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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. A roasted T-Rex would feed these guys for a while. Plus the capture would make exciting footage! (Depending on who/what was doing the capturing.)
  2. This case was all new to me, and I know a program can make an audience believe one side or another pretty easily, by presenting some evidence and not others. But I'm a firm believer the husband did it. Questions not answered: Why was the van at the bottom of the drive? It was a long walk to the house. Did anyone check the van for blood? Have a cadaver dog sniff around the place and vehicles? The kids drove me nuts. They made it clear they had absolutely NO memory of their mother and were all about their father. I hated that speech by the daughter that used meaningless catch phrases like "travesty of justice." Just what was a travesty of justice? Plus they were crying, we'll have to live our lives without our father. Well, your father should have thought of that before he killed your mom. If someone cuts their finger (yeah, right) and it splatters on the kitchen rug, wouldn't that rug have been washed? It was just a rag rug so no big deal. And all the blood in the garage ... the one defense guy said people waking through it, IF THEIR SHOES WERE WET, could have diluted it. Yeah, maybe, but it would still test DNA positive for Michelle's blood. If someone cuts themselves enough to have blood splatter on the rug and walls, that person would have grabbed a tissue/towel and wrapped the cut up right away, then bandaged it so it would have been obvious at work, or they would have had stitches (documented at the ER) if it were really bad. Where was the interview with the boyfriend, the last person who saw Michelle alive? So that guy comes forward years later to say he saw Michelle with some guy who drove a black truck. WTH was he years before? And why didn't Dateline track the truck guy down and interview him? And if he killed Michelle, how did he do it inside the garage/kitchen? And the guy was delivering hay in the pitch black and yet he saw the guy clearly enough that the guy gave him an evil stare? And Michelle was crying? What, was the guy going one mile an hour? So bogus. So many unanswered questions. What a waste of time to have this guy be tried a FOURTH time. And no, no luminol was used to check for blood splattered that had been cleaned. What was up with that? No luminol, no dogs ... the heck? I think Michelle's notes about what her husband told her he was going to do were pretty proof positive. He was portrayed as a rich guy who wanted control and his own way all of the time, and looks like he's getting it still. Is he even in jail?
  3. It was her being embalmed and readied for a funeral by those guys who put in fake eyeballs and sew the mouths shut on corpses so the dead people won't open their jaws during funerals and scare everyone. Everything is stitched shut on corpses. I was totally sucked in by the Abigail twist. When the reveal came, all I could think was, poor Will. Another person taken from him. It also explained why the priest turned and stared at Abigail when she and Will came into the church. I think he could see her, or sense her presence. They looked at each other far too long. Yeah, but did anyone else see two red horns grow in the background, out of Will's shoulders after he said that? I did not like that image at all, especially when Will told the Italian police guy that he didn't know which side he was on. I did like Will sending the Italian police guy out of the tunnels by telling he was was usually right about people getting killed. I was absolutely engrossed for this episode so if there were tons of artsy filming things going on, I just enjoyed those, too. Hugh Dancy ... I am all about his Will Graham!
  4. This explains why Trebek said it both ways. Pandora, your post made me LOL. Thanks for that. I liked the regular Horse category (although H.O.R.S.E. was fun, too). Animal categories are in my wheelhouse and they are always the last to be chosen. I guess universities don't do a lot of teaching about Irish Wolfhounds or dressage. (Although dressage was guessed correctly this time.) I said Malta for FJ although I was not positive. But Malta appears often as a game-show answer so I just assumed this would be another one. I like the champ and hope he stays a while. How long before his OCD equal-money bets get on our nerves?
  5. I wonder if there is a contract so the couple has to appear as a couple for a certain period of time. If I were Whitney, I would have stayed "engaged" so I could live a few weeks in LA on DWTS's dime (presumably the show puts contestants up) and been on tv a bit more plus met all of the other people on that show. Who knows, maybe it could have led to 15 more Andy Warhol minutes for ME!
  6. So true. I just don't understand why people keep insisting Chris really wanted Becca and "settled" for Whitney. This show quit being about finding a spouse a long time ago, if it ever was about that.
  7. Holy CR*P! What a great role model, Fivestone! Great story. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Or shot him. Hindsight is 20/20!
  9. To go a little OT, the difference is mammals are warm-blooded and birth live. Reptiles are cold-blooded and lay eggs to produce their kids. The island always looks different to me when the aerial shot is shown. And now there are TWO fresh water sources? I guess I missed them finding the second one. Benji's blue eyes ... oh my. They are lucky those camera guys are there, they really have their heads on right.
  10. Except I was sitting here yelling SOUTH POLE! So I guess it was a $200 FS. I said malaria for the mosquito answer too, and shame on me since I have horses that can get West Nile, they have to be vac'd against it. He did pronounce it both ways so as to cover himself. I do agree with your assessment of him, however. I do like the new champion, too. Are his round number bets OCD?
  11. Thanks for that link, Slowpoked. Sounds like the "celebrities" on this show are of the same caliber as most on DWTS. Their agents must be kept busy working hard to keep these people in the limelight, even if the limelight is pretty dim. I'm just ASSUMING Soules has an agent now. So much WORD to this, Padma. Chris wasn't looking to bring anyone back to that farm, including himself it seems.
  12. Not really. Girl teams were divided in half, half on one side of the centerline, the other half on the other side. When one side dribbled the ball to the center, the girl had to then pass to a team mate on the other side of the centerline, then that girl continued to dribble to the basket to make a shot. No way would we ever been allowed to shoot for the basket from centerline. it was against the rules! Only the forwards could shoot the ball. Do a search for "six on six basketball" to learn more trivia! Queen for a Day. Ha ha! Brings back memories of black-and-white tvs. Thinking about backstories ... they are on every single competitive reality show: The Voice, AGT, DWTS, SYTYCD, Idol ... keep going. They all have them. It's just part of the format, like it or not.
  13. I like how the judges will ask some person who actually has TALENT if he/she considers his/her act worth a million dollars and then that act gets sent home, but they never EVER ask someone like tacky fat man or milk-spewing eyeball guy that question, they just move them on to the next round. I did think acts were better last night. I like the magician, and he cried when put through. Awww! I don't have a clue how he did his tricks, except both were magic so there's that. I also like the first dancer guy, he was incredibly talented, like he dances with Alvin Ailey or some other company. The singer who got the Golden Buzzer: I wondered if she would have made any chairs turn around on The Voice. And why she wasn't on TV instead of this show? Did she not make it through to audition on TV or Idol?
  14. Turtles are reptiles. They lay eggs. They do have to breathe oxygen but can hold their breath for four to seven hours while swimming underwater. He was caught in that net for so long, he nearly drowned. Those boys need to check that net more often. I would have been frustrated if I had found that turtle since I would have wanted to do chest compressions to get it breathing ... impossible with that shell. So Benji was indeed a savior. I wonder if he got off-camera advise to do that so as to save an endangered reptile. He said he fell on his coccyx, then felt something pop in his back. Yes! Love them both. (Past tense for Mr. Gibbons.) Thank you for clarifying. That was my mistake. Jim is still skanky though. That boa had to be a plant. How else could a snake that large get to that island? Yeah, they swim, but come on ... Does anyone know WHERE that island is located? Like to what country does it belong? And WHY don't they move camp closer to a water source? Two hours hiking is a long time.
  15. The people with the sob-ish backstories don't win because of their story, they win because they have completed the course. Yeah, maybe they get to do a run because of their story but it's the course that decides if they get to stay or go home. I understand some "normal" people stand in line for days or travel from city to city to wait some more to try and get a walk-on. Those that do, sometimes surprise everyone by beating a course that has defeated some of the veterans. They don't have ANY backstory other than their patience an perseverance in trying to get a chance to run the course. Without a backstory to learn more about a person, this show would just be one person after another trying/failing/succeeding to make it to the buzzer. *yawn* I like knowing the Alaskan guy trained in -40 weather and Lance Pikus works cattle and has a course in his father-in-law's barn. I don't have a problem with Kacey either. I'm from the era of when girls were not allowed to cross the center line when playing basketball or we would be "ruined" for our future as wives since such "extreme athleticism" would cause us to not be able to bear children. There were no sports for girls other than tennis in which we could compete. So yeah, GOOD ON KASEY and every other woman who has taken on this show. Anyone who objects to her can go stand in line and run the course themselves, especially if they have a great backstory to make us root for and feel sorry for them!
  16. I really noticed this too, and the commentators commented (heh) on it. It was jarring her at the back of her swing instead of it being smooth. Just some poor judgement. I got the feeling she was working hard to power through it and she powered too hard. Since she ran last, i was surprised she fell. Well, last year Brent got to watch from the sidelines. This year, Kacey does. I like all the back stories. Makes me know a bit more about the "special" people this show has chosen. I'm also impressed that so many walk-ons make it through while the veterans fail. What's up with that?
  17. Chippie ... that would be a good Jeopardy question. Years ago I had a dog named Chip, and when I called him Chippie, my elderly male friend objected to me using such a vulgarity. Crazy days indeed!
  18. In the previews for next week, and this is not a spoiler, Kaitlyn's duck lips couldn't be pooched out any further or they would knock some bachelor in the face. Good grief, that's no lemon she's sucking, that's an entire lemon tree. TPTB really dislike her is all I can conclude.
  19. Last season, Hannibal went to Bedelia's house and all the furniture was covered, she was gone. Yet he smelled her perfume. So he went there to take a shower, thinking she was gone so safe haven. This episode she came into her house and poured a drink, furniture all covered still. So she wasn't gone. Not sure why she "pretended" to be gone, yet wasn't gone, then went with Hannibal. But with both of them being doctors of the mind, there are plenty of unrevealed gambits I guess. I can't think too hard about any of it, just buckle my seatbelt for the ride.
  20. Okay, so I was just watching during commercials on American Ninja Warrior, but I did LOL when Nick was going up to the guys' hotel room. There's all this DRAHMATIC! music, then he gets on the elevator and the music switches to hysterical elevator music for what seemed like a full minute while Nick and the elevator operator just stand there with the Musak music playing. Then Nick wheels his suitcase off the elevator and the DRAHMATIC! music starts playing again. Oh, editing monkeys, I do love you. Really. I do. I thought Kaitlyn looked surprised at Nick's arrival but Nick seemed like he was acting, like TPTB set him up to go onto the show. I mean, something needs to save this trainwreck. I thought Britt at the end was shown all happy with her new guy as a stark contrast to the disaster that is Kaitlyn's season. It was like the show was saying, "See what you COULD have been watching?"
  21. I was near tears when I thought that turtle was dead, but I also wondered if it were, why would the show let us see that? Especially since sea turtles are endangered. Side note: How did those people KNOW sea turtles are endangered? Someone has to be communicating with them to tell them that. Anyway, I shouted YES! when the turtle took a breath. The way he was gasping, I was worried he went back into the sea too soon. And yes, Benji is my new tv boyfriend for that CPR. He sure waited long enough to do it, but maybe turtles naturally go w/o breathing for long periods. Any mammal would have been dead. Yeah, lots of stuff washes up on beaches, but that fishing net was a little TOO convenient. Too bad they don't know how to use it. They needed to watch a show on how nets are used in other countries to fish, and how to build a fish trap. Hated seeing Jim the Fireman Hero after learning here what he's really like. Big ICK to him. He has a ways to go before HIS shorts fall off from losing weight. He could stand a good month w/o eating. The guy that fell on the rocks ... he said something in his back popped so more damage was done that just him falling and going "Ouchie." It would be nice to know what injuries he does have though.
  22. Dulcinea was a no-brainer for me, maybe because I had a horse named "Dulce" when i was a kid, plus have seen the play Don Quixote numerous times. And then there is all those years of Spanish lessons ... Jon Stewart, yes, a good guess but for everyone to miss Will Rogers made me so sad. He is one of my favorite Americans of all time. My mom was alive when he disappeared with Wiley Post so I know all about his life, courtesy of her stories. I don't find anything to complain about with the new champ, which, perhaps, is a complaint in itself!
  23. I do too. It would be one day out of their life, make up and then just lie still. It would be a blast to spot the stars, unnamed in the credits. Sort of an inside joke for everyone.
  24. The words "is that even possible" don't exist on this show. One can't think too much about what's possible or not, just go for the ride. Hannibal did put that ear down Will's throat, although he didn't stuff his whole arm down his esophagus to do it. LOL! There is some reason Bedelia removed that guy's tongue in the first place. I'm guessing we'll find out in future flashbacks. Will we see Zachary again?
  25. YES! Killer fast food ... Oscar Pistorius? Oh, I did love all the camera styling and artsy shots, my BFA guarantees that I admire that. It just got in the way of the episode IMO. A big YES to this, too. Those seasons were oh, so great in every way. I'll wait to see if the dynamic is as good this year with Hannibal at odds with Will, and being out of his person suit. That suit was a pretty nifty outfit he wore for two seasons. I miss it already.
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