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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. I also go the lazy meal route a couple of times a week, when I get home from work tired, and just can't be bothered to have anything but toast or nachos for dinner, but I do make an effort most nights, and I would think that with all their free time, and considering Jana went to Weight Watchers for a while which would have taught her a bit about nutrition, and given her some recipes, there'd be more of an effort on the part of the Duggars to make some decent food.
  2. I've always wondered, if Jesus did come to earth, would people like the Duggars reject him, if he told them some of their beliefs were wrong (all their hate against LGBTQA people etc.), or would they change their beliefs to fit what Jesus told them he thought was right.
  3. I mentioned at work the other day that I don't wear scarves, or high-necked clothing because I hate having stuff around my neck, only to be told "Oh! That means you were hanged to death in a past life!"
  4. When I first heard that everyone in Wayward Pines had been cryo frozen for over 2000 years, I was all "And the power never went out? Even as civilization falls apart....do they have generations of Aberrations running power plants nearby, and somehow never having any blackouts...what the fuck?" I love sci-fi/fantasy, and I'm really good at suspending my disbelief, but that was when I noped out of the show. Also if the mutant people of the future are the product of 2000 years of evolution, doesn't that make the residents of Wayward Pines the Aberrations? Oh, and that main kid is whiny twit, so if he's the hope of the future, I'd rather be a forest dwelling mutant.
  5. While I think TFDW is flamboyant as hell, and I also find him creepy on a 'he seems to have a lot of anger just under the surface' level, I don't know that I think he's gay. In part because presumably if he was closeted, and Priss knew, she'd probably tell Anna, who would tell Josh, and given the Smuggs view on homosexuality, there is no way Josh would wrestle with him.
  6. Regarding your spoiler, it is, and I'm thinking she will.
  7. I feel like every week my response to the episodes is mainly "Gail is the best." And I'm probably a little biased because she's been my favourite from the start, and I love Charlotte Sullivan, but really....she is the best.
  8. Taryn Manning is really fantastic in this role. Even if the first season when the character was really horrible and sometimes hard to watch, it was never because of bad acting. She does a great job.
  9. Are church adoptions still a thing? I remember years ago, seeing Faith Hill talk about how her parents probably never would have been approved to adopt her through an agency, because they were poor, already had two kids, and her father was functionally illiterate, but because it was done through their church, none of that was an issue, because the church was only concerned with their religion and if they'd love her. Could Ben & Jessa be thinking of something like that? - through Ben's family church of course, given Gothard's views on adoption.
  10. @NextIteration If he's anything like me, and you're using tapwater, even filtered, it might be the flavour. I add a bit a lemon juice to my water now, and when I was a kid, I'd load it up with cordial, because all water tastes really metallic to me. And it's definitely me, not the water, because I was an army kid, moving house every year, and every place we lived, the water always tasted weird. None of my siblings had that problem.
  11. The cleaning. Back in the day, I had a housemate who would open a can of coke, sip on it until it went warm (which didn't take long in an unairconditioned house, in Australian summers), and then open a new one without finishing the old one. All the flat surfaces of her room would be covered in half filled cans of coke. When there was about 20, I'd collect them, put the plug in the bathtub, pour in the coke, let it sit for about half an hour, then wash the tub. It'd be sparkly clean. That wasn't what stopped me drinking diet coke though. I used to live on the stuff, until a few years ago, when it started making the inside of my mouth feel weird if I had any more than about a cup full. I still drink it sometimes with meals, but I'm mostly on water the rest of the time.
  12. What the hell was wrong with Maya's clothes that made Shawn think she had to dress differently? She looked fine. She's usually the best dressed character on the show. I wish they could just have Shawn be a positive male role model without forcing a connection between Shawn & Katy. And I call bullshit on the whole "no-one's ever cared enough to say something like that to me" thing. I'm guessing she actually meant no man (which is problematic in itself, because it means she's discounting anything she's heard from Katy, Riley, and probably Topanga) but I'm sure Cory has shown he cares about her a lot, even though most of what see between those two is snarky teasing.
  13. I work in a hospital, and the bolded part is a pain in the arse when people are sending letters to patients, using their husbands names. Especially since we often have patients with the same last name, and as it usually happens with the older patients, they frequently have a child instead of a spouse listed as next of kin, so we can't figure out who the mail is supposed to be going to without opening it up, which is a whole privacy issue.
  14. I never want to live in a place where people ask if you want a coke, only to have it turn out it isn't actually coke on offer. Here in Aus, we say "Do you want a drink?" and then tell people what's available. Diet coke for me.
  15. This was a great episode. Really well done, and I'm so happy that they had Traci fight back, rather than just helplessly waiting to be rescued. Any time they put Gail with kids, I love her even more.
  16. I have to say, I've always had a problem with the whole "oh, but they'll be punished by God" thing, because being punished by God at some point in the future doesn't mean a damn thing if it doesn't stop the crimes from happening here and now. You do something while you're still alive, you get punished while you're still alive. If God still wants to deal with you after that - fine, that's his deal, but you can't wash your hands of everything you've done purely on the belief that you'll be judged for it once you're dead. edited. because I can spell 'you're' correctly.
  17. I grew up in a family of six, and like all my siblings had the responsibility of cooking one night a week from the time I was 13 (even the boys did that). I still use a lot of those recipes without cutting them down, and have 1 meal, leftovers the next night, and freeze the rest for when I don't feel like cooking.
  18. I'm a big believer in the idea of learning through doing, and that higher education isn't for everyone, which isn't a bad thing, because we need builders and carpenters etc., just not the way the Duggars do it. If they took they're kids to a contractor and said "Can J apprentice with you for a few years?" that'd be a fine way for those kids to learn some marketable skills. *Not suggesting all tradespeople are uneducated, I just know some people who have gotten good starts apprenticing with my BIL. Also I did all my learning on the job for my IT career.
  19. I think it's not so much their beliefs as it is their conduct.
  20. To be fair, I've noticed a lot of people Jill's age who say 'like' a lot. A friend of mine has a younger sister who is getting a double degree in law & psycology who says it constantly. We're always teasing her about how she'll sound in court. "Like, you honour, my client, like, pleads, like not guilty." All her friends talk that way, and she has to make a real conscious effort not to.
  21. Of course if it's a waitress, not a waiter, she doesn't deserve any Duggar money as tips, because why isn't she at home ignoring her 19 kids like the good lord intended.
  22. Josh and Jim-Bob probably eat a couple of pizzas each, so....
  23. I love the Dov/Marlo & Nick/Chloe friendships. Except for going to the movies, I'm with Gail on everything she doesn't want on her bucket list. Although, Traci should know that due to the magic of baby-sitters, you can in fact still go to the movies if you have a child. I enjoyed this episode.
  24. Given some of my previous fanfic, I guess I'd be writing the one where Jana goes away to an all female college and unexpectedly finds love with her roommate.
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