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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. ACK! Thanks for the clarification. At least I had the Joe part correct about the pantyhose commercial. I was thinking Joe Montana did some commercials, car or gasoline (no Comet!) or something. Handsome guy. There is SOME reason I recognized him outside of football.
  2. And ... for once I'm glad I do not have HDTV! You're talking about a network that blurred the nips on a classic painting, for freak's sake! LOL at the thought of this even being suggested. Even if the suggestion is a good one.
  3. Oh, how I would love it if Alex Trebek listened to that woman. I'm so irritated with his becoming some different race when he pronounces foreign words. It would be a hoot if he would say them "in English." I don't know a thing about football, but I could recognize Joe Montana for pete's sake, given he did all those (pantyhose?) commercials back in the day.
  4. I agree, stick to the script. I always find it interesting, that people like Nick and that guy whose name I've forgotten (and he's shown so often!) who wanted in with Andi, and the woman who came back after Chris kicked her out ... they all say the Bach or Bach-ette will be engaged or married and they will have missed their chance with him/her. How often does that happen? Nick could have just been patient and waited for Kaitlyn's season to be over and all her rounds of publicity done, then she'd break up with her "chosen" one. They could get together then. (Of course, no cameras would be around then, so there's that.) Unless Nick (and all those others) was/were brought on by TPTB. Then that's a different (scripted) story.
  5. ACK! When did Emily get married? I'm so behind. What you describe, Dejana, sort of sounds like Jake Pavelka when he was dating Kristin Chenoweth. Don't know if that's still on or not. Off topic, but does anyone know if Jake is still a pilot or what he is doing now? Andi lives in NYC now, according to that link. Not that she couldn't move back. What you describe is fun to imagine, although extremely difficult to ever think it could happen, given the look TPTB gave us of Andi. Although we can interpret her edit any way we like, I guess.
  6. Geesh, Sam Hunt is a huge star. What's up with that? Although the article suggests it was a "one-nighter." Got a laugh out of Andi's quote that now everything can BE ABOUT HER. Like when was it not? Oh ... maybe when it was about Josh and HIS family? Or just Josh?
  7. That's what would have made him such a most excellent winner to be discussed here! That guy was a hoot and a half. He would have been a breath of fresh air after the proper Darren, whom I really liked. A conundrum!
  8. I wish everyone who watches this franchise could watch UnREAL. All of the behind-the-scenes articles I've been reading for the past few years say outright we viewers are being manipulated by editing, and contestants put on the show to fill certain roles. People are fed lines for their THs which are then spliced in out-of-context. It is fun to watch, however, with that in mind, knowing TPTB want us to think a certain way and prompt contestants to say certain lines that are then edited together (Ian). Yeah, he said those things but if the producer asked, "Ian, do you think you would make a good Bachelor?" and he answers, "Yes, I would have made a great Bachelor" and so on and so on, he can then easily be edited to look the douche. (Which is exactly what happened.) "Ian, was your last girlfriend more or less sexy than Kaitlyn?" And yada yada. However, I still like the fairytale fantasy aspect of this show, even knowing it's fake. Every once in a while even a blind pig finds an acorn.
  9. I'm pulling for you too, Abstract. Please let us know if you get selected. I can't wait to see you on teevee!
  10. Oh, yeah, this. That used to irk me, the b-ette would be in conversation with some guy, only to be stolen by another guy. It's like TPTB encouraged that, and the first guy could never say no to the stealing guy. Has that even happened at all this season? Even the bachelors don't want to be around Kaitlyn. While Emily hated the "this life-threatening experience is just like falling in love" dates, she did do that one building rappel, and with a thunderstorm coming in no less. Kaitlyn, I'd think, would be all about rappelling and bungee jumping and sky diving and parachuting and rock climbing, but so far there's been nothing like that, just guys beating each other up while she laughs about it. The two-step dance competition was a good date, or at least recognizable as a date. But other than that ... nothing. I still wonder if TPTB has changed on this show, this season is so ... unlikeable.
  11. Okay, color me the rebel but I was rooting for Raf. He was so quirky and irritating, I would have had plenty to post about him here. We could have had some hilarious convos! Instead, Toby/Tom won again. He does need his jaw unwired but he's nowhere as crazy-@ss as Raf was. Pollack was an instaget for me, too. Not that all of my instagets are correct!
  12. No way in aych-ee-double hockey sticks would I want Kaitlyn for a friend much less a "best" one. I would meet her once and then she would be an "acquaintance." An acquaintance to be avoided. Never in this universe or the next one would I want to spend time with her crude and loud and crass self. That includes my tv-watching universe. Hoping for Ninja Warrior to return next week.
  13. The next farm down the road has a donkey that I can hear when I am outside. It sounds like someone is being murdered. Kaitlyn's "laugh" is donkey bray to my ears. It's already on my nerves worse than Chris Soules' dolphin giggle. Yes to this. Good point. This show seems like it doesn't even care any more. Have TPTB changed? Because this season is like no other, and I don't mean because of the "shocking" two b-ettes thing. Yeah, the limo exit tears are sorely lacking this time too. Like was mentioned. probably none of these guys are sorry to leave Kaitlyn. Sorry to leave before going overseas and missing their bros and free alcohol, yes. But Kaitlyn? Not so much. As for people enjoying Kaitlyn's "crass" humor: My mom raised me that one NEVER belches during a meal, farts in public, says a swear word or talks suggestively in ANY occasion. So for me to think Kaitlyn is witty and clever and oh, so funny? No. Not in the least. And I do not consider "Me and Ben" to be any better grammar than "Ben and I's". They BOTH are incorrect.
  14. It's MO that producers were asking Ian leading questions, then edited them together to make him look like a douche. Because, after all, he called out the Fantastic Kaitlyn TPTB's B-ette CHOICE! for what she is and how he saw her. Remember how Andi reacted when Eric Hill called her out? Ian was spot on; so was Eric. But how dare either question the motives of the current famewhore. Oh ... I mean Bachelorette. Anyway, TPTB won since Ian came off looking like a douche. Because Ninja Warrior was preempted (Yeay HAWKS!) I watched this episode nearly in its entirety so noticed something pretty obvious. I was a Nick supporter during Andi's season and after Andi's season and when he came onto this show. But now watching a full episode I noticed Nick's eyes are always laughing, like everything is a big joke. His mouth is saying serious stuff but his eyes are saying "I'm a big liar." Every once in a while a guy would say something to him and his eyes would darken or change from the "I'm fooling everyone" mode. It was all very telling. IMO Nick was brought on strictly as drama and he's in on it all the way, this is his big chance for more 15 minutes. You just can't trust anyone's "reasons" for being on this show anymore ...
  15. And best for us viewers, too. Although I can't say I'm crazy about seeing the people who WILL be on.
  16. I wish Darren had bet it all (you know, a True Daily Double) on that clue. He was doing well in the category and it's was a pretty sure thing he would know the answer. I think he was getting tired. The new champion sounds like Toby McGuire as Spiderman. Although a crazy Tom Cruise is also a good comparison. The band category was made for him and not Darren. I thought that category was pretty stupid though. They should have made the missing words create a phrase instead of the people (read: the new champ) just having to say the full names of the bands. WAY too easy. I was mostly listening, not watching, so didn't see his smile. But his voice ... yikes. He was irritating to me without even knowing what he looked like. Was surprised when I finally looked and saw he was pretty young. I already miss Darren, The Dark Lord. It's pretty much a given that contestants don't know much about animals so it didn't surprise me, just made me sad.
  17. Yes, it will be on ABC primetime with Steve Harvey as the host. I'll be Chris is sorry he didn't stick it out longer with Whitney, they could have been on. Maybe!
  18. DWTS pros Karina, Anna, Sasha, Witney and Allison are going to be on Celebrity Family Feud, competing against the Bachelor/Bachelorette team of Kaitlyn, Sean and Catherine and Jason and Molly. The series starts June 21. There are 12 feuds (24 teams) scheduled.
  19. Kaitlyn is going to be on Celebrity Family Feud, teaming with Sean and Catherine and Jason and Molly. They will compete against DWTS pros Karina, Anna, Sasha, Witney and Allison. I know which team I'll be rooting for. The series starts June 21. There are 12 feuds (24 teams) scheduled.
  20. Dogs and little kids could see Sam Beckett. It's not a reach to think a priest could see a dead person. Not that this show REACHES or anything ...
  21. This show is still bugging me. I wish the show gave more details. Like did the police interview the person who received that supposed hay delivery? Everyone should remember what they were doing on 9/11 and I would remember a hay delivery, especially if it were pre-dawn, depending on where it was suppose to be going. Plus there would be payment records (a check) unless the purchaser paid cash. Giving us that info would have taken what, 30 seconds or a minute? If black truck guy killed Michelle and had planned it, when he heard the truck coming down the road they could have hidden or gotten in the van or truck or something so they wouldn't be seen. The show does color that "witness" as bogus, even without saying it.
  22. There are so many cruise liners that are full of sick people, who can keep them all straight. Or know the names of each. Although I wish someone had given that answer.
  23. But Will, as described in the very first episode, is on the autistic spectrum plus is an empath who can visualize how a crime has been committed. It's his "special skill" and what makes him valuable to the FBI. In Red Dragon, it was enough to make him quit FBI, get married and be a boat-motor mechanic. Too much mental torture in "becoming" a criminal took its toll on him.
  24. So totally THIS. The Exxon Valdez was renamed because it was a scourge on the world, so had to be when it was put back into service. I remember it being renamed but we were never told its new name(s) so Greenpeace and other (justified) radicals couldn't go out and sink it. So that FJ was not a good one IMO. However, I do remember "Oriental Nicety" so I'm thinking I did hear when it was finally scrapped, it was just too far into the recesses of my brain to come forward. I laughed so hard at S.S. Minnow that I nearly fell off my chair, and for sure I woke up all my dogs. That was the best FJ answer ever, even better than Kinky Boots. Yeah, that Bridge On The River Kwai answer was bogus. It was like we were back on 500 Questions, say enough words and you eventually get it correct. I knew, just like Trebek did, that Darren would bet $2,400. So I was getting all OCD-like when he was wrong and his $ total went out-of-balance. But then he ended up with a multi-day total that was all even numbers! How cool was THAT? Darren did luck out again with more book categories. But I can't say I mind, I very much like him. That asparagus clue was tricky. It said this veg has a two-word name, so I was trying to think of what white asparagus would be named, some French name or something hoity-toity. It was obviously asparagus that was white, but it's real name? White Asparagus? The heck! And portobello was so easy, given they showed the thing in the video. But I guess if one doesn't shop or do much cooking, or cook vegetarian (they make great "burgers") it could be a stumper, especially if one didn't know it used to be named something else. (I'm looking at me.)
  25. I didn't watch this episode because when I heard antifreeze poisoning I thought it was a rerun. After reading here, turns out the other antifreeze program I saw was the man murdered his wife with it. He was making her special "shakes" for something or other. Scary to think this is now the way to go to kill someone. Warning: Make your own milkshakes and smoothies, people. That used to be true, but I believe there is an additive in antifreeze now to prevent pets from drinking it like in the "old days." However, as a mixer it's obviously still deadly.
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