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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. One thing about Jeopardy, each answer is packed with clues and each word means something. But then again, one had to know how long the poor Cubbies have been in existence. Once I figured it out, it WAS a perfectly written answer. This is too funny, although maybe a bit sad at the same time. ETA: In the news today is a story about China uncovering more Terra Cotta Warriors. That DD still irks in its "easiness."
  2. Julia, you just gave me a headache. My brain is just not that well-developed. I still vote sniper rifle. Lizzie could have hired any of Red's friends to do the job if she wanted to kill the senator. And why do the Russians (or someone, or the Cabal or whomever) want the senator dead anyway? Maybe the real killer is the woman who had his son, now that the son was graduating college the $ would stop? Hey, that's not as contrived as some plots on this show.
  3. I'm a big fan of Lowell and Liv together, but now I wonder if the "attraction" is really real since now Lowell, too, takes on characteristics of the brain owner, like the week he was gay so he and Liv just hung out. Liv reacts to Major (and Lowell) depending on what brain she eats. Relationships are hard enough without the people changing personalities after every meal. So Major's girlfriend ... she's still with him regardless of Major now having a roommate? I thought that was part of Liv's plan to get rid of her, having her boss move in with Major. Major still has no personality. *yawn* As for Liv's dead-head wig hair, I figure her scalp and hair are dead too, so I cut her some slack for the mop top. Until they come out with Revitalizing Zombie Restorative Shampoo, that is.
  4. This made me LOL because I was thinking, "Hey, Tom, buy some Band-Aids for that neck thing." So the ep ends with Lizzie being a Russian terrorist. Wow, could that be any more far-fetched? This show really lost me with that turn of events. She really is too dumb to have thought of that gigantic and contrived plot to kill one guy. What's wrong with an old sniper rifle, like Ressler said? I'm sorry, but renaming Tom "Jacob" is too Lost for me.
  5. At the end of yesterday's show, I found myself clapping along with audience members. Then I went back to work and was so cheerful, I wondered what had happened to put me in such a good mood. Then I remembered the end of Snidely. I knew I did not like him but I didn't realize to what extent. Wow. When I first saw FJ, I thought no way did I know that. Then a total and complete DUH! came over me. Of COURSE it was Chicago Cubs since Wrigleyville is at Clark and Addison. Then it became a no-brainer. But I do understand it being a TS since if you had never been to Wrigley Field or followed the Cubs (I've both been to games and used to listen to them on the radio until WGN radio lost the contract), there's no way one would know what street the field is on. Like no way would I know what street Fenway is on. I was thinking that the person with the Cubs avatar here would have easily gotten that answer. Where are you? I agree the new champ might not last long, but I'm okay either way. I'm just looking forward to the new game today.
  6. Alex Jacob Twitter followers: 4,061. Snidely Whiplash Twitter followers: 128.
  7. I lost track of the number of times I shouted, "STFU, Iris" during this episode. Iris is so "It's all about me." Maybe SHE needs to learn how to be a good friend. Or even better, maybe it's time she moved on and got over herself. Other people have lives that they are living to the best of their abilities, and are struggling with live-and-dead situations daily. Yet Iris with her little reporter's job thinks the world should revolve around her and everyone owes her everything. Time to grow up, kid, and face real life. Even though this show is nothing like real life. So there's that! LOL! But I find her completely intolerable regardless.
  8. I thought for a minute this WAS the Teen Tournament. Terra Cotta Warriors indeed. Geesh. Although I did laugh out loud when Snidely answered, "What is a uterus?" since Jeopardy doesn't duplicate answers, especially not within the span of a couple of days. Although since he's a man, I figure he doesn't know what a uterus is. (See previous posts re: this subject.) I was rooting for the guy in the middle. He was cute and showed a personality like at least he was having a good time. He had a nice lead there for a while, the big tease.
  9. No, please don't! Well, I did. Not that that means anything important!
  10. All the news items today about fecal matter being discovered in facial hair makes me dislike Moustache Guy even more. No wonder I can't bear to look at him. Several "puny" nicknames for him now come to mind.
  11. I never saw a scene where Jordan told the world she was pregnant either, I just assumed my brain drifted off when that happened, it tends to do that during this show. Most women I know keep their pregnancy quiet until they are far enough along to know (cross fingers) that everything is okay.
  12. That made me think: Each week the Blacklister has a number, but the numbers are double-digits, right? So if No. 64 was this week, are there 63 that we haven't seen yet? Not that I've paid that much attention, but I think the numbers jump randomly around.
  13. Oh, man, he's updating his twitter account like mad. No ego there *cough*. I hope his "Two time Jeopardy champion" doesn't get updated. He thinks he's pretty hot stuff, then he writes this: "Me and Dan ..." I hope one of tomorrow's categories is "Pronouns." And there's a DD where he bets it all. Buh-bye!
  14. Backstrom and Last Man on Earth. Both I found intolerable, couldn't even make it through a full first episode of either. And I refuse to go back. This reminded me of the episode where the drunken frat boy got tangled up in the barbed wire and gutted himself wide open with intestines practically falling out of his body. I didn't bother to post about it here, but that was so far from what would have happened, it wasn't a fraction of a particle close to real world. I was hung upside down, caught in a barbed wire fence after getting tossed head first from a horse, and all I incurred was ... pretty much nothing. Even if that guy was naked and jumped into barbed wire, no way would barbs one-quarter-inch long rip him open, even if he was struggling and fighting it. Which he wouldn't be, it would hurt being stuck by a zillion barbs and he would make a decision to hold still and call for help, even if he was drunk out of his gourd. Whew, glad that rant is over. Good luck on your boards, starri!
  15. I loved runaway games when Greg was winning. I hate them now.
  16. When Topher flew off to Afghanistan, I wondered if the actor had another show lined up and so would be killed to get off of Night Shift. Happens elsewhere. Thinking again why I watch: Because this is a "dead" hour on antenna tv, I watch the first eps of all the new shows to see if I can get involved in them. I've stuck with all (and snark about every one of them here!) except two that I turned off before they were even over, they were so horrible. Some shows are so bad they aren't even tolerable for hate watching! Yes, that was Trace Adkins. I watched the star/guest star listing at the beginning of the show so I would know who he was for sure. Yes, it is! As are a couple other shows I watch for the exact same reasons!
  17. The air car caught my attention right away because, when I worked in the city, I drove 80 miles round trip every day. I owned a large cargo van I used for my own business on weekends, but my daily drive car was a tiny one that got almost 50 mpg. Yeah, I had to pay two licenses, two insurances, but not having to fill up a van that got 15 mpg tops four times a week made it worth it. So, the van stayed in my farm-based garage, the little car went on all trips to work/town. The air car perked my ears up since it would have been perfect for my daily commute. I've always been interested in how to buy one of those tiny economy cars sold by U.S. manufacturers to European customers. The glasses ... I would want to change the frame shapes if I were swapping lenses, so it didn't appeal to me. Nor did the price!
  18. This cracks me up because, of the 16 above-named shows, I watch three of them. Four if you split the Bach and Bach-ette. I guess I'm not a good survey sample. Although I might watch Andi's show. Maybe.
  19. I'm thinking this show would be greatly improved by miles and miles if Lizzie were gone. I'd be up for Donald and the other FBI people working with Red and Dembe to catch criminals and fight crime all over the world. Lizzie and her angst just get in the way of my enjoyment of the rest of the cast. Yeah ... that's the ticket.
  20. Speaking of Topher, if the show kills him off, I will have lots of snark to write here next week. I love me some Topher, best actor on this show. And Drew ... hot eye candy. I watch this show because there is nothing better on in this time slot on my cornfield-fed antenna tv. I also watch to be entertained by these boards. Night Shift isn't the only show I watch for the eye candy AND the snark. Good things are rewarded here; bad thing are rewarded in other ways. Night Shift is about the same as any show if you read all the boards. And all viewpoints are always welcomed. It's just like Grey's Anatomy (when I used to watch that). Whatever problem a lead actor was having that week would be echoed by an admitted patient so that the Grey's doctor would be told that way how to solve his/her problem-of-the-week. Lots of shows have anvils; Night Shift is just one of them. Doesn't mean we all have to like it though. It would be fun to watch a show that doesn't try to teach us something. Like if we see TC say or do it, it's okay for us to say or do it.
  21. Now I'm hoping for a John Hughes Movie category: "This Sixteen Candles character was played by Gedde Watanabe." ETA: Ugh. That gross new guy has a twitter account. https://twitter.com/spylinen
  22. And on top of that, I don't think anyone really cares. I don't, anyway. If he's her father, godfather or next-door neighbor ... it means nothing. And for sure the earth won't stop revolving when the relationship, if any, is finally (or ever) revealed.
  23. Then he's in the perfect place to find lots 'o clients ... The Bachelor Family!
  24. I'm pretty sure I saw Britt in the DWTS audience last night. I'm not a good "recognizer" so don't know if Kaitlyn was there as well. What is a Professional Status Loss Control Consultant (Shawn Booth)?
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