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S15.E06: Week 6: Latvia

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On ‎6‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 7:32 PM, Mabinogia said:

who the fuck are Dylan and Devin?

MTE! And what was their situation that she had to bring up to Luke to get answers on? I feel like we missed something pretty big if it's being talked about secretly as part of her weird, obsessed investigation.

On ‎6‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 8:52 PM, FlyingEgret said:

Whew... she's going to stay...  good job Harrison, that was a close one!

This literally made me LOL. Thanks for that!  :)

On ‎6‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 9:25 PM, truthaboutluv said:

That's the part that really stood out to me (well that and apparently her and Tyler going at it so much that he started sweating, according to him). Like did she really give him the finger as he's being driven away?

On the one hand, I want to laugh but on the other hand I'm just again shaking my head thinking, "real mature there Hannah". And I don't know why she's so mad. Her dumbass is the one that took him that far. 

I'm in the minority that loves Hannah. I think she's extremely beautiful, smart, funny, sweet, and seems to be fun to be around, but something that is absolutely GRATING on my nerves is the preview that shows CH telling her he (whoever he is) is back and has a ring and believes she's his wife. Then it cuts to her crying uncontrollably saying, "I don't know what to do!" TF? What you mean, you don't know what to do? Let's all channel our inner Beyoncé now! "Middle fingers up. Put them hands high. Wave it in his face. Tell him, 'Boy, bye!'" And THAT'S how you handle it.

On ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 8:57 AM, jackjill89 said:

Luke is a nutter. I love how he said to Garrett that he didn't bring the guys up. He didn't, but they were discussed. He new knew what he was being asked but he answered exactly what he was being asked. Then he can claim he answered truthfully. He's a tool. He knows the context, but chooses not to answer the context, just the exact words. When he accepted Garrett's apology -- OMG -- he has no self awareness. This is exactly why everyone hates you! 

He seriously reminds me of a young child who knows the right thing to do but keeps deliberately doing the wrong thing, and once he's caught fucking up, has the nerve to incessantly excuse away his behavior without ever once apologizing or changing said behavior! Irritating!

On ‎6‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 9:49 AM, the eskimo said:

That little clip of her at the end where she was chasing the birds...um, sometimes that girl just spazzes out, and I think she thinks it's completely adorable and "rill", but it kind of just makes her seem a bit unbalanced to me. 

I disagree. I see it as completely adorable and quirky. I actually LOL, which I hardly ever do. It shows her normal side to me, as this seems something my husband or I would do, but we're from Alabama too. Maybe just a Bama thing?

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On 6/17/2019 at 8:17 PM, saber5055 said:

Oh god. CH and Hannah interview. This is gonna be a bunch of BS.
This episode has already given me a headache. Time for some ice cream. Back later.

Very confusing. They showed the outside of the LA mansion at the start of this interview. But the guys were still in Latvia? This interview was done later? But they're representing it as "Ermagerd, Hannah might QUIT in the middle of the season and Chris Harrison will save the day and convince her to stay. Oh, lucky us! ". Bah, humbug.

Edited by ChiMama
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On 6/17/2019 at 11:24 PM, JenLily said:

Mr. Lily and I were talking about how all her angst is really her fault because she's the one who insists on keeping Luke around, despite everything she's seen and heard so far

And didn't she even say about the group date he WASN'T on that it was fun and stress-free and it was maybe, just maybe because Luke wasn't there?! D'oh. Make the synaptic connection, Hannah!

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1 hour ago, Jennabelle88 said:

I disagree. I see it as completely adorable and quirky.

I saw it as Hannah thinking, "Oh, what can I do to make everyone think I'm completely adorable and quirky and so fun and spontaneous. I know ... I'll pretend to chase these pigeons. Aren't I just OH SO cute? The PA said I would be if I did this. Everyone loves me! --TM Luke"

I hated it.

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On 6/18/2019 at 9:49 AM, the eskimo said:

The whole "coat on the shoulders" thing bothers me immensely (it just seems like it would be so much work to keep it there!)

As worn -- CONSTANTLY -- by Kim Kardashian and Melania Trump. Draw your own conclusions.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

I saw it as Hannah thinking, "Oh, what can I do to make everyone think I'm completely adorable and quirky and so fun and spontaneous. I know ... I'll pretend to chase these pigeons. Aren't I just OH SO cute? The PA said I would be if I did this. Everyone loves me! --TM Luke"

I hated it.

I wish I could like this post 1000 times.

But alas, I have but one like to give. 

In a franchise that has never had a shortage of tediously annoying, self-absored idiots to inflict on the audience, Hannah takes the cake. And it ain't even close. 

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I cannot be the only one who thinks the entire Luke-not-getting-a-rose thing was fakety-fake-fake from start to finish!

  • The Luke we have all come to know and hate would never, ever, ever have taken that rose denial as well as he did, not for one second. 
  • There was no limo for him to get into and be driven away.
  • The camera kept following him as he walked away, and there was no producer trying to get his parting thoughts.
  • He was literally walking straight up to the dark edge of a forest!!  Where the F was he going to go....except to be walking there solely to have a destination to 'spontaneously' turn around at?!
  • Hannah was still at the castle building after he left and didn't seem to be going anywhere.
  • Hannah did not sound one bit surprised to see him back at that castle.
On 6/18/2019 at 10:49 AM, the eskimo said:

The whole "coat on the shoulders" thing bothers me immensely (it just seems like it would be so much work to keep it there!), but once she took it off...well, girl can wear a dress, that's for sure. 

Here's what made it worse....I don't think the coat actually went with the dress.  They seemed to be two slightly different color shades, the detailing wasn't the same, and they didn't match in style.  She looked all sorts of stilted when she walked in there wearing it, but like she was trying to carry it off...it put me in mind of the classic Carol Burnett Show scene of Scarlett O'Hara wearing the curtains as a dress, but the curtain rod was still in it!

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On 6/19/2019 at 8:46 AM, jade.black said:

I like Hannah so much.

I do too actually. A lot. She makes me smile...in a good way. It's unfortunately not all black or white, for me at least...because there are times when I cringe. Like when she was skulking in the side room eavesdropping. I just felt very strange during that part. So I'm trying to direct my snark towards the producers (arranging all that). Because afterall she's still my favourite bachelorette ever. I liked Emily too. 🙂

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I think in the kicking him to the curb scene, you could see the suvish type vehicle the bootees usually get driven off in idling in the background.

her crying about not knowing what to - she’s wearing a black outfit with slicked back hair, they’ve shown that earlier.  It’s not at the final rose.  She’s tried to kick Luke to the curb, TPTB brought him back andcan pretty sure they made her keep him at the rose ceremony.  The scene where she asks him to kiss her, you can tell she’s been crying again.

i don’t know how date order is picked, but it looks like TPTB are going to try and poke Luke with jealousy as much as possible.

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Tyler and his bulging thighs in those tight white pants were literally the only worthwhile 15 seconds of that entire trash heap of an episode. 

Any trust I had that the producers were keeping to a somewhat realistic timeline was smashed to smithereens after this. That was the most awkwardly patched together mess of scenes I have ever watched. 

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4 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

I cannot be the only one who thinks the entire Luke-not-getting-a-rose thing was fakety-fake-fake from start to finish!

You're not. I'm keeping a chair for you at the Fatety-Fake-Fake table for two. I brought snacks. And drinks.

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15 hours ago, ChiMama said:

As worn -- CONSTANTLY -- by Kim Kardashian and Melania Trump. Draw your own conclusions.

13 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

 She looked all sorts of stilted when she walked in there wearing it, but like she was trying to carry it off...it put me in mind of the classic Carol Burnett Show scene of Scarlett O'Hara wearing the curtains as a dress, but the curtain rod was still in it!

Lets not leave one of the originators of the big wide coat over the shoulder -- James Brown.  I kept expecting her to fling it off and step into a hot tub.

I didn't even like the gown.   It looked like the whole thing was designed just to frame that leg.  The slit was widened and edged with glitter like it was afraid we might miss it.  When she put said leg up on the back of the sofa while talking to the men, it was more of that overly obvious stuff, like the way she starts straddling the men as soon as they start kissing her.  I think Hannah wants to be known as the hottest B'ette ever and she just seem too, too try-hard to me.

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On 6/18/2019 at 11:13 AM, thesupremediva1 said:
On 6/18/2019 at 1:43 PM, TheFinalRose said:

Amen. Looking at you Garrett. Now based on the extended dance-mix previews we saw last night Garrett sticks around for a while. Looks like we are in for the Luke and Garrett show from now on.  Unfortunately. I prefer the Jed and Tyler show.

But what was up with the spoiler-ish previews? They've been teasing the Hannah blow up over sex all season and hiding the antagonist but suddenly they show us that it's Luke. It's like someone quit in the editing chair and its replacement had a different idea where they want the show to go from now on so they stopped "the journey" last night, gave us some recaps instead and spoiled part of the rest of the season.  

I think it's because producers are seeing the backlash over all the focus on Luke, and are like "No, don't go!  She kicks him out, we promise!!!"

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On 6/20/2019 at 8:57 AM, Biosynth said:

She spent a good part of an episode berating Luke to talk to her about his likes, such as Mac and Cheese vs. Spaghetti and Meatballs, and then this episode she yelled at the guys for talking about useless things.  What the heck, Hannah? 

I think the useless things she was talking about was all the talking in circles about how awful Luke is.  When she was with Garrett, you could see her face just drop as soon as he brought him up.  

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On 6/20/2019 at 3:23 PM, ChiMama said:

Very confusing. They showed the outside of the LA mansion at the start of this interview. But the guys were still in Latvia? This interview was done later? But they're representing it as "Ermagerd, Hannah might QUIT in the middle of the season and Chris Harrison will save the day and convince her to stay. Oh, lucky us! ". Bah, humbug.

It also looked like Hannah had put on a few pounds in the intervening time frame. Her face looked noticeably rounder in the interview portion vs the show.


Amen. Looking at you Garrett. Now based on the extended dance-mix previews we saw last night Garrett sticks around for a while. Looks like we are in for the Luke and Garrett show from now on.  Unfortunately. I prefer the Jed and Tyler show.

But what was up with the spoiler-ish previews? They've been teasing the Hannah blow up over sex all season and hiding the antagonist but suddenly they show us that it's Luke. It's like someone quit in the editing chair and its replacement had a different idea where they want the show to go from now on so they stopped "the journey" last night, gave us some recaps instead and spoiled part of the rest of the season.  

I can't remember the details, did it seem directly tied to Fantasy Suites or is it a conversation that might have happened before that point? If it's the latter, maybe it happens this week and they didn't feel the need to keep Luke's part under wraps anymore? 

Or maybe they figure that the audience has already guessed who it will be based on everything that's already happened this season. 


She spent a good part of an episode berating Luke to talk to her about his likes, such as Mac and Cheese vs. Spaghetti and Meatballs, and then this episode she yelled at the guys for talking about useless things.  What the heck, Hannah? 

I think the useless things she was talking about was all the talking in circles about how awful Luke is.  When she was with Garrett, you could see her face just drop as soon as he brought him up. 

Agreed. But it also seems like Hannah just wants what she wants and is upset that the guys aren't correctly guessing what those things are. She appears to have a specific vision of what she wants to do/discuss/share at any given time and when things don't go to script, she gets annoyed. 

She should really try to enjoy this rare experience of being completely in control of everything because if she acted this way IRL, every one of these guys would run the other way. 


who the fuck are Dylan and Devin?

MTE! And what was their situation that she had to bring up to Luke to get answers on? I feel like we missed something pretty big if it's being talked about secretly as part of her weird, obsessed investigation.

I wanted to know that too. These alleged guys who are supposedly there but haven't gotten any screen time are apparently involved in something big enough that Hannah's asking about it, but they don't show it? 

The commitment the editors have to making some contestants utterly invisible is astounding to me. It feels like it must be intentional.

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30 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

It also looked like Hannah had put on a few pounds in the intervening time frame. Her face looked noticeably rounder in the interview portion vs the show.

The commitment the editors have to making some contestants utterly invisible is astounding to me. It feels like it must be intentional.

Yes, I noticed the weight gain in her face, and also in her shoulders.

I cannot remember a time on any other season, that in the final 7/8 (or whatever we are at), that one of them would be someone we still don't know, as is the case now with whichever of the Dylan/Devon/?? gang are still around.

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9 hours ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

I think the useless things she was talking about was all the talking in circles about how awful Luke is.  When she was with Garrett, you could see her face just drop as soon as he brought him up.  

I think that the “useless things” are anything that is not about her tbh.

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On 6/22/2019 at 10:53 PM, Pass the Tequila said:

Omg! I know!! With the vbl!! (visible boxer lines). 

Hmm...I'm apparently not too old yet to still very much appreciate that! 😁

I feel sorry for me that I totally did not see Tyler or his white pants. I have to pay more attention.

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I also noticed that her face was rounder and was going to speculate whether she was pregnant—but figured the spoiler fans and gossip journalists would have already figured that one out and I didn’t want to mention and have it come off as “fat shaming.”

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I loved Hannah on Coltons season. I thought she was pretty and quirky and cute. Now I can't stand her. She's a drama queen who thinks being real is throwing hissy fits and demanding these guys act a certain way. I lost all respect for her when she told Luke P she didn't evenijd that he attacked Luke S. What an asshole thing to say. She seems to enjoy pain being inflicted on others (she thought the labor stimulator was fun) and her group dates are the guys gettufn hurt etc. She wants all these guys to be falling over themselves praising her but based on what I've seen, aside from her being attractive I don't understand why these guys would be into her. She has too many mood swings and meltdowns and she's angry more often than she's happy. She's screamed and cried more than any Bachelorette I remember ( I didnt watch Deanna or Dez) but when the guys are "real" and upset by something (like Luke p being a total psycho) she doesn't give a shit about their feelings and demands they suck it up and focus their attention back on her. Hannah is so high maintenance it woukd be exhausting to date her! If she wants Luke P that badly just hook up with him already.  She has horrible taste in men. 

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