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Season 4 Discussion


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I also said I Love Lucy. "You" didn't even occur to me. Doesn't know what that says about me.

For the Dumb Dora and jeans one, I said skinny because, well, because of skinny jeans, though I thought perhaps the jeans might have body dysmorphia and think they're fat. 

I usually like Johnny Weir in his appearances, but he was a bit too much for me here. 

I was on a different track for the David Hasselhoff question. I didn't see it that programming the Hasselhoff robot would be difficult (i.e., to get him to act, which Hasselhoff wasn't all that great at), but that the robot needed to be programmed to be more like Hasselhoff. I went with 'eat a hamburger.' Too mean?

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That was an hour of pretty hard clues and equally dumb contestants. 

Was thinking "imaginary" for unicorn as well but settled on "horny". 

As most had all six or almost all six with different answers I managed to at least match with one throughout the show. Couldn't think of anything for the Wheaties box one. Bruce Jenner made the most sense after the fact. Can't believe she got one right with Rick Fox. 


I was on a different track for the David Hasselhoff question. I didn't see it that programming the Hasselhoff robot would be difficult (i.e., to get him to act, which Hasselhoff wasn't all that great at), but that the robot needed to be programmed to be more like Hasselhoff. I went with 'eat a hamburger.' Too mean?

Well, I'm meaner because I thought "get drunk and try to eat a cheeseburger off the floor."

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On 1/24/2019 at 2:56 PM, SoMuchTV said:

For the question about why the girlfriend is like a unicorn - the one and only answer that occurred to me was "imaginary".  But I'll grant that the most popular answer did make sense, too.

Me too. I thought "imaginary" was THE answer. It came to me automatically when Alec read the question and I congratulated myself for being so smart. 🙄

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On 1/17/2019 at 11:27 AM, peeayebee said:

I'm really annoyed by the extroverted, loud, hyped-up contestants. It's obvious the show wants them to act larger than life, but I prefer more low-key ones.

I don't know why Alec liked the Siegfried and Roy question so much. My half-hearted answer was 'tiger treats.' At least I matched with Joel.

I thought Jason Biggs answer of 'magazines' was very good for the Cosmopolitan question. I said 'booze,' but his answer seemed to fit the Dumb Dora type better.

As I said in a previous post, the last couple of episodes' contestants have seemed like actors, not just your average person. You're right, it's really annoying.

Edited by BTBAM310
9 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

Top Gun was always going to be the best bet, but I kept thinking - Days of Thunder, All the Right Moves, Risky Business, A Few Good Men.

I first thought of Mission Impossible but went with Top Gun since it made more sense, if that makes any difference. But there are lots of options. All the Right Moves is a great one, though not one of his more well-known movies. Hee -- Looking at his IMDB page: Jack Reacher! 

This was not a great panel, imo. I liked Chris Parnell. Jane Krakowski is always fine. But the others were ugh, esp Whitney Cummings.

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I went with Cocktail but surprised no one mentioned Eyes Wide Shut. 

+1 to Whitney never being on the show again.

I feel like there is a fine line with going for humor and trying to have a legit answer. Some on the panel just go overboard with coming up with something weird that isn't always funny either. If I was a contestant I would be pissed if it cost me the win. Who knows though, these contestants might be in on it as well so maybe I shouldn't feel too bad for them. 

Funny that Caitlin was on since the previous week the common answer for the Wheaties box was Bruce. Can't believe she matched Earth either. We didn't even come up with when brain storming. My first answer was Down to F***. 

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Almost any Beatles song would work if you think about it. I thought of "Here There and Everywhere." But ultimately Yellow Submarine was the ideal answer.

There were some tough questions elsewhere though. I really had no idea what the right answer was for the Dancing With the Stars-themed restaurant and had no idea what they were going for. 

4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Almost any Beatles song would work if you think about it. I thought of "Here There and Everywhere." But ultimately Yellow Submarine was the ideal answer.

Yeah. Like the panelists, I was impressed by her answer. At first I had said Maxwell's Silver Hammer, but then I thought that wasn't one of their bigger hits (not that that really makes a difference on this show). At the last minute I changed my answer to Hey Jude.


There were some tough questions elsewhere though. I really had no idea what the right answer was for the Dancing With the Stars-themed restaurant and had no idea what they were going for.

Like Jason said, there was probably some catchphrase that was the perfect answer. I certainly didn't know it. Maybe it was spicy. I've watched DWTS a couple of times, and I think one of the judge calls some performances spicy. But I didn't have a clue. I said "a 10."

I had been thinking that the photo in the Monitor Match was unimportant, but here it was key with the pregnant husband question. 

I'm surprised that only one celeb said crap, or a variation of it. I thought manure or shit was THE answer.

I don't care for Michael Che on SNL, and I didn't like him here.  

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Like Jason said, there was probably some catchphrase that was the perfect answer. I certainly didn't know it. Maybe it was spicy. I've watched DWTS a couple of times, and I think one of the judge calls some performances spicy.

I was a regular watcher for several seasons too many and I couldn't for the life of me think of any particular catch phrase or common criticism from the judges that would have fit the question. 


I don't care for Michael Che on SNL, and I didn't like him here.  

I don't get him either. He was on The Daily Show for one red-hot minute before he got snatched up to do Weekend Update on SNL and I have no idea why. He's not particularly funny or magnetic. It's like they were looking for the most bland and inoffensive person they could find.

I don't get Judah Friedlander either.

On 2/21/2019 at 10:03 PM, lynxfx said:

I bombed on a few of the answers and final matches.

Boy, I did, too. For the question about Sir-Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back, I said Baby Got Derriere. Of COURSE the answer was brains. A big ol' DOH moment for me.

I thought it was funny when after Oliver mispronounced Sharretta's name, Caroline (I think) said his name was pronounced O-Liver.

The winning contestants, Jay and Sharretta, were both fun and not too OTT. I loved Sharretta's mini donuts.


Two questions:

  1. Is this show over for now?
  2. Is there a separate thread for other (old) versions of the show?
On 1/3/2019 at 2:54 PM, Rita J said:

Is there anyone that can tell me why they only show MG 74, 77, & 78 on GSN?  What happened to the other years in between?  Thanks!!

They're all shown on BUZZR, which you can also watch online as a simulcast. 

Just now on the 75 rerun, the question was [paraphrased]:
Gary Burghoff saw Brett Somers in the back seat of his car with a blank.
The contestant guessed "a man." 
One of the celebrities said "a sailor," which the judges said did not match, which caused Gene to demand to know why it didn't match.
The judges said that it didn't match because a man could be a doctor, lawyer, etc.--which wouldn't pass muster on the logic portion of the GRE--which I don't think they have anymore anyway.
But, my point being: I was taken aback (literally) realizing that in 1975 a sailor could not be a woman--but which is why "man" and "sailor" would not match on today's Match Game.

Edited by shapeshifter
3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Hmm, I guess I'm the only one old enough to think of "Gumby" for going green. I'm also old enough to think of "Rock the Casbah." 

That lady's parents named her Kayti and thought they were being pretty cutesy with the spelling. I bet she curses them for it every day.

Really liked this--and all of the revamped game shows! I too thought Rock the Casbah right away!

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I only realized after the fact that this was coming back on (6/12).  I decided to waste an hour watching it on abc.com, and I was shocked! (in a good way) that there were no commercials.  I don't think that's ever happened before on a network streaming site.  So I only wasted 40 minutes!

I liked Michael Che's doggie hoodie.  Probably cost more than everything in my closet put together.

And I know the contestant probably didn't mean it that way, but I can't not see breadsticks and meatballs now.

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On 6/13/2019 at 5:35 PM, Merriwind said:
On 6/13/2019 at 1:36 PM, iMonrey said:

Hmm, I guess I'm the only one old enough to think of "Gumby" for going green. I'm also old enough to think of "Rock the Casbah." 

That lady's parents named her Kayti and thought they were being pretty cutesy with the spelling. I bet she curses them for it every day.

Really liked this--and all of the revamped game shows! I too thought Rock the Casbah right away!

I was Team Kermit all the way, but I'll admit my first thought was Casbah.

20 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I decided to waste an hour watching it on abc.com, and I was shocked! (in a good way) that there were no commercials.  I don't think that's ever happened before on a network streaming site. 

Wow, lucky you! That's never happened to me, which is why I hate watching shows on network sites.

I also thought about Rock the Casbah, but I went with Rock the Boat... and had the song in my head afterwards. "Rock the boat -- Don't rock the boat, baby -- Rock the boat -- Don't tip the boat over -- Rock the boat... "

I thought Kermit the Frog was THE answer, so I was surprised by all the other answers. 

I also thought Apple iPhone was THE answer. I guess I'm all alone.

I know, as Jason said, they're encouraged to go low, but that really bugs me. I mean, I thought Alex Baldwin was known for his hairy chest.


I don't know how to play Words With Friends. My answer was "F U." 

I didn't care for the two women celebrities who were not Constance Zimmer. At least we got a warning from the one that she would be going blue as much as possible.

And I still hate the looooooooooong pause the show does before revealing the answer in the Super Match.

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25 minutes ago, peeayebee said:
  1. I also thought about Rock the Casbah, but I went with Rock the Boat... and had the song in my head afterwards. "Rock the boat -- Don't rock the boat, baby -- Rock the boat -- Don't tip the boat over -- Rock the boat... "
  2. Alex Baldwin was known for his hairy chest.
  3. I didn't care for the two women celebrities who were not Constance Zimmer.
  1. I thought Rock the Boat, Rock the Casbah and Rock the Vote, in that order (I always try to come up with three before the celebs give their answers). I had Rock the Casbah in my head the rest of the night.
  2. I had the exact same thought, almost verbatim.
  3. I've never even heard of Bridget whoever. (I've seen the other woman but I'm blanking on her name now.) Didn't find her especially funny.
Edited by ams1001

I said rock the cradle immediately and thought it was the definitive answer. Also then thought of boat and vote and Casbah, but still thought cradle was 'the' answer. Apparently not.

Jason Alexander is a really good player. Fun with a good sense of humor, but still takes the game seriously and tries to match with the contestants. Unlike Michael Che, who acts like he's too cool to be there and gives crappy answers. 

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5 hours ago, DXD526 said:

Jason Alexander is a really good player. Fun with a good sense of humor, but still takes the game seriously and tries to match with the contestants. Unlike Michael Che, who acts like he's too cool to be there and gives crappy answers. 

I assume Michael Che was just feeling out of his element, whereas Jason Alexander not only grew up watching the original Match Game, he has already appeared on this version 4 other times, as well as having been a "celebrity contestant" 10 other times on game shows, and have played on poker shows about a dozen times.

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