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Everything posted by kalamac

  1. Maybe the real reason he wanted Jill is that he's got a foot fetish and fell in love with her alluring flip flop look. The toenail painting is because he can't keep his hands away from her feet.
  2. Jessica, one of the hilarious runners of Go Fug Yourself, used to recap The X-Files over at Television Without Pity back in the day. I believe it was still Mighty Big TV when those recaps started. Her recaps were great, and included insights from, and adventures of her Mulder & Scully action figures.
  3. I am so damn excited for this. Both about the show itself, especially since I read that they will be early seasons style, and because Jessica will be recapping over on Go Fug Yourself. I loved her old recaps.
  4. If JB did something to that boy off camera, or was visibly hurting him and the camera people knew it was happening and did nothing, that is just appalling. No matter how feral some of the kids may act, this isn't a wildlife documentary where you're not supposed to intervene with the animals. If serious shit is going on, anyone who sees it should be trying to stop it/reporting it.
  5. You'd think fangirling over someone enough to have them sign your bible would be frowned upon. If they think the bible is the literal word of God, shouldn't He be the only one allowed to sign it.
  6. Can minors in the US actually get credit cards that aren't attached to those of their parents or is that something that's been done just for the sake of the story? In Australia you have to be at least 18 to qualify for a credit card (I do believe that back in the day some stores had credit cards you could get at 17 provided you had an job, but I think that's changed), the only option for teenagers are the Visa debit type card, where they're using their own money, not going into debt.
  7. Back when it first aired, I really liked Normal Again, right up until the end when Buffy told Willow she'd been in a mental hospital, back before she came to Sunnydale. At which point I wanted smack everyone involved with writing/approving and filming that line, because no she fucking wasn't. If she had been she would have been way more scared back in Ted when he threatened her with that very thing, and Joyce would have been all over herself apologizing for locking Buffy up, when she found out that vampires were real in season 3.
  8. I trust Caleb a lot less since he got the haircut and started growing that pathetic fuzzy facial hair. He looks kind of skeevy now.
  9. I know a lot of people are of the opinion that the Lost Girls are why Jana stays, but I think, if she really does love them, they might be reason she finally goes. Like she'll look at Jenny saying she wants to be a doctor, and realize there's very little chance of that happening the way things are, with Mechelle getting more checked out every day and the homefooling likely not even as good as the bad that it was back in her day. But if she leaves, and can be a big sister on the outside that they can run to when the time comes....maybe that will be the push she needs to break free, while still feeling like she's doing what she can to help the kids who'll need it most.
  10. Is the first name/last name thing maybe a Southern thing? If it's not, people from the South let me know. (I'm Aussie, so have no idea). Just wondering because I watch Hart of Dixie, set in Alabama, and they so often have characters who have known each other for years, and in some cases are dating, calling each other by their full names, especially George Tucker. It would drive me nuts if people I knew went around using my full name all the time.
  11. My co-worker who just had a baby last week had two showers. One at home, thrown by non-work friends, and one with us, in a family restaurant. We always do baby showers for expectant parents, even if we know they're having one thrown by someone else.
  12. You'd think they'd use peeling potatoes as a training/discipline thing like in the army. When my dad was still in the army, he said it was always the troublemakers who got made to do all the peeling. And count me in as someone who finds the idea of frozen mashed potatoes gross. I don't even like the idea of instant ones. I make these awesome cheesy garlic mashed potatoes, and couldn't imagine not using actual fresh potatoes for them.
  13. I say both parties should be involved, so if you're going with rings, the one who has to wear it, ends up with something they like. I'm not a ring person, and I think diamonds are overrated and massively overpriced, so I'd be happy with a plastic dinosaur ring (the choice my Sims always turn down, because apparently they're fancier than me), but when my friend got engaged, her boyfriend said he wanted the ring to be a surprise, so they compromised with her showing him a selection she liked, and then him picking one without her there, so she didn't know exactly which one she was getting. So if Amy wants to be there to chose her which ring she ends up with, I won't judge her for that.
  14. This show more than makes up for Taraji P. Henson not being on POI anymore. It's brilliant, and she's amazing as Cookie.
  15. Also not wanting to be vulgar, but I hope Jill (and the other grown girls) did/do masturbate. It's a much healthier way to deal with natural urges than trying to pray them away, and can be a valuable tool in learning how you like to be touched. And hey, God gave them the urges, and arms just the right length to deal with them....
  16. Maybe if they didn't abstain until marriage, JB could get away with cheaper weddings. Buy used, save the difference...
  17. How does anyone buy "I can't videochat because I've forgotten my logins" as an actual excuse. Hit the button that says "forgot my password" or create a new account. At least claim you don't videochat because you think the camera steals your soul. That's way more believable than not being able to login.
  18. I never understood why, especially when Buffy got Giles reinstated as Watcher, with backpay, she didn't tell the Council "As long as you're paying a bunch of Watchers to do research, you can also pay me, the one who does the actual dangerous work." You'd think they would already have a monetary trust in place, given that nature of their calling would mean any Slayer who survives into adulthood is bound to have trouble finding and keeping a paying job. It bugged me then, and it bugs me now.
  19. Wait, so the horrors of Armageddon can be kept away, as long as we stop telling people about Jesus? I don't care if it's supposed to be followed by paradise (especially considering the Duggar's version of paradise probably would not be paradise for me, what with my gay, heathen ways), we need to get everyone to stop Ministering in Jesus's name.
  20. I saw someone in another thread say that they thought Michelle started to have her breakdown right around when Jessa was a baby. Maybe a part of JB blames Jessa for Michelle's declining mental health, and he's been passive-aggressively punishing her for it all this time. Which in turn, could encourage Jessa's minor rebellions, giving him more issues with her.
  21. I have to admit, if I were pregnant, I would probably keep wearing my regular t-shirts until they barely covered my bump, simply because I'm really cheap, and hate the idea of spending money on clothes I'm only going to wear for a couple of months. Although in Jill's case, maternity wear could be an investment if she's going to follow in her mother's insane footsteps.
  22. Derrick has got the creepiest mouth. I know people can't help their features, but it really weirds me out.
  23. Wouldn't labeling Jessa the sexiest Duggar alive be considered defrauding?
  24. The whole 'a woman should always be available to her husband' thing, is why she shouldn't have had any babies. She's not available to him for all those months after the babies are born, when they abstain.
  25. One of my cousins had rolandic epilepsy, and her seizures took a toll on her fine motor skills. If Josie has been seizing, she may be having trouble holding a fork or spoon steady enough to feed herself.
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