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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. From Terry Pratchett's novel 'Snuff': "...good people have no business being so bad. Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to."
  2. I wonder if the drill holes were actually in the wrong place. My brother was building something from a kit once, and was all "these holes are wrong", it turned out he was holding it upside down.
  3. I know when I want dating advice I look to an arrogant man child with almost no real world experience.... Why do they keep talking to these idiots?
  4. I dunno, if Steve was raised believing he was the Golden Boy who had to succeed at all costs, and maybe not being as morally strict as Gail when it came to getting what he thought he deserved, I could see him hiding evidence, to make things easier on himself, as long as he thinks he's doing it for the right reason. And then being found out, and blackmailed into doing it more, and at someone else's behest, so that he doesn't lose his Golden Boy status. (Admittedly I've always found Steve kind of skeevy, so willing to believe he was a secret bad guy all along.)
  5. I assumed it was meant that right now there are people who have been committed/medicated for claiming to be Jesus/God/other historical people of note, so if the real one showed up and started claiming to be Jesus, it would be assumed he was just like one of the many other claimants who has been disbelieved, and treated for delusional ideation. Sorry Bella, didn't see your post, delete if necessary.
  6. I've heard masturbation being called self-harm, so I don't think Ben was referring to physically injuring himself, like cutting or anything. It harms the soul or somesuch. Meanwhile, I once read "If God hadn't meant for people to masturbate, he wouldn't have made their arms just the right length." I wish I could remember where that was from.
  7. That put me in mind of my of something my mother used to say, when my brother and I wouldn't stop sniping at each other. "Don't make me get the cereal boxes!" (That signified a warning. If we kept it up, she'd sit us at the table with cereal boxes stacked between us, so we couldn't see each other, for a set period of time, as punishment. If we dared move the cereal boxes, we'd get the strap. Usually just hearing "don't make me get the cereal boxes" was enough to get us to behave.)
  8. Many years ago, as part of health class, I took a tour of the L&D ward of a nearby hospital. They had a birthing chair there that looked very similar to a toilet, but with an open space underneath for someone to catch the baby. The doctor giving the tour said she was disappointed more women weren't willing to try it, because it was a more natural position for giving birth. I do hope Anna is able to do whatever is most comfortable for her, now that won't be any cameras around.
  9. Poor Gail. The way she sounded when Steve came out of the warehouse and she said his name, I was so sad for her.
  10. The cord being wrapped around her neck was very unlikely to change this close to the event, so it really is better that you chose to induce, and had everyone you needed on hand. Remember that. You did the right thing. Hope it all goes well for you both.
  11. Interesting that they think a child of Jenny's age is too young for missions, considering that when her sister-moms were her age they were thought of as old enough to parent a child.
  12. I won't be having kids, but when my sister had her two, she breezed through. For her she said the pain did not even compare to her menstrual cramps. (We both have severe cramps, to the point where we get dizzy/nauseous/have pain that radiates right down our legs, and can't stand straight, apparently labour was nothing compared to that.) My mother had 4 live births, and every one was different. Her firstborn, small baby with a big round head...lots of tearing. Her second, big baby overall, went for ages, completely exhausted her. Me (third), I was a month early, she was in full labour, completely dilated, when her contractions just stopped at near midnight, started up again at ten the next morning, and I was born an hour later (interestingly, between 10-11am has always been my natural wake-up time when left to my own devices), and my little brother was two weeks late, and the doctors had to manually break the waters.
  13. I have Sims Freeplay on the iPad. You can't kill anyone, but since a few updates ago, you can leave babies and toddlers at home indefinitely, while the parents are off doing other things. You used to be able to have any sleep in any bed, with any other Sim, and now it's only if they're a couple.
  14. I liked Arielle in The Vampire Diaries. Her character was fun.
  15. A lot of parents not in fundie land, who don't necessarily consider the husband/father to be the headship do that too. Kid misbehaves, mother is "wait til your father gets home!", and 6 hours after actually being bad is when they get spanked for it, which is terrible for the kid, because by then their mind is on something else, and they've maybe had a good few hours with the non-spanking parent, and even though they know they did something wrong, they time being committing the act, and receiving the punishment can create confusion, and result in hostile feelings toward the parent doing the punishing.
  16. As someone who suffers through Australian summers in a house with no air-conditioning, I have to say, my perfect weather would be 25C (77F) with the occasional cool breeze, and thunderstorms at night. So far, I've failed to build myself a weather machine that will make this happen.
  17. Okay, here's my foray into Duggar fantasy fic: Jinger and Joy started loading Johannah, Jenny and Josie into one of the many Duggar SUVs, while Jana searched the house for Jordyn. "Have you seen Jordyn?" she asked Jim-Bob and Michelle. "We're taking the girls out for ice cream." Michelle blinked slowly, before turning her adoring gaze to Jim-Bob. "We have a Jordyn?" Her confused, high-pitched voice set off dogs barking in the distance. "Don't worry, I'll find her." Jana walked away, wishing she could stomp, but knowing she needed to stay sweet, so as not to arouse her parents suspicion. Finding Jordyn sitting under the kitchen table, sadly poking a spoon into an empty food can, Jana pulled her out, and hustled her to the garage, where Jinger was waiting with the rest of the girls. They drove away, and never came back. *Apologies for using the word arouse in a story about the Duggars. Edited, because I forgot Joy.
  18. When they're in the library Sam asks what he looks like, and the guy is all "we don't have time", then Andy says they at least need a name, and the guy says Oliver Shaw.
  19. The overuse of exclamation points and underuse of commas hurts me. And what's with the random capitalization of words? Arrrggghhhhhh.
  20. Hahahahaha Michelle baking. And here I thought the ultrasound tech would tell you if you were expecting twins, instead of leaving it up to the person you've chosen to reveal the gender. I guess I've learned nothing from working in hospital with both an imaging department and a fertility lab. That was horrible. As a fanfic writer myself, I like to encourage other people with their writing, because I know as soon as I post my stuff, I'm convinced it sucks...but this is just terrible.
  21. Organic food is totally overrated, and nowhere near worth the exorbitant prices most places charge.
  22. I've had issues with Steve since season 1. In the episode where his partner was dirty, and he got mad at Chris, Gail seemed a little scared of him, and even now when he's being all nice, I still find him kind of skeevy. I've had so many conversations at work this week that started with people being all "Oliver can't be a bad guy." Seriously, he's Oliver. I would have been devastated if it had turned out that he was the bomber. Loved Sam asking Oliver to be his best man.
  23. I've never seen an actual televangelist, so when I read about them I just picture Melvin P. Thorpe from The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas. Knowing the Duggars have met Dolly Parton, could you imagine them watching that movie. Heh.
  24. Michelle probably caught The Gay from all her Starbucks drinking.
  25. I never had a problem with Jake T. Austin when he was on Wizards of Waverly Place (fun fact, Bailee Madison who plays Sophia was the female version Jake's Wizards character after he was accidently turned into a girl), but he doesn't seem as good here. Maybe he needs stronger direction?
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