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S02.E05: The Runway Runaway

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Ugh, Kelsey handled that situation so poorly. It’s good that Justin supports her but yeesh. She was yelling louder than Tamica and didn’t need to put hands on her. 

Barry is amazing. Tamica’s one lucky girl. 

Jeff’s messy house with the alcohol everywhere and that ending made me incredibly sad. He and the dogs must miss each other. 

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Well this show went from mildly humorous(Jon is officially the Yoda of this show...and drunk Jeff lying on someone’s lawn, ripping his shirt off and hopping into a random car made me snort!) to downright depressing in warp speed...oh Jeff...he has some really sad issues going on.

The guy is clearly so lonely and lost, aimless and depressed, and obviously using excess booze to numb himself—those shots of his dirty house with empty bottles everywhere were beyond troubling. And for a big dude like him, it’s frightening to think how much he must put away to get *that* messed up. I really hope he’s gotten professional help since then to deal with all his demons.

Poor Kelsey’s hair is so awful because it doesn’t soften her harsh facial features, just accentuates them. And I appreciate the fact that she chooses to keep it natural/non-extensioned and doesn’t relax or straighten it, (especially with the humidity of NOLA), but surely she could find a more flattering way to wear it? Maybe loosen up those tight curls somehow?? 

She was doing wayyyy too much at her party too; you don’t even attempt to engage with someone as extra and as ready to pounce as Tamika. I really liked how Justin ended up handling that situation and telling Tamika that she’d need to make it right.

Jeff running from and shouting at the cameras at the end...yikes...

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As much as I dislike Reagan, I would not want to live with Jeff for one hot minute. He is unhinged. Was it ever confirmed that he had a brain injury from his football career? 

And...as much as I dislike Tamika, I think Kelsey was out of line at her party. She's the one that made a scene and made an ass of herself. I don't think Tamika was being all that loud and extra but once Kelsey started in on her she let loose with her cutting "this isn't your house" comments. 

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

The guy is clearly so lonely and lost, aimless and depressed, and obviously using excess booze to numb himself—those shots of his dirty house with empty bottles everywhere were beyond troubling. And for a big dude like him, it’s frightening to think how much he must put away to get *that* messed up. I really hope he’s gotten professional help since then to deal with all his demons.

I agree. I do not think Jeff is unhinged, but I think he is like you said, lost, lonely, and depressed. He seems to be using alcohol to cope, which is not good. It is probably not healthy for him right now to be on a show with his ex-wife, especially since everything is going swimmingly for Reagan. I do not fear Jeff, but fear for him. I do hope he is getting professional help. 

2 hours ago, Lizzing said:

The use of the eggplant emoji on Moody's crotch just killed me dead.  Best way to obscure too-naughty-for-tv bits ever!

The eggplant emoji made me laugh so hard.

Kelsey needs to dial it back a few notches. I liked her fine last season, but this season she seems to be so over the top. Everyone was loud at that party. Tamica and Jeff seemed to be done with their loud conversation (it did not seem to be a fight) before Kelsey decided to single out Tamica for being loud. I wish someone would tell Kelsey that she was being a bit aggressive and not just blame Tamica for being loud and saying that the house was not hers. 

I love Rachel. I love her expressions when Reagan is speaking.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Well this show went from mildly humorous(Jon is officially the Yoda of this show...and drunk Jeff lying on someone’s lawn, ripping his shirt off and hopping into a random car made me snort!) to downright depressing in warp speed...oh Jeff...he has some really sad issues going on.

The caption of "Not Jeff's Ride" on the car had me in tears laughing.  And the conversation between Jeff and Jon pre-runway show was pretty funny too.

Jon: Justin said you were climbing his neighbor's tree?

Jeff:  I was!  It was great!

Jon:  Maybe not so great for the neighbors?

Jeff: <lightbulb> Oh...

But then it went scary really quickly.  Poor Jeff is a mess. 

  • Love 12

I believe Jeff needs professional help, but he also needs to understand that alcohol is not a coping mechanism. Until he accepts that, he probably won't be open to help. I'm slightly moved by the fact that production didn't give him an asshole edit which means that they may feel enough to try and get him the help he needs rather than just watching breathlessly as he spirals out of control.

I so want to dislike Tamika, but I find myself agreeing with her on Regan's need to have every conversation be about her train wreck of a life. Watching that scene after the fashion show where she announces that Tamika and Rachel need to help her plan her wedding because she is just so overwhelmed made me want to reach through the screen and shake some sense into her. 

Also, does Regan realize that she low-key shades her little sister every time she gives here "Real southern women know how to cook and entertain" speeches and then the camera cuts to sis being absolutely clueless about either cooking or entertaining?

I give Tamika props for at least contemplating that she could be wrong when it comes to Kelsey. In reality show world that is a level of self-awareness most of the "stars" don't have. Not that she's bending over backwards to fix it, but she didn't sit in Justin's office and do the "who me?" thing that so many of these chicks run with.

I also think Kelsey is way more intimidated by Tamika than Tamika is dismissive of Kelsey. She so wants to be an alpha, and she just doesn't have it in her to back down the mean girl. How did she ever survive middle school?

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I do agree that Jeff has major issues, but I'm smelling shenanigans on last night's running away. We just moved into a corporate townhouse in the complex that he was shown sitting & running outside of, and it's not just a place you would end up despite being at the intersection of a freeway & a major thoroughfare. Also, the station that Tamica works  at is right next door. Coincidence? I think not. 

Kelsey seems to be ramping up the aggression after learning that Tamica preys on weakness. I hate people like Tamica TBH & feel like that kind of behavior is so immature & ridiculous, but damn Kelsey, you are making yourself look crazy & shrill, & it's so obvious that's not her true personality which makes Tamica double down on her behavior, and the cameras make it worse (on both sides). They both need to learn to read the room. But I do give props to Tamica for reaching out to Justin, and I hope she hears & accepts what he is telling her regarding his & Kelsey's relationship. They are past the timeframe where this is just a fling, and if Tamica is the friend to Justin that she claims to be, she will treat Kelsey as Justin's partner & not a sidepiece/fuck buddy. And even if J+K did have that kind of relationship, as long as they are consenting adults and happy it's none of Tamica's business. Be nice to your friend's partner (whatever the interpretation of the word), complain to your  own partner, and get over yourself. We've all done it. 

36 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

Also, does Regan realize that she low-key shades her little sister every time she gives here "Real southern women know how to cook and entertain" speeches and then the camera cuts to sis being absolutely clueless about either cooking or entertaining?

No doubt about it. Reagan is a narcissist of the first order. I have a feeling she grew up being told how smart, beautiful, & special she is, and she has never forgotten it or let anyone else forget. Her fiancé seems like a huge tool. 

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Oh I missed part of Reagan's birthday party for Reece. I came in during one of Reece's talking heads. I think he was speaking of his mother and how she got along with Reagan, because they are both narcissists? I am assuming I got that wrong and there was more to what he said.

4 hours ago, TexasGal said:

And the conversation between Jeff and Jon pre-runway show was pretty funny too.

Jon: Justin said you were climbing his neighbor's tree?

Jeff:  I was!  It was great!

Jon:  Maybe not so great for the neighbors?

Jeff: <lightbulb> Oh...

I did like that Jeff realized that his behavior was not cool, especially for Justin and Kelsey. Of course Jeff did spiral again.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

 damn Kelsey, you are making yourself look crazy & shrill, & it's so obvious that's not her true personality...But...Be nice to your friend's partner 

<snipped for space>. I definitely think Kelsey is feeling herself as the newest member of The Skinny Girls' Club.  I saw it since the first ep of this season.  I didn't think she looked bad before, and maybe the bit of extra fat softened her features.  (Don't get me wrong--Kelsey can be as lean or fat as she wants to be--it's none of my business, but I think the weight loss is causing Kelsey to want a bigger piece of whatever she's involved in, as since it's new, she's acting a bit like the eighth grade girl who grew boobs and got highlights over the summer).

Re:  "Be nice to your friend's partner," yeah! I don't get the "vetting" thing that was mentioned several times this episode as in, "I understand Tamika wants to vet Kelsey, but this is going too far."  Like...really?  These people are in their thirties.  Justin is an educated professional man. I don't care if we go back to Job; no one gets to vet shit in my life if they're not paying my bills.  If Justin is dating Kelsey, that is really the end of the story.  If you don't like her, maybe make yourself scarce while he's dating her.  Show, don't tell.  

6 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

I give Tamika props for at least contemplating that she could be wrong when it comes to Kelsey. In reality show world that is a level of self-awareness most of the "stars" don't have. 

<snipped for space>

I agree.  I love Tamika, but I always try to call a spade a spade.  If Tamika is this dear, dear friend of Justin's, she should know that Kelsey put her proverbial blood, sweat and tears into that house, and if Klesey is living there with Justin, she is allowed to kick people out for whatever reason she pleases.  Is it bitchy?  Is it a power play?  Probably, but I think Tamika was more in the wrong.  Right or wrong, Kelsey wanted to Tamika to be more quiet in that moment--OK!  What you get to do is lower your voice or leave.  It's kind of tacky to low-key demand to see whose name is on the deed of the home from which one is being ejected, given the circumstances.

I thought Justin was too easy on Tamika, but I also appreicate that Tamika was being perceptive to Justin's tone.  I just wish it hadn't come to that.  Tamika should act respectfully toward Kelsey because she was in her home (I'm not going to say Tamika should actually respect Kelsey; that's a bridge too far).

I loved this episode.  I liked seeing Reece's upscale family home out in the country, and people of all generations, including old people and children.  It reminded me a tiny bit of like a white Eve's Bayou (without the charm). I know everyone hates Reagan and Reece, but I like their relationship.  They seem committed and easygoing to me.  I wouldn't be surprised if this one was actually til death do us part.  And, let's face it, isn't the world better with both of these people off the market?  Think about the poor, unsuspecting slobs who might be dating them if they hadn't (re)met each other!

I like that Reagan is domestic.  It's a good look on her.  It somehow makes her voice seem less annoying.  And the apron hides her gynormous breasts, so that's always a plus.

I just really liked this ep because of all of the layers.  Everyone's post is making me look at it a different way.  When Reagan was saying that everyone had to help her with the wedding and Tamika got annoyed, I was a little like, "ok, but Tamika, you say you want to be included, but then when she includes you, you complain."  But then, when I saw how upset Tamika was, as well as Rachel, Regan's right-hand man, I knew something was up.

Reagan can paste the biggest smile on her face she wants--she is very self-centered.  Tamika and Barry, for all they have going on, for all the prjoects they take on, are not self-centered.  They also complement each other to the point where they are one of my most favorite reality TV couples.

Jon is growing on me.  Is he really only like 25?  I wish I was that laid-back and together when I was 25!

If I have one quibble, it is that I would have liked to see the clothes on actual models, not mainly assorted cast members, as I don't feel like I really got to see the fashions.  I'm just a little bit of a presentation snob like that--use actual models, not yourself, your friends, or family (the little daughter at the end being the exception). Real models just make a product seem professional.  I wish we could have seen more of that, because we know they were there. Also, I didn't like that Barry used the word "stink" in relation to his clothes, even though he was saying the clothes don't make you stink.  What I think happens though is that the word "stink" gets stuck in people's subconscious, and they might associate his clothes with it.  It would have been better to say "it will keep you fresh with our patented technology" or whatever.  Just minor observations.  The whole thing was cute and refreshing and I hope they make bank off of it.  

This show is so much more interesting with all the shades of grey.  It seems realistic and human.  These people actually fight and make up and care about each other.  It's so much better than so much of the navel-gazing crap Bravo tries to sell us!

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

I do agree that Jeff has major issues, but I'm smelling shenanigans on last night's running away. We just moved into a corporate townhouse in the complex that he was shown sitting & running outside of, and it's not just a place you would end up despite being at the intersection of a freeway & a major thoroughfare. Also, the station that Tamica works  at is right next door. Coincidence? I think not. 

I was wondering how far he was supposed to have run.  The bar looked like it was down on Canal (the Quarter* end).  Is it an easy distance?

*I just figured out how to turn on CC on my new cable box, and they are sometimes weirdly misleading.  While outside the Justin/Kelsey party, the CC had Jeff say he was going to the "corner" (also Ben on WWCrappens said it), but clearly he said he was going to the Quarter.  I rewound it a couple of times, and the CC was just wrong.

5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

And, let's face it, isn't the world better with both of these people off the market?  Think about the poor, unsuspecting slobs who might be dating them if they hadn't (re)met each other!

I feel that way about a good 90% of Bravo couples, and 99% of couples on 90 Day Fiance.  LOL!

  • Love 3

I think Kelsey hates Tamica because she knows 1) Justin has always crushed on Tamica, & if Kelsey looked like Tamica there would be a ring and 2) Tamica is beautiful & Kelsey can lose all the weight she wants and paint on abs, but until she fixes her very unfortunate nose and steps away from the mouse so her hair is no longer crunchy/wet looking she will always be woefully unattractive. There are very few people I’d suggest get a nose job, but Kelsey is one of them. Interestingly she and Justin share a similar look but it came together better for him, likely because he’s a dude. His shallow side must be horrified at the thought of procreating with Kelsey and perpetuating that nose into his gene pool.  

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17 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Meanwhile, what was so special about the workout gear?  Looked like anything I can get at Target and Walmart.

Completely agree.  The anti-microbial properties were stressed, but I don't believe even that is proprietary.  Typical Bravo Reality product line.  (I've read that Bravo writes in their own compensatory cut from these products into the contracts now.)  They missed out on SkinnyGirl, again from what I've read.

  • Love 2
On 7/8/2019 at 12:50 AM, Sun-Bun said:

Poor Kelsey’s hair is so awful because it doesn’t soften her harsh facial features, just accentuates them. And I appreciate the fact that she chooses to keep it natural/non-extensioned and doesn’t relax or straighten it, (especially with the humidity of NOLA), but surely she could find a more flattering way to wear it? Maybe loosen up those tight curls somehow?? 

Those aren't tight curls. Tight curls give you an afro. Kelsey's are actually pretty loose. She just needs to step away from the wet look gel.

  • Love 3

I really just started watching this show and over the weekend I binge watched season 1. That said, I think it was Kelsey that was really out of line at the party. I totally get that Tamika is high maintenance, and was definitely rude to Kelsey in the past, Kelsey is no angel  IMO. She comes across too desperate  She is the one that created the scene. Reagan is annoying and self absorbed, and new boyfriend seems to be a total tool, but she was smart to get away from Jeff. Maybe watching season 1 the way I did, after knowing they had split, gave it a different perspective, but last season radiated that she truly did love Jeff, the way you love an old, dear friend you grow up with, but she also wanted out of the marriage. I don't blame her for that one bit. He is trouble and bringing a child into that marriage would have been a mistake if epic proportions. Kudo's to her for having the sense to see that. Maybe, after that marriage, she needs a weak, moldable guy to carry her purse and do as he's told and those guys are generally, well, tools. Whether she will be happy with that, long term, is debateable, but he will, IMO, be a much better  and safer daddy than Jeff would be. 

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7 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I was wondering how far he was supposed to have run.  The bar looked like it was down on Canal (the Quarter* end).  Is it an easy distance?

*I just figured out how to turn on CC on my new cable box, and they are sometimes weirdly misleading.  While outside the Justin/Kelsey party, the CC had Jeff say he was going to the "corner" (also Ben on WWCrappens said it), but clearly he said he was going to the Quarter.  I rewound it a couple of times, and the CC was just wrong.

I feel that way about a good 90% of Bravo couples, and 99% of couples on 90 Day Fiance.  LOL!

No.  He was about 8 miles from where they started.

They were on St. Charles Avenue in the Lower Garden District for the fashion show and for the scenes on the sidewalk when they were looking for him.  

The scenes where he was running were on the I-10 Service Road in Metairie by the Galleria Mall.  Coincidentally enough the mall houses the studios where Tamica's news station is.

The mall is a little bit off the direct route between where the fashion show was and Jeff's home in Covington.  It's in a mixed residential/commercial area, but I can't think of bars or nightclubs around that he might have been going to.  

In a TH Barry talks about how Jeff is running around in a dangerous pocket of NOLA.  Where Jeff was running (in this episode anyway) was not in NOLA proper and actually is one of the safest neighborhoods of the metro area.

Edited by SoTheresThat
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The Kesley/Justin/Tamica situation is so layered to me. I think Kelsey is intimidated by Tamica (and I think at times Tamica does that by design) but Kelsey's got a growing confidence to take on the advice everyone is giving her - that in order to settle Tamica down, you need to push back on her. Kelsey misplayed this particular hand and I do think she's been a bit extra this season but theoretically, I don't have any issue with her pushing back on Tamica when Tamica gets aggressive - she should do that. But another layer to that relationship is that I think Kelsey understands the dynamic between Justin and Tamica and when Tamica treats her as some eventually disposable sidepiece in Justin's life, it probably makes her relationship insecurities bubble deep down because she wants the ring, she's ready to get married and everyone knows that Justin is the sole reason why their relationship hasn't progressed to that level.

While Tamica is aggressive and hits low blows (which are major character flaws), I can't help but like her. I like the positive and genuine changes she's made at home to better her marriage and her relationship with her children and I love how much she seems to enjoy spending that time with them. I love that she's so supportive of her husband and that even oddly demonstrated, she is loyal to her friends. I think she you need a strong/understanding personality to deal with her but at the heart of it, I think Tamica is a genuine person in her relationships and I think she does recognize those major flaws she has because she's been willing to sit back and let people call her out and she acknowledges her bad behaviour rather than make excuses for it. I still think there's hope for her to figure out how to be a better friend the same she figured out how to be a better mom and wife. 

I was confused about Tamica's anger over Reagan's 'help me plan my wedding comments because we've been hearing for weeks that Tamica wants to be involved and the first to know things but when I saw Racheal co-signing Tamica's frustration, I knew there had to be more to it. When they showed the various flashbacks of 'Raegan's moments', I got it. Even when Raegan isn't divulging, she still makes it about herself and for her to interrupt a conversation positively highlighting the great work Barry did with the fashion show AT the fashion show, it was rude. It was a moment to let it be about Barry not about the rollercoaster ride that is Raegan's new life.

Jeff...oh Jeff. Get this man help. I did laugh at his Lion King impression though, lol.

  • Love 12

I laughed at Kelsey, she stood there shrieking like a nutcase because Tamica was loud.  But Kelsey was louder, so WTF?  The party would have been great if Kelsey would have just sighed, "there's Tamica again, being loud." and kept it moving.  BTW, to me Kelsey looks like someone punched her in the nose.  I too wonder why Justin hasn't married her.   But different strokes for different folks.

Reese is a douchebag, but Reagan loves him, so there is that.  I don't think Reagan ever loved Jeff, so he's better off without her.

Speaking of Jeff, I don't get what happened.  He was going out with a woman he met at the fashion show and then suddenly he's gone.  I think Jeff might have a problem with alcohol, simply because his personality changes so drastically when he drinks.  When Jeff drinks, you never know where he's going to end up, IMO that's a problem.

Edited by Neurochick
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On 7/11/2019 at 8:00 PM, Neurochick said:

Jeff might have a problem with alcohol, simply because his personality changes so drastically when he drinks.  When Jeff drinks, you never know where he's going to end up, IMO that's a problem.

There is also the possibility that he is on some type of medication. For instance, he might be on an antidepressant because he isn’t getting over Reagan easily (yet putting on a brave front for his friends and the camera) and the effects of alcohol could exacerbate his bad (? Certainly questionable) behavior. He could also be on some kind of treatment for brain disfunction from his football career. 

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