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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. No, sorry Lamb. Farmington, Illinois. Farmington must be like Springfield (The Simpsons) ... there is one everywhere!
  2. The judge said something about if Lizzie lawyered up they would have to change the hearing date or she would have to wait in jail or SOMETHING. There was a good reason Lizzie passed on the legal thing. I watch live so can't rewind and watch again. Like I want to anyway. Yes to Dembe actually having dialogue. I wonder if the actor got a raise for not only speaking but having several sentences to deliver! I love the Dembe show.
  3. I don't know, Fable. I get all sappy and mushy thinking TB/B-ette really will find love and get married on this show. And I'm one of the most sarcastic cold-hearted viewers. But I got all weepy when Whitney toasted Chris's family, and when Chris proposed. So I think seeing real people (supposedly) find real love would hook me in. I strongly disliked Sean, but still had to get out the hanky when he and Catherine rode off on that elephant. I hate when the women all turn into fighting shrews or there are evil "villains" in the house. So maybe I'm out-of-the-norm since I know so many watch for the crazy. It just makes me sorry for the human race when people are so ... so awful.
  4. Hooray to this, a stark contrast to people who give up on marriage on a whim, like marriage is suppose to be easy or something. It's "for better or worse." It's just that these days, everyone wants the better and quits when it's the worse. If Whitney appears desperate for marriage/kids, then good on her. She's a nice match for a conservative Iowa farmer who has no access to much of a social scene. It's not like Chris can cheat on his wife with some woman he meets at work. ETA: To Mu Shu, I thought of you yesterday when I drove past the exit for FARMINGTON. Yes, there really is a real town named that. Not to be confused with ARLINGTON, of course.
  5. There was some b-ette group date on a previous year that involved boxing or karate or cage fighting or something. I remember one guy got sorta hurt kinda bad. We all thought it was a terrible idea then. Maybe it's Kaitlyn doing the boxing? Bugs, I feel your pain.
  6. If I remember correctly, Kyptin ... oops! Kiptyn was kinda cute. I remember Tenley, didn't she make it pretty far with Jake, like to hometown or something? Seems like she did weird dancing if I remember right. Sending one b-ette or b home per week would be a good choice IMO, after starting with how many weeks there are in the show. Maybe a few more. But more than 15 to begin with? No. I really dislike not getting to know some of the ones I think are cute or promising when they are sent home the first night, and after getting no edit at all. It seems a huge waste of TB money to fly them all to LA, then fly them all home. There have been a lot of ridiculous names on this show and, if it continues, there will be lots more even crazier names with the new generations coming up. (Color me old. Git off my lawn.) Interesting that Ashley S. said in an interview that she and Chris had great conversations (that were never shown) and she felt that she was kept as long as she was MAYBE because he really did like her, not because TPTB told him to keep her. If less people were on, more of that could be shown. You know, NORMAL dating stuff.
  7. I completely forgot this scene until this morning. I thought it was really odd that out of all the footage of Becca meeting Chris's parents, they chose to show Mom's Italian Greyhound dog slinking out of the room, away from Becca, looking over its shoulder with an expression of "Get her away from me." During Whitney's visit the dog was shown snuggling against Mom on the couch, then not again. Editing monkeys.
  8. I agree that 25 contestants is WAY too many to start with and, didn't Chris have 30 this time? How on earth can someone even get to talk to that many people in one night, enough to make what could be a life-changing decision. Ten would be nice, so we viewers get to know them. In one b-ette season a very good-looking ER doctor got sent home first night and we all lamented losing him. It was revealed when he appeared on Wipeout that he got pretty drunk and was talking to bushes. (I know, it worked for Claire.) But we never saw that on the show. There was too much to cram 25 "meetings" in, even over two hours. Also, that first-night cocktail party lasting from dusk until 11 a.m. ... the heck? That's just all kinds of wrong. One of Emily's first dates was to take a bach home and cook a meal in her kitchen with him. I don't remember who it was, but I do remember his being all excited to get this first date, then turning all sourpuss when he found out what they were going to be doing. So yeah, "real" dates like making dinner together would be a great start, and a way I would know which bachelors to say good-bye to immediately without even waiting for a rose ceremony. Seems like Jillian did a shopping/cooking date too. I remember her kayaking around with some bach, then did they make dinner? So long ago, so little brain cell capacity.
  9. I actually liked the judge, he being one of the few to call BS on Lizzie and her BS story. I want more of that, please. I am no way "up" on what department where handles homeland security. Claire Danes works for the CIA; Lizzie works for the FBI. I'd think "a matter of national security" would be more in the CIA's ballpark, not the FBI's, and certainly not undertaken by a brand new kid out of Quantico, Lizzie, all by herself. But that's just me. My opinion obviously isn't shared by writers of this show. Note that the judge did not ASK Lizzie anything about Fulcrum or, really, much else. Lizzie just got her mouth running and wouldn't shut up about anything. I say the judge is totally just that, a judge. Nothing more. Although now he (and the stenographer) are perfect targets to being kidnapped and killed. So there's that.
  10. Thinking about F1 watching the season of TB: Does anyone really want to see a video of your spouse's (or SO's) dating life, complete with intimate "alone" time, that happened before you got together? Or film of whom he or she was cheating on you with during your dating time? You either are hurt, upset or find out he/she is a flaming liar about so many things. At least on TB, Whitney heard about other dates, knew the date-ees, and watched Andi's season so knows all the macking and "I'm falling for you" that goes on. No way, if I were F1, would I want to actually SEE it any more than I'd want to see my partner's previous dating life on teevee. Is there a link somewhere that Whitney's sister/friends hate Chris? Please post!
  11. Yes. Me. I already hate how the editing monkeys jack us around and I have nothing invested in TB but my time. Which the editing monkeys and TPTB make me sorry I spend on this jackass of a show. Yet there I am, every Monday night! As for Chris not being on the farm ... just this week, for the first time since October 2014, temps got above freezing in Arlington and snow/ice is STARTING to melt. It will be quite a while before ground is warm enough to plant without seed rotting in cold, wet earth. Right now farmers are getting equipment tuned up, ordering seed and fertilizer and drinking lots of coffee in preparation for the real busy season, when fields are warm and dry enough to get a tractor in to start plowing. Chris very well could be long-gone from DWTS by then. Yeah, he could stay in LA and never go back to Arlington, but guy has got to make a paycheck somehow. Maybe he could write a book, like Sean or Harrison. If someone knows how a D-list celeb can live in expensive California w/o a job, let me know and I'll be there. Besides, in a couple of months, everyone will be all, "Chris WHO?" He's riding the wave while it lasts, which won't be that much longer for him IMO. It all makes for good stories to tell the grandkids. So, Padma, I'll take that bet.
  12. We viewers should be so lucky. I was totally waiting for the judge to ask the FBI head guy just WHOM Lizzie was searching for on that boat. Since, of course, the head guy doesn't have a clue what Lizzie was doing or what her fake story was. Then he'd go down for perjury too, and we can entirely skip over his "I'm going to die anyway" storyline. I've had a bad feeling for two episodes now that the detective guy is going to die instead. And he's been a brilliant addition to this show so far. Maybe a Red/Donald/Dembe/Detective series?
  13. I, too, am glad Whitney didn't watch the season. "Because I lived it" is the best reason not to. Plus then she was not subjected to the editing monkeys playing tricks with everything: VOs added in later, scenes edited out-of-order, everything to make us think one thing when quite another thing is happening in real life. I want to give a shout out to the poster who said Whitney was being driven to The Final Rose to the music from Field of Dreams. First, kudos for hearing background music at all because I never do, and second, extra kudos for recognizing FOD music. Well done!
  14. Could I have hated this episode more? Yes, a clip show to catch new viewers up on what's going on. ARE there any new viewers? The last clip show I saw was Seinfeld. Until last night. So Lizzie admits to KILLING Tom? Okay, there's grounds for imprisonment right there, Harbormaster be damned. While I was ambivalent about her before, I now officially hate Lizzie and wish she would get sent to prison/executed/anything to get her off this show. Then it could be the Red/Dembe/Donald Show. I totally would be in for that. She couldn't shut the freak up about anything, volunteering info that goes way beyond what the judge asked? Please. You're the homeland security threat, Lizzie. Then when she shouted "I SUCK!" I couldn't agree more. I also agree her thread should be renamed to commemorate Lizzie finally realizing what everyone else already thinks of her.
  15. How sad is it that I remembered Meghan's "foreign country travel" comments early this morning, when there was no reason for TB to be in my mind whatsoever. Thanks, chocolatine, for confirming what dredged itself up out of my memory!
  16. I saw that. Kimmel told Penn he was really in good shape and asked it he could work out with him. Penn hesitated a second, then this came out of his mouth: "Britt or Kaitlyn?" Kimmel's response: "You just made my head explode." Kimmel was stunned that Penn watches TB. Penn said he does, but isn't interested in any of the conversations. He just wants to see lots of crying. He then said he was "Kaitlyn all the way." It was some good tv, for sure, and totally unexpected. I agree, I was surprised the show said contestants don't get paid. We know the leads do, based on the "crazy" salary Emily demanded. There were a lot of articles about her getting great clothes, too. I wonder what is really true. The link to Ashley S's story said she was pretty much broke when she left the show, so maybe the no pay thing is true. It's just their opportunity for stardom?
  17. So many times they are scrapbooks the b-ettes make (although the bachelors make them too!) to document their amazing journey. Or in this case, it would be their crazy journey. With Chris. It's almost a tradition, someone has to make a booklet, either with production pictures or drawings, and write some poems. At least we were spared the poems this season. Count your blessings! As for walks, rewind and take a look at Chris walking down his country lane, alone. I was cracking up, and was imagining I was his wife watching him walk to the house after chores. And wishing I was married to someone else just because of it. But then again, who really DOES have a good walk? Even the Top Model kids can't get it right.
  18. Hey, thanks Alapaki, for that Kaitlyn arm tat photo. They are swallows, or at least some sort of swallow-tailed birds. And feel free, anyone, to insert a gross Kaitlyn "swallow" joke here. Still ... dueling bird tats on the backs of both arms ... odd. Must be a story there somewhere. ETA: Man, I don't recognize any of those women in that photo. Go figure, hey? I'm guessing they were b-ettes since there's Chris Soules.
  19. As a (definitely) straight woman, I could care less who the b-ette is. I just want to see me some hottie guys, and no mirror lovers, either. Just nice and good-looking fellas. I know: Good luck on that. More likely we'll get 25 gym rats all with an IMDB page. I find it VERY odd we got nothing of so many dates toward the end. So Becca went bowling? Who knew? Instead we got the painful "I don't know" strangled attempt at a give-and-take conversation. I guess that's what TPTB find compelling and "good teevee." Question: Did the final two give Chris gifts? Chris left Whitney's hotel room carrying a rather large square thing wrapped in royal blue paper. He left Becca's room carrying something like a vase wrapped in maroon and gold. I only caught a glimpse of both as he walked out the door. Does anyone know what those were?
  20. Thanks (NOT REALLY!) for that photo of Kaitlyn, Alapaki. She did not have those duck lips at the beginning of TB. Did she get botoxed during her hometown visit? I kept looking for Kaitlyn's arm tats when she and Britt came on stage during ATFR. I found it interesting Britt had on the long sleeves while Kaitlyn wore sleeveless. And yeah, those tats were there. They still look like weed to me. Anyone know what they really are? I can imagine Kaitlyn meeting the bachelors: "Chris wasn't able to plow my field so I have plenty of acreage left for you to f*cking mow if you want." As for Britt's hair flipping: If they made that illegal, ALL of the b-ettes would be sent home in handcuffs. Britt doesn't have an exclusive on it. I don't remember any b-ette who did NOT hair flip this season. And Kelsey during WTA ... GAH! Kaitlyn also couldn't keep her grubs off her hair during ATFR or Kimmel. So there's that.
  21. I can't figure why Kaityn would go to Iowa either, after being eliminated. It's not like it would be some big reveal if she went home since people seeing her wouldn't know if the show was done being filmed or not. I can't imagine being happy about being stuck in a hotel room in Dubuque for a week and not able to go out and do anything. Like you even want to go out when it's -10 degrees and a stiff wind blowing off the Mississippi. I haven't been to RS's site for a long time and I, too, depend on 'yous guys' to relay his news. So don't let us down! One late-night entertainment show went "behind the scenes" of TB. It said contestants are not paid, which surprised me. A friend who was on a cable reality show got $800 a week, and that was a long time ago. Anyway, it said contestants are 'comped' by the great vacation destinations, which made me LOL because ... this year. Ha ha! It also said TB and B-ette get to keep their clothes and have makeup/hair stylists provided. Chris gets to keep his suits, valued at $1,000 each. I'm sure they will get lots of use during harvest, and while disking and planting those 6,000 acres this year. The show did say TB will fly you to LA for a few days to audition in person if they like your resume, and there really is lots of psych testing. (My friend had to fill out 50 pages of stuff for her eval.)
  22. For those who felt Chris was uncomfortable with the women (especially Whitney, even though she used his Dick Coaster and he armpit-grabbed her) while he only looked happy when he was driving the combine: One has to understand Midwestern farmers. Lord knows, I know enough of them. And have dated plenty. And have worked with plenty. For the most part, they are "Aw, shucks," kind of guys, hands in pockets, toes kicking dirt chunks, looking down or away a lot when talking with a woman. All are polite on dates, however, and a woman can feel safe when out with one. But the fact is, dating (and reality dating shows) are SO far from a farm guy's comfort zone it's not even funny. Yeah, Chris signed up for TB-ette and TB and went to college and everything, but his soul (Soule!) is still Midwestern farm boy. He was happy driving the combine because that's his comfort place. It's like when you go on vacation and stay in a bunch of different hotels. It's nice but there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed once you come home. If anyone else here has dated a bunch of different farmers, raise your hand and chip in the convo.
  23. Jette ... what a GREAT article about Ashley. Thanks for finding and posting that link. I was one of the few here who said she was a breath of fresh air, calling the show for what it is, a house full of women crying for no reason. And her discovering the Secret Curtain of TPTB was the best. Bored so she Explored. I say good on her. I hope she does not do BiP. That's such dreck, so much worse than the Bach in so many ways. Plus Auburn is a great school. Does Kelsey know about that?
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