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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Christie getting teary eyed:  "Maybe if I go home this week, they'll let me take a quick look at my pictures (that she never got from being HOH) before I go."

Get off the cross, Christy, somebody needs the wood.  Her "entitlement" is off the charts.  Boo hoo.

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Nick:  "What is dainty?"  As in, he didn't know what the word meant.  Even Analyse probably knows what dainty means (although I may be giving her too much credit).

Christie:  "Like, I look really, really young for my age." Umm...

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Left without commentary because nothing I could say could make this funnier:

Nick pays $50 or $60 for his hair cuts. For that hair. On purpose

Okay maybe a liiitle commentary.

I pay $15 (and $5 tip) for a better haircut in the same burgh.  lol

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Nick pays $50 or $60 for his hair cuts. For that hair. On purpose

I swear I thought his Bio said he cuts his own hair?

So I kinda understood why it looked like that, but good lord,  $50-60 for that?

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Just now, vb68 said:

I swear I thought his Bio said he cuts his own hair?

So I kinda understood why it looked like that, but good lord,  $50-60 for that?

Even better, when he was HoH that week, he claimed that his friend was a barber and cut his hair and he was going to fly his friend out to cut any of their hair if they wanted. 


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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Even better, when he was HoH that week, he claimed that his friend was a barber and cut his hair and he was going to fly his friend out to cut any of their hair if they wanted. 


It's time....


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13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Left without commentary because nothing I could say could make this funnier:

Nick pays $50 or $60 for his hair cuts. For that hair. On purpose

Okay maybe a liiitle commentary.

Those Flowbee things have gotten expensive.

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Just now, phlebas said:

Those Flowbee things have gotten expensive.

I actually used one of those things on someone once during a very alcohol soaked party. The resulting haircut looked like something you would expect from something called a Flowbee.

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The one thing I fear, though, is the season slowing down once Christie leaves. She's annoying as all hell, but she's been keeping the sides at war. I do worry that Christie going does mean that everyone teams up with Tommy and he wins the game with ease.

This is exactly what's going to happen imo. I hope she at least tells everyone they know each other before she leaves so Tommy has to do a bit of damage control.

1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

I feel like Analyse wouldn't be on BB if she had absolutely nothing to offer.

Meanwhile, I feel like at least 75% of all BB contestants have 'absolutely nothing to offer' lol.

29 minutes ago, zorak said:

Christie:  "Like, I look really, really young for my age." Umm...

She's the gift that keeps on giving. I'm telling you, I'm really gonna regret this manifestation next week when the game becomes even more boring than it is now and Tommy skates to the end and wins. Sigh.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh man, we're gonna miss seeing Christie get zinged and the emotional breakdown she would have over it. What a bummer.

We might get a Victoria-style "I don't get it?" from Analyse, though. 

Edited by Callaphera
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3 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Christie: "It's so crazy, it doesn't match my visualization. the whole day I was visualizing us both still being here. It doesn't make sense." Oh my lord.

Seems like she really does believe her own bullshit.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

You're right. As far as I know, Tommy hasn't done anything mean or cruel that we've called out the other HGs for,

For me, personally? He's the second coming of Frankie Grande. I lived through that overacting, fake-as-fuck facial expression, "I love you so much!" bullshit once. He may not be as arrogant as Frankie ("Are the cameras on me? Are you - are you sure? They're on me? Okay then. My sister is [dramatic pause] superstar singer and actress Ariana Grande! WORSHIP ME!") but he makes my skin crawl in the same way. Also I don't like his connection to Christie and consider it a game advantage. 

It's so funny, because I remember Frankie being obnoxious and camera obsessed, but he has grown on me a bit now that he plays basically himself in Henry Danger (which my son loves). Frankie is a villain called "Frankini" who does things like kidnapping the main characters and force them into his YouTube channel for traffic or placing a musical curse over the entire town. 

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Just now, The Companion said:

It's so funny, because I remember Frankie being obnoxious and camera obsessed, but he has grown on me a bit now that he plays basically himself in Henry Danger (which my son loves). Frankie is a villain called "Frankini" who does things like kidnapping the main characters and force them into his YouTube channel for traffic or placing a musical curse over the entire town. 

The musical ep of that show was an absolute delight. I was hesitant to watch because, you know, Frankie, but he was actually fun in it. Ew, now I need to shower.

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I think Tommy is such a rat.

I believe that even if Christie puts it out there about their relationship. He will somehow twist it to his advantage. He manipulates and  changes lies into that they are truths and somehow the entire HG have not caught onto his act and it appears they are t going to .

His OTT act and I love you’s are what they want to hear at this point Bc they are all growing very weary being in the house and through the stress. 

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The musical ep of that show was an absolute delight. I was hesitant to watch because, you know, Frankie, but he was actually fun in it. Ew, now I need to shower.

Same. That one and the Stranger Things parody are actually pretty fun to watch as the adult in the room. He actually plays up the camp in a way that works in the show (and that didn't in Big Brother).

Tommy has yet to entertain me, so he should get on that. 

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2 minutes ago, The Companion said:

That one and the Stranger Things parody are actually pretty fun to watch as the adult in the room.

Now I'm gonna have to try to find the Stranger Things parody ep.

First, Tommy spend what felt like 50 hours kissing Jackson and Holly's asses and now Cliff is doing it. I'm over it lol.

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50 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Christie: "It's so crazy, it doesn't match my visualization. the whole day I was visualizing us both still being here. It doesn't make sense." Oh my lord.

The Universe is in the tub, Christie.

(One of the greatest phrases I've ever read is "God is in the tub" over on either Mighty Big TV or Television Without Pity...damn I'm old. I've been using it ever since. Christian friend actually asking God for help finding a parking space. Me: "God is in the tub, Rena, and you'd better not make him get out for something so trivial.")

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2 hours ago, zorak said:

Nick:  "What is dainty?"  As in, he didn't know what the word meant.  Even Analyse probably knows what dainty means (although I may be giving her too much credit).

Christie:  "Like, I look really, really young for my age." Umm...

As much as we make fun of Analyse's intelligence on here, Nick has made some very questionable remarks that have left me questioning his intelligence.

Shit the dude has a Masters and he does not know what the word dainty means...the fuck?

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Left without commentary because nothing I could say could make this funnier:

Nick pays $50 or $60 for his hair cuts. For that hair. On purpose

Okay maybe a liiitle commentary.

I was going to attempt to post a witty comment here.  But yeah I think the joke is in what he said.  What would his hair cut even be considered?

Is it a Cesar (I had one back in the early 2000's and it was terrible)?  Is it a bowl cut?

What does he say to the barber when he asks for it?  Or does he do the thing where he points to a picture on the wall and says, "I want it like that."

Also, on the topic of Nick...I did not realize that he had both ears pierced until Thursday night's episode.  It looked so odd, has he always worn earrings in both ears and I just did not notice it?

1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

I remember the TWoP days. I miss some of the great threads over there but ... I enjoy previously.tv so much more because the mods at TWoP could be overbearing. I got reported once for "grammar mistakes." At previously.tv I feel like the mods basically give out a warning if things get out of hand but otherwise let people chat in peace.

Yeah TWoP mods sucked.  I got reported for grammar mistakes as well, also spelling mistakes, and board on board.  The mod was none to pleased when I asked them if board on board was a sexual thing (I am shocked I was not banned for that to be honest).

I have never had any problems with any of the mods on here, even when I constantly go off topic in nearly every post.  I appreciate that because on other sites I frequent I tend to have an adversarial relationship with mods.

Only one time I had a sort or run in with a mod on here (not in this section, in the Dr. Who section) and this was well before they were made a mod.  In fact, when I saw that the site had made this person a mod I scratched my head because this poster was frequently combative with other posters.

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13 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Shit the dude has a Masters and he does not know what the word dainty means...the fuck?

I am sure he thought it was a word from the urban dictionary, not a normal english word.

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1 hour ago, LaurenlovesTV said:

Is Jess losing weight or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

Jess has said herself that she thinks she's lost about 15 pounds in the house.

Earlier today, Jackson admitted that he thinks he's put on about 20 pounds. So I guess he just picked up what she got rid of. 

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27 minutes ago, missyb said:

I am sure he thought it was a word from the urban dictionary, not a normal english word.

Somehow that makes it even worse.

Sis said tonight that she's never seen Friends.  I'm not exactly surprised. But could she BE more of an empty vessel?

Honestly the conversation between Christie and Nicole in the RV room at 5:30pm BB Time today (or yesterday now) was actually rather sweet. Just a heart to heart,and Christie dropped her guard just enough to be an actual person. 

Edited by vb68
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Just so you know, Analyse like, totally respects Jackson's game play and putting her on the block. Like, literally she respects it. But like, if he could have given her a little warning? So that she could have prepared herself? She would have respected it a lot more. Because like, she feels totally blindsided. Like, literally

Oh fuck, she literally, like totally lost her train of thought there. 

Like Jackson? Is like literally two years older than Analyse? And this whole conversation between them? Is like literally listening to a middle aged dad? Telling his airheaded teenage daughter why parking with boys? Isn't a good look? Like, totally

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Analyse, basically: "But if we just would have gotten the Six back together, this never would have happened?"
Jackson, basically: "I was fucked no matter what."
Analyse, basically: "But not if we were working together!"

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Jackson: "-because you won't go home against Christie."
Analyse: "But what if I do go home instead of Christie?"
Jackson: "If you keep up this attitude, you might!"

Analyse: "I get it."
Narrator: "She didn't."

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Jackson: "You're an angel in the house. No, you're a really sweet girl."

Believe it or not, he said that to Analyse, not Nicole. 

Jackson: "But it's not about you."
Analyse, in her head probably: "Um, isn't everything about me? I mean, I'm so fucking hot."

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Analyse: "There have been so many days that I wanted to knock the HoH door down and - and strangle the shit out of you."
Jackson: "You know I've only been HoH for 48 hours, right? 2 days."

No, she probably didn't. She had to use her fingers to work out 7 minus 2 earlier.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

*puts on the headphones*
*immediately hears Nick spitting sunflower seed hulls into an empty Gatorade bottle right next to his microphone*
*takes off the headphones*

Riveting programming.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I've never seen Friends either.

Since we're twinnies and all, I feel fairly confident in saying you're not missing anything.

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7 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Seems like she really does believe her own bullshit.

I'm actually honestly surprised she isn't an astrology buff who sits around analyzing everything according to their star signs and ascendant signs and whatnot. "I can't go on the block today! The moon isn't in the 7th house! Mars isn't aligning with Jupiter!"

Even though it's on eternally as reruns, I'm not surprised Analyse hasn't seen Friends. Many of my co-workers are roughly her age and anything before about 2012 is ancient history.

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I've never seen Friends either.

C’mon over. It has been Friends central over here this summer. My 12 yo discovered the show and has been Netflixing it daily for hours, usually in the background while she plays on the computer or iPad. She got 3 different graphic tees w/Friends on it during back to school shopping and even found a few VHS tapes at thrift stores (she has an old tv/vcr combo in her room—no cable).   

Be warned if you come—no singing the theme song!  After being woken up 3 days in a row by her singing along at the top of her lungs, it has been forbidden. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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The key difference, I think, between Andy and Tommy is that Andy was MUCH more under the radar at this point of the game. What Andy did so well was being under the radar and then striking when the moment was hot and eliminating essentially any real competition he had to his chances with about three weeks to go. It would be like if Tommy had gotten down to the final five with, say, Christie, him, Analyse, Jessica and Nicole and then orchestrated Christie's exit.

That's always why I rank Andy higher than most BB winners, as he actually made some shit happen more so than others. I have him about third tier (top tier being the winners who were at a DISadvantage most of the game and still controlled things, second tier being the people who led dominant alliances and still won, which is a lot harder than it sounds, and then third tier being people who were part of dominant alliances but did more than just be the last one standing from the alliance, which is how you get most BB winners, almost all of whom share tier four). Ever since last year, I've been torn whether Kaycee belongs with Andy on Tier 3 or at the top of Tier 4. 

In any event, my key point is that Tommy's meat shield (his Amanda, if you would) is now gone, so if Tommy can still make it to the end and win this, I'd be very impressed. I think I'd rank him ABOVE Andy, then, if he pulls it off, as I don't think his chances are as good as you might think. He's a very good player, but he still has a tough road ahead of him and no more Christie to shield him. 

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8 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

As much as I dislike Christie I’m not sure how I feel about losing the two most entertaining people back to back. 

On BBAD tommy and Nicole are talking about the benefits of keeping Christie. Yesterday evening it seemed like T was done with C, but maybe he’ll try a vote flip.

I still have hope the universe will reward my genuine character and authenticity and put tommy up next to Christie. I have it on my vision board, so it’s totally manifesting. Peanuts anyone? Peanut brittle? PB&J? 


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