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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. The arrogance Michelle displays in thinking her bikini body could cause the breakdown of a marriage is now carried through to her religion. The idea that you're so very important that God micromanages every moment of your life, even while there's other things that could use his attention - like little kids dying of diseases that shouldn't even exist, it is the most self-centered way of having faith.
  2. I teared up when Colbert was telling Jon how much he'd done for them all. I'll really miss Jon as the host of The Daily Show.
  3. A friend of mine gets married in October, and her invitations specified "your presence is the only present we need." But because I've known her for 17 years, and she's like a sister, I gave her money toward a videographer.
  4. I haven't seen the episode, but I thought that portrait was Conan O'Brien when I saw the pic at the top of the article.
  5. Now that he's single again, Boob's probably taken away his portable porn box, and given him an Internet free flip phone in its place.
  6. In that first photo little Josh looks like a tiny version of a smug yuppie frat boy.
  7. We have an ice cream in Australia called Golden Gaytime. The tagline in the ads is "It's hard to have a gaytime on your own!"
  8. Reality's not my thing, so I thought I'd be bored and/or annoyed by a show about the behind the scenes of a reality program. I took a chance because I've liked Shiri since way back when, and I'm really glad I did. This show is fantastic. There's a few things I could have done without, like reprising the Rachel/Jeremy relationship...but mostly, I've really enjoyed it. Great work from everyone involved.
  9. Of course, they'd have to get rid of their iPhones etc. for the same reason. I always laugh when I see long internet rants from someone all "this company supports gay rights! I won't be using their product anymore!", because they're writing that rant on a computer and using a web browser made buy a company that supports equality. If only they would all boycott companies that supported equal rights, we'd never hear from them again.
  10. She'd be eating a lot more fresh food too, which would probably do wonders after the years of rubbish they ate.
  11. This 'romance is porn for women' thing reminded me of this comic... https://xkcd.com/714/
  12. While this would be a fine episode to end on, because everything's all wrapped up, I hope it's not the end. I really want to see Gail training Rookies, while Oliver watches and laughs.
  13. Who the hell spends $75 on a bathroom wastebasket? The bin in my bathroom cost $2 at the local cheap store, because it is a bin, that holds rubbish... gahhhhhh.
  14. I find it so creepy that Michelle is dressed just like the girls, instead of having a separate "I'm an adult as well" dress. And it's such a tacky looking dress that it looks really out of place next to Boob's suit.
  15. Clearly they're not following their own words. None of their children have been trusted to stand alone even as adults, let alone from the age of 12. They still have the constant chaperoning and accountability partners that wouldn't be necessary if you truly had faith that your belief system worked.
  16. No name yet. And she seems to be taking after Marlo in skin tone. Gail being sad just broke my heart. I don't get why Chloe hasn't had her tie cut yet. She can't still be considered a rookie anymore, can she?
  17. I do like how he suggests people can voice their opinion to the Network. The leghumpers couldn't get them to keep the main Duggars on TLC, why would he think he and Amy have a big enough rabid, network hassling fanbase to make a difference.
  18. I'm a science believing athiest, but for $20 million dollars a year, I might be convinced to start saying that Jurassic World was a real time documentary about an unfortunate day at an exotic zoo.
  19. In the resting picture of that first gif, blue gloves looks like she needs to pee. I don't know why that amuses me so much.
  20. What the hell kind of uncultured vampire puts ice in wine/wine coolers. Vampire standards have really gone down.
  21. I've made lump sum donations to UNICEF, and I sponsor a child through World Vision, which is a monthly payment. No credit check, or license number needed - we don't have SS # where I live. I've also been helping set up the donation page for the foundation of the hospital I work for, and protecting people's privacy is paramount. The Dillards donation page is really dodgy if they're asking for any more details than the name, number and expiry date of the card you're using to donate. Not defending Derick's horrible writing skills, or trying to start a fight (I normally agree with you),but I have noticed a lot of posts on this forum where people are consistently messing up there/their, and your/you're. It drives me mad, but I just twitch a little and move on. edited for misplaced comma.
  22. When Frankie said Gail should come to homicide, my first thought was "she could work with Luke again!". I enjoyed Luke and Gail's interactions in the second season. Was Traci supposed to be on leave because she was stressed about Steve? I would wonder why Gail wasn't also on leave, having known Steve longer, and actually being related to him, but I can see her insisting on working to prove that she's not affected by it. I did think it was unfair of Traci to tell her that no one feels sorry for her, they can't all be giant assholes who think she doesn't have feelings and/or deserves to be though of as suspect because of Steve's actions.
  23. I'm so happy Marlo survived. I was worried they'd have her die in childbirth so Andy wouldn't have to deal with having the birth mother of Sam's baby around at all. We needed more Gail, as always. I still miss Holly, but I do like Katherine Isabelle, so if she's going to be Gail's new girlfriend, I'll go along for the ride. Also needed more Tracey.
  24. Before this season started a friend of mine was all "Is Holly coming back?" When I said probably not due to Aliyah not being around for filming, she said "Maybe Marlo can be bi and end up with Gail. Gail would be a good stepmother to the baby."
  25. I've read them all. I was so devastated when he died earlier this year. Such a great mind. I love how he deals with religions on the Discworld.
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