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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. I'm in Australia, and I had some American Mormons on my doorstep a few weeks ago. Two young women with lovely hair, who after I politely told them I wasn't interested, asked me if I knew the risk I was taking by not accepting true faith into my heart. I said I'd take the risk.
  2. Maybe the Ava actress is related to someone important, and they have no choice...
  3. I've heard them use it on Awkward as well. I'm enjoying the show so far. I came to it because I like Shiri, and I think she does a good job as Rachel. I don't watch reality shows, but I'm guessing a lot of this is pretty close to the actual behind the scenes stuff.
  4. This may make me sound horrible, but if one of my siblings cries I don't hug them. I can't even deal with it. I'm great to have around in emergencies - I stay calm and organized, and I can deal with things like blood, but I would very much prefer it if people didn't get emotional in my presence. It makes me uneasy and I shut down. So maybe Jessa couldn't hug or touch Jill, because she just can't with that kind of thing.
  5. A friend of mine has a dad who's a cop, and he always laughs whenever crime shows pull out the whole "if you look to the left you're remembering, if you look to the right, you're making it up" thing. He says most of the liars he's encountered make an effort to look directly into your eyes, even as they're inventing the lie, because they've convinced themselves it makes them seem more trustworthy.
  6. They'd probably justify keeping Juliet by reasoning that if Andy's suspicious of her now, she'd be even more suspicious that something was up if Juliet suddenly transferred out after hardly any time at all, only to be replaced by another new officer none of them have ever met before. I just want Gail to be happy. I had hoped it would be with Holly, because I like Holly, but if that's not the case, so be it. Greg Smith did a really good job with the directing. Marlo and Sam's daughter is going to have fabulous hair. - if nothing goes wrong. At the start of the episode I was worried they were going to have her miscarry, which would feel like a huge cop-out.
  7. I say people can believe all they want that God forgives, and that he'll stand in judgement of them after they die, but as long they're still alive they should accept their Earthly punishments for crimes they committed down here.
  8. This episode needed more Gail and Oliver. (I would happily watch an entire episode of Gail and Oliver hanging out, doing police work, snacking and snarking about the rest of 15.) I like Marlo, and I hope she gets a happy ending.
  9. I took a look a the twitter hashtag, and saw someone defending the Duggars, saying that the people who were against them were ignorant and needed to learn the facts. We learned the facts, that's why we're against them.
  10. As a child I wanted to be homeschooled because the school environment was not for me, although as a younger child, I didn't realize that meant a parent would have to stay home from work and teach me, I just figured they would send all my work home, I'd do it, and send it back and get to spend the rest of my time reading and being left alone, which was what I really wanted - no forced interactions, being able to have music playing while I worked because I concentrate better if I have music distracting the restless part of my brain. I never got that, and ended up quitting school at 15 after doing just a little bit of year 11. I got a job, and educated myself as best I could, reading up on everything that interested me, and luckily was not only really into computers, but good at them which eventually lead to a well paying job in IT, where with the constant changes and upgrades, it's just as easy to learn as you go, teaching yourself, as it is to learn in a classroom.
  11. The worst are people that leave those tracts for waitstaff instead of leaving tips. A lot of those hardworking people live off their tips, and getting a card with a religious message on it doesn't do a damn thing to help pay their bills, or feed them. I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't approve of that kind of behavior.
  12. I believe they said she was named for Michal, a biblical character - the daughter of King Saul.
  13. I have wondered if it's maybe not so much that Jill isn't interested in the baby, but more that she doesn't yet know how to be really comfortable with him, because Mechelle didn't hand the babies over to the J-Slaves until they were 6 months old.
  14. The funny thing about all the "AIDS is punishment for the GAY" stuff, is that lesbians have lower infection rates than both gay males, and heterosexuals. So I guess their God is like those pervy guys that rant against all homosexual behaviour when there's people around to hear them, but get off on lesbian porn in private.
  15. I'm AB+ which is a Universal recipient (yay, all the blood for me!). I give blood anyway. I'm also a registered organ donor, because rarer blood typed organs are harder to find, and I won't need them once I'm dead.
  16. kathe, usually if you double click the shift key or hit both shift keys at the same time, it turns on the caps lock. (Apologies, if you know this and it's not working, I've just found some people are unaware.) I've not thought much of Derrick, but I do hope things work out, and he's capable of giving Jill all the support she needs.
  17. Could it have been Cousin Amy, helping out the family, and for whatever reason dressing like the rest of girls?
  18. I'm one of the LGBTQ people in the forums, and I have to say, I always took the fabulous part not to mean that he's gay (although, yes there are people who wonder about that, and to me it's always read as concern for having to hide his true self if that is the case), but because in a lot of ways he comes across like a theatre kid, all over-the-top and theatrical. And I've known a bunch of theatre kids, very few of whom were gay. They were just always on, like everything had to be a performance.
  19. Maybe she was coerced into some kind of sexual behaviour with the neighbour dude, and he told her it was because of how she looked in her bikini, while mowing the lawn, that made him want her, and that's why she always goes back to that story.
  20. I was hoping the announcement would be that they feel God has laid it on their hearts to take a break from having babies, until Jill's body has a had a chance to get back to 100% after Israel's difficult birth.
  21. Even if Josh didn't know it was wrong the very first time he did it (which I personally don't believe, no matter how sheltered his upbringing was), it's been clearly stated that he was spoken to about it, and then later did it again. There are no excuses for those incidents.
  22. As an abuse survivor myself, I've wondered about Jana for awhile (I think I maybe mentioned it here), but I had been thinking maybe JB had been taking advantage during Michelle's unavailable times. I was hoping I was wrong entirely. Poor Jana, and the other girls too. I know how hard it is to live with your abuser in silence.
  23. Maybe Boob leaked the story, to try and get Josh back under his control.
  24. I think considering their normal demographic, they were looking at it as a show where parents would remember watching BMW, and now introduce their kids to GMW, but not necessarily watch it themselves, because they have their own adult-oriented shows they're watching.
  25. I sometimes get the feeling they were surprised by how many of the original BMW watchers are watching, and are scrambling to try to keep things interesting for both the new target audience of tweens, and all of us older people who have fond memories of BMW, but now need slightly 'aged-up' writing not to pick things all to pieces.
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