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S04.E08: Nowhere To Run

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So just finished watching, and 6 pages of comments already.

Chantel is dumb, and I can't stand to see her gears spinning at 2 rpm.  Imo, Pedro is more right about Chantel not really wanting to fix anything.

I have no idea what apology she wants, but given that her family failed at being good hosts, it's really on her to offer up that apology that Pedro seeks.

Also she changes up facts to match her fantasy.  She says Nicole was on top of her brother in the fight, but actually Nicole was on the ground under Chantel's mother!

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50 minutes ago, Hannah94 said:

Thanks for the clarification. Still boggles the mind that a software engineer living with his mother doesn't have $1,000 to his name? How was he allowed to sponsor someone on the K1? The mysteries on this shit show baffle me!

So much this!  He lives with his mother in las Vegas and drives a car with more miles on it than winter's Spanx.  Where the hell is his money going? How much can the rent possibly be on that house?  Debbie should at least be getting SS right?  He has no kids.  Where does his money go?

I wonder if he wanted to use a bail bondsman so he could keep better track of larissa somehow because as careful as Colt is with his money his rainy day fund has to have more than $200 in it.  He has to be sitting on a scrooge McDuck pile of gold, right?

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23 hours ago, Kareem said:

Pedro asked only that Chantel say she was sorry for the way that dinner turned out.   Chantel won’t do that because she still blames Pedro and felt the need to tell the mother and sister so.  Maybe if she hadn’t revised history and hung on to it like a dog with a bone all these months later, it would be easier for him to defend her v. his nasty family.  And stop smirking.  

Bolded: exactly!

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Just now, RealReality said:

So much this!  He lives with his mother in las Vegas and drives a car with more miles on it than winter's Spanx.  Where the hell is his money going? How much can the rent possibly be on that house?  Debbie should at least be getting SS right?  He has no kids.  Where does his money go?

I wonder if he wanted to use a bail bondsman so he could keep better track of larissa somehow because as careful as Colt is with his money his rainy day fund has to have more than $200 in it.  He has to be sitting on a scrooge McDuck pile of gold, right?

Yes! Wtf is really going on here...? (ok, I don't really believe TLC would ever give us the real info). But a grown ass career man with a very decent job doesn't have $1,000? I call bullshit. As much as I love watching this piece of dogshit storyline, they need to tone down the bs a lil bit. 

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1 hour ago, JustDuckie said:

Yeah, well SOMETHING'S goin on...

Yeah, that looked a lot like a black eye, but I'm not a lighting guru so hopefully.... prayerfully it was the lighting.  

I love me some TLC train wrecks, but battered wife isn't snarkworthy.

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13 hours ago, Mothra said:

I don't even think it was that.  I think he felt that as hosts, anything untoward that happened was her family's responsibility--not fault, but responsibility--just as I would apologize for the drunken behavior of someone else at my party.  And I'm with Pedro--what skin off Chantel's ass if she did apologize?  Why couldn't she play the grownup, knowing (or believing) that it wasn't her family's fault, for the sake of her marriage?  His mother was demanding respect, and as Chantel's elder if for no other reason she was due it from Chantel--and again, what is the possible downside if Chantel did apologize?  Everybody's happy (except score-keeping Chantel) but I think Pedro's appreciation for her sacrifice of her--what?--pride would have gone such a long way toward healing their relationship it should have been worth it to her.

The entire Family Chantel is so ill-behaved, so childish (just look at Chantel's unending smirk during all convos with Pedro's mother and sister), so embarrassing as representatives of the American dollar, their lack of insight so great, that they all could benefit from family therapy.


And yes,...Chantel's constant smirk...terrible!  Does not give anyone any reason to give her sympathy for whatever bull she is throwing.

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12 hours ago, lids said:

On another note, I remember when Larissa got arrested the second time and it was one of the fans who did call the police. (I wonder how that 911 call went.) Larissa was asking people to help her and send money because Colt was turning off her phone and keeping her trapped in the house, blah, blah, blah. Now I realize that Larissa was probably saying all that stuff to drum up some money so she could get her hair done. She kind of cut off her nose to spite her face there.

I remember this happening real-time, similarly,.  I did not realize these guys would be on HEA.

As another poster mentioned, she gave herself lacerations for this one.

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Bravoe @Lemur for the post on p4, all of it

-Larissa for trying to scam her FB followers into paying for a Brazilian Straightening job when Coltea refused to by lying about being abused, creating a domestic disturbance to the point of the cops breaking down the front door, and ending up in the pokey ... again.

 -Coltea for subjecting us all the vision of his melting-ice cream body clad in plain pajama bottoms and black t-shirt while sitting in a camouflage recliner (who knew Mossy Oak makes furniture?)

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8 hours ago, Kareem said:

I think next week’s word is “sabotage”.   

He is terrorized and sabotaged...

Thank you.  That's right, I knew I hearf another zinger.  It was during next week's teaser, Andrrrei: "Don't sabotage me over $600".  

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Also wanted to give kudos to Momma Pao for her pro-hospital birthing.  She was a trooper telling Pao there can be emergencies.  Then I loved next week's teaser of Pao ~perhaps~ realizing several hours of labor ain't a breeze.

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1 minute ago, MajorNelson said:

Also wanted to give kudos to Momma Pao for her pro-hospital birthing.  She was a trooper telling Pao there can be emergencies.  Then I loved next week's teaser of Pao ~perhaps~ realizing several hours of labor ain't a breeze.

Pao was just being so smug about the whole thing..  yeah mom, you gave birth to six children, but every birth is different.... you don't know me, this is my first kid, I know everything, why did you show up here with your pesky advice based on experience?

I live on the top floor on my complex, do you think their downstairs neighbors are gonna hear anything?

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On 6/16/2019 at 10:32 PM, steff13 said:

When Elizabeth and Andrei had lunch with Jen, Elizabeth's makeup looked like it was covering a black eye.  

Yes! I thought exactly the same thing. Women can get melasma on the face during pregnancy but it's usually darker skinned women - those of Italian, Hispanic, Africa American descent. It's usually on the cheeks and across the nose (mask of pregnancy) or upper lip, not on the eye socket bone like Elizabeth had. Her upper lip on that same side also seemed a bit swollen and larger that the other side but her lips are oddly shaped so I could be off base there. After the way he snatched her phone away I wouldn't be surprised if the bastard did smack her in the face.

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15 hours ago, Lemur said:

Anyway ....


Also for perpetually looking like he's just walked through a fine mist of canola oil.

-Mr. Tony.

Hahaha Andrei DOES look like he has walked thru a fine mist of canola oil!!!!

Andrei wins worst for being an oily man who wants his own baby shower but you Lemur win BEST with a close 2nd to Mr Tony I loved him. I kinda want Coltea watching his back for Mr. Tony hunting him down. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

When I see/hear about women wanting home births and all "natural" births, I feel guilty. Like, was I the only person not only asking for all the pain meds they could give me but also begging them to just give me general anesthesia until it was over? 

Doc: Do you want an epidural, morphine, or other IV pain killers during birth?

Me: What do you mean by "or"? 

Me:  "Look, I don't care if you need to go the vet to get the stuff used to knock out a horse....."  Yeah I have no shame for wanting meds.  My first baby weighed 11 pounds!!  Hello!

7 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Also wanted to give kudos to Momma Pao for her pro-hospital birthing.  She was a trooper telling Pao there can be emergencies.  Then I loved next week's teaser of Pao ~perhaps~ realizing several hours of labor ain't a breeze.

I can just imagine her kneeling in that tub, in pain, thinking "Holy hell I could be in a warm bed with an IV right now......"

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13 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

 There's no way they're not going to be splashing water out of that thing, never mind when they transfer the "used" water bucket-by-bucket to the sink. 

As an FYI, for anyone else contemplating this either as a practical reality or, like myself, as a horrifying mental exercise, you can by a good pool cover syphon pump for like $12 on Amazon, but I recommend stepping up to the electric dredger pumper for about $25.  

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Why would Annnndddddrreei even want to be at the baby shower?  Most men go out with their guys while the shower is going on.  I just gave a shower for someone, and all the guys were like, um, see ya.

Super controlling, but it's more than his Moldovan "man is king" thing.  This dude is scary.  We watched him snatch that phone in a near-violent manner; think of what we aren't seeing on screen.

I'm no Chantel fan, but when she was crying, saying we don't see the off-camera stuff, I was thinking of Elizabeth and Annnddddddrei.  Lord knows what we don't see.  I didn't catch her eye makeup/possible cover-up; I'll have to go back and watch, but I wouldn't be surprised.

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18 hours ago, JustDuckie said:

That center button was holding on for dear life!

Mere anarchy and Pao's titties are loosed upon the world.

(Please forgive me for that, W.B. Yeats.)

17 hours ago, GoGamecox said:

I can totally see Chantel dating an NBA or NFL player. That would be a perfect fit for her lifestyle and look -- lots of camera time, lots of $, lots of plastic surgery, fake eyelashes, fillers, and Botox. I think she should ditch Pedro and go that route. She could make that transition tomorrow. 

Hahahahahahahaha.  She wouldn't last a day.  I mean, this may have been her secret aspiration but she can't handle her imported cabana boy, she won't be able to handle a pro athlete, his entourage and his side piece. 

14 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Couldn't agree more. I don't get why because Andrei worked two jobs in Ireland that that is somehow proof that he is a hard worker. He worked those jobs because he had no one to pay his way. 

Andrei sounds a lot like most of the broke ass mooks and deadbeats I grew up around.  They worked two jobs too - landscapers or construction and then bar backs.  They'd lose all of their money to the sports book or drink it away at the bar they worked at, spend the winter on UI, and had at least one utility turned off all the time.   

14 hours ago, Hannah94 said:

I don't see whiney Pao being able to handle natural childbirth at home. I bet she creates some dramatic moment that "necessitates" an "emergency trip" to the hospital, where she will receive pain killers/epidural with tons of attention and camera time.

Right?  The emergency being that shit fucking hurts and she wants an epidural right freaking now. 

11 hours ago, Sterling said:

But how did Larissa post about her "danger" on social media if Colt disabled her phone?

Makes no sense to me.

Or, did she post on social media, and then, she yelled from the bathroom that she posted it, so Colt then disabled the phone?

Wifi.  You can shut someone's cellular data off and they effectively have an iPod Touch.  They can still use all the apps as long as they're on Wifi.

10 hours ago, iwasish said:

One thing that confuses me.. if the family Pedro setup Chantel as her family as claimed, why are they not being super nice to her to keep the con going? 

They don't need to.  She's legally on the hook for his support in the US for the next ten years, unless I'm not understanding the process correctly.  

10 hours ago, iwasish said:

What does she need  a $240 dollar haircut for? 

$240 sound about the right price for Brazilian Keratin Straightening.  (Not my preferred method, I'm more of a traditional Japanese straightening girl myself, lasts 3x longer for just a bit more money.)

9 hours ago, Hannah94 said:

Yes! Wtf is really going on here...? (ok, I don't really believe TLC would ever give us the real info). But a grown ass career man with a very decent job doesn't have $1,000? I call bullshit. As much as I love watching this piece of dogshit storyline, they need to tone down the bs a lil bit. 

A recent study showed that 63% of American households wouldn't be able to handle a $600 emergency without an outside source of money.  So that actually sounds about right. 

Edited by Lemur
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4 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Why would Annnndddddrreei even want to be at the baby shower?  Most men go out with their guys while the shower is going on.

Unless they miss their tee time because the mom-to-be is getting her mani/pedi on.

Really though, Andreiii had to be there.  It was HIS POTTY.

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7 minutes ago, Sterling said:

Why would Annnndddddrreei even want to be at the baby shower?  Most men go out with their guys while the shower is going on.  I just gave a shower for someone, and all the guys were like, um, see ya.

Guy-girl baby showers are a thing now, at least when there's a reality tv camera present.  

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14 minutes ago, Lemur said:
10 hours ago, iwasish said:

One thing that confuses me.. if the family Pedro setup Chantel as her family as claimed, why are they not being super nice to her to keep the con going? 

They don't need to.  She's legally on the hook for his support in the US for the next ten years, unless I'm not understanding the process correctly.  

She is only on the hook if Pedro used social services - which he probably would NOT be eligible for.  (Getting welfare is not as easy as some people assume.)   So yes, if this was all a scam to harvest the American Dollars they would all be sweet as pie to Chantel.  They would want her to think they all adore her and get her invested in their welfare.  If the plan was to simply get Pedro in to the US so he could work and send money back you better believe he would have dumped Chantel's ass the moment he got his permanent status (I don't believe he is really so dumb he didn't know he could still stay in the US if they get divorced at this point.)

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8 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

She is only on the hook if Pedro used social services - which he probably would NOT be eligible for.  (Getting welfare is not as easy as some people assume.)   So yes, if this was all a scam to harvest the American Dollars they would all be sweet as pie to Chantel.  They would want her to think they all adore her and get her invested in their welfare.  If the plan was to simply get Pedro in to the US so he could work and send money back you better believe he would have dumped Chantel's ass the moment he got his permanent status (I don't believe he is really so dumb he didn't know he could still stay in the US if they get divorced at this point.)

No, they do not have to be sweet as pie.  Pedro and Mama Pedro can sit across the table from the Family Chantel and Sparky and say "I'll gladly sign-off on a divorce and go back to the DR and never darken your door again for [insert dollar figure here]."  At this point, he's a problem to be solved in the most American way possible, by tossing money at it to go away. 

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Just now, Lady Iris said:

I think Pow wants to have the full on birthing experience with all the pain and drama so she can lord it over Russ for the rest of his natural life and into the hereafter to boot.

Well, that's commitment.  She can probably lord it over her child too.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

I think Pow wants to have the full on birthing experience with all the pain and drama so she can lord it over Russ for the rest of his natural life and into the hereafter to boot.

I used to watch "A Baby Story" on TLC daytime.  The women who were most determined to have a magical experience (like the spa day that Pao seems to think it will be with soft lights and candles) were usually the first ones screaming for an epidural.

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They need marriage therapy.

They need a divorce.


So much this!  He lives with his mother in las Vegas and drives a car with more miles on it than winter's Spanx.  Where the hell is his money going?

Strip clubs and internet porn?

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Just now, Elizzikra said:

They need a divorce.

Strip clubs and internet porn?

Add two and two.  Coltie is broke, and Debbie is on vacation.  Guess who fills the slot machine in the dining room and who empties it?

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"What kind of person likes _____?"
"I don't get all the love for _____."

There are literally thousands of comments explaining why people feel the way they do if there's any confusion.  All opinions are welcome here whether they support Pedro, Chantel, neither, or both. Statements like the above are treading the civility line.

No one should be shaming others for their opinions. 

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49 minutes ago, Lemur said:

Guy-girl baby showers are a thing now, at least when there's a reality tv camera present.  

I saw three guys there, including Andrei.  I think one of them was the sisters husband who may have been forced to stay so he could help.  Then there was the guy in the boat shoes and Andrei.  

Unless it was a v. small baby shower it seems like most male significant others took off.  I bet everyone just abandoned poor boat shoes there while he was in the bathroom.

32 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

She is only on the hook if Pedro used social services - which he probably would NOT be eligible for.  (Getting welfare is not as easy as some people assume.)   So yes, if this was all a scam to harvest the American Dollars they would all be sweet as pie to Chantel.  They would want her to think they all adore her and get her invested in their welfare.  If the plan was to simply get Pedro in to the US so he could work and send money back you better believe he would have dumped Chantel's ass the moment he got his permanent status (I don't believe he is really so dumb he didn't know he could still stay in the US if they get divorced at this point.)

Yeah the con is unclear.  If Pedro only wanted  to harvest the American dollar by working and sending money home and family Pedro was in on it, it seems easier to dump Chantal the minute the green card clears.  Especially if she is so upset about the money being sent home.

RNs make very good money, but Chantal has been in forever nursing school, so I don't think she makes a sizeable income right now

 Pedro isn't the Dominican George clooney, but if he is only interested in money and a partner who makes enough not to care about how he spends his check, he could have found an older woman with a decent job and grown children.

I also agree, if they were all in on the plan they'd be steady trying to butter Chantal up.  Nicole would be telling her that her hair is amazing (and girl, that you brought that up as a deeply painful insult 🙄).  Lidia would be taking Chantal around to all the finest clubwear outfitters in the DR.  

If they want to harvest the American dollars they need to look at azan and his family who could teach a masterclass in the subject.

Edited by RealReality
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2 minutes ago, RealReality said:

If they want to harvest the American dollars they need to look at azan and his family who could teach a masterclass in the subject.

Firstly, "poor boat shoes" - HAHAHAHA!

Secondly, y'all are only looking at the slow con.  You're missing the lump some con. 

18 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

I think Pow wants to have the full on birthing experience with all the pain and drama so she can lord it over Russ for the rest of his natural life and into the hereafter to boot.

That's like Duggar-level parental guilt and lifelong child-scarring behavior.  Dang. 

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1 minute ago, Lemur said:

Secondly, y'all are only looking at the slow con.  You're missing the lump some con. 

But that only works after two years, otherwise Pedro would have needed to find a reason to be allowed to stay in the US so it would still have to be a long con.

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11 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

But that only works after two years, otherwise Pedro would have needed to find a reason to be allowed to stay in the US so it would still have to be a long con.

Why do you assume he wants to stay in the US?

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12 minutes ago, Lemur said:

Firstly, "poor boat shoes" - HAHAHAHA!

Secondly, y'all are only looking at the slow con.  You're missing the lump some con. 

That's like Duggar-level parental guilt and lifelong child-scarring behavior.  Dang. 

9 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

But that only works after two years, otherwise Pedro would have needed to find a reason to be allowed to stay in the US so it would still have to be a long con.

So, I'm open to the lump sum con, but if this is the angle, they have to strike now.

Chantal is not an amazing conversationalist, she doesn't seem witty.  She has a fantastic body and while she isn't a natural beauty, she knows how to do her makeup.

If they divorce right now, Chantal can bring home a European baller, a doctor, a CPA, or a tax lawyer.  Guys that make big bucks.  So the lump sum amount is at its peak right now.

If they wait, they risk her losing the body, which is her big draw.  And if she gets pregnant, it's 10x harder. Once she loses her body, her stock goes way down and these guys with money will be able to choose from younger women, who don't have a kid and have fantastic bodies as well.

Then the lump sum isn't going to be as much because Chantal has less of a chance to pull a guy who is financially well off.

If they want to do lump sum con, they gotta do it very soon.  

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11 hours ago, iwasish said:

Get on over to Super Cuts or Fantastic Sams.

I have you ever googled Super Cuts fails?  I wouldn't walk in the store with a dog.

I am sure she has to get color.  Her hair would take a lot of coloring and costs money.  I believe in spending money to have nice hair.  If I was her I would forgo the lip injections and just have nice hair.  HE PROMISED HER MONEY! 🤣

25 minutes ago, RealReality said:

If they divorce right now, Chantal can bring home a European baller, a doctor, a CPA, or a tax lawyer.  Guys that make big bucks.  So the lump sum amount is at its peak right now.

Who would date her now?  She will have to break with the family at some point and run her own life.

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Blind post:

where was Nickel?  Hopefully last week was the last of her segments; they aren't even married so there is no happily ever after!

Libby and Andrei- All this time I thought Libby was the ugly sister , but she looked stunning compared to the other two in this episode.  While I hate all of them; they were right about Andrei- plastic surgery modified sister can invite whomever she wishes to her house for a party that she is throwing for her other sister and it's not a party for Andrei- it's to celebrate the mom and the baby.  She should have made it ladies only.  Andrei went from being one of my favorites to like the worst right above ledia.  Libby should leave him; she seems scared of him even when she was speaking up to him.  I'm not a fan of ultimatums in relationships but this totally needs one: I'll be at my sisters/dad's house with the baby, when you get a full time job and are ready to be an adult come find us.

Trashly and jay- yawn, I barely watch their segments and I don't even care what the truth is anymore.  BE GONE!

Colt and Larrissa -  I hardly watch them either; I already know what happens.

Pao and Roose- boring; Of course attention whore Pao is going to be filmed in labor and giving birth.

Pedro and CeAir- Everyone told her not to go and she went and then pushed in on family time.  Pedro asked her to fix things between her and his family and she just went and whined about how right she is. Sometimes as an adult you have to make peace with your in-laws and call a truce- holding on to stupid anger and how right you are just makes things worse. Nicole would be majorly pissed if Chantel just acted like she didn't bother her so much.  Pedro even told her to be smarter than his sister.  Both could have handled it better.  At this point, just freakin go to counseling or end it if you aren't willing.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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On 6/16/2019 at 10:23 PM, charmed1 said:

Coltee said that Debbie was “on holiday.” I’ve never heard an American refer to vacation as “holiday.”

Maybe he's really British royalty like on that other (ridiculous) TLC show "Secret Princes" 

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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I used to watch "A Baby Story" on TLC daytime.  The women who were most determined to have a magical experience (like the spa day that Pao seems to think it will be with soft lights and candles) were usually the first ones screaming for an epidural.

I loved that show!!  I was upfront with my first baby:  "Look, show me the drugs.  It is 1997, I should be afforded all the stuff to keep me and my baby safe and healthy.  It is not 1897, so get crackin' with that needle, doc!"

1 hour ago, Lady Iris said:

I think Pow wants to have the full on birthing experience with all the pain and drama so she can lord it over Russ for the rest of his natural life and into the hereafter to boot.

"I gave up my country, culture and family for you.  Then I birthed YOUR baby....it took eleven days, Roos.....ELEVEN DAYS!*"

*I am exaggerating, of course.  As will she......

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Andre and the baby shower.  I am old school and like a ladies party with small children running around.  I do like that now the grandfathers come and so does the new dad.  Their role in the shower is to take coats, if necessary, take drink orders, maintain the food table and pack up a truck.  My nephew was the last of the dads to attend his WIFE'S shower and there were a lot of infants and toddlers.  His job was to coral the kids as a kind of baptism by fire.  The 3 men do stay in the background and and the new mom is the queen of the day.  Libby had a very bad shower and it was due to her asshole husband.

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11 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

And yes,...Chantel's constant smirk...terrible!  Does not give anyone any reason to give her sympathy for whatever bull she is throwing.

I wanted to smack her smug face and rip off those ridiculous eyelashes when she tilted her head back, looked down her nose and dripping with condescension said to Lidia, "I'm not going to knock over your table, HONEY..." 

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10 hours ago, happykitteh said:

Yes! I thought exactly the same thing. Women can get melasma on the face during pregnancy but it's usually darker skinned women - those of Italian, Hispanic, Africa American descent. It's usually on the cheeks and across the nose (mask of pregnancy) or upper lip, not on the eye socket bone like Elizabeth had. Her upper lip on that same side also seemed a bit swollen and larger that the other side but her lips are oddly shaped so I could be off base there. After the way he snatched her phone away I wouldn't be surprised if the bastard did smack her in the face.

I just watched this last night and it does look like a black eye to me.

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38 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

I did not some internet sleuthing..but there is silence about where the baby was born...home or hospital.  Maybe we'll get some glimpses next week or later, but I bet they go to a hospital. 

Now bad news for her, sometimes it is too late to get the meds for pain relief!

I have zero doubt in my mind she wanted a home birth because that way TLC can film it without needing a hospital to consent and/or creating a HIPAA nightmare, got into the painful part and changed her mind, probably after getting assurances they had enough footage.

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I have an idea for a TLC special, why not show the Family Chantel Rumble again from all angles, slo mo, rewind, pause, "never before seen footage", etc. and let viewers decide who was at fault? 

Zapruder Report style, "Back and to the left..." 

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I used to watch "A Baby Story" on TLC daytime.  The women who were most determined to have a magical experience (like the spa day that Pao seems to think it will be with soft lights and candles) were usually the first ones screaming for an epidural.

Before I had a kid, years before even, I was pretty well educated wrt pregnancy and childbirth. I'm a product of the "Our Bodies, Ourselves" era and wanted to know what was what. Sure, the ideal among the hippie earth mothers was no interventions, no pain medications, breathing, music, but I maintained a healthy skepticism. That Pao apparently thinks that she'll emit a couple of kittenish cries and her baby will slide right out, all in half an hour or so, is astonishing to me. She's worried that she'll have the baby in the car? First babies aren't usually that fast. And I'm quite sure at the first twinge she'll be "I'm in labor! I'm in labor! Fill the pool!".  And 20 hours later she'll be 4 centimeters, waterlogged, and rethinking her fairyland birth plan on the fly as they pack her bag with maternity and post natal slutwear for her hospital stay.

1 hour ago, doyouevengohere said:

Pedro and CeAir- Everyone told her not to go and she went and then pushed in on family time.  Pedro asked her to fix things between her and his family and she just went and whined about how right she is. Sometimes as an adult you have to make peace with your in-laws and call a truce- holding on to stupid anger and how right you are just makes things worse. Nicole would be majorly pissed if Chantel just acted like she didn't bother her so much.  Pedro even told her to be smarter than his sister.  Both could have handled it better.  At this point, just freakin go to counseling or end it if you aren't willing.

Have you forgotten that Nicole said that mean thing about Chantel's hair? Some things simply cannot be forgiven.

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3 hours ago, Drogo said:

Unless they miss their tee time because the mom-to-be is getting her mani/pedi on.

Really though, Andreiii had to be there.  It was HIS POTTY.

I'm curious if the manly men of moldovia, who have such a strong belief in traditional gender roles often consider a baby shower "their party?"

If it was Andrei's party he should have gotten one of his friends to throw it for him....oh, yeah.....

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2 hours ago, Lemur said:

No, they do not have to be sweet as pie.  Pedro and Mama Pedro can sit across the table from the Family Chantel and Sparky and say "I'll gladly sign-off on a divorce and go back to the DR and never darken your door again for [insert dollar figure here]."  At this point, he's a problem to be solved in the most American way possible, by tossing money at it to go away. 

He doesn’t want to go back to the DR. He has his green card. He can divorce Chantel and stay in the US. And send even more money home, if that is his goal. He no longer needs Chantel or has to put up with her family. 

I don’t get why she is so against a simple apology to his mother. She doesn’t have to kiss her ass or beg forgiveness. A simple “ I’m sorry for the blowup at the dinner” “I would like to move past it and work towards a better relationship” “ I know how much you love Pedro and want him to be happy, that is what I want too”  Say it in a sincere voice with Pedro there to hear it. Don’t say it and then say “BUT, you and Nicole did blah blah blah and I want an apology too!!!” 

Once that is said,  Pedro will be satisfied and if his mom and sister continue the feud, I think he will shut them down. 

Chantel then needs to get her parents and Pedro together and go thru the same process. Emphasizing (with both families) that neither of them will listen to negative comments about their spouse, period. And enforce it! First time Mother Chantel or Mother Pedro go there... they need to cut the visit or conversation short and say goodbye. 

And Chantel really? The best example of how mean Nicole has been to you in the past is “Your hair is ugly”? How old are you ?  6?

Grow up Honey. Not everyone is going to like you and you aren’t going to like everyone, that’s a fact. You aren’t going to see much of your in laws, so let Pedro go visit for a while, then join him for a day or two with his family and then spend time together before returning home. You go over your folks to visit for an afternoon and let Pedro stop in for the last hour or so. 

If you don’t want to make some real efforts, just cut your losses and get a divorce. It’s not worth being miserable. 

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12 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Thank you.  That's right, I knew I hearf another zinger.  It was during next week's teaser, Andrrrei: "Don't sabotage me over $600".  

And Libby saying “I think Andrei tells his father too much” 

That’s rich coming from her who overshares with her sisters and her own father. 

Her instant response to his dad’s situation is “let’s call my dad  for money”  

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I have an idea for a TLC special, why not show the Family Chantel Rumble again from all angles, slo mo, rewind, pause, "never before seen footage", etc. and let viewers decide who was at fault? 

Zapruder Report style, "Back and to the left..." 

Omg, the missing frame(s)!  How did Momma Chantel move from one side of the table to the other in 1/18th of a  second!

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53 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She's worried that she'll have the baby in the car? First babies aren't usually that fast. And I'm quite sure at the first twinge she'll be "I'm in labor! I'm in labor! Fill the pool!".  And 20 hours later she'll be 4 centimeters, waterlogged, and rethinking her fairyland birth plan on the fly as they pack her bag with maternity and post natal slutwear for her hospital stay.

Yup!  The home birth disaster, stay tuned.  

(Actually I don't want physical harm, just her comeuppance)

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2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I have you ever googled Super Cuts fails?  I wouldn't walk in the store with a dog.

I am sure she has to get color.  Her hair would take a lot of coloring and costs money.  I believe in spending money to have nice hair.  If I was her I would forgo the lip injections and just have nice hair.  HE PROMISED HER MONEY! 🤣

Who would date her now?  She will have to break with the family at some point and run her own life.

He agreed to $200 a month. Pick and choose lips or hair. 

I don’t color or straighten my hair so for a simple cut those places are fine Some cuts are better than others, but hair grows so...

If I wanted a drastic change I might go to a more upscale place and spend more but I’d balk at anything over $100(for a cut, no color).  I just don’t consider hair that important, I like wash and wear styles, in the summer I rarely even blow dry. 

Chantel, as you say, needs to make up her own mind. She’s too easily influenced, and looks like next week she gets yet another opinion. 

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