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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. No. Apparently women don't have sex drives, and can't lust after men. Even us evil lesbians aren't defrauded by the sight of another woman's knees or shoulders. It's only the straight men who can't control themselves, yet somehow deserve to be in charge of everyone.
  2. Well, my brain has been screaming non-stop at the thought of FMK with those guys. Thanks for that.
  3. They probably think the disciples were actually accountability buddies for Jesus, there to make sure he wasn't lead astray by all the poor, liberal people he associated with. Not to mention the prostitutes he counseled...(Josh's next excuse for engaging with a woman of negotiable affection?)
  4. I do think it's important to learn at least some of the language in the country you're in, as dialects vary from place to place, and what you learned at home may not be exactly what the locals at speaking.
  5. If you pour the whiskey on the granola, you'll save time. Maybe that kind of thinking was behind all the paper plates. "We're using all this disposable dinnerware, but think of all the water we're saving by not having to wash everything!"
  6. But isn't Target making their toy section gender neutral? You'd think the Duggars would be out there protesting the idea that boys can play with dolls and girls can play with cars, not shopping there.
  7. In fairness to Amy (I know), I have a friend getting married next month, and the other day she texted me "so soon, I can't wait to change my name!" Not because she's looking forward to losing her own family name, but because she's looking forward to sharing a name with her husband. It really could be as simple as that.
  8. The thing that gets me the most is the brushing it off with the idea of 'oh, it happens in a lot of families'. Just because you think it happens a lot, doesn't make it okay. If it really is happening so much that it's normalized, it's horrific.
  9. Admittedly, I'm not religious, so I'm probably seeing things differently, but I've never liked the idea of J.O.Y. If you believe Jesus is real, you know doesn't need anyone's help. He's in heaven, living his eternal reward. It should be others first, because there are real people here on earth that need help beyond prayers, and then yourself, because you have to make sure you're as physically and mentally able as you can be (by which I don't mean be a greedy, grasping cheepskate, who only thinks of their own gratification), and then Jesus. Maybe spare a thought here and there to be thankful for what you have, if you're one who believes that God or Jesus have anything to do with it.
  10. Maybe he's done a runner, and he's laying low somewhere, so the family can't find him. We can hope.
  11. Heh. As much I enjoyed Gilmore Girls, Alexis Bledel has always been an awkward kisser, so if they can make her look like Anna, they've got both of them.
  12. Spell check is terrible. I will, on occasion copy a completely correct piece of text into word, just to show someone how much of it ends up underlined, suggesting they change spellings, words or sentence structure, turning a perfect paragraph into something that makes no sense, to show them that spell check doesn't understand context, and they shouldn't just blindly believe it, and make adjustments without checking for themselves.
  13. Maybe when they got to this part of the bible: Genesis 2:16-17, “And the LORD God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.’” they only read as far as the word knowledge, and decided that being educated would surely kill them and doom them to hell.
  14. As an avid comic book fan, I hear puddin' and it makes me think of Harley Quinn and The Joker. I'd rather not have those thoughts tainted by Josh.
  15. I came in at 33,000 and will be learning the meanings of the words I didn't know, because now I've seen them, I want to know what they mean.
  16. Jenny. Because she has glasses, and JB & M are still mentally stuck in a decade where often in movies & TV, glasses = smart, bookish nerd.
  17. That's a generalisation. My brother, who to the best of my knowledge, is a heterosexual male, loves to take baths. He says he finds them relaxing, and he's not the only guy I know who has baths to relax. On the other hand, I'm a cis woman, and I hate baths. I've always been put off by the idea that you're soaking in whatever's come off your skin and is now swirling around in the water. As for J having unprotected sex with a porn star, he does just keep getting skeevier doesn't he. - and really I've never understood guys who would pay extra to go bareback. Theoretically if a prostitute is willing to take extra money from you to do that, she's done probably done the same with other people, so why would you chance it. Ick.
  18. Do we know if the site accepts generic Visas? We've been setting up a payment portal at work, and the people doing the back end of the work asked us if we wanted to allow it. I was chatting with the tech and he said some sites he's dealt with don't - usually it's ones where money is deducted on a regular basis.
  19. Half of those wedding gifts probably ended up in the TTH within weeks of the wedding, and now they'll have no chance of getting them back, without going to the compound.
  20. The only way this could be redeemed is if it's a prelude to the boys announcing that they are running away from the Duggar compound to join the rodeo and become actual cowboys. Or Rodeo Clowns.
  21. My niece got engaged this weekend. She's only 21, but both she and her fiancé are in University, have jobs, and have been living together out of their parents homes for over a year. She's miles ahead of the Duggar girls in terms of maturity.
  22. I'm sure I read the answer in another thread, at a much earlier time, and I believe the upshot of it is: children in reality shows are not considered child actors, and they don't have the same monetary protections as actual child actors do.
  23. Joseph is probably thinking "Really, he couldn't think of a different fake name? He had to go with Joe?"
  24. If I were Jessa, I would right now be quietly telling JB he might want to consider signing over the house to me if he doesn't want a tell all coming out.
  25. Tell it all now, so he can ask for forgiveness all in one go. Confessions about how you've been bad, but this time you really have turned your heart to Jesus, and this time you really are repentant, seem to mean less the more times you do it.
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