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Spoiler Discussion Thread: The Final Countdown

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I could argue that we don't need a show focused on canaries either, since they've mishandled that mantle so much there are been four of them in the present and are a whole network of them in the future. Seems like...maybe they don't know what they're doing there. 

Well i would say 6: Sara, Laurel, Evelyn, BS, (and lets not forget the Nazi BS), Dinah, Zoe. 

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Adult Mia fighting as the Green Arrow in 2020 Star City makes no sense. ...

To make it work, the writers would have to change history as we've seen it last season.

With COIE, big changes have been teased; so it's possible.

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1 minute ago, Trini said:

With COIE, big changes have been teased; so it's possible.

Its much more plausible DD and LL to be sent to the future or something in those terms because otherwise there would be too much question regarding why we dont see Rene, Diggle, Lyla in the present time. Maybe the only reason LL and DD were able to survive is to be sent in the future. Too much danger by bringing Mia to 2020. 

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There is no amount you could pay me to watch Dinah outside of Arrow, so I'm not tuning into this (although I wish bb Mia well, you're doing amazing, sweetie!). If they discombobulate the future because Oliver winds up not disappearing and he gets to stay and see his kids grow up, I wish the show well - be set wherever you want to be, I don't care about the reasons/repercussions, I'll be a happy gal. 

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49 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Still, Guggenheim holds out hope that Rickards will appear one more time before Arrow officially signs off in early 2020, confessing that his biggest bucket list item is getting the actress back for the swan song. "If Emily were inclined to return for the finale, I know exactly how she would be returning for the finale. And I'm very much like a dog with a bone. Part of the job of producing anything is not taking 'no' for an answer, which is not to say we've gotten 'no' for an answer. You always have to keep trying because you never know. You just never know," he emphasized. "You never close the door on anything. You never know what's going to happen."

I honestly think that at this point, if a deal with EBR wasn’t happening (or close to happening) SA, MG and BS wouldn’t be speaking this hopefully about it in the press. They would be singing the “we gave that character the perfect send off already” tune. 

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13 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I honestly think that at this point, if a deal with EBR wasn’t happening (or close to happening) SA, MG and BS wouldn’t be speaking this hopefully about it in the press. They would be singing the “we gave that character the perfect send off already” tune. 

I had the same thought. If she was a firm No, Not Happening, I think they would have ripped that band aide off. I still go back to SA posted that OTA pick.  It’s just his style to spoil something like that.

Re: the spin off. I’m glad Kat is the lead but not enough to tune into the show. I’m still shocked Dinah made it to the spin off. 

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20 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I honestly think that at this point, if a deal with EBR wasn’t happening (or close to happening) SA, MG and BS wouldn’t be speaking this hopefully about it in the press. They would be singing the “we gave that character the perfect send off already” tune. 

I still think they'll get her for at least one scene. I'd be surprised if Emily really was that dead set against returning. (Any recent quotes from her about Arrow?)

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If there was no chance of EBR coming back, MG wouldn't still be saying that they are trying to get her. Because it's going to make him look awfully bad if she doesn't show up, and he doesn't like looking bad. This way he looks like a hero for talking her into coming back.

It makes more sense to move Dinah and Laurel to the future. The show isn't going to want to have fiftysomething lead characters and the actresses won't want to wear aging make up all the time.

2 hours ago, way2interested said:

Ha, to be fair, JH isn't a blonde and KM doesn't look like that, so it doesn't look like they were going for full accuracy.

But they still went for the ridiculous buxom overly-feminized figure types. Man, I hate those.

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Arrow Showrunner Talks Season 8, Guest Stars and That Backdoor Pilot
by Cynthia Vinney – on Oct 15, 2019 


During a Q&A session following the premiere, showrunner Beth Schwartz confirmed, since there are only 10 episodes left before Arrow ends, each one is “just huge.” Season 8’s first episode is “a love letter to the pilot,” while the season as a whole is “our series' greatest hits as well as a build-up to [Arrowverse crossover] 'Crisis [on Infinite Earths].'”

Yet, the show won’t spend a lot of time in Star City. According to Schwartz, throughout the season “we visit places that we’ve gone to in our previous seasons, so they’ll take place in different locations. I think we only have maybe one or two episodes in Star City.”

... Schwartz noted that the show is “trying to squeeze all the characters we can that we want to see for the last time” before the series takes its final bow. As a result, Schwartz said, “almost every episode, if not every episode, there’s a fun surprise guest from previous seasons.”
*  *  *
One of those characters is Thea Queen, who was played by Willa Holland until she left towards the end of Season 6. Outside of a brief appearance in a seventh season episode, Thea hasn’t been seen since, so fans were excited to learn she would be returning for the final season. It’s a sentiment Schwartz shares. “Obviously we love Willa and she is the show,” Schwartz said. “There’s no way we could have had a final season without her… She comes back in a very cool way.”

Part of the goal in having characters from the past return is to give Oliver Queen closure as the show reaches its end. That’s one of the reasons Oliver’s deceased mother is back in the premiere. “What we liked the most about having [Moira Queen] in the premiere is [Oliver] now has his own children, so to have his mother give him advice about motherhood… was just such a perfect moment,” Schwartz explained. She also added, “It was to give him some closure as well, to say he’s sorry for what happened to her.”
*  *  *
Is there any possibility that Felicity could return before the final season ends? “We welcome her back and we’ll see what happens,” Schwartz teased.
*  *  *
Schwartz also discussed the fun and challenge of wrapping up Arrow while also launching the backdoor pilot for a new show that will revolve around Mia Smoak/Green Arrow (Katherine McNamara), Black Canary (Juliana Harkavy) and Black Siren (Katie Cassidy). Schwartz commented, “It was crazy but really fun. We are super-excited about the potential of a new series and all of our kick-ass women.”

The backdoor pilot will also tell a story separate from Arrow’s flash-forwards into Star City 2040. Schwartz said, “We always knew what [the 2040 storyline] was going to be and our backdoor pilot is its own different beast.”

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51 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I had the same thought. If she was a firm No, Not Happening, I think they would have ripped that band aide off. I still go back to SA posted that OTA pick.  It’s just his style to spoil something like that.

Re: the spin off. I’m glad Kat is the lead but not enough to tune into the show. I’m still shocked Dinah made it to the spin off. 

She is not the only lead, there are also Katie and Juliana. In any case it will surprise me to see KC accepted a small role after being mistreated all years.   KC already spoke before a spin off about birds of prey they must have been seduced to this idea by mixing mia

I'm pretty sure that KC will have her name in the first position in the credits  if the spin off goes

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I kinda like the Monitor's voice-over in the sneak peek for giving Oliver a little narrative boost. Also liking the Spectre thing.

Anything so that the Flash writers don't do their "thing" with him in the x-over this year. 

Fingers crossed for Felicity. I want an onscreen reunion so badly. 

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5 minutes ago, MISS1 said:

She is not the only lead, there are also Katie and Juliana. In any case it will surprise me to see KC accepted a small role after being mistreated all years.  


She voluntarily returned multiple times after being killed off. Everyone should be so ~mistreated. 

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6 minutes ago, MISS1 said:

In any case it will surprise me to see KC accepted a small role after being mistreated all years.

And yet she's still around after being "mistreated all these years". What makes you think the spinoff will be any different?

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I could argue that we don't need a show focused on canaries either, 

Thats fair enough, I didnt mean to speak for everyone, just saying some of us. And oh you assume I want The Canaries, If anything my first preferences would have been something completely new and fresh, outside of the Arrow world. A new DC property.

Edited by CabotCove
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3 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Jana summed up my feelings perfectly. That picture made me so emotional!


If the future sticks and he really misses Mia's whole life, I do take some comfort in the fact that he got to meet her as an adult and know that she's okay. 

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2 hours ago, Trisha said:

I honestly think that at this point, if a deal with EBR wasn’t happening (or close to happening) SA, MG and BS wouldn’t be speaking this hopefully about it in the press. They would be singing the “we gave that character the perfect send off already” tune. 

I hope so, but I'm making myself deliberately pessimistic and thinking MG at least wants the "don't blame me, I tried" defence when it doesn't happen. Oh well, we'll see. 

1 hour ago, MISS1 said:

She is not the only lead, there are also Katie and Juliana. In any case it will surprise me to see KC accepted a small role after being mistreated all years.   KC already spoke before a spin off about birds of prey they must have been seduced to this idea by mixing mia

I'm pretty sure that KC will have her name in the first position in the credits  if the spin off goes

I guess it's still too early to know anything for sure. If I were to guess the credits this early, I'd say KM would be first and KC and JH would get the "with" and "and" prestige placing like KC does now. 

I think the current pilot is the result of mixing the 2040 spin off idea (showcased in Star City 2040) and KC's pitched BOP show. Plus the lure of gender flipping GA and having a GA/BC show but.....twist! I think it looks like Mia will be the central character (at least for now) but that doesn't mean KC or JH will have small roles. It might end up more like LOT but even if it's with a clear main character like the others doesn't make another role small. 

I don't think KC has been particularly mistreated. Some of what happened during Arrow's run was unfortunate for her - losing BC to CL originally and losing LI to EBR and getting killed off but none of it seemed personal and she was always invited back and it seems given most of what she wanted. Several other actors in the Arrowverse have had similar happen without always coming back. She's always clung on to the show for dear life so if she signed on it's what she wanted and I'm not surprised. If it doesn't go to series I expect she'll show up in guest spots in at least one of the other shows. 

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13 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Thanks for the spoilers. Gonna write a whole series of fan fics in my head about E2 Felicity's successful business and her awesome life. 

And how she was conveniently off world when E2 went kabloom. 😉

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

OMG she was??? They made sure she was?

Haha that is awesome! 

Earth2 Oliver is dead, I think.  Earth2 Felicity needs to be too or else there will be too many Felicitys for our Oliver and I don't want to read that fic.

4 hours ago, MISS1 said:

I'm pretty sure that KC will have her name in the first position in the credits  if the spin off goes

Well Cassidy does come before Harkavy and McNamara so if the names are in alphabetic order that's a pretty safe bet.

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I think it looks like Mia will be the central character (at least for now) but that doesn't mean KC or JH will have small roles. It might end up more like LOT but even if it's with a clear main character like the others doesn't make another role small. 

Some sound points. I kind of agree with this assessment.👍

Edited by CabotCove
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1 hour ago, CabotCove said:

Some sound points. I kind of agree with this assessment.👍

No but its important how much time will be focused on them. Especially knowing its produced by the same team that is behind Arrow. They barely gave either LL or DD any real development on the show. Even BS going through redemption was not a story focus on Laurel. Everybody else was the driving force for the story. The problem is shown also with how little time is devoted to the Canaries that we already know from Arrow. 

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It's always about what the audience will tune in for and I question the idea of spending time on two female fighters in their fifties ( which is the age of many grandmothers) over four young characters. Neither Laurel nor especially Dinah has been known for being the brains behind the operation to justify their role on the team unlike for example Gambi on Black Lightening or the many Harrys on Flash. I could understand either Laurel or Dinah in a Quentin role but not both.

If they are the younger versions brought into the future, I still don't understand bringing both. Dinah may be popular among the comic books crowd but that's a small fraction. My sense is that she's never really caught on with the audience in genersl.

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Arrow: Beth Schwartz on Thea, Harbinger, Baby Sara and Other Season 8 Teases
Craig Byrne   October 15, 2019


Hard-traveling heroes: “In our upcoming episodes, we visit places that we’ve gone to in our previous seasons,” Beth told the group. “So they’ll take place in different locations. I think we only have  one or two episodes actually in Star City,” she reveals, though she clarifies that aside from the crossover, the season premiere is the only one that took place on another Earth… and yes, they did communicate with The Flash to be sure it would be okay to destroy that world.

What was behind the decision to leave Thea dead on Earth-2? “In part of breaking the premiere, we just talked about where every character would be if Oliver didn’t come back,” Beth said. “We talked about the pilot, and when Oliver came back, and she was a totally different sister than Oliver remembered leaving. She was really, heavily into drugs, and he saved her on her birthday in Season 1. Realistically, if he wasn’t there that she probably would have died. So that was the decision for this episode.” Willa Holland and Thea will be back in the third episode of Arrow Season 8, though. “We love Willa, and there’s no way we could have had a final season without her. So that was a no-brainer to bring her back,” Beth said.

John Diggle’s family understands. “Diggle is always there for Oliver, and his family, specifically Lyla, has understood that throughout the seasons that you can’t separate those two,” Beth said. As for the “Harbinger” of Lyla Michaels, the show will address that issue — and whether or not she’s been working for the Monitor all along — pretty fast. “I think in Episode 3,” the usually spoiler-resistant Schwartz revealed.

Is Oliver annoyed with the Monitor’s obfuscation? “He gets fed up and he confronts him…soon,” Beth teased.
*  *  *
Will any of the characters who came back for this episode be back in other episodes? “Some of them will return,” Beth answered.

There was a Laurel/Tommy moment at Verdant that was cut for time. “The premiere, per usual, was a lot longer than we could air, so hopefully we’ll get those in the DVDs,” Beth said.
*  *  *
Is there an Earth where Baby Sara still exists? “We are definitely making up for that this season, so, keep your eyes open for it,” Schwartz answered. We’re not sure if she was joking about that last one.

Arrow Interview: Stephen Amell Previews The Final Season
Craig Byrne   October 15, 2019


So does this imply that Diggle is on this journey with Oliver?
[Stephen Amell:] It does imply that. What’s that comic book — the Hard-Traveling Heroes?

Have any of the return appearances for Season 8 surprised you, like, “wow, I didn’t expect them to bring that character or that moment?”
I don’t think anything has really surprised me. I think that Tatsu being in Episode 2 was awesome. Having Willa [Holland] back was fantastic. I was so happy that Susanna [Thompson] came back. I don’t know if she’ll be back again, but the arc and the scene between Oliver and Moira in the premiere [is great].

Is there anyone that you’re hoping to see coming back that we haven’t heard about yet?

Are you allowed to say who?

What role does Laurel play this year, because we haven’t heard a lot about her yet?
She’s on the team. She’s on with me and Diggle, and she’s part of it. It’s really awesome. I don’t believe that Katie is in Episode 3 because she’s directing, and that was a fair compromise in my opinion, but she’s terrific in Episodes 1 and 2.

Are you hoping to get to share scenes with Kevin Conroy?
Yes. And Brandon [Routh] as Superman.

How many Supermen do you think Green Arrow can handle at one time?

Are you able to say if we will possibly see Helena (the Huntress) again before the series is over?
We’ve tried to get her so many times. From what I know right now, straight up? I don’t think so.
*  *  *
When all is said and done, will there be a possibility we could ever see your Oliver Queen again?
Yeah. I want to say no, really bad. But what am I going to do if Grant [Gustin] calls me up and is like “Hey, man, the Flash is wrapping up, and Greg wants to end the show with Barry and Oliver sitting in a bar, having a drink in heaven?”

With that being said, I believe in clean breaks. I really do.

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Arrow's Final Season Premieres With So Much Queen Family Nostalgia
by LAUREN PIESTER | Tue., Oct. 15, 2019


"He does not like what has happened in this episode," Schwartz says, referring to Diggle's involvement in Oliver's Crisis mission. Oliver was supposed to go it alone, but the Monitor clearly just hasn't figured out that you can't separate those two. 

Oliver, meanwhile, is going to get annoyed at the Monitor's vagueness, and he will be confronting the guy soon. 
*  *  *
Nearly every episode of this season will feature a surprise guest from Arrow's past, including the return of some of the surprise guests from this episode...but Schwartz wouldn't say who. Willa Holland, who was not in tonight's episode, will be back at some point, but Schwartz also couldn't give us details on that, other than to say she "comes back in a very cool way." 
*  *  *
In 2040, the new Team Arrow is "struggling to become a team," Schwartz said, but they now seem to have their leadership sorted out. "By the end of this episode, Mia's like, I'm the Green Arrow, you guys need to listen to me." 
*  *  *
"The brothers have this really fraught childhood that we'll explain more in the upcoming episodes," Schwartz said. "Kind of how they got to this place where they're willing, you know, where JJ is willing to kill his own brother, and how he went down this path when he's Diggle and Lyla's son, who are the opposite of that."
*  *  *
Remember Baby Sara? She existed up until Barry ruined everything with Flashpoint, and Schwartz says they are "definitely making up for that this season." 
*  *  *
"In our upcoming episodes, we visit places that we've gone to in our previous seasons," Schwartz says. "So they'll take place in different locations. I think we only have, like, maybe one or two episodes actually in Star City." 

Arrow Boss on Final Season Premiere: The Flash Team Was 'Very Gracious' About Letting Us Destroy [________]
By Matt Webb Mitovich / October 15 2019


As Arrow marches forward with its 10-episode farewell run, just as the season premiere mirrored the pilot and Season 1, “We visit places that we’ve gone to in our previous seasons… different locations,” Schwartz previews. “I think we only have, like, two episodes actually in Star City” — though, barring the “Crisis” crossover, the premiere is the only episode to have scenes on an alternate Earth.
*  *  *
What else did spoiler-averse Schwartz share about Season 8?

* With Willa Holland set to recur during the final season, Earth-One’s Thea “comes back in a very cool way.”

* If you sense that Oliver is getting annoyed by the Monitor’s obfuscations, rest assured, “He gets fed up and he confronts him… soon.”

* “Some” of the characters who popped up in the season premiere “will return” in some fashion/incarnation, as the season goes on.

* Schwartz says there was “definitely” some discussion about having Tommy jump into the portal with Oliver, Laurel and Dig.

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4 hours ago, CabotCove said:

Wait what, there is a Nazi Black Siren?, dont recall seeing her in the Earth X crossover...

She had a solo appearance on the Flash. And the Flash had to apparently include a moment where they once again referenced that even on that Earth Oliver preferred someone over Laurel. 

Edited by Velocity23
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804's an episode to lookout for, apparently. SA said the same thing back in his TVGuide interview



In season seven, fans were treated to flash-forwards to 2040 which revealed that Felicity and Oliver’s baby girl Mia had been bought up to believe her father and the vigilantes were the bad guys, and had bought destruction to Star City.

The flash-forwards continue in season eight but with the looming Crisis On Infinite Earth crossover coming, will the two timelines and Mia and Oliver (played by Stephen Amell) ever the get the change to cross paths before the death of Green Arrow?

Fans have long suspected it will take place on screen soon – and recent set pictures appear to show Katherine and Stephen together – but the 23-year-old actress tells Metro.co.uk that if it were to happen, it would be ‘the biggest challenge Mia ever faced’.

‘I know it is rumored Mia and Oliver will meet at some point – and I can neither confirm nor deny! – but if it did happen it would rock Mia’s world in a way that would not only change her forever but force her to deal with all the baggage and resentment,’ she says. ‘

She has a complicated relationship with her father even though they’ve never met. Being told the vigilantes were evil and the cause of the demise of Star City then learning about his legacy and all the good things he did, everything wonderful he bought to the city, the importance he had to people as a symbol of hope and of redemption?

‘It’s taught her a lot and when confronted face to face she has to deal with the fact that she respects his journey but she feels he chose that over her, and that is a huge obstacle.

‘If they ever do come together.’

Mia’s reveal as Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver’s daughter in season seven came as little surprise to fans who have predicted the twist when she first appeared on screen, but the departure of Rickards from the show has left many fearing for the heart of the show.

The Shadowhunters star, however, admits that although fans will feel Felicity’s absence it ultimately only benefits her remaining family.

‘Felicity will never not be part of Mia and Oliver’s story just because of who she is,’ insists Katherine, ‘she is the heart and the core of what makes so much of who these people are’.

‘That never goes away whether she is on screen… and Emily is such a big part of both of our journeys on the show so you can’t help but feel the presence in the story and on screen.

‘You do feel her absence but what that does is force Oliver and Mia to find a way without her and learn to stand on their own and adapt without her guiding voice.’

As for what we’re going to get of Mia this season, Katherine promises ‘a different side of Mia, as she is out of her element for most of the season’. 

'She is fighting and doing what she does best, but she is also being forced to be part of a team and being raised by Nyssa and single parent, she is not used to being part of a team or how to handle that, and as the season goes on she will be confronted with a lot of her past and things she never thought possible.’

Season eight of Arrow will conclude the OG series of the Arrowverse but with a shorter ten-episode run, some of which will include the Crisis On Infinite Earth crossover episodes with The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl.

The first episode dropped with a bang as it opened with the same scene as season one only for us to discover Oliver hadn’t been on Lian Yu for five years but 12.

Yep, this was Earth-2 Oliver and the destruction of Earth 2 at the end of the episode means that the upcoming crisis is already beginning.

Among the devastation and loss of certain characters (again), Katherine reveals that the episode she is most looking forward to fans seeing is episode four.

‘They are all incredible and I can give the merits of each episode,’ she says, ‘but episode four, in particular, is heavy in a way that Mia has never been a part of in Arrow and in a way that changes the nature of the story and the trajectory of the characters forever.’

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Arrow/The Flash: Burning Qs Answered About Earth-Two, the New Hood, Canaries Spinoff Set-Up and More
By Matt Webb Mitovich / October 16 2019


Absolutely. For one, Arrow showrunner Beth Schwartz confirmed that she made sure with her colleagues at The Flash that it was “OK” to have a wave of anti-matter consume Earth-Two (from which characters such as Harrison Wells and his daughter Jessie hailed), and “they were very gracious.” Secondly, Arrowverse producer Marc Guggenheim said on Twitter, “You’ll learn the state of Earth-2 next week.” (If the promo can be trusted, the Monitor says it has in fact been “erased from existence.”) And if you demand a third affirmation, just look at how Jay Garrick’s map denoted the next target. Boy, is Oliver gonna feel like crap when he fires up his DVR back home and sees this:

“Besides the [‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’] crossover,” Schwartz said that the season opener “is the only episode of Arrow that is on a different Earth.”

Yes, an Earth-Two news broadcast in The Flash 2×06 mentioned that Oliver Queen did not survive The Queen’s Gambit‘s sinking, and thus Robert Queen went on to become The Hood. And yet Adrian Chase was revealed as The Hood in Arrow’s season opener. Guggenheim explained on Twitter that, Diggle included, “More than one person has worn the hood on Earth-1. Why assume things would be any different on Earth-2?” He added that the apparent passing of the Earth-Two baton “is a reflection that 6 years have passed” since Papa Queen turned vigilante.

J.J. and Connor (Ben Turner/Bronze Tiger’s son, whom Diggle and Lyla at some point adopted) “have this really fraught childhood that we’ll explain more in the upcoming episodes,” says Schwartz. “[We’ll see] how they got to this place where … JJ is willing to kill his own brother, and how he went down this path.”

It was announced last month that Arrow‘s penultimate episode will serve as a backdoor pilot for Green Arrow and The Canaries, a spinoff starring Katie Cassidy Rodgers, Katherine McNamara and Juliana Harkavy. Schwartz, though, says the prospective offshoot “didn’t really” affect Arrow‘s Season 8 plan for Mia, Connor et al “We always knew what that story was going to be, and the pilot is its own kind of different beast,” she explained.

Though billed in the Arrow premiere with “Special Appearance By” (as opposed to last season’s “With”), the original cast member is still a series regular, TVLine has confirmed.

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I think Moira will be back. Kat McNamara posted a photo in her Twitter feed of her and Susanna Thompson. Susanna was wearing  the outfit that she originally wore in the running for mayor speeches episode. 


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6 minutes ago, Oxia said:

I think Moira will be back. Kat McNamara posted a photo in her Twitter feed of her and Susanna Thompson. Susanna was wearing  the outfit that she originally wore in the running for mayor speeches episode. 


She was wearing that outfit at the end of the episode when she was at the police station - that’s the background in the photo. 

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