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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That was exactly my thought while watching this episode. I've been in since S1 Ep1 (which I've watched numerous times) so I understood the flashbacks (although the scenes with Abel I thought were superfluous and a bit gratuitious, I know how Abel's stint on this show ended). I just wish Fuller had toned it down a bit to bring new viewers in. If I were Bedelia, I would be more direct about letting FBI know where Hannibal and I were instead of counting on a printed shopping bag viewed on a CC camera ... if that camera was even working or recording or if tapes are even kept from that CC. Heck, I'd be all, "May I borrow your phone ... PLEASE!?" on my first trip to that truffle wine shop. While so many are fans of Mads, I watch this show for Will/Hugh. Mads is just a good actor in the Fancy Will Dancy show IMO. I'll even overlook the artsy film school stuff if Will is in the scene.
  2. This reminded me of previous seasons where Hannibal was filmed in his home with the fire in the fireplace showing in the background directly over his head, plus another scene where antlers in the background just "happened" to appear behind his head. Imagery! And no, not subtle at all if one knows what Hannibal really is.
  3. Snookums, you need to recap here every week! Thanks for the info and insight once again.
  4. Thanks Helena. That's what I thought (it happened too quickly after commercial break while I was channel flipping!) but from reading here it sounded like maybe Bedelia did it. Poor Dimmond obviously didn't see the other two seasons of this show or he would have known Hannibal didn't want a partner (that isn't Will). Did Hannibal ever comment on Bedelia's packed bag?
  5. I think TPTB encourage the showboating just to make one run different from the next for viewers. It would be HEElarious to see one of the showoffs fall during their mid-course handstand though. I'd pay to see that. Color me a bad person too because the autistic boy really bothered me. Not that he was allowed to run but that they played him up so dramatically. For ratings. Does the show pay people who aren't competing in that city to be in the crowd in that city?
  6. Thanks, Snookums, for your insightful post. It did not even occur to me that Hannibal sent that "patient" to Bedelia so she would have to deal with him in Hannibal's way. Hannibal was right there afterward, too, so point proven. Since no one is looking for Bedelia, why does she feel the need to show her face to the CC? She was questioned by the FBI guys and they had no reason to detain or question her further. What would make them even think she was with Hannibal, unless they found his old clothes in her house after his shower, and Will's blood in her drain. (So I guess there's that.) I missed the part when Dimmond got clonked on the head. What precipitated that, and who did the clonking?
  7. Oh, you gotta be from Canada to even know that place. And yeah, they even colored Yellowstone YELLOW on that map. That's the best title for Trebek yet. I wish you had been on the show so you could have corrected him. Trebek irritates me no end when he puts a heavy accent on the one foreign word in a long English sentence. Devonshire must be the only place in the universe he hasn't been. This cracked me up. I'm sorry Addison is gone. His "Butterfly McQueen" answer was the best, and he's only the second person I've known with the name "Addison." The first being Addison Montgomery. I'm sure he knows to keep his hair well back from the flame! No way would I ever have gotten FJ even if I had all year to guess or make something up. I still don't know what the answer is, someone's "motto" just doesn't stick in my head. (Although I do like some of the answers you guys came up with.) I have heard of Sacco & Vanzetti so at least I have that ...
  8. WTH, the line from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock was a TS? WTH!
  9. In the middle of this episode I thought the same thing. Man, this show is all about art filming and ... so self-indulgent. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but the fact that I even thought that means it was heavy handedly done. I thought anyone tuning in for the first time would be tuning out stat, unless they were art-house fans. I can't say I cared for Hannibal killing that guy right away. Wish he would have played it out more. I don't like Hannibal very much out of his person suit. I know! I kept thinking his fridge must be full of Tupperware containers. Maybe he micros a snack for lunch, puts an ice pack in his little cooler to take to work with him and nukes leftovers in the office lunchroom. (We are way too practical.) In one close up of Bedelia she looked WAY old. And my tv is not HD! But otherwise, Gillian was looking good. Can't figure out why Bedelia said that guy swallowed his tongue (and she shoved it down his throat after he was dead) when there would be other ways to kill him. Especially since Hannibal obviously helped her get rid of the body. Maybe that will get explained better later this season.
  10. Interesting that Trebek said there were two possible answers for FJ yet here we've come up with three. Sacco and Vanzetti, the Rosenbergs and Leopold and Loeb. Four if you count Lerner and Lowe. Hey, I lived in Ohio for five years while in college and never heard of the Leo Petroglyphs. Go figure. Safe travels, Wind! I'm not hating Addison for his hair. I just keep staring at it and I'm not sure that's a good thing. I do like me a smart man, however, crazy hair or no. This forum was all whack for me yesterday, too, and I was surprised no one mentioned it all day. Back to normal today, thank goodness. It was like they were thinking about putting in advertising links. And yes, there was a Colin Firth category yesterday, with easy answers for anyone who likes movies.
  11. I know I'm all for individuality and appreciate those who break out of the mold of "I have to be like everyone else," but yeah, I kept staring at Addison's hair trying to figure it out, then decided he needed a barrette or a scrungie. I was all "Leopold and Loeb" for FJ too. i know: Big surprise, I was wrong. Heh. This cracked me up. Good one. What was up with Jami tanking today after having a nice win yesterday? And yeah, she was rather Edith Bunker-like, so she was a pleasant contestant for the short while we knew her.
  12. I can see this as a future Jeopardy question! I'm a PBS junkie and saw a program on the Johnstown flood a while back. And again a while back. (PBS likes to repeat.) Well, there's young and then there's REALLY YOUNG! Are you on a cross-country tour, Prevailing Wind? Sounds fun!
  13. That last one is a favorite place of mine, I visit often. I'm guessing the now ex-champ's "shouty" voice was due to his being a MASTER THESPIAN so must project to the audience. I actually didn't mind it. Not that it matters now. Good luck Jamie!
  14. I was really rooting for the guy in the middle, he had a lot of appeal as a player. For once, I'm disappointed the woman won. Too funny the first part of this game had everyone either in the red or with just a few hundred dollars. I'm surprised Trebek didn't snark on that. That FJ was a TS ... wow.
  15. It's my opinion that his 15 minutes in Hollywood is what Chris REALLY wanted. And still does.
  16. I never noticed Dan did that either. I can't think of anything Dan did or said or wore or any way he acted that bothered me ...
  17. I would have put the Scoobie balancing act first, that took some skills to do the strength/acrobatics without killing the little dog. And to get the dog to work with you instead of his owner. Cheryl, enough complaining about the mask. I never did see you do any pop and lock or breakdancing. Disappointing, even though the routine was good. It just was no challenge for you. The little short guys routine was poorly filmed so we all could see how it was done, taking the fun and mystery out of it. Didn't like it at all.
  18. I wonder if "Who was the man who killed Garfield?" would have worked as a FJ answer. It's more precise than that autism answer they allowed. At least the new guy just gives one word when asking for his clues instead of "I'll take War of the Words for one thousand dollars please Alex." That's the only upside to Dan leaving.
  19. Leighdear, that's a great article you linked. Required reading for everyone who watches this show and thinks any of it is real, especially after it's edited to make whomever appear however. It's all EDITING, guys! This show can make anyone look any way they want.
  20. All I can say about this episode is thank goodness for American Ninja Warrior and SYTYCD on the other channels. It's like this season is being produced by the same people who did Fear Factor and Wipeout and other fake shows where the people are on for their 15 minutes and have no interest in finding "love" much less their "husband." No way does Kaitlyn "see her husband" in any room because no way is she looking for one. She's out for a good time, which to her means being gross and crude with the guys and getting some "some" on the side. This show used to be fun to watch the couples working hard to win a wife/husband and one could go along for that ride, even if it was a snarky ride. But this season ... please. It has no resemblance to the show that used to be The Bachelorette. I can't even guilty pleasure this mess.
  21. Yes! That was a Great Moment in Jeopardy History. When Alex said correct to Archer, I was all WTH? Archer (which I've never seen) has list numbers too? "I'll take Faux Paus for $1,000, Alex." I, too, was surprised The Mentalist was a TS. I only saw a couple episodes in that show's first season (and it's in its what, seventh?) but I know Red John is the killer and some word relating to "red" is in every episode title. I knew FJ was the guy who assassinated Garfield, but for the life of me, I've never heard of Guiteau. Very sad to see Dan leave.
  22. Not pants, entire gold bodysuit. Here's the video: http://tv.esquire.com/videos/71269-noah-kaufman-at-the-american-ninja-warrior-2014-denver-qualifiers
  23. From CooksDelight's link: I guess being on a reality show was his "next chapter." To quote RiverHeights: "What the hell."
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