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Porsha Stewart: Least Likely to Become a History Professor

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The broad brought a bullhorn and a scepter to the set and only Porsha is in the wrong? Porsha should be feel bad for taking the bait but that's it. If Kenya instigates physical altercations, she doesn't have the right to spout a no hands on policy. The broad actually pulled Kim Fields' chair. Kim gets points for walking away, and I'm glad she maintained her dignity but if she had clobbered Kenya it would have been deserved. Makes me wonder if Porsha did walk away from Kenya, how would Kenya escalate the situation to get the reaction she wanted from Porsha?

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1 hour ago, Iguessnot said:

And to clarify, I accept the no hands on policy. It's ridiculous to see young and grown adults brawling. But I'm not going to be inflexible when bullies use the mantra for their own benefit.

That's really what it is. I cannot abide people who do whatever they can to provoke someone, then clutch pearls when they actually get hit.  

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5 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

She definitely cut it. She posted other pics on her sm and shouted out the hairdresser. I was surprised too since she seemed so attached to the long look. Hopefully she sticks with the minimal makeup look too.

Thanks, I don't follow her on social media so I just thought she'd pulled it back.

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On August 15, 2016 at 9:16 AM, cooksdelight said:

Porsha could learn from Phaedra, who has the side-eye and putting people on ignore down pat. It works. Standing up, yelling and grabbing at people doesn't.  Porsha gets treated like a child because she acts like one, from what I've seen.

I don't like Phaedra but like her reactions to conflict. In particular, as I mentioned before in threads I was impressed in how she treats Don Juan's petty desperate ass.?? I probably would have cussed his ass out, he was really out of line with her and her cool refusal to react or listen to his shit was great. 

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Here's the footage since memories are fading..... Kenya accused Porsha of cheating on Cordell, then Porsha calls Kenya a slut, then Kenya calls her a 'ho. Kenya didn't touch Porsha, but waved the sceptor and then the bullhorn.

I always felt Kenya played that to try and get Porsha fired, and Porsha took the bait.


Cynthia was in more danger of getting whacked on the head

Ha! That reminds of the previous season with the fan. Poor Kandi was sitting next to Kenya. One of my favorite moments from that years reunion was her sarcastically asking Kenya to please flick the fan with her left had lol


I always thought she was pretty but she's even prettier without all the extra

She definitely looks better without over-the-top make-up.

That's terrible to hear about the baby.

On Friday, November 04, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Chrissytd said:

Who build or buys a 6000 sq ft house that has 5 bedrooms and only 2 bathrooms? That's like Marisa Zanuck from RHoBH who was trying to sell her in laws' house-10,000 sq ft 1 bedroom and 3 bathroom house. That house had a pool, gym, and tennis court, but only 3 bathrooms.

8 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

That's terrible to hear about the baby.

Who build or buys a 6000 sq ft house that has 5 bedrooms and only 2 bathrooms? That's like Marisa Zanuck from RHoBH who was trying to sell her in laws' house-10,000 sq ft 1 bedroom and 3 bathroom house. That house had a pool, gym, and tennis court, but only 3 bathrooms.

The article is incorrect. According to the listing linked in the article It has 5 full baths and 2 half baths.

Though with the pictures in the listing it appears you have to crawl in and out of the master bathtub and I say this as someone who requires my bathtub to have at least a wine ledge, that appears you could have a full bar and a keg.

Edited by biakbiak
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29 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

The article is incorrect. According to the listing linked in the article It has 5 full baths and 2 half baths.

Though with the pictures in the listing it appears you have to crawl in and out of the master bathtub and I say this as someone who requires my bathtub to have at least a wine ledge, that appears you could have a full bar and a keg.

5 full bedrooms and 2 half makes way more sense. What is up with that bathtub surround? That thing is enormous and will likely result in getting a concussion as you slip on all of that tile while getting out of the tub.

That website led to a property porn rabbit hole for me and...quite a few of the homes of that nature have impractical tubs like that in the master bathroom. But even compared to those, the one in Porsha's house is a but ridiculous. It would make more sense if she chopped off some of the front end and put some steps or something.

2 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

I guess it doesn't matter at this point since she'll probably be shopping for a cheap apt. I'll never understand the mindset of people like Porsha and NeNe who get a little money thrown their way and go absolutely crazy.

Porsha is not going to end up in a cheap apartment. Porsha is constitutionally incapable of living within her means. Remember the condo that she lost because she couldn't pay the taxes or maintenance fees. And during her divorce, she got spousal support from Kordell and spent almost every penny on shoes and clothes. She moved back into her mom's house and into her mother's master bedroom I might add. She was getting a check from Bravo, $5000 a month from Kordell, and she was still complaining how she couldn't be expected to live on that pittance. She is spoiled rotten.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

The article is incorrect. According to the listing linked in the article It has 5 full baths and 2 half baths.

Though with the pictures in the listing it appears you have to crawl in and out of the master bathtub and I say this as someone who requires my bathtub to have at least a wine ledge, that appears you could have a full bar and a keg.

I'd have to crawl and roll out of that bath. How do you clean that thing? Do you put on your fisherman boots so you can withstand the chemicals while in the tub scrubbing it?

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On 11/13/2016 at 7:13 AM, HunterHunted said:

Porsha is not going to end up in a cheap apartment. Porsha is constitutionally incapable of living within her means. Remember the condo that she lost because she couldn't pay the taxes or maintenance fees. And during her divorce, she got spousal support from Kordell and spent almost every penny on shoes and clothes. She moved back into her mom's house and into her mother's master bedroom I might add. She was getting a check from Bravo, $5000 a month from Kordell, and she was still complaining how she couldn't be expected to live on that pittance. She is spoiled rotten.

My problem with this statement is that she is not living on Kordell's $5000/mo stipend.  She is getting money from her businesses, her promotions, her interviews, her guest appearances, her two major jobs one of which is on a major network.  She actually can afford the house and it is indeed within her means.  the alimony situation was nearly 4 years ago.  She has come a very long way.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Aging Goth said:

My problem with this statement is that she is not living on Kordell's $5000/mo stipend.  She is getting money from her businesses, her promotions, her interviews, her guest appearances, her two major jobs one of which is on a major network.  She actually can afford the house and it is indeed within her means.  the alimony situation was nearly 4 years ago.  She has come a very long way.

I agree with you about Porsha not living off of spousal support because she didn't get any in the final disposition.

However, she bought a million dollar house, knowing full well that there was a $700K judgment against her. It's not explicitly failing to live within your means, but it seems so foolish to do. She had bench trial and offered no defense. Maybe her earnings are high enough that it's not an issue, but if that's the case why didn't she pay back the loan. A loan that has stupid high interest rates. She took the loan out in 2011 to satisfy the judgment in the wrongful death case. At some point she must have been paying it back and then stopped, which probably triggered the lawsuit. But the optics aren't great when you are sued because you can't pay a loan, but are buying a big old house.

I do think going into the season 6 reunion, Porsha was being the most introspective and thoughtful that she's ever been. I think her meetings with Phaedra and Nene before the reunion reflected that Porsha had done some growing. And when she got into it with Kenya, Porsha was upset at how she embarrassed herself and undone some of her progress. I think she has grown on the show, but it doesn't mean that she's still not making stupid mistakes.

It's the same way that I find it unbelievably stupid that after Nene went to all of that effort to protect her money from Gregg's (and her) prefame debt, that she spent like a sailor on shore leave, didn't put enough aside for taxes, and is now declaring bankruptcy.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Aging Goth said:

My problem with this statement is that she is not living on Kordell's $5000/mo stipend.  She is getting money from her businesses, her promotions, her interviews, her guest appearances, her two major jobs one of which is on a major network.  She actually can afford the house and it is indeed within her means.  the alimony situation was nearly 4 years ago.  She has come a very long way.

Porsha's problem is that she spends money she hasn't got. She may be making a bunch of dollars from her various enterprises, but she's still trying to live large when her bank account isn't all there. Who spends tens of thousands of dollars on shoes and purses? She needs a financial advisor, but at this point it's too late. 

She can't afford this new house. She's got a lien against her, you cannot afford a house if you cannot pay the $750K+ that you owe people.

  • Love 4

I thought this was the best picture of Porsha I have seen.  As for her businesses, she is actually doing well with them.  The rumors of her being in debt isn't holding up.  Apparently she was right after her divorce as she walked away asking for nothing but she has built herself a nifty little nest egg since.


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@Aging Goth -- She looks very nice in the picture, but my understanding is that the laws of Georgia didn't allow her to collect in the divorce and so she didn't.

How do you know her businesses are doing well?  

All of the HW businesses are private, AFAIK.  I gather that Kenya's business is doing well, because it looks like she will be selling in Sallys.  I gather Kandi's business is doing well because I see it sold at retail locations over here, and she is able to support a sales staff.  Sheree's book sales can likely be tracked through Amazon and IBooks.

It seems like Porsha's only sales outlet is online.  There is nothing wrong with that, its just not a very good indicator of how her business is doing. Its not super expensive to set up or maintain a website, and the space is limitless. Being able to sell in an outside retail location is a decent indicator of how a business is doing because retail space is so very limited that retailers spend a lot of time looking for products they really think will sell.   

I wouldn't assume that Cynthia's eyewear or bag line are doing well either.  I mean, perhaps they are doing a little better because Cynthia actually talks about her product lines quite a bit on the show, whereas I barely hear Porsha mention her hair line, and I've never heard her talk about her lingerie line.  Given the fact that Porhsa wears next to nothing on camera, I would have though she could have integrated a few of her lingerie pieces into the show and name dropped.  And I still don't understand how she would have a party where Phaedra tries on wigs, and not even carry the wigs on her website, I mean that would have been perfect product placement, because as much as I dislike Porsha, I was ready to buy that wig Phaedra had on.  

 I know I'd get annoyed if the show devolved into constant product placements, but it really hasn't.  Kenya, Cynthia, Kandi, and Phaedra all made their businesses part of a storyline, if Porsha has four businesses, (something you had mentioned, but I never knew) I wonder why she hasn't done the same.

As far as her financial situation, others have pointed to a 700k judgment against her, do you know if thats been resolved?  It seems like that might keep her from building a nest egg, or her creditors need to know if she has a nest egg so they can go ahead and crack it open.

  • Love 8
On 11/24/2014 at 6:13 PM, LilaFowler said:

Uh, are you referring to Apollo or Kenya with this?  Because Kenya repeatedly told everyone that she had never offered Apollo oral sex or seen him outside Atlanta, and yet he was the one running around telling lies.  This is fact.  Seems to me like Apollo is the one who enjoyed torturing Phaedra (and Kenya).

She "repeatedly" denied it only when it backfired and she was getting negative feedback.  Even with that, she continued to flirt with Apollo right up to the point he was going to court for fraud.  It was then and only then that she started claiming she had nothing to do with Apollo.  AND only after Apollo claimed they met up when he went out of town. 

On 4/28/2017 at 0:32 PM, cooksdelight said:

Porsha's tax lien problems are public record. She's in hock up to her false eyelashes.

However, I have googled, searched and tried to find any evidence of this and there is nothing out there other that Tamara Tattles who is saying Porsha is having tax problems. Please direct me to any new information as I can't find a thing other than what she went through right after her divorce.  What I did find out was that another cast member started the financial problems rumor (the three different sites that mentioned it did not mention which cast member) and that they, too did not find any evidence of her being in any type of dire straights.

Edited by Aging Goth
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3 hours ago, Aging Goth said:

However, I have googled, searched and tried to find any evidence of this and there is nothing out there other that Tamara Tattles who is saying Porsha is having tax problems. Please direct me to any new information as I can't find a thing other than what she went through right after her divorce.  What I did find out was that another cast member started the financial problems rumor (the three different sites that mentioned it did not mention which cast member) and that they, too did not find any evidence of her being in any type of dire straights.

No tea, no shade, but it seems odd that you're asking for proof as you often make unsubstantiated claims about porshas success.  I'm still wondering how you know that her businesses are doing well?  Or what evidence you have of that, i would even understand some presumptions based on logic.

And @cooksdelight is referencing a blog, which is what you're using to prove your point as well.  

I do agree that a copy of the lien would be great proof of her point.  At the same time some business records or porshas tax returns would be great proof of your point.

  • Love 11

What the what?!  What is this about a wrongful death and daycare judgement?  It was referenced over in the show threads so I came here and went back a few pages but nothing other than posts talking about it like it's known.  What did I miss here?  Normally I don't read Porshas thread because I get enough nonsense from her on the show but this seems like something I would have picked up on.

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On 5/15/2017 at 10:30 AM, Jack Terrier said:

What the what?!  What is this about a wrongful death and daycare judgement?  It was referenced over in the show threads so I came here and went back a few pages but nothing other than posts talking about it like it's known.  What did I miss here?  Normally I don't read Porshas thread because I get enough nonsense from her on the show but this seems like something I would have picked up on.



I wish I could find the article that really laid it all out. Porsha and her mom owned a daycare, but it seems like her mom was more involved in the day to day operation of the facility. The child died on his first day at the daycare when staff left the kids alone to get lunch. The family sued and won. The daycare was slightly under-insured and couldn't satisfy the total judgment. Porsha took a loan out for the rest. It appears like she was repaying the loan for awhile and then she just stops (I suspect it was probably around the time of her divorce). The bank attempted to contact her. At a certain point, the bank decides to sue. They never manage to serve her because they can't find her. They have to opt for public service, posting the notice that they are suing Porsha in the newspaper. The bank goes to court and gets a default judgment because there's no response from Porsha. The bank gets a FIFA writ, which allows the bank to get a lien on Porsha's property, including that house she just bought.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 4
18 hours ago, HunterHunted said:



I wish I could find the article that really laid it all out. Porsha and her mom owned a daycare, but it seems like her mom was more involved in the day to day operation of the facility. The child died on his first day at the daycare when staff left the kids alone to get lunch. The family sued and won. The daycare was slightly under-insured and couldn't satisfy the total judgment. Porsha took a loan out for the rest. It appears like she was repaying the loan for awhile and then she just stops (I suspect it was probably around the time of her divorce). The bank attempted to contact her. At a certain point, the bank decides to sue. They never manage to serve her because they can't find her. They have to opt for public service, posting the notice that they suing Porsha in the newspaper. The bank goes to court and gets a default judgment because there's no response from Porsha. The bank gets a FIFA write, which allows the bank to get a lien on Porsha's property, including that house she just bought.

Oh WOW!  I don't know how I missed this.  What a horrible tragedy for that family and child.  

Porsha can kick rocks.

  • Love 5
On ‎5‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 3:40 PM, HunterHunted said:



I wish I could find the article that really laid it all out. Porsha and her mom owned a daycare, but it seems like her mom was more involved in the day to day operation of the facility. The child died on his first day at the daycare when staff left the kids alone to get lunch. The family sued and won. The daycare was slightly under-insured and couldn't satisfy the total judgment. Porsha took a loan out for the rest. It appears like she was repaying the loan for awhile and then she just stops (I suspect it was probably around the time of her divorce). The bank attempted to contact her. At a certain point, the bank decides to sue. They never manage to serve her because they can't find her. They have to opt for public service, posting the notice that they are suing Porsha in the newspaper. The bank goes to court and gets a default judgment because there's no response from Porsha. The bank gets a FIFA writ, which allows the bank to get a lien on Porsha's property, including that house she just bought.

How has she managed to keep this out of the media...that is horrible.

On ‎5‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 2:40 PM, HunterHunted said:

I wish I could find the article that really laid it all out. Porsha and her mom owned a daycare, but it seems like her mom was more involved in the day to day operation of the facility. The child died on his first day at the daycare when staff left the kids alone to get lunch. The family sued and won. The daycare was slightly under-insured and couldn't satisfy the total judgment. Porsha took a loan out for the rest. It appears like she was repaying the loan for awhile and then she just stops (I suspect it was probably around the time of her divorce). The bank attempted to contact her. At a certain point, the bank decides to sue. They never manage to serve her because they can't find her. They have to opt for public service, posting the notice that they are suing Porsha in the newspaper. The bank goes to court and gets a default judgment because there's no response from Porsha. The bank gets a FIFA writ, which allows the bank to get a lien on Porsha's property, including that house she just bought.

Wow, this in addition to everything else we know about Dumb Porsha? Please tell me she won't be back next season!

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