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Phaedra Parks: Undertaker, Esq.

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

To this day, I can't figure out why Apollo is so angry with Phaedra. This assumes that she didn't help him commit some of his crimes and later denigrated him to everyone with ears. Barring that, she's well within her rights to be livid and feel betrayed that he potentially put their family, home, and happiness in jeopardy. I know that Kandi felt that Phaedra should support Apollo through his trial. That's great for Kandi's family. Phaedra's family might have different ideas. I know if I was on trial for something that it looked like I probably did, my family would wish me good luck as they're waving bye to me forever. Phaedra's a damn lawyer and he expected her to at his side during the trial. And now he's been with this new woman since before he went to prison? Fuck him.

Apollo actually expected Phaedra to "support" him in court while he was sleeping with this other woman, they started their relationship before he was busted! That she didn't makes me suspect that Phaedra suspected or knew there was someone else hence why she refused to "support" his court hearings/sentencing and I say good for her.

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Given that they seperated in ealy 2014 it doesn't seem like there was necessairly overlap with this woman and Phaedra and she doesn't even live in Atlanta so who knows what the relationship is with Rod and Kandi.

Edited by biakbiak
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Peter, Todd, and Kandi are all assholes. I've never liked Tood and Kandi seems like the type who would dump a friend as soon as a dude looked at her twice. They're shady as hell. Peter is Peter so I don't expect anything from him. Phaedra has her faults, but I'd never even consider being cordial with any of them after this.

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41 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Given that they seperated in ealy 2014 it doesn't seem like there was necessairly overlap with this woman and Phaedra and she doesn't even live in Atlanta so who knows what the relationship is with Rod and Kandi.

From the timeline Apollo was dating this woman when he, Todd, Kandi and Peter were all putting Phaedra down for not supporting him. He was dating this woman before he pled guilty and before he went to prison. I have no doubt that Todd/Peter knew about her then and I have no doubt that Todd told Kandi all about her as well.

I don't know if Kandi personally "knew" her but I suspect, strongly, Kandi knew about her well before Apollo pled guilty even though she talked smack about Phaedra not supporting Apollo. It is also sick that Todd/Peter are introducing this woman to the show and speaks of their low base beliefs/behaviors. I am now rethinking this claim Porsha made about Kandi/Todd wanting a threesome with her, that her claim has merit despite Kandi saying otherwise.

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My feeling about Kandi is that she is and has been more obsessed with sex than say, a former stripper and I really wouldn’t put it pass her to want a threesome with her, Todd, and Porsha.  Todd has actually expressed a desire for Porsha (as did the other husbands (sans Greg)), so maybe the Tuckers are growing bored with their bedroom antics and looking for a little excitement.

As for Kandi knowing about the Apollo GF, I truly believe it as I also believe she was fully aware of all the stuff they were keeping of Apollo’s in their garage and not letting Phaedra know.

She is that fair weather friend that if you aren’t doing anything for her, she has no time for you.  We already know she will let anyone talk about her man and her best friend so Phaedra is fair game for craptalk in her eyes even though she tries to act like she not part of it.  She is by allowing them to talk trash about others

I feel she was backpeddling when Porsha called her out about the threesome.  Hence why that friendship is lost.

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Kandi gets no benefit of the doubt because she has demonstrated in the past that she has no problem with riding both sides of the fence.  I am sure she knew about this woman and that her defense will be that it was something that Todd told her in confidence and she wasn't going to reveal a secret told to her by her husband and that she assumed that Phaedra knew and therefore it wasn't a big deal.  I can hear her saying it in my head and even see her saying it with her weird flat-handed gestures.

She's gross for this.

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I wonder how much it bothers her that Porsha is so flippant about having a baby without a man being majorly involved, when Phaedra tried to turn a ho into a househusband in order to get hers.  And he's now in jail and she's a single mother, not by choice.

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Ok, so maybe Phaedra isn't divorced yet! https://tamaratattles.com/2016/12/10/once-more-with-feeling-phaedra-parks-is-not-divorced/#more-24187   This is getting so confusing! LOL  If TT is correct, Phaedra tried to file for divorce using fake names (illegal BTW) to keep it private but got caught, court denied her, then Apollo filed himself and now Phaedra has filed using their real/legal names as well. LOL

I don't have an issue with Phaedra wanting it kept private but if she did so only to keep the boys away from their dad (as TT alleges), then she was/is wrong.

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She just can't help her shady, lying, underhanded self. Her ways are going to catch up to her at some point and it won't be pretty. Here is the source of TT's info from ATLien. A little more breakdown of the filings and some shots of the documents. 

When you're so smart, you're dumb, and the idiot felon ends up outplaying you....

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1 hour ago, sunsheyen said:

She just can't help her shady, lying, underhanded self. Her ways are going to catch up to her at some point and it won't be pretty. Here is the source of TT's info from ATLien. A little more breakdown of the filings and some shots of the documents. 

When you're so smart, you're dumb, and the idiot felon ends up outplaying you....

I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.

From the beginning, everyone in the cast has said that Phaedra is the most different when they're not filming. And this would be ok, if she didn't let weird parts of her real life intrude into her fake tv personality. It would also be great if she communicated with her mostly offscreen loved ones about who she really is.

It's clear that Phaedra's family thinks that tv church going Phaedra is the real Phaedra. And that's an aspect of who she is, but she's also a not so secret sex freak, she is proud and very concerned about being embarrassed, she is more than willing to lie and obfuscate to protect her reputation, and she's a grudge holder extraordinaire. I'm still appalled that when she found out that Apollo lied about Kenya propositioning him, that Phaedra was basically dismissive and unwilling to be a little gracious. We know that Kenya is shady, thirsty, and obnoxious, but there was no reason obstinate about it in the moment that she found out about the lie.

All of this is to say, that I'm disappointed in Phaedra when she tries to be sneaky. Her reasons were fine (to protect the privacy of her and her children), but her actions were wrong. I think that is Phaedra to a tee. She does the wrong thing for the right reasons. 

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The thing about Phaedra is that she keeps pushing the image that she is a classy southern belle, which, no. I'm not saying she doesn't have her good qualities, just that she needs to stop trying with that image. A lot of viewers just don't see it anyway, so I'm not sure who she is still performing to.

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Phaedra is one of those people who puts on airs to please the preacher, but gets down on Friday and Saturday nights (for us Southerners, you know what I mean).  Her many forays into various businesses was to show the public she's smart and can diversify. But, in reality, she's jumped into things just for the show, not because it's something she really wants to make a career out of. And as an attorney, from what's been on the show (Sheree's divorce), she comes across as inept and unable to handle a case. I don't think being on this show has done her many favors, if it's to the point she's using fake names to protect her children....children which she allowed to be filmed from the day they were born. And before.

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On 11/14/2016 at 6:12 PM, HunterHunted said:

To this day, I can't figure out why Apollo is so angry with Phaedra. This assumes that she didn't help him commit some of his crimes and later denigrated him to anyone with ears

A lot of people think that...including mama Joyce and Alexander Rodgers and a number of people on YouTube and Twitter. 

it doesn't help she's always had forays in businesses associated w con artistry or "creative" accounting (law, undertaker, starting a charity) and has a history of lying and "I'm so good and trustworthy!" insincerity. It looks slick and sketch all together. 

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54 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

A lot of people think that...including mama Joyce and Alexander Rodgers and a number of people on YouTube and Twitter. 

it doesn't help she's always had forays in businesses associated w con artistry or "creative" accounting (law, undertaker, starting a charity) and has a history of lying and "I'm so good and trustworthy!" insincerity. It looks slick and sketch all together. 

I'm not convinced that Phaedra had anything to do with Apollo's crimes, despite what others claim/suspect. Apollo's latest crime wave was big news and hurt a lot of innocent people and I am sure the FEDs investigated to see if Phaedra had any involvement. Had there been the slightest possibility that she was involved the press would have found out and reported it, so beyond some that do not like her to begin with saying they "suspect" she "may" have been involved, she was never charged in any crime. Phaedra is not smart enough to pull off this kind/level of crime without the FEDs finding something/anything to charge her with.

Wasn't her law practice centered around low level entertainers contracts, like that guy Ridiculous and the one that was arrested/then let go for the "bomb" threat?

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I'm not sure either way honestly. I do think she loves her boys and that they are the biggest credit to her/her greatest quality. I hope to see them continue to thrive. 

Apollo has never given the vibe he was in love with her in fact many times he seemed resentful and irritated by her. 

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9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I'm not convinced that Phaedra had anything to do with Apollo's crimes, despite what others claim/suspect. Apollo's latest crime wave was big news and hurt a lot of innocent people and I am sure the FEDs investigated to see if Phaedra had any involvement. Had there been the slightest possibility that she was involved the press would have found out and reported it, so beyond some that do not like her to begin with saying they "suspect" she "may" have been involved, she was never charged in any crime. Phaedra is not smart enough to pull off this kind/level of crime without the FEDs finding something/anything to charge her with.

Wasn't her law practice centered around low level entertainers contracts, like that guy Ridiculous and the one that was arrested/then let go for the "bomb" threat?

I always felt like Phaedra might have had her own suspicions because the house was only in her name. Additionally during that husbands special Apollo told the story about buying Phaedra a car for Christmas, she told him it was frivolous and had him return it only for her to turn around and buy the same car with her money. That story made me think that she suspected something was up with his money and she didn't want his money comingled with hers. I guess she also could have been prepping for divorce too.

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On 12/11/2016 at 11:27 AM, cooksdelight said:

I don't think being on this show has done her many favors, if it's to the point she's using fake names to protect her children....children which she allowed to be filmed from the day they were born. And before.

Well if teachers at my kids' school were more than willing to give info to bloggers and the press about my child misbehaving in school to hurt me I'd be a little guarded too.

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20 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

Well if teachers at my kids' school were more than willing to give info to bloggers and the press about my child misbehaving in school to hurt me I'd be a little guarded too.

Which was my point, including her kids on the show leaves them as fair game for tabloid fodder. And teachers telling tales out of school.

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4 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Which was my point, including her kids on the show leaves them as fair game for tabloid fodder. And teachers telling tales out of school.

I disagree. We are talking about adults, who should know better, especially a teacher, spreading nasty gossip that could hurt a child all because their parent(s) are on a stupid reality TV show. When did it become ok to do that? When did it become OK to attack a child (the teacher, not anyone here)? Nothing we have seen of Phaedra's sons warrant that behavior from an adult. The same holds true about most of the HW children because with most, we only see them in small snippets. The exception are the NJ kids who are exploited by their parents in the worst ways (IMO) and even then, as viewers, we don't need to get BSC judging the kids, their parents are fair game, the kids....NO.  Oh, and shame on any blogger that goes so low as to write garbage about any of the HWs minor kids.

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Well apparently, Chocolate will be revisited. Remember Cynthia's one attempt at playing production's messy game which almost got Kenya slapped with a clutch at dinner? Now Kandi seems to be spilling some tea on the next episode...


And who is stumpy, pickle sucking, always cooking up something, big mama self Phaedra trying to shade about eating? I swear this woman is so delusional. Always something to say about people when the same shit is even worse in her own life.

Edited by sunsheyen
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29 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

So how does this work? Phaedra is lying about getting divorced but also planning to marry some mr. chocolate?


Sounds incorrect.  I need my tea spilled and accurate dammit!

So I'm thinking that Phaedra wasn't lying about being divorced because what we're watching is when she filed fraudulently as P. Nita. I think she thought she was divorced even though she got the divorce through lies and deceit. Phaedra is such a dishonest person that it's hard to tell.

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36 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

So I'm thinking that Phaedra wasn't lying about being divorced because what we're watching is when she filed fraudulently as P. Nita. I think she thought she was divorced even though she got the divorce through lies and deceit. Phaedra is such a dishonest person that it's hard to tell.

I'm not talking about logistically how it works. I mean in the way of gossip.


"Phaedra's lying about the divorce! She could have BEEN divorced that man, she's just holding it up and lying to everybody" 


"Phaedra thought she would be married by next year to someone else"


Those two things don't mix. Soooooo...while you minding Phae Phae's business make sure it makes sense.

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On 12/11/2016 at 3:18 PM, HunterHunted said:

We know that Kenya is shady, thirsty, and obnoxious, but there was no reason obstinate about it in the moment that she found out about the lie.

I don't blame Phaedra in this instance. She DID sit down with Kenya and she did eventually tone it down with the Kenya hate. But. Kenya deliberately flouted the basic social understanding concerning how you interact with a friend's huzzbin. Her going into that bar and seeking out Apollo when he was with the other men, pulling him over to the side for a cozy tete a tete, giving him the full benefit of every body language come on in the book, that was 'classic' Kenya. All the men knew how deeply wrong that situation was and when Phaedra bounced into the bar, looking for her husband? My cold black heart broke for her! And then Kenya went all 'what did I do, who me?'. No. Kenya getting cozy with Apollo on every occasion was deliberate and nasty. Of course it's on Apollo also, but he's a scrub. Phaedra has children with the man, though and Kenya was consistently disrespectful of that. I'd love if Matt ended up seeking Phaedra out for representation against Kenya!! Sweet.

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On 12/12/2016 at 10:23 AM, WireWrap said:

Had there been the slightest possibility that she was involved the press would have found out and reported it, so beyond some that do not like her to begin with saying they "suspect" she "may" have been involved, she was never charged in any crime. Phaedra is not smart enough to pull off this kind/level of crime without the FEDs finding something/anything to charge her with.

Wasn't her law practice centered around low level entertainers contracts, like that guy Ridiculous and the one that was arrested/then let go for the "bomb" threat?

TT has been reporting on Shady Phaedra for yonks. The bomb threat guy is baby daddy to Angela Stanton who wrote an expose on Phaedra and had her in court for yonks. It's all been reported on extensively at the TamaraTattles site and other places. Angela Stanton claims that Phaedra is very much involved in a criminal enterprise that everyone except Phaedra went to jail for, including Angela and Apollo. I can't believe that Pastor Regina doesn't know some of what is going on, either. I think Phaedra has rat cunning and is very clever, but i believe there are going to be FEDS at the door sometime in the near future. And all this filing of divorce papers that were sealed with false names, then unsealed again...that's deliberate. Why though escapes me. I believe that Phaedra for some reason wants Apollo to file. Or maybe she was counting on him NOT to so that she has some privilege with that spouse can't testify against spouse deal?

On 12/12/2016 at 10:55 AM, HunterHunted said:

Additionally during that husbands special Apollo told the story about buying Phaedra a car for Christmas, she told him it was frivolous and had him return it only for her to turn around and buy the same car with her money. That story made me think that she suspected something was up with his money and she didn't want his money comingled with hers. I guess she also could have been prepping for divorce too.

The criminal enterprise that Stanton and Apollo went to jail for involved a stolen car and identity theft racket, so there is that!

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18 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

So I'm thinking that Phaedra wasn't lying about being divorced because what we're watching is when she filed fraudulently as P. Nita. I think she thought she was divorced even though she got the divorce through lies and deceit. Phaedra is such a dishonest person that it's hard to tell.

Steps like these are where she keeps slipping.   I can't tell whether she thinks the viewing audience is so unsophisticated as not to know the difference or we simply won't study the drapes that closely, but I'm smh at how sloppy the details are.  We're not even really paying attention until her flagrancy. It's so glaring it makes me doubt myself.  Selftokermitself:  she isn't really this stupid, is she? Kermitselftoself:  n'uh she did that because she thought she could get away with it and you're not really even checking her close.   In several interviews she was claiming she was divorced.  Meant, I believe, to sound as though proceedings had been finalized.  When all she did was file a petition for divorce that was subsequently rejected.   There's no way she thought or could pull off the pretense of thinking she was divorced when even the preliminary paperwork to request a dissolution of marriage got returned.   It's Aiden's due date all over again.  Lol.   The thing is I really am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt about this because let's say it's not about public perception and there is at least one official government document where Apollo's last name is spelled with a T instead of a D (my name is spelled incorrectly on my driver's license and no one ever catches it).   In good faith, she could argue that it qualifies, at least once, as the legal spelling of their name.   Where it all goes to hell in a handbasket is that it's not misspelled on their marriage license nor certificate.  That's A.   and B.  an attorney, of all people, would know it's risky to *try* the court that way.   Nonethelses, damn this shady muffucah, she got away with it, it was only reexamined when she requested it be sealed.   Even if I don't like nor agree with sneakiness, I can understand it as a self preservation tactic.  But somehow her hem is always showing.   #raggedy 

17 hours ago, Watermelon said:

I'm not talking about logistically how it works. I mean in the way of gossip.


"Phaedra's lying about the divorce! She could have BEEN divorced that man, she's just holding it up and lying to everybody" 


"Phaedra thought she would be married by next year to someone else"


Those two things don't mix. Soooooo...while you minding Phae Phae's business make sure it makes sense.

Lol.  Nah they don't match at all but I think the problem is two different gossipers.   Ms. Joyce said that first thing.  Kandi said the second.  I don't know if Kandi ever agreed with or repeated what her mother said, but can we talk about Mr. Chocolate some more?   I'm conflicted lol.  See even though I get the exasperation at Phay's constant hypocrisy, fronting and slick mouthing, I hate that Kandi chose this spillage to get her together with.  In my head it's one of those things you say to your girl in the 11am editorial phone call:

heffa how was the date?

chile he gone fugg around and be my next husband by new year's


If that's how that went, Kandi is a little grimy for saying it out loud.   Offhanded, private and from when we were cool.  We're not cool anymore so all our dirt?  Lying in repose in the casket next to our friendship, don't exhume.   Somebody remind me of an example, but I don't remember Phaedra ever getting at Kandi using something that was intimate to their friendship.    Now.  None of that excludes that I'm here for anyone snatching that ass at every available opportunity but my personal feeling is that telling confidences is off limits.   I'm also willing to give her a pass based on Apollo's confirmation that he's been in a relationship with his current *fiancee* for the past two years.   -_-   Have a seat Kandace Renee.

1 hour ago, queenjen said:

TT has been reporting on Shady Phaedra for yonks. The bomb threat guy is baby daddy to Angela Stanton who wrote an expose on Phaedra and had her in court for yonks. It's all been reported on extensively at the TamaraTattles site and other places. Angela Stanton claims that Phaedra is very much involved in a criminal enterprise that everyone except Phaedra went to jail for, including Angela and Apollo. I can't believe that Pastor Regina doesn't know some of what is going on, either. I think Phaedra has rat cunning and is very clever, but i believe there are going to be FEDS at the door sometime in the near future. And all this filing of divorce papers that were sealed with false names, then unsealed again...that's deliberate. Why though escapes me. I believe that Phaedra for some reason wants Apollo to file. Or maybe she was counting on him NOT to so that she has some privilege with that spouse can't testify against spouse deal?

The criminal enterprise that Stanton and Apollo went to jail for involved a stolen car and identity theft racket, so there is that!

a)  The word yonks.  I'm keeping it.  Thanks for the early Christmas present. 

b) Pastor Regina practices willful ignorance - Phaedra got it from somewhere.

c) Spouses can testify against each other if they choose.  They just can't be compelled to.  

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I think the privilege has to be waived by the spouse who is being testified against, not the testifying spouse?  But I don't know what happens once the divorce happens. Because it is to preserve the integrity of the marriage. Now in theory, if people think that whatever they say during marriage might come out one day, then they might not be candid, that would quell a marriage, so would the privilege extend beyond the dissolution of a marriage?

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I dunno If I understood your question properly jinj, get at me if not.   The matrimonial communication is what's privileged.   No waivers required.  The testifying spouse has the right, but not the obligation to testify against the spouse being tried.   In other words, even though whatever is said exclusively between spouses during a marriage is privileged communication, conviction of a crime supersedes the privacy rights of the spouse on trial.   Which might answer the last part:   because it's a privilege that expires upon conviction, it doesn't extend at all, it applies while married and then obviously at dissolution, you're no longer spouses, so it's definitely on, then lol.   To your point, it probably wouldn't encourage transparency but to get there you'd have to already be heavily shade-minded.    That's kinda why I wasn't super convinced that Phaedra was involved in Apollo's dirt.   Cognizant? Yup I got no problems with that she knew, but involved is a different legal standard.  His sons may be a brief consideration but if she had been, he is way too damn loud mouthed to have kept that to himself (says me).  

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9 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

I dunno If I understood your question properly jinj, get at me if not.   The matrimonial communication is what's privileged.   No waivers required.  The testifying spouse has the right, but not the obligation to testify against the spouse being tried.   In other words, even though whatever is said exclusively between spouses during a marriage is privileged communication, conviction of a crime supersedes the privacy rights of the spouse on trial.   Which might answer the last part:   because it's a privilege that expires upon conviction, it doesn't extend at all, it applies while married and then obviously at dissolution, you're no longer spouses, so it's definitely on, then lol.   To your point, it probably wouldn't encourage transparency but to get there you'd have to already be heavily shade-minded.    That's kinda why I wasn't super convinced that Phaedra was involved in Apollo's dirt.   Cognizant? Yup I got no problems with that she knew, but involved is a different legal standard.  His sons may be a brief consideration but if she had been, he is way too damn loud mouthed to have kept that to himself (says me).  

I was thinking if Phaedra was having charges brought against her - not Apollo.  She would have to waive the privilege, not him right?  

Meanwhile - the feds nabbed Apollo - a lot of defendants cooperate with the feds.  He's a repeat offender?  The only way to reduce his sentence is to cooperate.  ITA and can see him throwing Phaedra under the bus in one second flat if she were involved.

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17 hours ago, jinjer said:

I was thinking if Phaedra was having charges brought against her - not Apollo.  She would have to waive the privilege, not him right?  

Meanwhile - the feds nabbed Apollo - a lot of defendants cooperate with the feds.  He's a repeat offender?  The only way to reduce his sentence is to cooperate.  ITA and can see him throwing Phaedra under the bus in one second flat if she were involved.

Oh.  Duh.  Lol, yeah this is her thread we're in.    Not to my understanding lovie.  The communication is the privilege so there isn't anything to *waive* per se.  Whomever is on trial must operate with the assumption that their spouse has a right, if they so choose, to help incriminate them.   Think about it in terms of domestic violence.   A battered still married wife testifies against the husband convicted of abusing her.  The system wouldn't work at all if he had to grant a kind of consent in order for her testimony to be accepted or vice versa.     Clarity level:  mud? water? or iced tea?

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
because: think it about it?
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Alls I can remember is Phaedra and Apollo talking about eating foie gras (I can't remember how they mispronounced it) and her dissing white people for eating canned meats*! Oh the salad days of their relationship!


*This was before we realized that she was actually insulting Apollo's family.

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I definitely think that at some point Phaedra may have suspected that Apollo was up to some bullshit but I do not believe that she was ever a part of his criminal enterprise. She is a good mother and would not risk her children's well-being by being a part of that bullshit and she probably told Apollo that she didn't want to know about or be any part of his crazy crap and that if he got caught he would be on his own. So while she might not be willing to rat out her baby daddy she also would not become his partner in crime. 

I think that Kandi for some reason wants Phaedra to be more humble and less bourgeois and that's why she's still kind of mad at her, in addition to the Todd video crap. Kandi may have the most money of all of them individually and combined but she embraces her inner ghetto, bourghetto self. She resents Phaedra for things like not wanting to take her children to prison visits even if it is to see their own father. Phaedra is willing to do/say some crass stuff on TV, especially when she's rolling with her girl Porsha, but she was raised completely differently from Kandi and has a law degree. Phaedra is putting on a show for this show but I've been with her in professional settings, including that crime in the black community/DNC event in Philadelphia, and she is 85% nothing like this silly cow she plays on TV. I was there when Sheree, Kim, Phaedra and Porsha were in DC the first time with Rep. Wilson and Sheree, who is all blustery and shit talking on TV, was very meek and barely said a word. Kim and Porsha were pretty much what you would expect. 

Can't wait to see how much progress Todd has made on the restaurant tomorrow night. He is so way over his head it's not even funny. I would have preferred that he worked to perfect his craft as a TV producer instead of these different deals with Kandi that you know she's paying for. Is he going to be the maitre d when the joint opens?

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11 hours ago, politichick said:

I definitely think that at some point Phaedra may have suspected that Apollo was up to some bullshit but I do not believe that she was ever a part of his criminal enterprise. She is a good mother and would not risk her children's well-being by being a part of that bullshit and she probably told Apollo that she didn't want to know about or be any part of his crazy crap and that if he got caught he would be on his own. So while she might not be willing to rat out her baby daddy she also would not become his partner in crime. 

I think that Kandi for some reason wants Phaedra to be more humble and less bourgeois and that's why she's still kind of mad at her, in addition to the Todd video crap. Kandi may have the most money of all of them individually and combined but she embraces her inner ghetto, bourghetto self. She resents Phaedra for things like not wanting to take her children to prison visits even if it is to see their own father. Phaedra is willing to do/say some crass stuff on TV, especially when she's rolling with her girl Porsha, but she was raised completely differently from Kandi and has a law degree. Phaedra is putting on a show for this show but I've been with her in professional settings, including that crime in the black community/DNC event in Philadelphia, and she is 85% nothing like this silly cow she plays on TV. I was there when Sheree, Kim, Phaedra and Porsha were in DC the first time with Rep. Wilson and Sheree, who is all blustery and shit talking on TV, was very meek and barely said a word. Kim and Porsha were pretty much what you would expect. 

I don't want to be a thiser, but THIS!!!!!!! This friendship is falling apart because these two come from two different social classes. Phaedra is middle class. She comes from a family of professionals. Kandi's family is not. I don't think that Kandi gets that there is a values/acceptable practices disconnect with the two of them. This isn't to say that Phaedra isn't shady and duplicitous. She is, but in weird ways that attempt to protect her middle class respectability.

To a certain extent Todd has even alluded to this issue with Kandi when he talked about her team not being able to take Kandi to the next level (not that he has either). But Todd implied that Kandi's team lacked the creativity and imagination of more successful entertainers. Why can't Kandi get a featured song in a Tyler Perry movie?They did an entire Hallmark movie with En Vogue songs. They can't with Kandi?

Edited by HunterHunted
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Watching the first season Phadrea is on. The 3rd season. The only thing I like about her is Aiden. He is such a cute baby. She brags about how she is a lawyer. She had to have known exactly what Apollo was up too. Maybe she gave him some tips??

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15 hours ago, riffraff said:

Watching the first season Phadrea is on. The 3rd season. The only thing I like about her is Aiden. He is such a cute baby. She brags about how she is a lawyer. She had to have known exactly what Apollo was up too. Maybe she gave him some tips??

Keep watching, and see how she tries to set Apollo up in legitimate jobs in order to hide the fact he's a crook.

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2 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Keep watching, and see how she tries to set Apollo up in legitimate jobs in order to hide the fact he's a crook.

I think it is just as possible that she tried to set him up in these legal jobs in an attempt to get him to go legit. While I do think it possible that she knew/suspected his "work" wasn't legal, I do not think she was a part of it or that it was Ok with her. I really believe she wanted him to be a success in a legal job so that he would be there for their kids.

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I agree, WireWrap, I didn't mean to imply she was onto him. I think she knew he had just got out of prison and the number of people who fall back on their old ways is very high. She wanted him to go straight, but the boy just didn't have it in him to be honest. Stealing hard-working peoples' pension money or paychecks is the lowest.

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