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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I read somewhere (maybe at @whoisalexjacob) that the show discourages hand shaking because TPTB are worried about contestants falling or tripping over the podium. I'm thinking some of those shorties have to stand on a box so they look as tall as tall Alex. Yes. Doing that many shows in a row has to be grueling. Plus there is the extra time we don't see, when taping stops so an answer can be researched. It really does make Ken Jennings a machine that he could last that long. I thought Twitter for FJ too, because I know it has no advertising, unlike Facebook. I never go on Instagram, so shame on me. I was surprised Alex was taken down by a question he should have known, just like Jennings was stopped by that stupid HR Block/FedEx FJ. Although I always felt like Jennings was looking for a way to bail out and just go home to miss something so easy. But Alex knew those African B cities. Holy moly. Plus he met his fiancé at "smart camp." Too funny. Color me impressed.
  2. Did anyone else catch Alex Trebek pronouncing himself one of the celebrities? What a jackass. I wish he would play on a panel sometime, opposite Ken Jennings and Alex Jacob.
  3. Okay, so I burst out laughing at Alex's bright red/orange shirt today. It's like some production assistant went out shopping for him overnight. I much prefer Alex's deadpan delivery and calm demeanor over the woman today, already forgot her name, who treated her buzzer like a Shake Weight. SO annoying. It's like she lost five pounds trying to buzz in. I can't believe Alex lost FJ. I guess he's spent too much time on Twitter and not enough on Instagram. Farewell, @whoisalexjacob. We hardly knew ye. My interest in Jeopardy will now wane back to listening while I do something else. And DAMN that red shirt. I know that's what ruined his run. Where the h*ll was his lucky grey blouse?
  4. Neither do I. We need that added to the Glossary thread. I wondered if Alex is reading here when he Tweeted about not fully answering the arc question.
  5. Almost all the answers have a TOM. None of the online test questions had them though.
  6. I'm getting such a kick out of following @whoisalexjacob. I couldn't love this guy any more. I hope his run never ends. I guess that would be IHHRNE in Jeopardy-thread speak.
  7. Plus, a bunch of us would have gotten 48/50 (or better) on this week's online test, like Alex did. Kudos to everyone who appears on this show, and if someone wins multiple days? "I am not worthy, I am not worthy ..." TM Garth. The stress of being a multi-day champ has to be pretty powerful though, so I think his being a poker player helps.
  8. Alex's Twitter account is fun reading. Highly recommend. His making fun of himself takes the sting out of the hate some are casting at him. I've never seen a contestant put his hand on the podium and lean into it, like he's exhausted or whatever. I get a huge kick out of Alex and hope he stays around for a long time. However, I agree he got a pass on the arc answer. There was more than one, biblically speaking. Trebek seems intimidated by him, which is amazing in itself. And makes me happy.
  9. I remember when Khadaffi visited here, but I couldn't come up with him -- or anyone -- as an answer. I blanked. But thinking of Khadaffy Duck will clue me in if that question comes up in the future, so thanks for that prompt!
  10. Even though he IS the smartest guy in the room, at least he is this past week. So there's that! Being a graduate of the School of Odd Ducks myself, I am 100 percent behind Alex. (And no, I am not the one making him itch ... which I did not see him do Thursday!)
  11. You guys crack me up. I tanked too, my brain completely left me. Many answers I could picture in my head but the WORD wouldn't come to me much less to my typing fingers. But still, I would have been disappointed in myself if I didn't at least try. A friend took the written test in LA many years (more like decades) ago so I knew the questions were hard, and contained none of the clues that are stuck in for the tv show. Which, I believe, makes the answers easier so people at home can feel smart. Looking at the FB page, however, the second day had the questions I would have done best on. (I did third day.) If I could only see into the future! Fish, I overlooked the category name for the first part of the test, too. DUH! when I figured out I needed to be reading that to help with answers!
  12. That title belongs to Alex Trebek. Does every winner get ranked on here? Wrong clothes, looks are not how I think they should be, too short, too tall, doesn't smile, smiles too much, too wooden, don't like your hair, blah blah blah. Has there ever been a winner that anyone here likes? Heaven help those of us who pass the test and get on this show. This is one tough room to play.
  13. The exact same thing happened to me, during the pause Venice came to me, the only place I could think of. For a few seconds, I thought Alex was going to lose it all though. My inside voice cried, "NO!" Heh. Trebek so far has not made one snarky "HELL-low" when Alex bets it all (instead of betting a "True Daily Double") and isn't being snotty to him at all, nor making fun of when he only bets $100. What's up with that? It's so un-Trebek-like.
  14. I don't see where chosing to portray a princess or a villainess makes any difference to how one dances. So what's the difference if Rumer danced as Ursula or The Little Mermaid or Cinderella? Hopefully, judges judged on the performance (yeah, right, like that happens) and not the character chosen or best costume. Talking about wanting to be a villain was just pre-dance package stuff plus let them film underwater for something different. Probably nothing else happened in the Rumer/Val rehearsals that week so TPTB had to create SOMETHING to show.
  15. Just one more example of why I dislike Alex Trebeck. He's rude and condescending and so pompous, like he's the smartest person in the room. I'd be the smartest person in the room too if I were given all the answers before the game. My dogs think every Jeopardy question is "Shut the F up, Alex" since that's what I shout at the tv the most.
  16. I know. This show was dropping anvils right and left, telling us children consume our entire lives, they are all we think about 24/7 and our only role in life is to make them happy. (Foreshadowing the Jordan/TC child, of course.) But maybe the show should also teach that parents shouldn't let kids walk all over them and make the rules that the parents are forced to live by, whether they are financially or physically or emotionally able to or not.
  17. Agree! And thanks from me, too, Alapaki. Liked the description of audience reactions being filmed before the "real" filming started. "Editing monkeys at work" revealed!
  18. I've read that book so many times, I can almost recite it (and I know a writer who worked with Jon Krakauer) from memory. I also think it was overvalued as a $2,000 clue since I've seen it on other quiz shows. It's pretty commonly known, I think, even for non-Everest students. I missed today's (Wednesday) show and am bummed because I'm becoming a big Alex BackScratcher fan. Did he win?
  19. Thanks, thuganomics85, for starting this episode thread. Some good and irritating things this week. Good: Drew and Krista. I'm all for those two, whether they are a couple or two good friends. Nice to see a man/woman friendship. Plus Drew is all kinds of hot. *shallow* Heh. Paul stealing Kenny's badge to steal that medicine? All kinds of wrong. Kenny letting him get away with it? Two wrongs. Paul needs to be reprimanded somehow. I wonder if that is going to come back and bite Kenny. Ragosa's ex wife ... what a freaking beyotch, and his daughter, too. Again they just walk in on him at work and start ragging on him. Where was Kenny to kick them both out? And yeah, Ragosa took a pay cut so why not pry open YOUR purse and fork over money for the Quinceañera hall rental, bitchy ex wife? I don't see you contributing anything except teaching your daughter to be a ragging rag like you. Plus a Quinceañera can be held anywhere. It could have been a block party if there were no finances available. And there's nothing that says it has to be held on the daughter's actual 15th birthday day, a Quinceañera is like a Latina Bat Mitzvah; it's a festive event scheduled to fit a schedule, like a wedding has to be. And throwing a Quinceañera together at the last minute? Just not done. And what 15-year-old girl wants all her father's work buddies at her special event? And where was her court of honor? If the show was going to make Quinceañera a subject, at least make it correct. Plus banquet halls do not cancel at the last minute, and they all (should) require a deposit. GAH!
  20. Another one here who thought that was Major in the body bag. While I would not miss him, he's so wooden and what does Liv see in him anyway?, it would have been a shocking downer to what was a pretty fun episode for Liv. YES! to a Liv/Lowell romance. He's hot, hot, hot, and man, does he say all the right things. But I'm wondering: When the sorority sister's freestyle brains wear off, will Liv still be attracted to Lowell? I'd keep those sister brains in the fridge for another snack if Lowell started looking unappealing. Because ... me want to go to there.
  21. Wow. I never saw the miniseries although I've heard of it. But the old children's rhyme came right into my head. Which, I guess, tells everyone how old I am. Never even gave the miniseries one thought. I still don't think Alex is stalling, why would he when he's tens of thousands ahead of second place. I think his head is just so full of swirling thoughts it takes him time to grab the right one.
  22. I wonder if it was that or the partners talking to each other about what step comes next.
  23. This. It can be confusing for viewers at home, too. I have to pay WAY too much attention when Alex goes sailing around the board. I've seen other contestants do that though and it worked for them, and seems to be working for this guy. Yes, SO funny when Alex T prompted Alex to bet the whole thing again and he went with $100 instead. "Bite, me, Alex T!" I thought Alex T was really nice to the woman contestant yesterday, the one who got FJ correct. Sometimes he's snotty to players and he's always pompous, so when he said something nice to the woman I was really gobsmacked. Everest is one of my interests so I was happy to see it. Right away I knew that name was Sherpa, then I wondered if Sherpa is a nationality, like is there a Sherpastan? Or is being Sherpa a race, like being Navajo? So I backpedaled on that answer. Because the Khumbu ice field is a major climbing point, I knew that answer right away. I did not have one clue about FJ though. None.
  24. One reason I'm liking Alex the Contestant is that he doesn't say that most irritating line ever: "I've always wanted to say this, Alex, let's make it a True Daily Double." Instead he just says, "I'll bet the whole thing." I totally LOVE him for that. And, thank the gods, not once has Alex the Host said, "HELL-low" when he has bet the whole thing. It's all so refreshing. And I only saw Alex the C. put his left arm behind his back once. He sort of left it there without itching that I could see. I still get a kick out of his deer-in-headlights expression though, that's still there. No kidding. I barely made it through the practice test. Bright side: I'll never have to worry about you guys making fun of me itching and jumping around when I'm (not) a contestant on this show.
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