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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. All I could think of was where he works and what his life is going to be like when he goes back to his co-workers, friends and family. That stuff is "pretty funny" when you're in high school, not so much when you are supposed to be grown up. Does anyone remember where he was from and what his designated profession is? Kimmel showed that clip on his show last night and commented Ryan would be meeting Chris Hanson later on his Predator show. I first noticed Kaitlyn's duck lips on TB, the episode when Chris sent her home. Now they are all I can see, it's like she's botoxed them. I swear, botox, not her "pursing" them. Good grief, they are more aggravating for me to see than Andi's Grumpy Cat mouth. I was rooting for the Kentucky guy since his promo showed him with thoroughbred race horses. He's already in my final three if I were b-ette. The farm boy has absolutely NO chance of being next Bach. Chris Soules ruined that occupation for a long, long time. I did laugh at the cupcake mobile. Where on earth would one even find something like that? Sorry, I don't know names of any of these guys and won't for about six or seven more episodes. Hate the woman competition making both Britt and Kaitlyn look like desperate losers, but it's certainly in keeping with the Fleiss MO.
  2. Thanks for the recap, thug. I was watching The Bachelorette (I know, heh) while I worked and forgot entirely about Night Shift so didn't even get to watch it during commercial breaks on TB. So what happened to Jordan that she passed out and ... went into a comma? And please, if it were that easy to lose a baby, abortion clinics would go out of business. Yeah, it would have been a hoot to see flashback hairstyles, like when Jerry and George did the back-in-high-school scenes. But they haven't been back from the war long enough to really change styles, though, have they? Unless they all met before tour of duty. I understand Chavez's pilot was canceled so yeah, I'm hoping for a return next season. But is NS coming back next season?
  3. I don't know. After two years of Red shooting people point blank at what sometimes seemed a whim, I just didn't see a 4-year-old shooting someone a "horrible truth." Maybe color me jaded by tv violence. Plus, I don't remember anything from when I was that age. Sure, I didn't shoot someone, but I'm not all that sure Liz did either. "Horrible" would be the child shooting the guy, then shooting him again in the head to make sure he was really dead, then pouring gasoline on the body and setting fire to it and the house. (It's just a thought, seriously! Not that I would ever do that myself! There's just a distinction between "truth" and "horrible truth" IMO.)
  4. The ST ep with Bantam Bagels was rerun here last night so I got to see the product. It looked delicious. Expensive, though, and with that new "Bagel Stuffin'" name? Big ouch. The guy can always go back to his six-figure-Wall-Street job though, I guess.
  5. Thank the gods. Then I can still hold out hope he is Donald's father.
  6. Spader pretty much plays Spader in every role. Same voice inflections, same head tilts, same everything, whether he's Reddington, the Boston Legal guy, Ultron (w/o the head tilts) or just being interviewed on a talk show. See too much of him in other venues and the mannerisms that make up Red can become irritating.
  7. Oh, I don't know. I think all celebrities are used to being ragged on by online anonymous posters. Most if not all get nasty Tweets from haters. I don't read at other sites so don't know if every person on CJ is getting roasted. But everyone has fans, everyone has haters if they are in the public eye. Lots of actors won't even read their movie/play reviews. Everyone has a different level of tolerance for mental abuse. So there's that. I have no problem with Penn, regardless of what he named his child or anything else about him. Heck, I didn't even know he was married or even had a kid. The designer I'd never heard of and thought she held her own quite well. And Quinto, he was all kinds of awesomeness. All have problems with buzzing in, however, just like the normal regular people we make fun of here.
  8. I was thinking more where Oliver Queen and Felicity were driving that coastline. That could be an interesting meet up. ETA: OH, my ...
  9. Color me impressed, Julia, that you reference "The Prisoner"! Emmy reel? Bwah ha ha!
  10. Someone needs to send him a video of his stint on Celebrity Jeopardy and remind him of it when he gets too jackassery. Mr. Wonderful is no Einstein. Enough said there. The Cat Café would appeal to cat lovers, so the litter box and hair thing wouldn't be a big deal, plus the place would have to be cleaned every day, or it SHOULD be, in order to keep the place spotless. I'd have to be a BIG cat lover to go there since cats are notorious for jumping up on tables. Mine was never allowed to do that, but we would hear him on the kitchen table and counters when we were in the living room. He was smart enough to jump down and look innocent as soon as he heard us coming to yell at him. A cat café was promo'd on the national news a while back so I know they exist, or at least one does. It does seem like it was in NYC, although I cannot remember details. While not a cat lover, I do think it's a great idea. Although maybe not an investment-worthy one.
  11. Yeah, it was good to see Harold step up and show us why he was the head of that special FBI group. Although I couldn't figure why Lizzie started crying when she was in the car with him and thinking about him dying/not dying. It took me back to several episodes ago, where, based on their dialogue, it suggested they had/were having an affair. Yeah, my mind can go there.
  12. I only came in at the end of this show so just saw the name change for Bantam's Bagels. I didn't know what the product was, but "Bantam" makes me think of paperback books, although that's not a big deal. The "Stuffins" part, however, all I could think of was buying a bag of them at Thanksgiving to put in the turkey. So, I strongly disagree with that name change. You guys had better ideas. The Bantam people should read here before they change everything. Yeah, that was interesting that "Ryan's" was trademarked. Well, although it just dawned on me, that's an all-you-can-eat buffet chain. So ... nevermind.
  13. Everyday people can buy cop uniforms or any other uniform they want, plus buy bullet-proof vests. It's not difficult. I'm guessing Major never thought he'd need one though. Kevlar vests aren't that bulky, cops wear them every day under their uniforms. So Big Guy really could have been wearing one. Bullets can still knock a person down and breathless, takes a while to get back up. Big Guy knew Major was on to his brain scheme so he either cut the lights or pulled the breaker or whatever to Major's house. Good thing Ravi wasn't home, hey?
  14. I didn't listen closely to the clue so only saw the picture. That Yorkshire Pudding looked exactly like a Panera bread bowl. Well, then shame on the people who are not familiar with the Penn and Teller act. For once, I defend Trebek. (This is a historic day in my life.) You know he was, after saying "I'll take 'Bullsh*t' for $200." I think he keeps up with things.
  15. Are we sure Lowell is really dead? Maybe he's only partly dead.
  16. Assuming the same writers create the scripts for the other actors and no one is complaining about them, then I'd say the burden is on the actress and her "acting" abilities, 100-percent. Because Lizzie (and we viewers) did not know who Masha was until Connolly told her and us. I assume Connolly is now off the Blacklist, and I doubt Red would ever put Masha on it. So Tom's SS tat was gone. I'm disappointed he did not over-tat it with that KISS logo. The gigantic tat that covered his back was also gone. Only Tom and Michael Scofield are strong enough to endure that much laser removal in a week. Tom's boat was named Jené II. Could that be the name of their (now long-dead) dog? I don't get what the big deal was about Lizzie shooting/killing her "real" father. Plus, why would a little kid do that anyway since the father was shown just shaking mom. I know, I know, spousal abuse and all that, but really? And Red was there so he could save Lizzie and brainwash her? Why didn't Red step in and tell Dad to just stop it? And where'd the fire come from? To burn the dead dad? Why not just use whatever cleaner the spies used back then? That entire segment made no sense to me, but then I should expect more from this show and its writers? It was such a gigantic let-down after two years of Lizzie working SO HARD! to remember things. LOL at the Russian guy getting killed and all Lizzie could say was, "He's the only one who knew who my mother was!" Really, Lizzie? You really believe that? Like a zillion other underworld beings don't know? You should have just asked Connolly because he and the rest of The Cabal knew your real name. I completely did not buy Lizzie would shoot Connolly. Unless she really IS a spy and plant. A big YES to this. I did a LOL when Tom/Lizzie jumped into that shiny new Mustang and took off, with a low camera angle so the Mustang horse logo got a full-screen view. I was hoping for some spin outs and wheelies and smoking tires like in the commercial, but so such luck. IMO, Ressler doesn't have to go after Liz to be hot. And there's nothing "strange" about that, in the least! *shallow* He could have done the same thing in a fraction of the time using the telephone, Internet and Skype. I do love me some investigative reporters, however. ETA: Happy birthday one day late, Forumfish! Hope it was a good one!
  17. For FJ, from the "columns" word, I right away thought Erma Bombeck, but she's been gone for a while. I then thought Oprah but did not know she had written a book. I'm guessing she put it as one of her Book Club selections? Ha ha! Not sure what I would have written if I had been on the show, so maybe I'm back to being a loser after my brilliance knowing the motorcycle guys.
  18. I caught that, too, and thought Gad knew he had it correct so immediately went on with the game, screw waiting for the judges and Trebek to say, "Yes, that is correct!" Can't say I disagree with that thinking. I'm guessing he got spanked during a cut in filming, which maybe is why he went on to tank. At the beginning of the game, my thought was thank goodness Bellamy was answering in a strong NON-questioning voice, which I liked. In the second half, or toward the end, she got all Valley Girl and seemed intimidated, which others have remarked on here. But based on her opening play, I thought Trebek was just searching for something (negative) to say about her for FJ. All her waving around I didn't notice because I pretty much didn't look at my tv until an answer was revealed, so I didn't see any histrionics, or ignored them if I did. Later last evening I tried to remember who was on this episode and what FJ was. I could recall nothing. Not sure if that's a comment on the show or my brain retention.
  19. If you mean Trebek's attitude, then you should skip watching Jeopardy! altogether. He's even more condescending to "regular" people who are smart.
  20. I also heard "that wouldn't be ..." but I'm in total agreement with your second sentence, Suede. Wendi's current show is "Repeat After Me" produced by Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen often did that bit on her show, send some star into a shop or have some person come into the green room to bring lunch or whatever, when have the star say and do stupid things while a hidden camera records it. I hated that segment, so I'll never watch Wendi's show. Making people look stupid isn't in my wheelhouse of what's entertaining. A shout out to AntiBeeSpray. I keep seeing your name as AuntBeeSpray, a reflection of me watching too many Andy Griffith reruns. I also get a laugh from JuneMeatCleaver. Yeah, that's another of my favorite rerun shows.
  21. She was only in one, maybe two, eps of Modern Family that I remember, playing a lesbian home decorator. I first met her via Reno 911, she had a long run there. Oh, man, how pitifully BAD was that? The clue might as well have started with "This five-letter, starts-with-L capital of Portugal ..." I wish Wendi would have had some prior buzzer practice. She got buzzed out pretty much the entire game. Mo doesn't bother me because I can't get any CBS stations so never see him. I think that's a good thing, based on comments here!
  22. Yeah, that, plus he was dealing with a person who listened to him instead of coming back with "I hate you," "You're a liar," "I can't believe anything you say" and "I'm through with you, get out of my life." Then: "Wait! I NEED you!" The Red/Cooper interaction was very refreshing and, dare I say, adult in nature?
  23. Lowell ... pretty. Me ... shallow. So yeah. Heh. Besides, I liked Liv having a Hottie McHotstuff in her life after the cold boringness that is Major.
  24. Dare I say they make you twitchy? The fabulous Wendi up against two Harvard newsmen. To quote Trebek: "HELL-low."
  25. Thanks everyone! I am feeling brilliantly clever that I immediately said "Harley and Davidson". I'm sure that won't last long, however, so I'm enjoying it for the moment.
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