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S04.E12: Here

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I am NOT happy that Nova is back on everyone's good graces; it is too soon--which is why I was here for Ralph Angel reading her.

I was afraid for Vi during her confrontation with Jimmy Dale, but I'm glad she found the strength to confront him. 

I get that Charley is disappointed in Micah's decision, but he's grown, and she needs to let him find his way.

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I guess Nova is getting a Hollywood happy ending, because ain't no way in real life. Loved RA telling Vi that just because she's good with her all of a sudden, it doesn't mean he has to be. There isn't anything Nova could do to make things right with him, AFAIC. Not liking that he is even hearing her out next week.

Charley's way overreacting with Micah. What does she want him to do? Go there, be miserable, and end up a dropout? I get her point and her frustration, but he's an adult and it's his decision.

Charley sees all the bullshit coming down the pike, has been warned repeatedly that she's dealing with people bigger than her, and she's just now realizing she might have bit off more than she can chew? Wow.

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Micah is not grown. He's not even financially independent. Has he ever had a part-time job? I did not get the impression he received a full scholarship which means his tuition and expenses will be on his parents' dime. The fact Micah curated a separate secret list of schools was dishonest and deceitful.  At the very least, Micah should have discussed his thoughts with his parents. As a compromise, he could have tried Harvard for a year then transferred out.

His decision was made from a place of privilege. Illustrates being 18 makes you a legal adult but the maturity takes time. 

Of course, we know the character is attending Xavier so he can continue to be part of the show rather than the odd drop-in like his pops. I'm glad he's sticking around.

I agree, Nova can kick rocks. I wish they'd extended Nova's redemption arc and made her put in more work to earn her family's trust. 

Edited by cheeky
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5 hours ago, sereion said:

I am NOT happy that Nova is back on everyone's good graces; it is too soon--which is why I was here for Ralph Angel reading her.

I was afraid for Vi during her confrontation with Jimmy Dale, but I'm glad she found the strength to confront him. 

I get that Charley is disappointed in Micah's decision, but he's grown, and she needs to let him find his way.

Micah can find his way without his parents' money if he's so grown. 

So many times I kept saying, "Get in the car. Get in the car." 😅

But I'm glad Vi helped that young woman. 

3 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I guess Nova is getting a Hollywood happy ending, because ain't no way in real life. Loved RA telling Vi that just because she's good with her all of a sudden, it doesn't mean he has to be. There isn't anything Nova could do to make things right with him, AFAIC. Not liking that he is even hearing her out next week.

Charley's way overreacting with Micah. What does she want him to do? Go there, be miserable, and end up a dropout? I get her point and her frustration, but he's an adult and it's his decision.

Charley sees all the bullshit coming down the pike, has been warned repeatedly that she's dealing with people bigger than her, and she's just now realizing she might have bit off more than she can chew? Wow.

I think Charley is upset at being blindsided by this news. Micah deliberately kept this from her with his own list of schools and rescinding Harvard's acceptance without her knowledge even after seeing the house day after day with decorations about his send off. If Micah wants to act like an adult he should've talked to Charley instead of sneaking around. He says Charley's work in the community inspired him to his decision. If she inspired him why couldn't he tell her instead making all these decisions behind her back?

Charley's overconfidence is her Achilles. She sees the BS but thought she can overcome that despite several red flags. 

1 hour ago, cheeky said:

Micah is not grown. He's not even financially independent. Has he ever had a part-time job? I did not get the impression he received a full scholarship which means his tuition and expenses will be on his parents' dime. The fact Micah curated a separate secret list of schools was dishonest and deceitful.  At the very least, Micah should have discussed his thoughts with his parents. As a compromise, he could have tried Harvard for a year then transferred out.

His decision was made from a place of privilege. Illustrates being 18 makes you a legal adult but the maturity takes time. 

Of course, we know the character is attending Xavier so he can continue to be part of the show rather than the odd drop-in like his pops. I'm glad he's sticking around.

I agree, Nova can kick rocks. I wish they'd extended Nova's redemption arc and made her put in more work to earn her family's trust. 

This so much!!!

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9 hours ago, sereion said:

I am NOT happy that Nova is back on everyone's good graces; it is too soon--which is why I was here for Ralph Angel reading her.

I was afraid for Vi during her confrontation with Jimmy Dale, but I'm glad she found the strength to confront him. 

I get that Charley is disappointed in Micah's decision, but he's grown, and she needs to let him find his way.

"Heard you're giving out second chances." RA, in his head: "Not for you." I loved that he pointed out that Nova's fuckshit had real, lasting consequences for the people he loved. Darla relapsed. 

I don't have any problem with Micah going to Xavier, but I agree with @cheeky. He's not grown. He's not even financially independent (never has been, and may never be - I'm sure he's got a trust. Pursuing a career in photography isn't a risk for him because he's got family money to fall back on). I'm sure his parents are paying his tuition. If he were mature, he'd have sat down with his mother and put together a list TOGETHER that included Xavier. It reminds me of when Vanessa Huxtable got engaged and said it was a good decision, and Clair was like, if it's so good, why did you hide it? Blindsiding Charley with it - not just with the decision, but with the fact that he applied in the first place - wasn't mature at all.

I aspire to be able to say "I'm wealthy, so I'm good."

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That was a real dick move on Micha's part to wait until the party and in front of his family to announce that he's not going to Harvard. He couldn't tell Charley in private days before the party what he was up to? The kid always has the worst timing and his disrespect for Charley makes him look like a priviledged, entitiled jerk. Kind of like his aunt. 

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What frustrated me in addition to what others have said about the Micah storyline is that going to Harvard does not mean he has to become an investment banker.  It's not like the school only has a major in finance.  Even then finance does not have to mean Wall Street.  He could have gone for a year and checked it out. If it wasn't for him, fine, but as of now he is throwing away an opportunity that few people get. 

On another note, I find myself really disliking Blue.  Whoever wrote his dialog for this episode had a child speaking like a 40 year old.  

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1 hour ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

What frustrated me in addition to what others have said about the Micah storyline is that going to Harvard does not mean he has to become an investment banker.  It's not like the school only has a major in finance.  Even then finance does not have to mean Wall Street.  He could have gone for a year and checked it out. If it wasn't for him, fine, but as of now he is throwing away an opportunity that few people get. 

I went to an Ivy and there were plenty of people there with "change the world" aspirations. Also, Micah said he wanted to study political science. Harvard is ranked #1 for that. If Micah just wants to go to an HBCU in Louisiana, that's fine, but he should have just said so from the get.

(And you can do lots of good with a finance degree, as you say. As Charley has pointed out, agribusiness is still business.)

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16 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

If Micah wants to act like an adult he should've talked to Charley instead of sneaking around. He says Charley's work in the community inspired him to his decision. If she inspired him why couldn't he tell her instead making all these decisions behind her back?


I don't care if Micah was 21, 25, or 30, if you are financially dependent on your parents, they deserve not to be blindsided with significant life decisions that they are financially on the hook for. I didn't hear Micah say he got a full ride to Xavier.  I felt bad for Charley.  At least Ralph Angel had the wisdom to be quiet.  Nova and Vi's temerity annoyed me immensely.    

12 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I aspire to be able to say "I'm wealthy, so I'm good."


*whispers* Keke's hairstyle in the museum should have been the prom style */whispers*

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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If Micah wants to go to a different school, thats fine I guess. Its something to talk to Charlie about. What isnt fine is him doing all of this behind her back, making secret lists while he tells her that he is totally going to Harvard, even letting her put up all those decorations and tell everyone about it, and finally rejecting Harvard without even telling her, and dropping that bomb on her in front of the whole family! I dont even get it, there are tons of students going to Harvard or other Ivy's that want to change the world or whatever social justice stuff he wants to do, why cant be study all of that at Harvard? They have an amazing political science program, and I assume tons of art classes, he doesent have to study finance. He can go and take some classes and see what he likes, thats what you do in college! So many kids would give an arm and a leg to go to Harvard, and it does feel like Micah is just casually throwing it away. And while, yeah its Micah's life, Charlie is still footing all of his bills, and will be presumably be paying for college, and as Micah is still her dependent, she still has the right to have her son talk to her about major life choices! If he was such a grown up, he would have told Charlie the truth ages ago when it was just them, and would hide behind their family. He might be 18, but he has never handled his own life, and I dont see that changing, especially if he wants to go into a field as on and off as photography. Yeah, thats the kind of job you can aspire to when you have rich parents to bail you out between art shows or whatever. Even after everything that has been been through, Micah can still be a really selfish, privileged jerk sometimes, who hides behind Wokeness and self importance to mask their arrogance and lack of consideration towards other people. No wonder he and Nova get along so well. 

I hate that so many people are forgiving Nova, it just seems ridiculous that they would forgive her for something like this so quickly. At least RA gets to still be pissed off for now, as Nova actually dragged his son into this mess, but I guess he will be next to fall for her bullshit. Of course she sticks her nose in when Micah made his big announcement and tried to keep butting in, her and Micah are two peas in an annoying pod.

I did like seeing Vi tell Jimmy Dale off, and saving his new abused girlfriend. That guy really is trash, he deserves nothing but to be all alone in that crappy house to ruminate on what an asshole he is. 

15 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I aspire to be able to say "I'm wealthy, so I'm good."

Same here, I hope to one day be that rich and THAT confident. That being said, Charlie needs to watch herself, she is messing with bigger and more powerful people than she has ever dealt with before. Charlie is awesome, but sometimes she can bite off more than she can chew. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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The scene of Vi confronting Jimmy Dale is the kind of thing that makes for great television but the reality is that confronting and humiliating an abuser like that would probably have gotten all three women killed. I know I was supposed to be cheering Vi on - and I was to some degree - but all I kept thinking was that Jimmy Dale was going to go back into the house, grab a gun and come out firing and it would be all Nova's fault. Frankly I'm going to be waiting for Jimmy Dale's revenge for the rest of this series unless they kill the character off.

It's very hard for me to enjoy the show with everyone forgiving Nova. She's such a toxic presence. When Micah looked at Nova and said "Radical truth, right?" before he dropped the bomb on Charley all I could think is that Nova has infected Micah with the same kind of self-righteous narcissism she has. 

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Micah wants to make his own decisions, but was too afraid to tell his mother in case she might have talked him out of it.  Since he went behind her back, I think Charley would be justified in telling him to get a job and pay for his own education if he wants to better understand the plight of the people he thinks he wants to support with his photography.  He is more like Nova every day.

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2 hours ago, marceline said:

I know I was supposed to be cheering Vi on - and I was to some degree - but all I kept thinking was that Jimmy Dale was going to go back into the house, grab a gun and come out firing and it would be all Nova's fault.

For me, Vi's words would been stronger if she'd read him for the trash he is when he showed up at her house (while not letting him in).  Tracking down his address, and driving out to his dilapidated house takes the sting out of it, in addition to it being risky. But I guess we wouldn't have met the young woman he was abusing and who we'll probably only get glimpses of again, if ever.  Even that felt too pat.                     

On a separate note, was Romero in this episode and I missed it?  I didn't see any attempt to reunite with Charley.       

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"Cousin Frances."

The dirty tricksters were actually going to try to pin insurance fraud on Charley. It is to laugh.

I'm guessing Hollywood didn't know what Vi was planning to do. I doubt he would've been okay with her going to see that evil POS, especially without any real backup in case things turned violent.

Whatever, Vi. So you saved one. He'll likely get another and treat her even worse. Hollow victory, IMO.

So it turns out Nova fixed everything! Well, almost; RA is the last holdout. But wow, she's the savior of the Bordelon family with her trash memoir! 😑

Micah got a Rolex and he hadn't even started college yet? Heh, Charley probably wanted to snatch it back after his big announcement.

So where was Davis? I imagine he would've had something to say about Micah's school choice.

I suspect Micah really didn't want to leave Keke, or start over in a place so far from home where he didn't know anyone.

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I really don't see why everyone is forgiving Nova so quickly either,  I would be angry and hurt for a long long time. I don't think I could forgive it.  Nova doesn't deserve to be welcomed back as she hasn't truly apologized for her betrayals,   And don't get me started on that brat Micah, easy to be "woke" when there are no consequences to your actions.  

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19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I suspect Micah really didn't want to leave Keke, or start over in a place so far from home where he didn't know anyone.

The latter might have gone over easier for Charley if he had been more forthcoming.  She might have been amenable to Xavier if he had talked with her about it.  Being an adult is having the tough conversations even when they are uncomfortable and may not yield the results you want.  Charley has been held accountable when she's done things without talking to the family, and that's when it involved her own money!  So Vi in particular needed to hush about "what's done is done" in that moment. 

Part of my long-standing frustration with this show is that they advocate only grassroots activism as worthwhile, as the morally superior path.  This is despite the fact that they've written Charley as a shrewd, wealthy woman who has made significant headway in St. Jo because of that same wealth and the defiance it affords. Whoo, talk about a blindspot.    

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The latter might have gone over easier for Charley if he had been more forthcoming.  She might have been amenable to Xavier if he had talked with her about it. 

True, but at the end of the day there's no way to force Micah to go somewhere he doesn't want to go. If she threatens to stop paying for everything he might decide not to go to college at all.

Yeah, Micah should've used his words but Charley makes it hard to disagree with her. Plus IMO she seems to have an attitude that Micah owes it to her to do what she expects. I can see Micah sensing that on some level, resenting it, and therefore making his college change a fait accompli. His timing of telling her was all kinds of wrong though. Meh, he's still a kid.

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I’m Team Charley all the way where Micah’s concerned. Micah chose to blindside her with his college news, and she responded accordingly. Time will pass, and her rational brain will temper her initial emotional reaction, but in the short term, yep, she gets to be really angry with that entitled brat.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

True, but at the end of the day there's no way to force Micah to go somewhere he doesn't want to go. If she threatens to stop paying for everything he might decide not to go to college at all.

No one is arguing that Micah should be forced to go to Harvard.  Or any college.  Charley can absolutely be stubborn. But I don't think Charley is unreasonable for having a plan for Micah.  It's pretty common for parents to have a plan for their children. 

I don't think we've seen Micah express a plan to Charley for his own life until 2 minutes before the end of this episode.  I knew what I wanted as a teenager, but I told my parents well in advance (especially since we were working class and I was old enough to understand there wasn't money for college).        

I know it's common to consider an 18 year-old a kid.  He's young, entitled, and immature, but he's not a kid.  He's absolutely old enough to know better, which is why he dropped the bomb in front of everyone despite having all the time in the world to talk to Charley alone about it. I don't think he's afraid to talk to Charley.  He just didn't want his plans challenged.   

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No one is arguing that Micah should be forced to go to Harvard.  Or any college.  

No one who's posting here, anyway. 😉


I know it's common to consider an 18 year-old a kid.  He's young, entitled, and immature, but he's not a kid.


I don't think Charley is unreasonable for having a plan for Micah.  It's pretty common for parents to have a plan for their children.  

I think either Micah is kid/child/whatever, or he's not. If he is then I think he can be excused for immature, shortsighted behavior. If he isn't then Charley can make all the plans for him she wants but if he's considered an adult then he doesn't have to follow her plans. Even if he has no plans of his own--or at least any that he's expressed to her--as an adult he can take responsibility for his decisions.

IMO Charley can't have it both ways, or keep trying to control Micah with her money and influence. Maybe it's time for her to let go, perhaps just enough for Micah to see how things work when he can't count on having Charley and Davis' cushion to land on.

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