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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. If Lowell is really dead, then I'm not sure I can continue with this show. It was "okay" before Lowell, but majorly (no pun intended) EXCELLENT with Lowell. I strongly dislike Major and wish he had been the one shot.
  2. Okay, so I follow @whoisalexjacob. Here's what he tweeted about yesterday's game. I think it's spot on. "Seems unlikely that an NFL player would go on #J unless he knew his shit. Meanwhile, Mr. Wonderful seems arrogant enough to go on regardless."
  3. Eddie ending it with Iris was a case of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Wells could have been screwing with him with a fake future byline, just like Iris said. And if Eddie DID marry Iris, then the future could be changed. As is, Wells directed Eddie to do what Wells wanted him to do, break up with Iris, for whatever reason he might personally have. So, Iris probably will end up with Barry. Eddie really needed to think that breakup move through before cutting Iris loose.
  4. I know. He obviously doesn't keep up with current events since Woz was on DWTS and also The Big Bang Theory, plus has been on interview shows from time to time. It was such a NB (no-brainer!) but then again, I guess it wasn't. As for Aaron playing in Green Bay and not in Milwaukee where Harley Davidson is a major company, that's a NB too since Milwaukee doesn't have a football team and the GB Packers are the only pro FB team in the state. But HD is a major company with lots of world-wide publicity so for someone to actually live in Wisconsin and not know it ... for shame. (For the record, I do not live in Wisconsin nor do I have any interest in motorcycles but I sure know HD.) When Aaron gets really old, he will remember HD since every old retired man buys a Corvette and a Harley. Trust me. They do. I did think some questions were more difficult in game 2 as opposed to game 1, but that view only reflects my own knowledge and what I don't know!
  5. Terry Crews' time hosting Millionaire might be over, I'm not sure if the show that's on now is new or in rerun. Chris Harrison (The Bachelor host!) is taking over WWTBAM in the new season. I'd like to see Crews on CJ just to see if some Millionaire questions/answers stuck with him. Plus he's cute and pretty funny. I strongly dislike Kevin O'Leary, but to see the self-proclaimed Mr. Wonderful fail so blatantly, I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
  6. Well, at least as an amateur he's not getting paid, unlike the Professional Sex Coach Chris Soules and that boat singer visited on their date.
  7. Well, yes, but I'd take that rental-car money and put it as a down payment on an old Chevy. Unless his insurance is paying to fix his Doctormobile and is also paying for the rental. So: Never mind! (In the episode where Jordan's stalker trashed her car, Dr. Scott was driving some bright yellow sports job, like a Corvette but it was even more racy/more expensive. I don't think he was driving that same yellow car when he ran the stop sign though, when we saw the CC replay.) Yeah, and he passed his boards without even studying! Maybe you need to move to San Antonio, Starri, and get into that time warp going on down there. LOL!
  8. Gosh, that is surprising all the celebrity contestants are white. I still wonder how they are chosen, if agents contact the show during a cattle call put out, say, in Variety, or if people the show wants are contacted individually from a "wish list" and they just move down the list until they get enough yeses. It would have been fun to have Terry Crews be a contestant. I'd (almost) pay to see that. Really disappointed the Wisconsin football guy didn't know Harley Davidson, headquartered in Milwaukee. Actually, I'm disappointed NO ONE knew FJ. Mr. Wonderful ... I have no words.
  9. Thanks Aliconehead, that does make more sense. Not a lot, but more! I guess I forgot he went to med school. Every week one of the regulars on this show freaks and either shouts at/lectures some patient/visitor or gets physically violent with someone. What's up with that? I thought Drew rocked it this week, being in charge and all. And yeah, he and Rick are some nice eye candy. Laughed at Scott driving not a Lexus or Beamer but a rental. How can he afford that, though? Rentals are expensive. Plus I bet his insurance premium just went through the roof. (Not that any of that matters.)
  10. While I've never seen stats on this subject, it seems to me that for regular Jeopardy! the majority of players are white men. Who is on the lineup for the last three days? All white guys again? Do the celebs have to pass a test? I'm assuming so, plus have buzzer training and practice play. They do have an advantage in being used to being on camera so don't have that obstacle to conquer. I've just never seen an interview with a celeb after his/her spin on the show so don't know how they even get chosen to appear. At least the "stars" appearing on J! are recognizable as being celebs, unlike so many on DWTS!
  11. Yes! I was waiting for the kid to walk away, then for Scott to say, "Psych!" Yeah, that happened really quickly. So he goes from being the hospital administrator to some orderly to a doctor, all in one season? I guess his rotten ex-wife and snotty daughter can extort him for even more money now. Maybe now she can redo her quinceañera bigger and better.
  12. What was up with Topher all of a sudden becoming a whiney little boy about TC being there, this in the middle of a terrorist attack? That's not the Topher I like. And do AT+T and Sprint now have towers in the Middle East so people can just auto-dial friends back in the States? Crazy! Best line of the night was when TC was telling that Army guy some story and he replies something like: "Good story, Paddy, don't care." I guess I missed during channel changing as to whether the LVAC guy got saved or not. And what's with going to do some complex heart surgery overseas and not take any surgical instruments? Jordan collapses. Shouldn't a doctor have access to routine tests that would reveal some impending problem? They get free scans and other expensive tests done under the radar for patients so I'm assuming they do their own tests/scans pro bono during lunch break or whenever.
  13. Although, on the plus side, it made me feel pretty darned smart, being able to run the board and answer every question correctly. That does not and never will happen on a "regular" show. I, too, was disappointed in Vince at the end. I love his shows so was rooting for him. But the game seemed pretty even and all were having a good time, so there's that.
  14. Plus, "Princess" wasn't her first name. *coughkitcarsoncough*
  15. The Alex Trebek "dickweed" audio is posted at https://twitter.com/whoisalexjacob .
  16. Wow to this. If any site asks me to sign up even with an email addy much less credit card info just to access the site for more information, I'm out in a big way. It would be good to tell a company our thoughts on this, but we have to sign up first! Such a conundrum!
  17. Ryan's mom was a twin for actress Diane Wiest, same eyes and face. She was still really pretty, and must have been a real beauty in her younger days. It amazes me that people pay a premium for dog treats for animals that will eat baby birds right out of their nests, but good on Ryan for making his business profitable. Barbara also was pretty cool with him. I think Mark is a jackass on ST and even more on this show. He could have at least put on a clean t-shirt to meet the Red Dress couple, both of whom were dressed for a business meeting. Mark, on the other hand, was dressed for changing the oil in his pickup.
  18. As did I. However, I am not embarrassed by it because I was certain I was correct! Ha ha! Alex Jacob's Twitter account has some hilarious retweets, including this gem: "Just as @louisvirtel 's snap told the world he was out and proud, @whoisalexjacob 's ill-fitting shirts shouted out "not gay." And this one: "Alex Trebek just called contestants that select categories out of order on Jeopardy "Dickweeds" on @sternshow" Mr. Jacob is looking for audio of Trebek saying that so he can use it for his ringtone.
  19. I LOL'd when Louis did an "Oh, SNAP!" after his DD. And before that, when Alex T. backed off, almost afraid of Louis's enthusiastic description of Jane Fonda. Loved that. What an entertaining contestant. I was hoping to see more of him. Yeah, the camera was having a hard time keeping Andrew (is that his name?) in frame, so had to back off to a long shot. Here's an interesting article written by Rebecca, who was just on this week. http://www.bustle.com/articles/81553-i-lost-on-jeopardy-but-i-finally-beat-my-fear-of-being-called-fat
  20. Don't be so sure. She could have inherited all Russian DNA from her mom. Hey, this is The Blacklist after all, anything is possible.
  21. Oh, Otto, are you really looking for a sensible time/space continuum in this show? And logical thinking? Shame on you! But good job on those protester signs. I couldn't figure why protesters would be outside of a funeral for U.S. government employees. But then I don't understand almost all of what happens on this show. Still waiting to find out why someone wants the senator dead. That specific senator. Plus why did that super top secret Russian spy have to be imported to deliver the poison to Lizzie? Couldn't anyone have done that?
  22. I THINK Lowell volunteered his tan/hair fixing when he told Liv he was a zombie too. Then this week, when she came to his apartment as he was obviously just out of the shower, he said he had been "retouching" his white roots, redoing the dye job. I think a spa that caters to a certain Z clientele is a fantastic business idea! It could be next door to the Meat Cute shop.
  23. GREAT post, ChicagoCita. I wouldn't be surprised if some of what you told us appears down the road on the Jeopardy board. In which case, that category will be NBs ("No Brainers") for us here. So, thanks!
  24. I like that Lowell and Liv are attracted to each other with no commitment or gobble-de-gook about what their relationship, if any, means or what being together today means they have to do tomorrow. They just enjoy each other. Plus Lowell is one cool drink who says pretty much all the right things, things that Liv needed to hear. I find them hot together, Lowell is nice EC (eye candy, I just made that up!), and I am enjoying their ride. I just hope Lowell doesn't turn out to be some jerk or bad guy. I like him just the way he is, nothing more, nothing less. Please, show, do not ruin this good character.
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