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S07.E02: I Found You

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I don't understand why the trip TWO TOWNS OVER took so long?  You drive over there and check a few obvious places - police, fire, hospital/clinic.  Maybe check in at the supermarkets.  You could even spot check a street or two - have everyone knock on doors to see if anyone is home.  Or hell, why not use a megaphone announcing that you're from Bon Temps and there to check on people.  They could have done all of that in a couple of hours.  Tops.  Why were they still there when night was approaching?  If I was dealing with vampires, I'd be up at dawn so I could have as much time as possible for my daytime errands!

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I am at the point where most of this show is merely ff material to me.

Eric having the virus is the final nail in the coffin for me. I wanted a happy ending for Tara (she's now dead), Lafayettte, Eric and Pam and it look like my only remaining hope is LaLa, so they will probably kill him so that awful Lettie Mae can live.

I thought I would hate watch for completion sake and not buy the season, but at the rate they are going, I won't be able to make it through the season.

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Per the show canon, there is not really "true love" between humans and vampires who exchange blood, because there's the blood bond thing that takes over.  They can crank up the wistful music all they want, but it doesn't change the fact the show has presented this sort of human-vampire connection as one of compulsion, not true consent or love (and that's not even including the actual mind control of glamoring). 


I never got that impression about the blood exchange from what we've seen on the show. Sure the blood affects you and makes you feel attracted to the vampire who's blood you've drank, but I've always took it as the blood can't make you fall in love. Like Lafayette says, the blood enhances... The sex dreams are one thing, but with all the blood that's been exchanged on this show, everyone would be in love with everyone else if it could make you fall in love, or think you're in love.


So I guess it's just one more thing that isn't clear- and that people can see differently, since for me the point has always seemed to be that there is still real love despite all the other stuff... 

Ugghhh- so this is how they’re ending the show after 7 years. Kill off most of the main characters-spend enormous amounts of time on random villagers who are  too stupid to live.

(Whatever is going between Tara and Lettie Mae is personal. I don't think we are going to find out until towards the end but I am about 85-90% positive she staked her. )


Yuup she did.      Trueblood also turning into the Lettie Mae show-little bit of Lettie Mae goes a long way.  What else is a hot mess- Sookie and Alcide are more like neighbors who have a good rapport than a couple-absolute snooze fest. Other inexplicable developments: Sookie throwing away her cell phone- hinting that  Eric contracted Hep V on purpose. No one suggests leaving!? The whole cast has lost IQ points . As much  as I’m complaining  I  will watch this mess till the end.

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I didn't find the Eric/Jason scene very hot.  I actually thought Ryan seemed nervous, and since he's usually a pro at these scenes, it took me out of the moment.


God I hate Hoyt's mom, but calling Sam a "dog bear" was pretty funny.  I'm hoping she and Lettie Mae will be thrown into a pit and have to fight it out.


I'm worried Jessica's non-healing wound means she's infected.  It's too HIV positive to be a coincidence.


I'm hating the lynch mob.  Other than Hoyt's mom, I can't tell them apart.  I did appreciate Kenya's "Don't you try that NRA hillbilly shit on me".  I'm a Chicago transplant to Georgia, and this is my typical comment to all the gun freaks.  In Georgia, we now can carry guns into bars, churches, and the airport!I


I couldn't focus on Sookie's scenes because I was so mesmerized by the hideous sweater she wore.  It's hard to make Anna look chubby, but they succeeded.


I'm sad that Eric's sick and all, but I don't understand the deification of Eric.  I can't forget what he did to Lafayette.  And poor Lafayette - he deserves happiness more than anyone.


I've warmed up to Holly and I really love Arlene now.  I thought the actress killed her scenes.  I have no idea who Jane is - unless she's the slutty lush.  I didn't even realize Ginger was with them, and I keep forgetting about Nicole - as it seems Sam has as well.  I'm really feeling for those ladies.  Is anyone actually looking for them?


I wish they had established that all the children and elderly had been evacuated to safety, but the rest have stayed to fight for their town.  Otherwise, it's just too stupid.  Why aren't they looking for the vampires?  They must have at least twelve hours of daylight.  They could start burning down random buildings to flush them out or expose to sunlight. 

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So, am I the only one who doesn't remember Mob Leader Guy at all? Hell, I don't even really remember Sam becoming mayor.

I think story arcs that are going to be such a BFD in the final season should probably be set up a little more strongly. 

So since Whatsisname needs some kind of personality and/or context in order to feel relevant, I'm just going to let my brain treat him as Al Gore from South Park. "Gather your weapons, people! I'm totally serial! He's a ManBearDog!"

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I've warmed up to Holly and I really love Arlene now.  I thought the actress killed her scenes.  I have no idea who Jane is - unless she's the slutty lush.  I didn't even realize Ginger was with them, and I keep forgetting about Nicole - as it seems Sam has as well.  I'm really feeling for those ladies.  Is anyone actually looking for them?

Jane is Jane Bodehouse... she is that slutty lush that's been around since S1... the one who cut her finger off during the Maryanne days...

So far we haven't seen Ginger.. that one girl looked a lot like her, but once you got a better look (and heard her scream) you couldn't tell it was her. I think we'll get Ginger when Eric & Pam return to Louisiana...



So, am I the only one who doesn't remember Mob Leader Guy at all? Hell, I don't even really remember Sam becoming mayor.

I think story arcs that are going to be such a BFD in the final season should probably be set up a little more strongly. 

So since Whatsisname needs some kind of personality and/or context in order to feel relevant, I'm just going to let my brain treat him as Al Gore from South Park. "Gather your weapons, people! I'm totally serial! He's a ManBearDog!"



We didn't meet mob leader guy last season... so I guess they didn't expect us to know him. They did try and do some rushed exposition on him in the first episode- that he ran against Sam for Mayor (since with the time jump we missed a lot of stuff) and that he's kind of a dickwad... but that's all we know about him... and that he's getting crazier and crazier with the mob.


I love the southpark reference, I think that sounds like the best way to think of Mob leader guy... Manbeardog is serious threat!

Warlow's bite didn't heal when he bit himself to pretend he was an innocent guy bitten by a vampire. Maybe Jessica still had too much fairy blood in her and it's screwing up her vamp healing properties.



It's been 6 months since she's had fairy blood...  I think it's just supposed to be because she hasn't fed in awhile... they've definitely made it sound like blood is in very short supply.

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I thought the Jason/Erik sex scene was laughable because damn, next to Eric Jason looks like a pygmy.

I was having a real hard time believing that Jason was dominating Eric in those scenes, but I still enjoyed them.


Why don't these people just stay in their homes at night and not invite vampires in? And, if they really want to help out the non-infected vamps, start blood banks.

The Jason and Eric sex scene was the only good part about this episode. It all went downhill after that. Please kill all the random villagers already especially the almost mayor and his lackeys. Random observation: the black female deputy also plays the wife of Laverne Cox's transsexual character Sophia in "Orange Is the New Black". Just really funny to me to see her in "True Blood" too.

Having just watched the season finale of Nurse Jackie, I thought maybe Lettie Mae might have as well. I know nothing in True Blood is meant to be terribly realistic, but Nurse Jackie is.  Do addicts really seriously injure themselves merely to get their next fix? Lettie Mae's repeated drug taking - though now apparently V instead of alcohol - is more depressing than entertaining.


Lettie Mae's repeated drug taking - though now apparently V instead of alcohol - is more depressing than entertaining.

And, I don't care about Lettie Mae.  She has always been an awful character, and she's relevant to the show only through Tara (and possibly Lafayette).  Why, with all the other plot lines that are ongoing (vampire politics, Hep-V, werewolf packs, witch covens, telepaths, fairyland, etc.) do we need to have another V-addict storyline, featuring the worst character in the show. 

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Maybe the worst character, but easily one of the best actresses--LM and Maxine are two of the most realistic bottom-feeders I've ever seen on TV. I'm continually amazed at Rev. Daniels though; he seems like a stand-up guy, but didn't he cheat on his wife with LM? He doesn't seem like a manipulative jerk, even though given his actions he should be (and perhaps he was in the past?) but he just comes off as a man trying to offer hope and do the right thing. Speaking of that family, Lala has the right idea: screw all of this, get baked and plastered, call it a freaking day. Unfortunately that gives him very little inclusion in the main storyline.


I am pleased as punch that Sookie's idiocy continues to have repercussions later on. Her tantrum last episode left other people in danger when she could have helped, and Andy would surely have wanted to know that his daughter was in the midst of an angry mob. I'm just glad that this wasn't thrown away without resolution, it was at least partially preventable, and Sookie's actions contributed to how things unfolded.


I was a bit thrown by Andy's assertion that "a man ain't nothin' without a family" but I was happy about the outcome: getting Jason to stop munching on that three-day-old pizza! Holy mackerel was I cringing. It was out for almost three freaking days and Jason's all "chow time"? Ugh. Andy, you can give all the weird nonsensical speeches you want if they have that quick a turnover for results.


And maybe it's just me (a POC) but it sure did leave a bad taste in my mouth when Vince's crony told Kenya she was passed over for the deputy position because of her WOC status...a single episode after Tara was killed off-screen in the first five minutes of the final season. So how many episodes is she going to spend being as blasphemous as possible until she finally spits out the reveal that LM killed her? Who's got bets in that pool?

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Well that was boring. The Jason/Eric scene was kind of hot but it was also totally pointless as well. Still the best part in an otherwise uninteresting episode.


So towns are getting slaughtered by sick vampires all over and the dead girl was a proto Sookie as well, which Alcide seemed quick to deny as well.


Vince is leading everyone into a frenzy as well. At least Adilyn and Wade were trying to be helpful.


Pam found Eric at last but he's got Hep V and Lettie Mae continues to be annoying when she's seeing Tara.


Arlene and company had some alright moments here but overall this episode was terrible, 6/10

I'm guessing Adalyn isn't using her fairy powers at will yet because she probably doesn't know how to. She might look like a teen or young adult, but she's only what, like a year old or something? Possibly less. She probably just has no idea what the hell she's doing. It's not like these fairy moms stick around to show the kids the ropes and our resident halfling Sookie isn't exactly reliable.

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I get the argument that TB was always kind of bad and was basically always a guilty pleasure, but at some point in each season I have a moment where I'm like, "and that's why I still put up with and occasionally even love ahis show." Stuff like "I love you...Jason Stackhouse." I can't quit this show even when it gives me an episode like this one.

I enjoyed the Eric and Jason scene and agree that it was the best part of the episode but isn't that a sad commentary even for this show. That being said I also don't think there's anything wrong with fans getting that sort of pointless pay off since this show is really just really just trying to be entertaining and campy at the end of the day.

I concur though that the last two episodes were terribly boring and I feel like the show is limping through this last season. I only really care what happens to Eric, Lafayette, Jessica, and Jason. I like Andy and Adalyn but I don't care that much. The rest I can't say that I really give a damn.

Edited by Avaleigh

So, I dreamt about discussing True Blood the other night, and figured I'd post what I dreamt here.


I was upset that Kenya was convinced that Andy didn't have any faith in her and put her in charge of the station instead of dragging her along to the town.  Maybe Andy had way more faith in Kenya than in Jason to take care of things while he was gone.  Andy has to have Jason with him, because Jason will screw things up if someone isn't watching them.


Kenya is in charge of the town while Andy's away - yet, she's convinced that she got left behind (quite easily, I might add) because Andy didn't have faith in her.  I love Kenya, and hate how they changed her character.  We've all known people that got the promotion that we should of had, and most of us (I would hope), wouldn't open up the armory to a mob. 

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