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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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Did you forget to take your melatonin before bed tonight and you can't sleep? Don't worry, Analyse is here with her snoozer of an exit interview. 

The only really important things in this are that Analyse would chose - game-wise - Tommy over both Christie and Jack (if he were still in the house). And almost all of her GBMs were "I'm sorry, I'll miss you," because she was such a non-entity. Although Nicole's is interesting in the way she throws Jackson under the bus for the decision to evict Analyse. It may be her shadiest moment yet. 

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I still can't get past Julie's hair in that clip. Who the hell thought that was a good look? I halfway think it was someone's revenge on her for using the Moonves name now. 

Edited by vb68
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38 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I bet Cliff is the Scotty spinning like Maria Von Trapp with open jugs of chocolate milk in both hands. 

Why do they do that during hide and go veto?  I’ve only seen a few from you tube but in one, some guy (James I think) was destroying the kitchen for no reason.  The veto card thing clearly didn’t fit inside some stuff. 

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38 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I sense this season's Fessy, sitting in the HoH room like a prince while everyone else cleans.

I bet Cliff is the Scotty spinning like Maria Von Trapp with open jugs of chocolate milk in both hands.

This has absolutely nothing to do with your sweet post, but your username immediately made the singer in my brain go: "ANGEL EEEEEYES. You have ANGEL EEEEEYES" like that Steelheart song.

You're all welcome for that hair metal ear worm burrowing into your brains.

Haha, my name is actually Angel, so Angeleyes was a good choice for a user name, I thought. 🙂

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3 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I still can't get past Julie's hair in that clip. Who the hell thought that was a good look? I halfway think it was someone's revenge on her for using the Moonves name now. 

I was recording it but read some of the comments before watching it. So I thought maybe you guys were exaggerating and it wouldn’t be that bad. And then it was!

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4 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I still can't get past Julie's hair in that clip. Who the hell thought that was a good look? I halfway think it was someone's revenge on her for using the Moonves name now. 

I'm fascinated by the upside-down pot leaf pendant Julie's wearing. And the fringe on her tee shirt sleeves like who ever thought that would be a good idea? 

1 minute ago, Tdoc72 said:

Why do they do that during hide and go veto?  I’ve only seen a few from you tube but in one, some guy (James I think) was destroying the kitchen for no reason.  The veto card thing clearly didn’t fit inside some stuff. 

Well, James was an annoying little fucker and did that stuff because it was "funny" and he was known for doing "pranks" (which was really just pandering for AFP). But it just became part of the game: the more you mess up the house, the more it flusters the other players is the hope. And then there's Brett, pulling apart all the beds and creating a seven foot high stack of mattresses in the corner over top of his tile card because DEFENSE WINS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. 

Scottie did get on his hands and knees and clean up all the milk, chocolate and otherwise, that he spilled in the bathroom last season. I can't remember if James actually cleaned up his own messes but I want to say yes, for the most part. 

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I still can't get past Julie's hair in that clip. Who the hell thought that was a good look? I halfway think it was someone's revenge on her for using the Moonves name now. 

As a guy I usually do not notice stuff like that.  But my first reaction tonight upon seeing her hair was, "What the fuck?  Did Julie stick her finger into an electrical socket?"

7 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Why do they do that during hide and go veto?  I’ve only seen a few from you tube but in one, some guy (James I think) was destroying the kitchen for no reason.  The veto card thing clearly didn’t fit inside some stuff. 

Honestly it is because they can.  It is just for the chaos of it all.

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So Jackson is talking about how he thinks he's hated by America and got all those "Hey, stop being a hateful dickbag, maybe?" talks because of the edit he gets on the show and because of his DR sessions. Honey, no. It's the live feeders that hate you. It's not the little out-of-context snippets that are doing it, it's the full scenes. 

Also they offered him a therapist for after the show. If he didn't already know how the audience felt about him, he certainly did after that. 

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15 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

So Jackson is talking about how he thinks he's hated by America and got all those "Hey, stop being a hateful dickbag, maybe?" talks because of the edit he gets on the show and because of his DR sessions. Honey, no. It's the live feeders that hate you. It's not the little out-of-context snippets that are doing it, it's the full scenes. 

Also they offered him a therapist for after the show. If he didn't already know how the audience felt about him, he certainly did after that. 

Isn't he told to not talk about any of that? 

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Christie stayed ... SMH

Holly and Jackson AGAIN!  Ugh. 

The prankster ... can be put up as a nominee ... right?  So theoretically he/she wants to put up someone that everyone will want voted out.  

Who can keep it anonymous?  

Did Nick yell ILY as Analyse was walking out?

Edited by Ellee
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Tommy seems to have 2 modes. Serious/normal and ON!!! I don't get the feeds, I just read here, but I'm guessing he spends quite a bit of time in normal mode. 

I think if I was trapped in the house for 2 months I'd occasionally welcome someone high energy to help fight boredom. Only in small doses though, or I'd have to strangle him in his sleep. 

Edited by Melina22
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So C,J & N’s punishment is pies to the face that they throw at each other. 

Jackson had said that Cliff and Nicole was always there when he had a punishment. It was nice to read that he showed up for their’s. 

Off to see if there are any pictures out there yet. 😁

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I just read that C,J and N had to pick 3 HGs to pie.  

N picked Nick. 😂

C picked Tommy. 😂

J picked Christie 😂

Can’t wait to see it.  Hope someone can pull their magic and post it.  Well, if B.B. didn’t ruin my looking forward to it. 

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So, it's funny that Christie is looking to quite possibly being put up this week and potentially being a target again.

I don't want to call last week a waste since we did get out Sis, who was pretty much a lock for F2 (nobody would have wasted their HOH on her otherwise....I guess besides Jackson) but if Christie goes this week after saving herself, I'd laugh my ass off. 

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Holly claims that she's never had Botox. 

I kinda believe her. 

The 5+ lines she gets on her forehead when she raises her brow, the crinkle lines at the corner of her eyes, the laugh lines around around mouth when she smiles...i don't believe her when she says she's 31, and, consequently, I do believe the no-botox claim.

BTW, I like holly. She comes across as normal and mature.

Edited by Blissfool
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10 hours ago, Sketcher said:

But what if the "prankster" rewinds the week and they do it all on a Thursday live show...HOH, Veto, and eviction...someone would still leave for the jury house that night.

I thought of that too but the inclusion of our votes could really make people mad. Their ratings could tank. Maybe the 'punishments' are that they have to do pranks. Lame but possible.

ETA...oh, I see their punishments are pies. Could be a diversion from other pranks....

Edited by Maggie Mae
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2 hours ago, Ellee said:

I just read that C,J and N had to pick 3 HGs to pie.  

N picked Nick. 😂

C picked Tommy. 😂

J picked Christie 😂

Can’t wait to see it.  Hope someone can pull their magic and post it.  Well, if B.B. didn’t ruin my looking forward to it. 

This is what i found as far as pics.A3Ov18R.jpg

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Just now, Lamb18 said:

Just voted 10 for Nick as prankster.

I wonder how it works if he is on the block and he wins prankster. 

Well, he still is on the block, but he just picks who sits next to him. He'd aim to give himself the best chance to stay (so...probably Jackson, if he's smart about it, with a Christie replacement nom).

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5 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

Hopeful me  would like to believe the votes count - Cynical me is sure production does what they want for the most drama.

Well, I think the most likely candidates to become the Prankster are Nick, Nicole, Cliff, and Jackson.

If Christie, Tommy, or Jess win it, then I'd be suspicious of production manipulation.

Not that production wouldn't rig it in their favour anyway. It sounds like Nick's the most likely candidate to win it....but the casuals may not have liked Nick's edit. However, if they hate Christie more, then they may vote for Nick. 

Jackson has a small shot. Nicole/Cliff have about the same chance to win it, but Cliff may have a higher chance. But since Nick had heavy prominence in last night's episode and if casuals hate Christie enough, then Nick will get it. Otherwise, I think Cliff or Nicole will. 

Nick getting it would cause the most drama, but I'd love for Cliff or Nicole to get it because they were discussing getting Tommy out very soon (from what I've read).

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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Holly claims that she's never had Botox. 

That howling sound you just heard was me allll the way in the Vancouver area, laughing my ass off. 

It's too bad that's all she DID get because she looks like shit. Her nose looks like it may crumble, and that black hair does her no favors. She's not aging well at all. 

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Ultimately, this America's Prankster is so utterly useless if Jackson isn't put up by them.

Because Holly's noms were going to be Jess/Christie with a Nick backdoor. So if Nick wins, he's going to put up Jess or Christie anyway, so....Nick winning is basically aligning with Holly's original plan. 

So why do people want Nick to win, again? Because if he's planning to put up Christie, that's who Holly is putting up anyway. If Nick puts up Jess, that's also who Holly was putting up. There's no guarantee that Nick will put up Jackson yet (he probably will as a replacement nom, unless Tommy gets into his head once Nick tells him and Nick puts up Cliff).

Hence, why Cliff or Nicole would be great, as I see them putting up Tommy with a Jackson replacement nom. 

Plus, now, since Nick is likely to win, we'll have to hear his monotone DRs:

Nick: i am so excited to have won this america's prankster. thank you so much. i guess i gotta put up jess, because she's been my main target for weeks...

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Holly has had an entire face lift. I recently saw an old picture of her. She's got an entirely new face. 

There's really no need to backdoor people at this stage of the game but I wouldn't expect this group of imbeciles to understand that. 

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Thanks Ellee. Those clips are hilarious. Wow, Jess really smashes that pie into Nicole's face very aggressively! Hmmm. Coincidence? 

They look like they're having so much fun, though. I feel like I would hate to do that, but maybe they're so bored they'd do literally anything at this point. Plus they know it'll make great TV and certainly make onto the main show. I wonder how often they have to do it? It would take ages to wash off all that pie. Yuck. 

Personally, I don't find Holly unattractive. You can tell she's had work done, and unlike the other women, she always seems to wear makeup, but I think she's quite pretty. 

Edited by Melina22
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So, against my  better judgement and in spite of the fact that just last night I said I wouldn't, I voted lol. I voted for Nicole in the hopes that she'll put up Tommy (or Jackson). Now, I feel certain she won't but then I will have confirmation of her uselessness so there's that at least.

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2 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Thanks Ellee. Those clips are hilarious. Wow, Jess really smashes that pie into Nicole's face very aggressively! Hmmm. Coincidence? 

I think we can say with certainty that Jess took out all of her aggression on smashing that pie into her enemy's face.

2 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

 They look like they're having so much fun, though. I feel like I would hate to do that, but maybe they're so bored they'd do literally anything at this point. Plus they know it'll make great TV and certainly make onto the main show. I wonder how often they have to do it? It would take ages to wash off all that pie. Yuck. 

I have a feeling it'll be all week, but production will call for it happening less and less over the next few days, especially if the houseguests start getting pissed off. Nick didn't look happy about being woken up to a pie on his chest (Nicole was sweet in avoiding most of his face) and Cliff did shake Tommy awake and waited for him to at least be semi-coherent before smashing the pie on his head. Tommy will always be a good sport about it, but everyone else won't be.

1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

So, against my  better judgement and in spite of the fact that just last night I said I wouldn't, I voted lol. I voted fro Nicole in the hopes that she'll put up Tommy (or Jackson). Now, I feel certain she won't but then I will have confirmation of her uselessness so there's that at least.

I think there's even more certainty that Nicole will, after her talk with Cliff about Tommy last night (didn't watch it; only read about it). But I think Cliff might take the shot....however, after him butchering his own HOH, I know it was weeks ago, but I'm still bitter about it (even if it ended up being a good move in the long run). But Jackson as a nominee isn't a bad thing, either. 

But that's the downside to this twist. We're at F8. There aren't many options to go through in terms of nominees. Like....this would have worked better three weeks ago. It doesn't work well now this late in the game.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Maybe Jackson would be a better option for Nicole/Cliff anyway. Tommy isn't going to go but Jackson probably would.

Jackson might go against Christie (surprisingly, Nick would be the swing vote here). Jackson might go against Nick. Jackson could easily go this week, and I think he knows it (as he thought about him potentially going up this week because of the twist). 

There's only one way for Tommy to go against anybody and that's if Nicole/Cliff can convince Jackson to vote out Tommy. That's the ONLY way Tommy goes so yeah, it's highly difficult.

Tommy or Jackson are great ideas for Nicole/Cliff. It's hard to say which is the better move if they can get them evicted. On the one hand, Jackson's a competition beast so getting rid of him ASAP is beneficial to everyone, and it eliminates a power couple. Jackson going evens the playing field a little bit more.

On the other hand, Nicole/Cliff are in danger next week if Jackson goes, as Tommy will want to bring Holly over to his side with Christie and Nick, targeting Jess/Nicole/Cliff for sure. 

So, as much as it pains me to say this, as much as I'd be totally ok with Jackson leaving on Holly's HOH, for Cliff/Nicole specifically, it's better to strike a deal with Jackson/Holly to get Tommy out (if not Tommy, then Christie). But it'll be a tough road and they may need to resort to settling with getting Christie out. But this only works if one of them wins America's Prankster.

Of course, if you hate Nicole/Cliff, then none of this even matters so Jackson going is the best option. Or hell, even Christie going is a great option.

I would die laughing if Holly only managed to get out JESS. That would be as big of a flop as Sis, if not bigger (since Jess has ZERO true allies).

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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Cliff did shake Tommy awake and waited for him to at least be semi-coherent before smashing the pie on his head. Tommy will always be a good sport about it, but everyone else won't be.

We could witness the first BB pie-related homicide. What could possibly be worse than being woken up to a pie in your face. (Why am I giggling uncontrollably while I type this?) Seriously though, you'd have to get up and shower immediately. Annoying. 

A pie in the face is like falling down. When it happens to you it's horrible. When it happens to someone else it's hilarious. Why is that? (It's like Christie's attitude to going on the block). 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, as much as it pains me to say this, as much as I'd be totally ok with Jackson leaving on Holly's HOH, for Cliff/Nicole specifically, it's better to strike a deal with Jackson/Holly to get Tommy out (if not Tommy, then Christie). But it'll be a tough road and they may need to resort to settling with getting Christie out.

Yea, getting Tommy out would be ideal, but it would take a lot of work and I don't think Nicole (especially) or Cliff are really cut out for it tbh. 

The easier options that are still beneficial to them would be getting out Jackson or Christie. Since it seems like Holly is going to nom Christie anyway though they don't even need this power to make that happen.

Watch Nick get it and nom Jess though. At least it's funny!

I hope they do noms early today so I don't have to wait until tonight to see how it plays out.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, getting Tommy out would be ideal, but it would take a lot of work and I don't think Nicole (especially) or Cliff are really cut out for it tbh. 

Cliff might, but that would require him to realize that he actually needs to put in the work and get his hands dirty. And, at this point, we won't know until we see who wins the vote.

But nobody else would put Tommy up so....

3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Watch Nick get it and nom Jess though. At least it's funny!

I'm feeling like Nick will get it for sure (I'd be surprised if it was Nicole), but yeah, I'm fully expecting Nick to be dumb and put up Jess, especially once he reveals his power to Tommy.

Although, I guess there's a chance Tommy convinces Nick to put up Jackson. Again, Jackson going is not a bad scenario at all. 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Although, I guess there's a chance Tommy convinces Nick to put up Jackson. Again, Jackson going is not a bad scenario at all. 

I never thought about the possibility of Tommy getting Nick to put up Jackson. I feel like he wouldn't try it tbh but if he did that could be fun.

At least we'll likely know who won it quickly since most of the likely winners can't keep their mouths shut. Cliff is probably the only possible winner that wouldn't blab to someone.

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51 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Plus, now, since Nick is likely to win, we'll have to hear his monotone DRs:

Nick: i am so excited to have won this america's prankster. thank you so much. i guess i gotta put up jess, because she's been my main target for weeks...

If he was smart, he should use it as leverage with Holly.  Don't put me up and I won't put Jackson.  I think that might work. But I bet Nicole or Tommy would need to tell him that.

Knowing Nick and how he's so "transparent", he'll tell everyone.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I never thought about the possibility of Tommy getting Nick to put up Jackson. I feel like he wouldn't go for that tbh but if he did that could be fun.

At least we'll likely know who won it quickly since most of the likely winners can't keep their mouths shut. Cliff is probably the only possible winner that wouldn't blab to someone.

I think it's likely that Jackson goes up, no matter who wins the vote. I think even Cliff and Nicole are likely to put Jackson up. I see a few ways where Jackson is on the block this week, I really do. 

Luckily, I think Nicole and Cliff are the least likely candidates to be touching the block this week. Well, Nicole most likely won't. Cliff shouldn't be touching the block either. 

Oh, here is the link to the 3am pie punishment:


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Acckkk.  I don't want Nick to get it!  Or Tommy!  Or Christie!  Or Jackson!

They'll think we like them ... now.    Maybe I should have said 'I' and not 'we'.  Oh, well.

Please Nicole/Cliff!  It would be a message to them that 'people' are behind them and to go for it! 

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12 hours ago, Lamima said:

Could Holly hear the audience moan? I hope so.

She confirmed to someone (Maybe Tommy) that she did hear it. 

2 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Acckkk.  I don't want Nick to get it!  Or Tommy!  Or Christie!  Or Jackson!

They'll think we like them ... now.    Maybe I should have said 'I' and not 'we'.  Oh, well.

Please Nicole/Cliff!  It would be a message to them that 'people' are behind them and to go for it! 

yes we need to vote CLIFF!  I don't have hopes for Nicole.  Cliff knows he needs to get out threats.  At first I thought Christie or Nick were good choices because they currently want to go after each other. But no, WE NEED CLIFF. 

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28 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

She confirmed to someone (Maybe Tommy) that she did hear it. 

I'm thinking that's why she told Jackson her noms would be Nick and Christi, because she realized with the audience moaning that America wants Christi gone.  If she had not heard that, I bet her noms would have been different. 

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2 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

The bluedilly fuck it was!  I wanted to punch her in her face when she did that bad enough Christie's still in the house, I don't need a gotdamned joke about it.

Aw, c’mon; take some solace in the fact that when Christie’s name came out of Julie’s mouth first in the eviction vote announcement, Christie probably soiled herself a little - even if that potholder collection Christie was wearing hid the wet spot.  😄

That HAD to have -er- dampened Christie’s enjoyment of the moment. 😉 

Edited by Nashville
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30 minutes ago, vb68 said:

It looked like Nick was really grumpy about it. I didn't see or hear any laughter from him. Tommy and Christie were pretty good sports.

i'd be grumpy about getting a pie in my face IN BED too!

nicole didn't even give nick a heads up like cliff and jess did to tommy and jess.

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22 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

nicole didn't even give nick a heads up like cliff and jess did to tommy and jess.

I didn't have the sound on so I don't know what Nicole said to Nick, but...did she trip into Nick's bed? It looked like she tripped and accidentally dropped the pie on Nick's chest. But I'm not sure.

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11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Aw, c’mon; take some solace in the fact that when Christie’s name came out of Julie’s mouth first in the eviction vote announcement, Christie probably soiled herself a little - even if that potholder collection Christie was wearing hid the wet spot.  😄

That HAD to have -er- dampened Christie’s enjoyment of the moment. 😉 


No!  I...wanted...her...gone!!

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