog and there's heck to pay.
  13. I guess if the show gets the same viewer numbers and U.S. cities keep paying ABC to film in their city, then why go overseas where ABC has to fork over the cash for airlines, etc. I guess everywhere is "the most romantic place to find love" if you are on this show, whether you are in Texas or Timbuktu. Whether Kaitlyn picks Nick or someone else or no one at all, she'll get plenty of hate AND plenty of support. So, what does she care? She got to be the b-ette and be on teevee. The show hasn't even started to air and she and Nick are getting plenty of both already. LOL!
  14. For the record, I have no problem with Nick barging in and coming on this show. SOMEONE had to let him in, either TPTB or Kaitlyn, so it's all good in my book. I also had no problem with Nick revealing Andi had sex with him on their FS date. In fact, I was happy someone finally spoke the truth instead of pussy-footing around. In this day of Naked Dating, who the heck cares who sleeps with whom anyway? And I'd think even the live shows have a delay, "just in case." So, obviously TPTB wanted that news out there to cause even more chatter about the show. See? The plan worked! Is this B-ette season staying all in the U.S. too? Sounds like it from the RS reveals anyway. Anyone know how close they are to HTDs? Or too early yet?
  15. TC and Jordan can't keep track of nor take care of a dog, and Jordan is excited she's pregnant? PLEASE! If they can't be responsible for one living being in their lives, how on earth will they deal with a demanding human baby?
  16. So the scene that was aired where Nick came to the studio and asked to see Andi (there was some note involved, with Harrison the messenger) and being told "no way" never happened and was all set up and staged by TPTB? Really ... ? I guess I don't buy that. And Ben ... I don't even remember a Ben on Ashley's season. I do remember JP, however. Which demonstrates how quickly these people leave my mind when their seasons are over. ETA: OH, you mean Ben Flapjack. Never remembered him being F2. So ... never mind!
  17. Yes, because this show is SUPPOSE to be about taking "stars" who have never danced a ballroom step and turning them into dancers. The show told us Riker is a Hough relative, which is enough shadow to cast on his abilities; I am surprised that was revealed. But the show wants to keep a squeaky clean image of being all about "the journey" of learning ballroom, from Nobody NonDancer to MirrorBall Winner Most Excellent. It wants us to think even WE can do it if we get up off our couches. I'm pretty sure the general viewing public cares little about whether so-and-so has a dance background, they want to be entertained on Monday nights and that's all. But the rest of us, those who post here and other places ... didn't TPTB know that we all are online and can Google stuff? There are very few secrets out there any more.
  18. Maybe, unlike Andi, Kaitlyn will meet with him IN PRIVATE so, as a couple, they can have closure and Nick can move on. However, if Kaitlyn, like Andi, refuses over and over AND OVER to speak to Nick on the phone much less see him in person, then I'm all for him taking advantage of the only place Andi ... I mean Kaitlyn ... is trapped and can't escape from him ... on camera at ATFR to ask the questions he has to ask. Andi's tryst-with-Nick-in-the-FS reveal is totally on Andi for shutting the door on Nick, locking it and throwing away the key. I'm ambivalent toward Nick. He flip-flopped on Andi's season from charming/funny to not-having-anything-to-say shy. So if he is added to Kaitlyn's stable of men, I say "Why not?" Bring it. The more (eye candy), the merrier. That's definitely a thought. I wonder if this bunch of bachelors is lacking a standout for next bach, especially if Josh and Nick are being chatted about online. I'll have to wait and see what's available. Two more months!
  19. But Bruno is a disgusting man. Ever see him on a talk show, like The Tonight Show or others? He's vulgar, sexist and thinks he's the hotsy totsy, stripping to his underwear whenever he has a chance, and leering at the show host. Which makes me wonder if they replace his judging chair each week. If I were another judge, I'd worry that they switched my chair with his. I'm thinking that I'm rooting for Robert, too. No dance background, a businessman, just a nice guy who has his own show so it's not like he's pimping something coming up, or is trying to extend his 15 minutes. Rumer's outfit last night could have used a couple of black bars to make it family friendly. I was flipping the channel when she turned around and OMG, I swear there was nothing covering her rear end. (Making that sentence family friendly.) Of course, I tried to flip back to check it out but camera was already on her face. Heh.
  20. Man, another show where the dog disappears (Blacklist). Yeah, there's a dog at Jordan's, waiting to go outside to potty and maybe be fed a meal sometime this month. Or year. THIS! I would tell everyone immediately because if someone was phone stalking me and trashing my vehicle, I'm right there with the cops, 911 plus anyone anywhere who would listen to me. And TC most of all since they're suppose to be a couple. One isn't suppose to "suck it up and be tough" when someone is threatening your life. So yeah, the writers made Jordan a dumbass on that one.
  21. Of your two options, Candy, I vote for the first.
  22. Many couples have communication problems. Not that I would know *cough*. So for Jordan to sort of "skip over" telling TC things, especially things that could cause an argument, are very real life IMO. So often it's a friend who tells us what the SO is saying or doing, and not the SO him/herself.
  23. Totally LOL at that photo. I've been reminded of that movie SO many times watching DTWTS. And yes, Jon's outfit beat that "whatever" Mark was wearing last night by miles and then some. Thank you spanana for the info on "the fam" and thanks also to Shibori. Cuban being on early tv in New York is a good reason for him not to be in last night's audience. I hope he had something nice to say about Shark Robert (and his gorgeous blue eyes).
  24. While I'm not disputing what you say, I'm just curious why all the pro Val support. Has something happened or been said the viewers don't know about? TPTB did give Val a competitive partner this season. Even Rumer says no one on the show is as good as she is.
  25. This makes sense, but what doesn't is TC being all, "Family everything! SIL is FAMILY and you're not, Jordan." I think the woman you are living (or almost living with) with would also be "family." So, points off for you, TC, for not seeing past the "Family" label for people you should be caring about. Friends can also be counted as family. Although, you know, you can CHOOSE your friends, you cannot choose family. So maybe friends should be given a bit more recognition here, TC. I know. I was waiting for topless TC to admit he had sex with SIL, they had such a great time at the bar talking about old times, and her coming on to him pretty much.
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