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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. Quick someone show Jim Bob a man in a kilt! He might think it's a skirt and get so confused his head explodes. And why the hell aren't Marjorie's parents stepping in here and being all "look, your mother wears pants and everyone knows she's a woman. I know you like Josiah, but his father is crazy and you don't have to do what he says."
  2. I was just about to say that P2C2E. I'm all about science, and scientific research and progress, except in this once case. I refuse to think of Pluto as anything other than an actual planet.
  3. Doctor recommendations mean nothing to a lot of people. I'm friends with a nurse who works at a Women's and Children's hospital, and she says just about every nurse who works in L&D has at least one story about walking in on a couple, within a day of the women giving birth, and finding them attempting sex right there in the hospital bed.
  4. When I watched the very first episode where Shawn came back, my brother wandered in, watched the last scene Maya and Shawn had together and said "they're going to have a really awkward affair in 5 years time." For a little bit, this episode had me thinking he was right.
  5. Given JB's apparent insecurities, and how proud he still is of having gotten the hot cheerleader, maybe he's one of those guys who is always paranoid that if their wife is too attractive she'll leave him for someone better, so he keeps her stuck in the 80s where she's perfect for his old fantasies, but not for anyone else.
  6. I knew someone who used to talk like that, but in her case it was because even though she had been born in Australia, and English was her first language, her mother was Polish born and raised, moving to Aus a few years before she was born. When her mother spoke English she pronounced -ing ending words with a hard -ink sound instead because of her accent, and her daughter unconsciously mimicked that, and had to make a real effort to use the softer -ing sound. I guess the girls don't have that as an excuse though.
  7. Cory was right about the kid's name being what he wants to be called. Regardless of what someone's legal name is, if they say it's something else, that's what you use. Drawing Topanga into an argument with a 6 year old is a waste of her character. Also, didn't she speak to the kid's parents before the play date, and find all this out? I guess in this case it was Cory who did that, unless Auggie is in the habit of bringing other children home, without their parents knowing, but Topanga seems just controlling enough that she'd want to chat with the parents, and not leave it to Cory to work out. I think I'm overthinking this.
  8. I remember reading a book, I think Beauty by Sheri Tepper, where the main character says she has people coming to her door wanting her to be a born again Christian, and she asks them "why, do you think God didn't get it right his first try?"
  9. From a scientific viewpoint, Eve would have been a transwoman. If you make someone from a part of someone else - which is cloning - they will the exact same DNA, so Eve would have started out as Adam's identical twin clone brother. At some point God would have done something to make her a woman, but that's not how she would have started. And quite frankly, I'm disturbed by the idea that all of life started from two people who were genetically identical. That never goes well. (This is only one of many things that bothers me in the Bible).
  10. It's a seasoning mix, that according to Wikipedia, is made up of these ingredients: mustard, paprika, celery salt, bay leaf, black pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, mace, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom, and ginger
  11. It's probably like those dudes with combovers. They must see how it looks on other people, and that it also doesn't work for them, but somehow, when they're looking in the mirror, instead of thinking "maybe I should just go proudly bald", they're thinking "if I comb it just right, I'll be the one guy who still manages to look like he has all his hair."
  12. I keep waiting for a reveal party episode where the ratings are really really low, because everyone's all "eh, we know she's having a girl, we've known for months, I'm gonna watch something else instead."
  13. Lucas always looks to me like he's wearing makeup. Which is fine, but I wonder does he just have one of those faces, is he just badly blended enough by the makeup people that it's noticeable, or is it an actual unmentioned character trait that he wears makeup and everyone just rolls with it. As they should. Or maybe I'm just seeing things and need a better TV.
  14. I had heard so many good things about Old Bay seasoning that as soon as the American Imports place I occasionally order from started bringing to Australia I ordered a container. Now I'm addicted to it on hot chips.
  15. That's the thing, on one hand it's terrible that they wilfully keep their little soldiers horribly undereducated. On the other hand, considering the god they believe in, it's a relief their lack of education guarantees they'll never be in a position to have any lasting real world power. Even Josh's job with the FRC will come to an end eventually.
  16. The fact they need accountability partners every time they go out, says to me that the Gothard method doesn't work. I'm one of the godless heathen crowd, and me and my siblings all manage to live our lives without giving into evil temptations (admittedly, I don't think there's anything wrong with sex before marriage as long as it's safe and consensual, and I'm not straight, so M&JB would probably think I have given into evil). If after all those years of training, Michelle and JB feel they can't trust their adult & teenage kids to be by themselves, in case something happens, then they've failed. Those kids should only need to be accountable to themselves, and that should be enough to have them behaving like decent humans. - and even if you bring religion into, and say they are accountable to God, well, they should still not need constant chaperoning if the training really works.
  17. I liked the bit when Howard said each child was more attractive than the last, and the oldest girl was all "Thanks, Howard" in a sarcastic tone. I can't imagine the Duggar girls being all outspoken and talking back like that.
  18. If you marry someone with kids, they do become your own family, even if they are still in contact with their other biological parent. Accepting children who are not biologically yours into your heart and family is a loving, selfless thing to do, and makes you just as much a parent as inseminating someone yourself. Still with the Gothard views on adoption, I'm not sure JD would be allowed to become part of pre-existing family, as I would think it would be considered similar.
  19. One of my favourite things about kids is when they get to that stage where they constantly ask weird and interesting questions and you get to help them find out the answer. It's really is sad the Duggar kids don't get to have that natural curiosity nurtured and encouraged.
  20. I will respectfully disagree, because I don't necessarily think of that as crappy. I would expect a lot out of a marriage, but I think most proposals are overdone and completely ridiculous.
  21. I don't have a problem with a diner proposal. If I were being proposed to, I'd want it something really low-key and lazy (watching TV, hey wanna get married, here's a plastic ring out of a toy machine, because I know you don't like wearing rings and think diamonds are overpriced and pointless kind of thing). It's that they're asking that counts, not how it's done, as long as it's sincere.
  22. When I have too many people around me, I start to feel really claustrophobic, and tense up, including clenching my fists, which I usually don't even realise I'm doing, until it's pointed out to me (which doesn't help, because then I just feel crowded and self-conscious). While I'd rather not share character traits with Michelle, it's possible that even with the constant exposure they've had over the years, she's still just not all that comfortable in some situations, and that's one her physical manifestations of her feelings.
  23. There's a bit in the Terry Pratchett novel Witches Abroad where Granny Weatherwax is scandalized by the younger witch Magrat wearing pants. She's all "you can see her legs." and Nanny Ogg says "No you can't, on account of the material being in the way." And Granny says "You can see where her legs are!" I think the Duggars think like that when it comes to modesty rules for girls.
  24. Some Aussies were protesting the Australian version of this show that's due to start, saying it was fucked up that strangers could marry while we still don't have marriage equality over here, and the network had to release a statement admitting that none of the marriages are actually legal when they first happen, but the couple will have the option of making it legal after a certain period of time.
  25. Here in Australia, some epileptics can drive provided they've been seizure free for an extended period of time. It's assessed on a case by case basis, including what medications you're on, and what your normal triggers are. I think similar rules apply in the US.
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