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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I don't remember either of those guys, I typically forget every season's people except for some of the standouts. And I seldom if ever can recognize faces in the DWTS crowd. Me = loser!
  2. I was surprised this week that I actually liked the Chris/Witney dance. I thought Chris did a great job, and the choreography concentrated on them with the background dancers a nice touch in the background, where they did not distract from the two leads. I also liked it definitely showed an era. I also liked Nastia/Sasha. I hope they continue to partner. She looked happier this week (maybe because she wasn't getting jacked around, dancing with different people every day) and Sasha did not "showcase" himself, I actually got to see Nastia. I didn't mind Derek being in the background crowd. I'm guessing since he appeared on tv, he got a bigger paycheck than if he'd sat out. I have no problem with that! When Rumer and Val danced, I couldn't take my eyes off of Val. He outshines everyone he dances with. And I noticed he borrowed Mark's "spats." Had a laugh about that. Willow and Mark ... you guys already did that dance earlier this season. For the elimination I was shouting for Rumer and Val to go home. I love me some Val, but I can't stand Rumer's "I have no competition here" attitude and wish she would leave. I have no problem with dancers considered "lesser" than others staying longer than some think they should. If everyone left in order of talent/no talent, this show would be pretty boring. At least this way we have something to grumble about, until the entire season is erased from memory.
  3. So Iris was all bent out of shape and ready to leave Eddie because he wouldn't "open up to her" about "problems" at work, this when he's a cop who sees all kinds of bad? Then she figures out Barry is The Flash, which means Barry had been lying to her for ... how long? ... about just about everything. So is she going to be a squee-ing fangirl and go totally in lurve with Barry/Flash or stay true to her "no one can lie to me or not tell me EVERYTHING going on in their lives" and shut the door on Barry? My solution is to kill off Iris. I really, really dislike her. Both Eddie and Barry can do MUCH better. Eddie asking Joe for permission to marry Iris was so "The Bachelor," I had to laugh. Those marriages/engagement never work out either. So Wells has Eddie's engagement ring? Sweet!
  4. It could be "successful" was the key. Most SNL movies have tanked big time. Night at the Roxbury and McGruber come to mind. But why didn't I know Coneheads was a movie? And I totally and completely forgot about Wayne's World, which I've seen so many times I can recite lines. Go figure. And yeah, Antonio Bandaras voiced Puss today and in the Shrek movies. I knew the question to that answer! (Plus I saw a commercial promo saying Antonia aka Puss would be a Jeopardy category.) Yes he did. Which had absolutely nothing to do with FJ. I knew for sure there was no Church Lady movie, even if the only two SNL movies I could think of were the two above. Gah, yes, to this. Like yesterday, when he told the woman in third place it was too bad she didn't have tons of money because she would have won instead of coming in third. Like ... DUH. I wanted Greg The Chef to win, but i almost wished he had bet it all and lost just so Trebek would look like a moron. Of course, if that had happened Trebek's comments would have been edited out.
  5. Yes to this. Then Ragosa's bey-otch of an ex-wife and snotty kid could antagonize him there instead of at his workplace, for pete's sake. Plus, maybe we'd get to see the TC/Jordan dog.
  6. It was fun to see Timothy Busfield back on teevee, and with his clothes on (instead of a naked Franklin on Sleepy Hollow). Melissa Gilbert is still beautiful and looked the same as her Little House days, although a bit more grown up. TC has been acting all goofy and kid-like in contrast to his angsty persona of last season. What's up with him being all giddy and smiley all the time now? Doesn't he live with Jordan so wouldn't they have at least a few minutes in a week to talk about the upcoming baby? I liked that Scott's accident was just missing a stop sign. I've done that a few times myself, not seen the sign until I'm through an intersection. (Never hit anyone though.) It went away from the texting/talking on the phone thing that keeps getting preached to us for a change. That accident and the Accident Of The Week shows anything can happen anytime, so Jordan, just let TC ride his bike. It's common for every "old" guy to get a bike, typically a Harley, so you are just fighting genetics with an anti-motorcycle crusade.
  7. I dislike everything that has to do with the British monarchy which means I tanked FJ. I guess if I were going on this show I'd have to bite the bullet and read something about them. But as is, no, I can't stand anything about them. So "George Clooney" was my wild stab-in-the-dark that I knew was wrong. So can Trebek see what contestants write for FJ? Because he told the woman he guessed she wished she had more money to bet because she got FJ correct, this before she showed her answer. Trebek's dad is/was a chef, indeed. Maybe that's why he keeps ranking on Greg for his occupation, it's some Freudian thing. I would have said, "I bet it all" for a DD in the whip category since I've had horses all my life so have a lifetime of experience with every sort of whip. But that Indiana Jones DD was beyond easy. The DD should have been "quirt" since I was the only one shouting that TS answer, hoping one of the contestants would hear me and buzz in. But then, Indiana Jones is in keeping with the stupidly easy DDs lately. What's up with that? It's my understanding that if you have ever appeared on the show you cannot appear again. Unless you're some big winner and are asked back for a special series.
  8. IMO, Scott can blame the kid's being paralyzed due to the cops pulling him out of the surgery right in the middle of saving a life. I mean, really? Please. You can't wait 45 minutes? If they had to have Scott's blood sample NOW, a nurse could have pulled it right in the OR and Scott goes back to work. Plus that rodeo guy was WAY too old to be doing anything except sitting on a regular riding horse. Champion Justin McBride RETIRED at 29. The average age of a pro bull rider is in the 20s. Bulls buck people off pretty much all the time. Face it, an old guy like Shane wouldn't be getting back up if he fell off the porch much less got smashed into the turf by a 2,000 lb. bull. And men don't barrel race at rodeos, that's the woman's sport. I continue to love Topher.
  9. James Spader is guesting on Seth Meyers' show tonight (Monday).
  10. Which brings up this question: That abandoned warehouse was some sort of "safe house" that no one knew about except Lizzie, right? And Tom was living there? (Because she asked him why he was still there.) WTH does that mean, is Lizzie all rogue (again)? I was going to ask that same question. Is Kaplan really a man? I always thought it was a woman. So why is (s)he called Mister? Funny s/he gave Red a six-shooter revolver instead of a Ruger or Glock with a clip. When he ran out of bullets I was waiting for him to throw the gun at his attackers, ala every old western gun battle. Would it be so hard to pull a machine gun out from under a body? Maybe dead guy still had his hand wrapped around it. Yeah, I believe I saw Not to be a wet blanket and all, but when you win more than X dollars (it's in the hundreds, like maybe more than $300, I'd have to look it up) at a casino, you have to fill out paperwork to get your cash PLUS file a tax return on it. The casino turns in your winnings paperwork to the IRS and there is a line on your return for claiming casino payoffs. So it's all traceable. I know: It sucks. And makes that tin can buried in your backyard more appealing.
  11. I HATE Alex T. giving his opinion on what contestants bet on DD. As I noted previously, he never once "HELL-loowed" Alex Jacob yet, as CarpeDiem suggests, he was pretty stunned a mere "chef" would be able to read much less answer a question correctly. I was totally rooting for Greg after that, and was VERY happy his DD paid off and he won the game. Yes, again a ridiculously easy FJ. I believe they've even had that question on the regular board before. At least I've seen it somewhere. When the first contestant was introduced as being from Massachusetts, I thought, Oh, brother, here we go again with the BAH-ston accent. But, thank goodness, it did not happen. Thank you, contestant on the right. How many times is William and Mary going to be an answer/question on this show? If Trebek thinks Greg is a dolt, then I'm behind him all the way to keep winning.
  12. Yes, but I kept waiting for her to FEED the cat. Which she did not do. So no pass from me on Animal Abuser Lizzie. So if all those assassins got to Red in his recovery room, that means they killed Dembe and Tom, right? Otherwise, they never would have made it to Red, right? LOL at Tom saying he's going back into the real world with a regular job while that tat shines brightly on his neck. Not even "Would you like fries with that" play for him. So Lizzie's ex is/was a medical student/doctor? Really hard for me to process that information, that Red could send Tom in there and School Teacher Tom could sweep Lizzie off her feet when she could have married a DOCTOR? Confused by Tom telling Doctor that if he took the $ Red would own him. More like Doctor owns Red since he's the one who saved his life. He performed a task and got paid for it. So, WTH, Tom. Or maybe Tom was wishing he could take off with that case full of cash. The cash ... put enough in the bank each month to pay your loan and maybe a bit more. Not a big deal. And WTH Lizzie, all po'd that Red DIDN'T LIE at the end. Hey Lizzie, how do you know he WASN'T lying? There's always that, you know. And that photo ... yeah, my tv isn't THAT bad but that picture, the heck. Who keeps much less frames a photo like that. And who were the subjects of the other photos? Was the grad photo Lizzie? All of a sudden there are multiple Fulcrums, created in a split second. Please. I really dislike smoopie Tom.
  13. That's the only way I can stand to even watch this show.
  14. Either that or the name of some really delicious individually wrapped caramels. Loved me some Benny last night.
  15. Thanks for this post, pandora. I'm still laughing about it, something I really needed this morning. Let us know about the reply you (don't) get.
  16. Oh, you read my mind. Made me wonder what happened to Oliver's love child from the earlier season. He/she never did show up.
  17. I know. After all the passes contestants have been getting for single names, she gets grilled for Carson. Really unfair. I guess judges thought she really meant Johnny.
  18. Interesting that Britt was not wearing the dress pictured here, the one everyone hated. Kaitlyn's looked the same.
  19. You obviously did not watch Celebrity Apprentice when one team named itself "Forté" and then a big discussion of how to pronounce it correctly ensured online, and maybe even on the show itself. (I quit watching.) I just remember the pronunciation controversy.
  20. Sometimes I forget that these tv shows take place in a time-space continuum not in harmony with the real world. I have to remember that and quit harping about it. But then gee, what's the fun in that? ETA: I forgot to add that another irk with this show (okay, so I'm going to continue harping) besides the Seizure Of The Week is that each week there is a patient who has a person with him/her who throws such a tizwad when the patient starts flatlining that one of the DOCTORS has to stop administering to the dying person to escort the crazy person out of the door. What's up with that?
  21. It's just that it was wicked not there all the time. Or maybe Boston-speak only shows up in certain "R" words? Yeah, I missed Alex and his runaway scores. My thought was, TPTB said, "Well, Alex is gone so we can dumb it down for everyone else." I thought the entire game was ... heh ... wicked easy. As predicted here!
  22. Gah, I totally mixed up Rick and Drew. Thanks for clarifying for me Aliconehead. What I meant to say is, IMO it's okay for DREW to want to be private about his heroics and I was uncomfortable that the interviewer talked about Drew's "partner" (RICK!) who wasn't even there during the shooting. Yeah, I know, Drew was still "maybe" half in the closet, but everyone at his work and in his army group knew about him being gay so who cares about anyone else. Why do people want to dwell on sexuality anyway? I hate PDAs of any kind. And Rick and Drew had broken up, so they were partners (again? really?) for what ... maybe five minutes before that interview? I think they had a lot to talk over before doing an interview. I still admire "heroes" who do not need the ego feed of doing interviews. So, bottom line: Drew, I'm disappointed in you.
  23. So does this show have a Seizure Of The Week now? Because every episode someone has a seizure. Enough already. And the lap band surgeon is doing lap band surgery in the middle of the night? Please. And all of a sudden an emergency patient HAS to have lap band surgery RIGHT NOW or she will overeat and die? The heck? Patients way bigger than she was wait, plus have to go through the training. Because getting a lap band doesn't mean you quit wanting to overeat. How many gastric bypass/lap band people do you know who put all the weight back on? Yeah, that's right. Those gals need to get better cell phones. Where in the heck would you be where there is no reception anywhere for miles and miles? And yeah, driving to the conference in the middle of the night. Again: The heck? All I could think of was, I hope they pour lots of antibiotics into that motorcycle guy after he's been stuffed with a kid's balloon and a bunch of other junk. Including the unwashed hands and breathing of both women who lugged him into the back of an unclean car. Jordan's ending hormonal scene would have been more realistic if she had some hormonal breakdown during the motorcycle crash scenes. But no, she saves it up for TC. Hated it and her for it. And the motorcycle guy was a KID? He looked the same age as Jordan, he was no pre-schooler. Jordan was all about having to call his mom when the guy most likely has a wife. TC is all of a sudden Mr. Nice Guy this go 'round. What's up with that? No more Mr. Badass? I was really uncomfortable with Rick's interview being about his "partner" and not how and what Rick did what he did. And I completely appreciate Rick's wanting privacy. Not every Good Sam has the ego that needs to go public, and I respected Rick wanting to keep his life private. Of course the show wanted to make an anvil out of his being gay, but to me that has nothing to do with people wanting to be left alone.
  24. This cracked me up. Because like everyone knows, the camera adds 10 inches! All is revealed at the end when the three contestants are standing with Alex T though. Alex Jacob is one tall drink, so it was boxes (stage risers!) all around this past week.
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