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Kandi Burruss: Atlanta's Own Willy Wonka

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That's more of Kandi trying to always help friends and family.

I'm not sure that's what it is, although it would be nice to think of her as someone who's so loyal to her old friends.  She strikes me as being an unfortunate combination of penny-wise and pound foolish.  She'll throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars on the tackiest decor imaginable (even Bobby Trendy would be rolling in his grave--if he were dead) and buying houses for her beast of a mother to tear apart, but then she'll hire people to do important tasks for which they're completely out of their depth because she can get them cheaper than someone qualified would cost. 


I'm dating myself here, but she reminds me of the Ted Baxter character on the old Mary Tyler Moore Show, who had a whole squad of high-school kids working as his accountant, his manager, his PR person, etc.  Except I think those kids were better at their jobs than some of the people Kandi takes on, based on results.

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Funky Dineva commented that Carmon must be paid a lot more than her skills are worth to tolerate working for Kandi after Joyce left her that abusive voicemail threatening to have her beat up (just writing that out is crazy), and I am inclined to agree. Kandi also tends to use her staff for absolutely everything - having them plan her wedding is insane - and, well, you get what you pay for. Look, I am cheap, but I know that some pennies aren't worth pinching. She buys Riley a 60-inch TV but doesn't hire a distribution company that knows what it's doing? What?

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At first I admired Kandi for her daring and creativity in "A Mother's Love".


But the more I see of disgusting 'mama' Joyce on my TV screen and Kandi with her denial and dysfunction with her mother, .....I am turned off by the mere mention of the title, "A Mother's Love." What a joke. Kandi should have titled it : "A Mother's Narcissistic Pathological Control". 





That's more of Kandi trying to always help friends and family. One of these days, her money may run out after she's finished buying houses, cars, giving away salaried jobs to people who are inept, etc.


I'd love to know how much she's dropping on that SEVEN (what?!) bedroom house for her psycho bitch of a "mother".


She strikes me as being an unfortunate combination of penny-wise and pound foolish.  She'll throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars on the tackiest decor imaginable (even Bobby Trendy would be rolling in his grave--if he were dead) and buying houses for her beast of a mother to tear apart, but then she'll hire people to do important tasks for which they're completely out of their depth because she can get them cheaper than someone qualified would cost. 


HA! Bobby Trendy - that's the guy who did all that horrid decor for Anna Nicole Smith, right?

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Kandi, if you're reading this, nobody wants to see "A Mother's Love" because it is shit. Pure stinky shit. Thank you and stay your ass at the house.  Better hang on to that other business of yours.  You're gonna need the money.

Thank you for saying this! I couldn't believe my eyes or ears -- for an alleged musical professional that was downright embarrassing. Grammar-school-level schtick, bad book and bad acting with semi-bad singing. Gave me the douche chills!

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Maybe it's been explained on another thread, but just why in the hell did Joyce's boyfriend tear apart the house ? What possible justification was given even in Joyce's own bullshit excuse way? I mean the only reason you pull out bathroom or kitchen appliances and fixtures, is because you are renovating it? Yes? I thought the old house was up to par. There is no way that the boyfriend and Joyce were spending money to upgrade and renovate! So does that mean he was selling the stuff to make a buck?


Suffice to say, that scene where Joyce (note: I have given up the using the affectionate term mama anymore with that witch)....that scene where Kandi begins to question her about the house at the forced sitdown at the family gathering at sister Nora's.....and Joyce pulls the bullshit pity me pills for ammarism I'm so tired card to get out of explaining, did it for me. That woman is a ghastly. And it also did it for me with Kandi - who then buys her a 7 bedroom house. I am over any empathy for that girl. What a fool. 


Just one more thing about Kandi's obviously poor judgement in running some of her businesses, let's not forget the Bravo income. Several years worth now.  That is where I think the newfound money comes from to afford all the new ridiculous spending (i.e. Joyce's house). And Joyce knows this and is milking Kandi for all that delicious Bravo income. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Maybe it's been explained on another thread, but just why in the hell did Joyce's boyfriend tear part the house ? What possible justification was given even in their own bullshit excuses? I mean the only reason you pull out bathroom or kitchen appliances and fixtures, is because you are renovating it? Yes? I thought the old house was up to par. There is no way that the boyfriend and Joyce were spending money to upgrade and renovate! So does that mean he was selling the stuff to make a buck?


Suffice to say, that scene where Joyce (note: I have given up the using the affectionate term mama anymore with that witch)....that scene where Kandi begins to question her about the house at the forced sitdown at the family gathering at sister Nora's.....and Joyce pulls the bullshit bad health-pity me ammarism card to get out of explaining, did it for me. That woman is a ghastly. And it also did it for me with Kandi - who then buys her a 7 bedroom house. I am over any empathy for that girl. What a fool. 


Just one more thing about Kandi's obviously poor judgement in running some of her businesses, let's not forget the Bravo income. Several years worth now.  That is where I think the newfound money comes from to afford all the new ridiculous spending (i.e. Joyce's house). But Kandi can't break the 4th wall. And Joyce knows this and is milking Kandi for all that delicious Bravo income. 

Thank you for posting the question I was about to. The old hag never moved into the house so why did she do this? She wasn't opening a bed and breakfast so why lay waste to the bathrooms? I believe Joyce tore up that house just to send a message to Kandi that she is still in charge. Accordindly, Kandi bought the hag a new house in hag's name and now without a key. Kandi will now have to swallow the cost for the demolition that took place.

  • Love 5

Thank you for posting the question I was about to. The old hag never moved into the house so why did she do this? She wasn't opening a bed and breakfast so why lay waste to the bathrooms? I believe Joyce tore up that house just to send a message to Kandi that she is still in charge. Accordindly, Kandi bought the hag a new house in hag's name and now without a key. Kandi will now have to swallow the cost for the demolition that took place.



What makes it even worse is that the dude who tore up the original house with no repercussions is gonna sashay around the NEW house in his drawers.  Joyce knows it, the Old Dinosaur gang knows it and dumb ass Kandi knows it. 


If Kandi had any common sense she would have bought the new 7 bedroom house  and told Joyce she could have the keys to it when Benny finished repaying her for the damage done to the original house.  But no, Kandi will never have the heart to do that and her momma knows it.  Its bad enough Joyce clowns Kandi, but she has her man taking advantage of Kandi too now.

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I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that Joyce somehow snuck into Eddie Levert or Al Green's house or something and decided she too wanted 14 karat gold bidets or sinks or whatever. Kandi probably told her no, and Benny probably told her one of his drinking buddies could do the work for her.


This is hilarious, charmed1 and you know what else? I seriously think you are close to the truth !


The old hag never moved into the house so why did she do this?

How'd I miss that ? So Joyce didn't even move into the house ?!!

Edited by Bossa Nova
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I am not surprised at all that the DVD distribution is effed up. The Kandi Factory is being managed by her childhood friends with no legitimate business experience. If their behaviour on camera is any indication of how they conduct themselves in real life, I'm not surprised at the floppage of A Mother's Love.


I believe Bedroom Kandi is partnered with OhMiBod, so that's probably why this piece of Kandi's empire looks and operates on a more professional level.

Yep, that's why Bedroom is ok, outside people are running it.     She couldn't even manage a little record deal with Kim for Tardy.  She claims to be a professional, but then cried foul at the deal.     She cant be both and I think when it comes to business she is an epic fail.

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She couldn't even manage a little record deal with Kim for Tardy.


She did the same thing with that deal that she's doing with all of her other ventures. Letting friendship take the lead, and business takes a back seat. If she'd had Kim sign a contract that entitled her to most of the royalties for producing the song, there never would have been a fight about it. She lets people wave the friendship flag and guilt her into letting them have a free ride.

  • Love 3

She did the same thing with that deal that she's doing with all of her other ventures. Letting friendship take the lead, and business takes a back seat. If she'd had Kim sign a contract that entitled her to most of the royalties for producing the song, there never would have been a fight about it. She lets people wave the friendship flag and guilt her into letting them have a free ride.

I think friendship may play a smaller part imo.   I think Kandi just isn't very smart.   I think the friends being employee's is more of a comfort for her and a way for her to seem a lot smarter than she is.   In any real professional setting, she would be lost.

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So is the facade of Kandi being this great "boss/head of an empire" showing the cracks this season? I think her partners must run her more successful businesses - the toy line and the clothing store - because her other stuff seems busted. Don Juan seems way too comfortable to be able to talk any kind of crazy way. And everything about A Mother's Love seems to be a mess - from the tour being cancelled to not even being able to get purchased DVD'S delivered. Not to mention the title and plot.

So breaking into the lucrative Tyler Perry - type travelling play business failed. Breaking into the lucrative country music songwriting world failed. Trying to launch the next Rupaul out pop star (Lawrence) failed. Kandi Factory, the show, failed. If Kandi Factory is managing any artists, I haven't heard of them. She hasn't written for any relevant music artists since 1999. It's almost like she needs to get focused, instead of trying to be jack of all trades, master of none.

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Don't throw stuff at me, but I would prefer seeing the OLG on my screen instead of a Bedroom Kandi/Kandi Koated infomercial.


Hmmm, tough choice there, Toukie, but I think I agree with you. As long as the Old Lady Gang is sans Joyce or yammering at Joyce. 


That Bedroom Kandi schtick is just uninteresting and sometimes nasty. The talking about it, the products, all of it. Yeah, yeah, I'll use the cliche'...I'm no prude...there I said it, but the sex talk among adults who are well into their adulthood thus assuming they have had lots of sex through their lives, ...well it now it just comes off as adolescent and boring.


Maybe its because now I am an older gal, very married, with a fine sex life, so I am not interested in talking about it in girl group settings that come off as arrested development overgrown slumber parties. They should have grown out of that long ago. What was next  at that party? Calling up cute boys and hanging up on them? Doing each others hair?

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 4

How I feel about Kandi Burris Tucker this season...


Lost a bunch of brownie points due to her lack of standing up for her man or, basically anyone but her mama.  This episode, she even let her employees steamroll over her husband



Viable Storyline:  adjusting to married life and a blended family with outside interference

How I feel about Kandi Burris Tucker this season...


Lost a bunch of brownie points due to her lack of standing up for her man or, basically anyone but her mama.  This episode, she even let her employees steamroll over her husband



Viable Storyline:  adjusting to married life and a blended family with outside interference


Here's the thing though.  Where did you learn that you should stand up for your spouse?  Probably from your parents or other family members.  If no one is doing this, or if no one is married, how on earth is someone supposed to know that?  That's where I think Kandi is coming from.   One of the things I have discovered in life is that some people just don't know some things.

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Oftentimes, one learns from people outside the family. Growing up, my siblings and I had our parents to rely on to teach us right from wrong. However, they both worked and were tired when they got home and didn't always teach us everything. I moved away to a large city after college, my brother and sister did not. I can tell you there is a VAST difference in how we do things in regard to other people. They both have children who have not always done the right things. Their kids never say "thank you" or don't always show respect to others. I learned alot of things from my friends, bosses, etc. that I was never taught growing up.

I think in Kandi's case, she had her mother to rely on for just about everything she learned growing up. It's too bad she didn't grow up with her father, the pastor, who seems to have his act together much better than Joyce. Joyce and her nasty personality did Kandi no favors. Kandi is a victim of emotional blackmail, and if I had to guess, it's because of Joyce convincing her that Kandi owes her now, is why she hires friends. I can understand wanting to help your friends, but not if it leaves you alone when your husband tires of the way he's being treated.

Kandi did say in her post that she learned a lot from watching the episode. Time will tell if it sticks or not.

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I respectfully disagree with the idea that this has to be taught but I definitely don't think it's specific to marriage.  She knows how to stand up for and defend somebody against others' ridicule, she does it for Joyce all the time. 


That is my point.  I think Kandi learned that one sticks up for your mother; but never learned the same lesson in regards to a husband.  How does a person learn how to be a wife if you never see anybody being a wife?  But if Kandi was taught to stick up for her mother and/or blood relatives, that's what she will do now.


Or maybe Kandi thinks, "Why should I have to stick up for a grown ass man? or Why should I stick up for an adult who can speak for himself?"

Edited by Neurochick
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Yeah I totally get what both of you are saying and agree to some extent.  What I disagree with is the idea that coming to someone's defense is person specific.  If they're important to you, at the very least more important to you than the group of cackling idiots disrespecting them, then you stand up for them.  I used Joyce as the example that it's clear that she knows how to do so.  Cooks to your point, the fact that she was raised to respect/defend her mother at all costs means she understands the concept.   You don't need to be a wife to know how to stick up for someone who's important to you.  You need to know how not to be an asshole.  I might be laboring under the misconception that Todd actually is important to her though, so my bad, my expectations are a little high.  lol.

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Bits from the Steve Harvey show:

• Kandi still defending Joyce, with Todd sitting right there. Don't talk bad about my momma! Getting all teary-eyed because people talk crap about Joyce. Todd stood his ground, saying it's not so much what someone says, but how they deliver it. He had no problem with anyone checking his background to make sure he's a good person, but he had a lot of problems with the shit-flinging Joyce did.

• When asked which other husband would she be married to, if she had to pick, she said Gregg.... "Because he does whatever NeNe tells him to do and it's good to have a man who'll do what you tell them."

• Todd picked NeNe just because she picked Gregg. She looked at him and said "Really?????"

They started in on the Bedroom Kandi stuff and advice about sex and that's when I tuned out.

If Steve didn't set her straight about letting Joyce and whoever else talk shit about Todd, I don't see what the point was about Todd agreeing to go on the show.


And Todd should leave right the hell now, since it's obvious all Kandi wants is someone who will just agree with anything she says and laugh off her disrespectful friends and family.

Steve tried to, he was going in that direction, but then Kandi took over and started getting all weepy and saying how nobody should talk bad about her momma. And how she has to keep blocking people who talk MJ trash.

Kandi sounds dumb as hell. Why on earth should anybody(including her) let Joyce disrespect them?

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They showed a clip of Kandi and Todd discussing MJ and her new house, with Kandi trying to justify why she bought her the new house "she didn't like her old one, she doesn't want to be all the way out in BFE in the other one..." and says "I just want everyone to be happy."

Todd says "Well, what if she's not happy in this new house?"

Shrug from Kandi. "I think she'll be happy."

And with that clip, Steve asks her why it matters so much to her to please her momma, and we get the same old, same old from Kandi. She is dumb as a box of rocks.

Kandi posted this just now on her Facebook page. I wonder.....

Hey y'all some real talk I have learned in the past few years to be a more private person. I used to just speak openly about my life thinking everyone wished everyone well like I do. But I have learned that everyone even people close to you are not always excited for you. The less you tell the more likely you are to keep your blessings untainted. Soon as you speak on anything anyone can throw negative energy onto it and you. So now I do not annouce all of my wins... I have learned to keep them in a safe place and celebrate them by myself or a select few people. Just a little real talk. Xo K

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