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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. Considering Josh's name was found so fast, and we'd all heard there was more to come before this current scandal, maybe one of the magazines had already been in talks with someone Josh had been seeing, who had told them that she met him through AM. Then when the AM stuff leaked, it was that they already knew to look, because they knew there was something to find.
  2. I work in IT, and the most fun thing to do is walk up behind people and say "is that work related?" and watch them scramble. Heh. I am not at all surprised that so many people were using their work email addresses. I've found as soon as you give people an email address, about 75% of them, regardless of education or natural common sense start using that address to sign up for all sorts of shit. It's amazing.
  3. I like to think Satan is kicking back all "Thank fuck they took my name out of it. I want nothing to do with these idiots."
  4. I had cheese curd for the first time the other week when a poutine place opened up in Adelaide. So awesome.
  5. It'll be credit card info, not email addresses that catch Josh out for good, if it is him (which I think it is). Which brings up a whole other thing: if they're supposed to be living debt free, why does Josh have a credit card? Unless it was just like a Visa debit card, where you're actually using your own money, not a line of credit.
  6. I've been wondering if there extra-charge guaranteed option was actually the companies way of outsourcing to 'escorts'.
  7. It seems like a bunch of people who signed up on AM used their own email addresses and/or credit card details, so Josh wasn't the only one stupid enough to do that. I did laugh a bit at the guy who said he signed up using his work email, but couldn't access the service because it was blocked by his workplace. Heh.
  8. Hopefully any woman he hooked up with would insist on condoms. Unless his whole pitch was "I've only ever been with my wife, so I'm not a risk". That would presume the woman was using other forms of birth control, or didn't mind maybe getting knocked up.
  9. Hey, maybe he just wanted someone to make him a sandwich, because, you know, anyone can do that. He probably just wanted a sandwich that was a little different from what he got at home...
  10. It's amazing how many people do use their work email addresses to sign up for all sorts of shit that it has no business being used for. Part of my job is monitor the SPAM filter at work, in case legitimate stuff gets caught up in there, and it seems like as soon as you give someone an email address they'll sign up for anything. So if regular, educated people are dumb enough to do it, it wouldn't surprise me that Josh isn't smart enough to create a fake email address.
  11. I disagree about staying silent to keep the peace, if children could be disadvantaged. *disclaimer, I had no problem cutting a huge chunk of close relatives out of my life, and don't understand why some independent adults put up with shit from parents/siblings/ whatever because "they're family".
  12. What I find ridiculous is the idea that the network is pandering to 'a bunch of shippers'. If a network is going to do any pandering, it's not going to be to a small amount of people. It'll be to whomever they consider to be the majority, because first and foremost, they want ratings. (For the record, I don't care who any of these characters end up with on the romance side of things, I just want them to stay friends.)
  13. In a surprise twist, sure to get their show back, JB is carrying the next Duggar baby!
  14. Here's hoping Michelle just pulled one of her 'fancier' maternity tops out of the closet (because you know she hasn't thrown them away), thinking why buy something new for the wedding, when she can just wear something she already owns.
  15. There are nurses at my work that wear crocs. I hate the way they look, but supposedly there are great for being on your feet all day, and they're non-slip and easy to clean, plus cheap, so if you do get something really gross on them, you don't mind just throwing them away and getting a new pair.
  16. Good thing the Duggars didn't go to this one. They might have been defrauded by those the thigh length dresses.
  17. See you next Tuesday is supposed to stand for Cunt, because of the way text speak writes see and you as C & U, but it annoys the crap out of me, because the abbreviation of that would actually be synt, which means nothing. Snopes has actually debunked that. The word fuck has been around since the 15th century. http://www.snopes.com/language/acronyms/fuck.asp
  18. Fuck is one of the best words ever. From a linguistic standpoint, it is one of the few words where it, or its derivatives can be used in almost any spot, in any sentence and still have the sentence make perfect sense. Fucking brilliant.
  19. I just Googled 'Reversal Children', because I was all "what the hell?" not realising at first what it meant (given some of the stuff we read here, I thought it might have been something sinister). One of the links lead to a Maxwell blog post, where a commenter has written "After the twins were born we made the horrible decision to end further blessings", and after the lord worked on her heart to show her how wrong she was she had to convince her husband: "After a year and a half of praying he finally submitted to what the Lord wanted. (That is a story in itself!) The devil was fighting this every step of the way." Because apparently the Devil wants people to keep their families at manageable sizes, while God is happy for you to have more kids than you can reasonably handle.
  20. She probably thinks if those heathens can raise their kids there, and she is one of God's special chosen people, of course it's a safe place, because God wouldn't let anything happen to them.
  21. It is telling that she calls JB her buddy, when that is also the term she uses for the sister mums and the littles.
  22. Books. When I was up to date on all my favourite authors and not sure what to read next, I decided to expand my reading zone, and read my way through the library, alphabetically by author first name. It's been 4 years, and even though I read 4 - 8 books a week, more if I'm on holiday, I'm still only on the letter E. (Currently reading the Benni Harper series by Earlene Fowler). I avoid the Harlequin romance type books, and only read the non-fiction if it's a subject that interests me - I'll skip over an author who writes about car repair, but recently read a book about microsurgery. I've run into plenty of books where I couldn't get through the first few chapters, but also found a bunch I enjoyed, that I maybe wouldn't have picked up based on the cover or where they were shelved, if I was in the library instead of booking them online.
  23. Does Amy have a purity ring? http://smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=1565#comic
  24. Jesus in a purple sash makes me laugh, because someone once told me very seriously that I maybe shouldn't wear my purple top to work because it's the colour of 'the gays'.
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