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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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11 minutes ago, meils121 said:

That is my best guess as well.  So that would leave Lisa as the only TCC not there, along with 6 vets.  

Rachel A has IG story of a wedding so I’m guessing that’s why she’s absent.

10 minutes ago, DCCfan2443 said:

Okay what questions do you have? I just woke up. 

Who got cut last night? Lol.  Why are 31 of them at ihop? 😂

12 minutes ago, Cruisegirl said:

Was Lisa cut? We saw a similar photo when Tara was cut.  Or are they celebrating that TC is over. 🤷🏼‍♀️

True the last time we saw this it was over a vet cut 👀 except that they all look pretty happy in this pic.

Edited by SingleMom9
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Hey! New here- I tried scrolling through the previous feeds to get the answer but can anyone please tell me what rookie candidates are still left in training camp?? 

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6 minutes ago, Cmt88 said:

Hey! New here- I tried scrolling through the previous feeds to get the answer but can anyone please tell me what rookie candidates are still left in training camp?? 

Amanda Chandi Julia kat kelcey Kristin lily Lisa Victoria Taylor p Meredith 

Edited by Holly85
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59 minutes ago, Cruisegirl said:

Was Julia cut? We saw a similar photo when Tara was cut.  Or are they celebrating that TC is over. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I was hoping this meant Kat was cut. 

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2 minutes ago, DCCfan2443 said:

Yes.  I can't say who because then everyone will erupt and more questions and it'll be like 4th of July in here

I can respect that just hoping it’s not the two I want to see make it is all 

Edited by Holly85
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10 hours ago, Pj3422 said:

If Lily gets cut, I want her to rip Kelly & Judy a new one on a level that makes Meaghan Flaherty (RIP) look like Jackie Kennedy Onassis.

Haha!  I just said the same thing over on the episode link.....

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So I’m behind and watching episode 2 and there’s a point bf the break where you see Kat’s kicks again and they’re fine! I think she stumbled and messed up and that’s why they were low. I also think they’re probably editing her badly as well. But that’s just my 2 cents.

Now I will say she’s what my folks like to call extra, and that may rub folks wrong, but I still think she seems talented. We'll see more when we get to watch the solos.

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I feel like there were other candidates that I’d have like to see in finals more than Malena and that was the waste of a spot for me. Don’t get me wrong, I like her as a person, but it was obvious to me last year around week 3 that she wasn’t cut out for it due to memory. And her showing at semis didn’t inspire me that she’d do any better this year. In fact, I thought she did worse.

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3 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

Amy and Maddie share point. They change point half way through TS. 

its so nice of Maddie to share point with someone 😛 she should get point all for herself 😠 i hate more and more kelli, first freaking viruka, then maddie split point, whats next??? !!

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3 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

Amy and Maddie share point. They change point half way through TS. 

I have officially lost all excitement for this season.  I think K&J caved and avoided creating drama  by choosing one girl as point.  I don't find either Amy or Maddie point girl material.

Feeling deflated and extremely disappointed.

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1 hour ago, AAT said:

I was hoping this meant Kat was cut. 

Same Kat is unwatchable & cant dance or at least can’t pick up choreo quickly never mind her kicks, she is soooooo obnoxious I can’t wait to see if kitty calls her out on riding her looks to make the team, funny because I did like her before watching her self absorbed cocky talking heads... 

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10 hours ago, HideyYall said:

I understand that many have been cut consecutive years once accepted into training camp, but has there ever been anyone to make it to the final 2 cuts 2 years in a row and not make the team?  I really don't think people understand what a big deal that is. 

Yes, Kendall was cut on the last night two years in a row

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13 minutes ago, bupbupbip said:

its so nice of Maddie to share point with someone 😛 she should get point all for herself 😠 i hate more and more kelli, first freaking viruka, then maddie split point, whats next??? !!

cancellation of MTT?

I kid I kid.

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3 minutes ago, Stee said:

The only thing more unexciting than Amy or Maddie being point...

.. is Maddie and Amy SHARING point. 

I couldn't possibly agree more.  I would love to have seen things shaken up and point given to a 2nd year.  There's at least a couple who could easily have carried it.

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6 minutes ago, Stee said:

The only thing more unexciting than Amy or Maddie being point...

.. is Maddie and Amy SHARING point. 

It’s like they put a cup of Vanilla soft serve from DQ at point 

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11 minutes ago, MTTFan said:

cancellation of MTT?

I kid I kid.

at this point i wouldnt get mad, the best seasons are gone, last year's season was so good with a such an A class of rookies, but this season seems that will be lame like 2010

1 minute ago, go4luca said:

I couldn't possibly agree more.  I would love to have seen things shaken up and point given to a 2nd year.  There's at least a couple who could easily have carried it.

YASS!!! Bridget, Daphne, Hannah or Jalyn ❤️ 

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3 hours ago, Bubbetv said:

I giggled at that eye roll because it was (edited to seem?) directed at Victoria’s name called.

I thought she did it when Ashley H was called. 

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2 minutes ago, KatieC said:

I thought she did it when Ashley H was called. 

Same I don’t think Kat’s eye roll was when VK was called.  However somebody (can’t remember who) did make a face when Vic was called.

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1 minute ago, DCCFanInKy said:

First preseason game is today 

Wonder how much longer before they announce the team?  First home game isn't until 8/24 (is it unusual for the first home game to be so late in August?)

We have been told the final team announcement will be on 8/13 which is Tuesday 

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I went from being impressed with Kat to not so much.  She is talking too much and so thirsty.  Her kicks are bad and she believes she's all that.  Not a fan of the attitude and she was one of my favs the first episode.

Kristian looks soft.  She's pretty but she really has not improved much from last year.  Meredith is pretty I just do not want to hear her talk.

VK looked great last night.  She looks like a DCC.    I think Chandi is adorable.

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11 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Im not going to lie. I actually started to tear up at Lacey's goodbye. I still cant believe that girl never made it to point. Not bashing their choice to make Kashara point. I really like Kashara but, I always felt Lacey was the better choice after Jenna. Although, Im still salty about how K&J handled the Jenna/Holly P drama.

Kat is diamond in the rough. Kelli LOVES girls like that. I dont think she lacks the flexibility for the kickline. Its her technique. Its pretty horrible. They will teach her to kick and polish her up. Even with her bad kicks, she's got that "IT" factor. Which is more than I can say for girls like Lily. Kat will be fine. 

Lily might be safe and on the squad because she's besties with EVERYONE on that damn squad.

Kristen's IG stories consist mostly of her body wellness programs and meal preps. I'm almost 100% sure they mention the weight gain to her. And if thats the only issue then shes fine. I remember Melissa R being smithen with her last season. 

So im thinking Meredith and Taylor P if they truly need to cut another 2.  But I rather Lily and Taylor P

I keep forgetting VK  She is a non factor to me. We all know she's going to be on the squad like it or not.  The question now is she a 1 season and done with DCC now that her DREAMS of being a DCC and on SG are coming true. Ugh I hope so. I really dont wanna have to suffer her being a vet and taking control next season. 

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6 minutes ago, Jessie S said:

Im not going to lie. I actually started to tear up at Lacey's goodbye. I still cant believe that girl never made it to point. Not bashing their choice to make Kashara point. I really like Kashara but, I always felt Lacey was the better choice after Jenna. Although, Im still salty about how K&J handled the Jenna/Holly P drama.

Kat is diamond in the rough. Kelli LOVES girls like that. I dont think she lacks the flexibility for the kickline. Its her technique. Its pretty horrible. They will teach her to kick and polish her up. Even with her bad kicks, she's got that "IT" factor. Which is more than I can say for girls like Lily. Kat will be fine. 

Lily might be safe and on the squad because she's besties with EVERYONE on that damn squad.

Kristen's IG stories consist mostly of her body wellness programs and meal preps. I'm almost 100% sure they mention the weight gain to her. And if thats the only issue then shes fine. I remember Melissa R being smithen with her last season. 

So im thinking Meredith and Taylor P if they truly need to cut another 2.  But I rather Lily and Taylor P

I keep forgetting VK  She is a non factor to me. We all know she's going to be on the squad like it or not.  The question now is she a 1 season and done with DCC now that her DREAMS of being a DCC and on SG are coming true. Ugh I hope so. I really dont wanna have to suffer her being a vet and taking control next season. 

My votes for last cuts would be Taylor P, Lisa, Lily or Kristen.

4 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Wow I must've missed that 🙂

It was said last night by someone that last 2 cuts would be made last night (nobody has confirmed if this actually happened) and Sunday night.  Someone this morning said last two cuts would be made today and tomorrow. 

Edited by SingleMom9
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6 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

Same.  She’s one my faves (but I did find her IG story suspect which has now been taken down).

@HideyYall have you got any info? 😊

If she was cut might explain why Lisa wasn’t there bc I don’t think they are close or anything like that 

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33 minutes ago, Jennv said:

It’s like they put a cup of Vanilla soft serve from DQ at point 

That would have been more exciting.

It’s more like they got a prepackaged fruit salad at an airport terminal food counter and made it point. 

And I *like* Maddie and Amy!

(and fruit salad)

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4 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

If she was cut might explain why Lisa wasn’t there bc I don’t think they are close or anything like that 

Lol given they were former teammates, in my mind that would solidify the reports that Lisa isn’t very nice (or so it’s been said).

Edited by SingleMom9
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