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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. VartanFan beat me to it. I'll take the doc's stethoscope over that gold lamé (accent mark!) pantsuit from last year, the one that was skin tight and worn w/o underwear support. The poor camera guys tried their best to keep it above the waist but with limited success. It was not a good look for being in public, much less for being on network tv. I did like ER Noah a few years back, when he put that guy's dislocated shoulder back in place after the dude fell on the course. He sort of went Hollywood after that. I do like Caldero. He's the guy I would have dated in college. Except I've been out of college a long time. But I still remember those days. So I'm rooting for him. I found this week to be pretty boring after Venice, which I thought was pretty exciting. I convinced a friend to watch last night and was sorry I did. I'm sure she was thinking, "So what's the big deal?" For a minute I thought we were having a flashback when Lance Pikus's wife was holding a tiny baby. I thought what, that kid never grew this past year? So good we got an explanation of that.
  2. Okay, so the one day I don't get to watch this show there is a DOG category? Are the questions archived somewhere? Glad I missed Trebek's latest sexist remark. I was starting to appreciate him after watching Richard Quest. Now I take back all that good thinking. He's still a pompous jackass. Back to Friday: As soon as I saw the category, I said "Catalina." For sure it had to be one of the answers. Yeay for me. Heh. I guess Alex wasn't asking for first names in this category either, hence "Santa" wasn't required.
  3. I never saw romantic feelings from Chris toward anyone, ever, on this show. Maybe he's just a more reserved Midwestern farm boy in that respect. But he just didn't show any "heat" toward anyone IMO, even dancer Witney OR Becca. He was just boring and sort of a cold fish from what I could see. Not that he isn't above catting around now that he's free again. I wonder what his mom says about "another broken heart" for Chris, especially if this breakup was his idea, not Whitney's. Chris's parents seemed really nice and genuine, and Whitney was a nice fit with them if not with their son. Who now has gone all Hollywood on them. Oh my!
  4. I did not see the "cuddler" when the original show aired or during the encore rerun because I found her so obnoxious, she forced me (maybe through hypnosis!) to turn the channel both times. Sorry to read here that I'm going to have to do that again during her next appearance. Wow! So that red-headed gal in the audience maybe really did get hypnotized. Go figure! This way the kid doesn't have to come up with several more routines to get to the live show, so it was a blessing for us all, especially for him. He can maybe just repeat his original jokes since he'll then be in the live voting shows, right?
  5. If Trebek didn't know the FJ answer was MIT, no way could he have made that out of Dan's scrawl. I sure couldn't, even after Trebek said what it was. Still, glad Dan lives to play another day. I wonder if filming coincides with weekends or if he had to go on to film another episode immediately. I thought the same thing! Although since I wasn't watching closely, I missed the wink and, therefore, the innuendo.
  6. I totally agree with this. I know people with advanced degrees and doctorates who don't have a clue about so many things. However, I think this show just wanted to impress viewers with it being "the toughest game show in existence" by only having people on with "the best" academic qualifications and high-end professions. Because how would it look if the guy (or woman!) who lives in his/her van on the beach and sells driftwood for income ended up winning a cool million? (Not that anyone would ever win that much on this convoluted show.)
  7. I did hear it on the radio this morning. I hope it's not a joke. It's about time someone found SOMEBODY to love on this fiasco of a show.
  8. Kimmel got raked by many for appearing on this show, saying it jumped the shark for making fun of itself. Schumer would catch the same heat. IMO, however, I'm all for livening this stale show up. It's already fakety fake so why not make it fun fakety fake.
  9. Sounds like the Arlington, Iowa, population is increasing by one! (Safe travels, Wings.) Oh, I'd be all about that! Of course, then we'd have to see the show live. Ugh to that.
  10. No kidding. For instance, last night the question for first lines in books, "...the clock strikes thirteen" was on both Millionaire AND Jeopardy! in the past week. Do these writers all work together or what? I keep seeing dupe questions across all three game shows. (Square wombat poop comes to mind!) I agree with those who question why one correct answer would wipe out two wrongs. I say one correct wipes one wrong. And if a person gets a wrong, give the challenger a chance to answer and if he/she gets it correct, that person gets $1,000. Otherwise, what is the role of the challenger? And why call them challengers if they never get to challenge? I'd give the person three chances to answer, then wrong. On a list of five out of 10, get all five in a row or else it's wrong. I really have a problem with all the free passes. Eliminate the word tickle from the show altogether. Eliminate the statement "Do you understand?" from the show altogether. Get rid of Quest, lighten the studio, get rid of the crazy lighting and make it into a REAL game show of smarts instead of some ... well, whatever this show is. I agree Seacrest would make a good host. Low key, easy to listen to. When I can say, "After the break" in conjunction with Quest, it's way too obvious and very irritating. Which describes Quest: obvious and very irritating.
  11. I have to object to Quest stating at the beginning of the show that this is the hardest quiz show EVER because 1. No saves, 2. No helps, 3. No multiple choice. Please. A person can get two strikes (excuse me, "wrongs") and then erase them BOTH with ONE correct answer. WTH? If that's not a "save," what is? Then a person has HOW LONG? to say as many answers as he/she can think of and after 20 wrong answers if the 21st is correct, then he/she is "correct." WTH? If that's not multiple choice, what is? This show obviously thinks very well of itself. Unfortunately, many of its viewers here do not agree.
  12. Sarcasm doesn't always come across well in writing. *sarcasm* More sarcasm. That's why this old saw exists: "Actions speak louder than words."
  13. When Drew Carey got GONE last night, I said out loud to my tv, "Thank god." Man, that guy was annoying.
  14. From the US Weekly post: "Soules told Us Weekly at the May 4 broadcast of DWTS. "We're making the best of a really cool situation that we're both a part of that's not going to last much longer..." I guess he knew then the engagement was "not going to last much longer." We just all thought he meant DWTS! When did Chris get this "dream" of "becoming a tv host"? If he had told those b-ettes in private that he was really planning on moving to LA after TB and wasn't going back to Arlington, really, maybe the show would have ended differently. But then again, Soules is no prize IMO, in Iowa or in California. At least now, if any woman IS interested in him, they can see his resume via DVD. I'd pass.
  15. I liked the basketball challenge the best. Sure, Cheryl and Jeff weren't Globetrotter perfect but even attempting to keep up with those guys when one can barely dribble a basketball more than two bounces was a major achievement. Plus, their act made me LOL, and I was smiling all the way through it. The Globetrotter guys also did a great job of covering both when they were close to losing it. The magic act was smooth as silk, but both tricks were no-brainers that anyone could do and it wouldn't take a week. Although how cool to hang with Penn and Teller. Worth it! The flying act made me slightly uncomfortable to watch, they lost it a couple of times and there were no Globetrotters there to cover for them. Strike a pose, have the wire worker pull you around and *snap* you're done. Sure, there's vertigo involved. But so much depended on the guy taking off his shirt and looking hot. Hardly a challenge for a buff dude. I hope the dance group teaches Cheryl to be a B girl. Looking forward to it.
  16. One of whom must be Carson Cuomo.
  17. The second of which is currently being shown opposite this show.
  18. Same here. I knew that sixth-grade chemistry answer, too. Go figure. Fifth Grader was just a lot more fun. It's the opposite of this show.
  19. Sorry to see Choyon go, I tend to like the oddballs. I think the shows being filmed one after the other can really wear a person out. I was stunned FJ was a DS (double stumper) but see here that it was harder than I thought. I immediately knew it was olive tree since the olive branch has been used as a peace offering since ancient days, and many images show a dove with an olive branch in its mouth to illustrate peace.
  20. First rule: Make anyone who says the word "tickle" banished from the stage, never to return. The guy on Fifth Grader last night made it all the way through questions from second-grade level to the final fifth-grade level and banked $500,000. If he had answered the sixth-grade question correctly, he would have won a cool million. Plus that host is Jeff Foxworthy, not some grinning and groping arm-waving obnoxious Brit.
  21. Revealed on last night's show: The only person in America who has never heard of a Quonset hut.
  22. Yeah, great flashback. Why DID Red kill Sam? I'm guessing the writers don't know either, and have forgotten about it. Lizzie seems to.
  23. I thought the judges would have busted the woman yesterday for the pronunciation of her answer, "What is turpenTIME." It could be a Midwestern thing, like saying "fer" instead of "for." I didn't realize that stuff we used to clean our paint brushes was turpenTINE until I was in college (art school!), it was always turpentime.
  24. Half a coconut shell makes a great water/food/anything container, too. More utensils to add to the couple of knives and machetes.
  25. YES! Thank you. I know several people had to leave the theater before vomiting from the crazy camera movement. Yes to this, too. I kept thinking about the soaked socks/shoes and the impending foot fungus. No one took them off to dry, or at least not that I saw. The guys on the beach were barefoot but not on the jungle side. I would have taken my footwear off and stored it in my backpack ... which, I hope, was waterproof ... for the swim in.
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