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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. What was with that? Two very real and very important people thanking a bunch of actors on a low-rated tv show? It was just so ... so, I don't know ... incongruous. It's one thing to go on a real talk show or newscast, but Night Shift? It made me question their credibility. This. We already saw the wife pass out against a wall. But the husband was attacking and abusing the wife in a hospital corridor? The EMT was way out-of-line. But on this show, one of the leads attacks someone every week, like it's okay. Where did TC come up with the money to give the ALS guy? Did he sell his motorcycle AGAIN? And LOL that money was in a legal-sized BROWN envelope. That's the only kind of envelope money ever goes in, no one uses white ones. I couldn't figure out why the ALS guy was so bent about not being able to put his son through college so now he's failed the son and life was pretty much over. The heck? What's wrong with him trying to connect on a human father/son level, not a "I have money so can do something for you" level? Maybe the son would like to be with his father in his last days. If not ... well, then, paying for college won't make him like you better. Plus there are hardship grants and scholarships available for kids in need. And what about his wife/ex-wife? She wasn't mentioned. I just thought the whole ALS guy thing was pretty much out-of-whack, story-wise. And why was fever-kid mom so panicked to get her kid to the hospital via EMT? She was portrayed as a whack-o, but she knew the kid was being abused? So much confusion. Not that it matters.
  2. All I could think of during Noah's "dance" and the way his pro partners were (not) dressed plus Noah's just standing there, basically, was that he was a stripper pole for two exotic dancers. Tom's comments after the dance seemed to echo my thoughts. Chris also was sort of stripper-polish in his trio, although the overhead lift he did in his first dance was impressive for a farm boy. Robert seems to lose steps and musicality, but if one is distracted by his gaping mouth grin, one is inclined to not notice. I did like Nastia's trio, it was my favorite. I wish Derek would go home and Sasha stay, she appears so much happier with him. Otherwise, it's so really hard for me to tell who is dancing contemporary, jazz or a ballroom style. Everything pretty much is all over the place any more.
  3. I was heartbroken to see Greg go. He was a smooth and easy player. While I liked Alex Jacob for his quirkiness, I liked Greg better because there was nothing NOT to like about him. The contrast was big Monday in the asking for clues: Woman: "I'll take Modern Art In Europe for 200 dollars, please Alex." Greg: "Art, 200." I could have supported and watched Greg for the rest of the year and enjoyed his play. The only downside was his answer to FJ. I about puked when he wrote "PETA." That group is a radical anti-animal-ownership group so I hated Greg for the first and only time for him writing that. I got Audobon right away, did not think it was hard at all. But then, animal-related categories are my strong suit. The Georgia O'Keefe painting shown was a bit of a stumper since most of her work resembles female anatomy. Although O'Keefe would have been my only guess just given the style. (Five years of art school here.) The winner ... I just can't with that moustache. I hate, hate, hate it and the rest of his gross facial hair. He reminds me of a Subway sandwich maker around here who had facial piercings. I quit going to that Subway, he turned my stomach. I won't be able to watch as long as Pompously Affected Moustache Man is on, it will be a listen-only for me today. I'm hoping he loses, and I don't care to whom, just LOSE, please, and get off my teevee. Although again Alex turned the moustache interview back to himself. I know ... surprise.
  4. Aren't golf carts electric? I've never put one at its top speed, but I'm guessing they don't do 50mph which, if I remember correctly, is what the air car could do. Plus the air car is enclosed, so unless you get a tractor heat houser for your golf cart, there's that! I would think Europe would be the place for the air car. Small, narrow roads, very expensive petrol plus countries are so close together, it doesn't take long to drive from one to the other. Plus, it's already a haven for tiny vehicles that are not sold in the U.S.
  5. I was thinking Hawaii because there are no interstate highways where everyone is driving 90 mph like madmen. However, I've never been there, so correct me if I'm wrong. I just picture it having two-lane roads that are pretty curvy so the mph is pretty slow. So the tiny air car would work well there, small vehicle for a small place. Plus there's the living there thing ... Heh.
  6. Great idea! Why didn't Bubba or Damon think of that? For St. Patrick's Day I bought corned beef that came with a Guinness packet so one could cook some really Irish corned beef if they so desired. So, it's def workable and makes perfect sense. But then the Bubba part of this show would have only been maybe five minutes, so there's that.
  7. That meat packing worker was just squirting BBQ sauce on the ribs before it went into the plastic wrap. So, pack a bunch w/o doing the sauce squirt. Two skus means two different products AND two lucrative sources of income. It would be a win-win. Advertising wouldn't be hard ... "Buy our ribs the way you like 'em, with or without sauce!" and ... DONE. The dentist guy did say he like doing dental work. It would be hard to leave a secure job one liked, but then again, it's a profession that, if you kept up your boards and continuing education, one could go back to when the sweaters get old, or the company sells for billions. Then he could do root canals to keep from getting bored while being filthy rich.
  8. That's a good point. One guy was the dentist, but did his partner have a previous occupation? I also wondered who the women were who were shown. Maybe they were wives; if so, I missed it. Maybe the women were the artists/designers? Someone has to create the pictures on the sweaters, but then again, maybe the non-dentist partner does it?
  9. I know. The Sharks are always ranking on the presenters as being too "this" or "that," yet how dare one of them tell a Shark he/she wouldn't partner with someone so short-sighted and rude that he/she won't even let you speak or ask a question. I hate when some Shark gets his/her undies in a bundle and demands an answer or the offer will disappear. That's when my remote comes into play. Everyone here is against the air car, but I had never heard of it and I was very fascinated by it. I hope it works out. Plus, I have an air compressor in my barn ...
  10. More interesting to us, yes, but showing failures would make the Sharks look pretty dopey, that they invested in things that tanked and they lost bundles. ST wants us to believe every investment is a great one and the Sharks are wiser than any of us. (Which they are, but still ...) I know so many products quadruple sales just from being on ST. But it's interesting to me to see stuff behind the scenes as I wonder how any Shark has enough time to be personal with all the investments he/she has made on ST along with "regular" business investments. It was interesting that Robert said he had to hire a team to handle his ST investments.
  11. Yes to this. I'm guessing a team in swim trunks calls it just "polo" without giving a thought to needing a horse to play. Has this show always been so erratic? People can give last names only, then be asked for first names too on a whim. It's been happening a lot lately. Or maybe I never paid attention very closely before. But what is allowed and what is not is all over the board recently. I think some contestants would be stumped if asked for a full name when they give only the last.
  12. Actually, why couldn't two kinds of ribs be packed and sold, one with and one without sauce? Did no one think of this? Deciding to add sauce took up about one half of this entire show. Just pack and sell two products. Duh! At least the snowflake kid told how he turned his rejection around to make it a positive, so that was a ... positive message. Heh. I saw a reality show a while back where people had to man a booth in some street fair and sell Tipsy Elf sweaters to passers by. The person who got the most $ in sales won the contest.
  13. I remember his season ... poor Ashley. But the judges' biggest complaint with Master P was that he refused, absolutely REFUSED, to wear dance shoes and instead wore his wingtips or whatever street shoes he liked. That irked the judges no end and they continually ranked on him for it. I'm not sure, however, if he worked more or less than a gastropod. I wish judges would bring out the lower scores for earlier in the year so contestants could "improve" each week instead of starting out with 8s and 9s with nowhere much to go but depressingly down from there, for many of them. By this time in the season, most if not all of the contestants are tired and bruised so some ego boosting would be nice.
  14. Heck, just the THOUGHT of going to a dentist for a regular checkup or to fill a cavity gives people the tremors and makes them want to hide or run away. I know people who will suffer with a cavity and constant tooth ache before they will go to a dentist. I think that was the biggest power behind that Marathon Man scene ... a dentist with a drill ... worse than a terrorist with a rifle. Well, MENTALLY, anyway. The mind/imagination is a most powerful tool, as proven by Psycho's shower scene.
  15. Did not know that! Cool information ... thanks!
  16. Oh, man, I cannot watch that Marathon Man clip. Believe it or not, I saw that movie when it first came out, in the theater. That was almost 40 years ago. I haven't watched it since, but I remember that dental scene like it was yesterday. Well, not that we know of anyway. Because, like Red, Lizzie has called Tom a lying liar who lies. Lizzie really waffles between needing/trusting/hating/not trusting/not needing both Red and Tom. Geesh. If you ask me, Donald is the only safe guy in the room. Which means I don't want him hanging out with Lizzie, ever.
  17. Yes, lots of clues left, and no one here has been complaining about any contestant stalling. What's up with that? I said "Denver International Airport" right away, then started wondering if it had been assigned some person's name since I flew in there last, which has been a while ago. So I was pleasantly surprised I was still correct. It seemed an easy question, although it depended if one knew the old airport was Stapleton. I clearly remember the sight of giant aircraft using a highway overpass to get to the runways. Yikes! Greg is indeed the unicorn. I got upset when he was so far behind, but happy when he caught up and won the game. Bold plays, Chef Greg! When I saw FJ was Vice Presidents, I instantly bet ZERO dollars. I usually do something else when contestant interviews happen, but I noticed yesterday Trebek was back with my biggest pet peeve about him: making those interviews all about him. Contestant: "I hiked the Appalachian Trail ..." Trebek: "I did that when I was 20!" Contestant: "I drove the first electric car ..." Trebek: "I bought the first electric car!" Contestant: "When I was a student in Romania ..." Trebek: "I loved Romania when I lived there in the 80s!" GAH! I have so much Trebek hate.
  18. Is next week Celebrity week? And yes, Greg is very low-key, not getting any complaints here or anywhere I can see. I count that as remarkable in itself! I believe Alex Jacob won $149,802 in six days; don't quote me on that though. Not sure what Greg's total is so far.
  19. Plus Lizzie keeps describing Red as a big fat lying liar who lies, so how can she believe anything he does or does not tell her? Tedious, yes. I wish he'd just tell her something, anything, since she either will or won't believe it anyway. So what's the point? Raise your hand, anyone who cares if Lizzie even had parents ...
  20. That, plus: "Your computer has been hacked. All you need to do is open this window and remove this .exec file while I watch on my computer here, which sees your computer there. And yes, we also accept Discover." So that ending scene was suppose to be romantic? Sobby sad-face Lizzie standing in the rain? And she won't come in so Tom has to go out in the rain to hug her? The heck? Just grab her arm and pull her in, you stoop, and get out of the freaking rain. I'm so over Lizzie and her family angst. I want her gone in so many different ways. Great post, Otto. You've taken all my questions right out of my typing fingers!
  21. For FJ I first thought Honolulu, then immediately decided on Havana. Then spent time wondering if it was part of the Americas. So I would have won FJ but been nervous about it. I shouted "China Beach" as soon as Dana Delany's photo appeared. I loved that show, watched every episode. Yeah, I'm old. Heh. I like the runaway games as there is less stress wondering if a favorite contestant is going home or not. Sort of like reading the last page of a book. Takes the tension out. I think Chef Greg is up for Tournament of Champs now. Am I the only one who shouted WTF! at my tv when Trebek said THE WOMAN contestant knew the answer "Uterus" when the man couldn't come up with it? Okay, I don't mind Woman Author and other "Woman" categories, but I really object to the sexism implied here, that only a woman knows woman body parts. REALLY stunningly offensive.
  22. I've never seen Elementary (I cannot get that channel), but I watch Sherlock so got all the answers that way. Well, that plus I've read all the books/stories. Make that a Quintuple Stumper. And, like Mojoween said: FJ didn't even make sense to me so I was totally lost. I spent more time trying to figure out how that sentence was put together than trying to come up with an answer. This made me think of the infamous "Love Shack" baby! I like Greg so hope he continues winning. He provides nothing to rank on, interestingly. What's up with that?
  23. I thought I saw her, but with a different hair style, hair up. I would be helped if audience wore name tags, though, so don't trust what I say.
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