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S02.E01: Back in the Big Easy, Baby!

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Now that their marriage has ended, Jeff and Reagan attempt to make peace and move on; Justin and his girlfriend, Kelsey, settle into their newly renovated home; the group reunites at Tamica and Barry's pool party; Reagan and Tamica go head to head.

They're back.  How will Reagan and Tamica go head to head?  Head butting like rams?  Will there be an octagon? Or will they each bake a king cake and the others will determine which they like best?  Let's watch and find out.

Shout out to @ProudMary for finding the episode title and description! A grateful viewership salutes you.


Original air date 2019.06.02

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Jeff Free and Reagan are going to make me feel queasy all season.  I just see it coming from previews.

However, gonna power through it, because like the guys.  Team Jeff. 

You go Kelsey!  Personally I would wear a nicer cover up, at least in the Uber, because you don't know who rode in the Uber before you and I've learned from RHOBH, that some women go pantyless to avoid pantylines.

But you sashay right on in and ignore Tamika's stink face. 

Also Roux.  Is.  Adorable!  I'd like to see a 1 hour special featuring Bravo 4 leggeds.

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Aww...I missed these folks! Even WhytheLongFace Kelsey, LookatMe Jon, and GiveItButCan'tTakeIt Tamica. #teamjeff-free

What's wrong with Justin's eyebrows? Barry's still boring. Reagan is...something. Rani and Hunter are so cute! And both Tamica and Jon showed some personal growth. Wonders never cease.

Edited by talktoomuch
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Gotta say, we've only seen one episode and I'm already WAY more interested here than I am in the current boring season of the original Southern Charm. 

Hey Barry, I'm not so sure that Tamica's fuse is all that much longer than it used to be. She went off on Kelsey with little to no provocation even before she set her sight on Reagan. 

Other than the three variants of Southern Charm, I don't watch any of the other Bravo reality shows so maybe this is normal, but it sure seems like the various Charmers re-locate to new homes a lot. 

Loved Kelsey and Justin's new dog. Roux is such a great name!

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Maybe it has just been a while, but JFC, Tamica can give Bethenny Frankel a run for her money on speed-talking like she's been mainlining Adderal for six months straight.  I was waiting for her to pass out from not taking a breath!

Roux is now my favorite Bravo dog--so cute!  And I loved seeing Kelsey's second season glammification.

So now 2/3s of the cast lives on the Northshore?  Southern Charm: St. Tammany Parish just doesn't sound right. LOL!  But I guess they do fudge the boundaries of Charleston too.  Only those idiots in Savannah were actually there and we all knew how that turned out....


Was Reagan already knocked up by the time of the events of this episode and that's why she wasn't drinking?

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7 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Gotta say, we've only seen one episode and I'm already WAY more interested here than I am in the current boring season of the original Southern Charm. 

Amen to that! This season started off with a bang and at least featured some local merriment and fun festivities beyond just random gossiping over day-drinking and lame dinner parties. 

Its always so interesting to see these casts glow up after their first seasons—-so Jon has gone full on fashionisto with the ridiculous coats and theatrics, but it kinda works for him so far. Love that he worked his glamification magic on poor ol’ Jeff, who definitely needed a little extra help in that department. And Kelsey/Justin look so much better now; really nice to see their healthy new lifestyle choices. Now if Justin would just marry the poor gal already like she wants, that’d be great.

Reagan is still as smugly self-centered as ever, and it’s rather shady how she’s sooooo very busy with everything yet she still somehow had time to get serious with a new guy before she even signed off on her divorce??

Ditto Tamica with the smugness, although I give her big kudos on trying to be a better mom and making more time for her family. I can’t help but like her and Barry and hope they continue to work through any issues that would cause her to consider divorce again. I appreciate their honesty, even if she did get scary defensive with Reagan/Kelsey at the pool party.

It does seem sad that none of this cast actually seems to live in New Orleans proper. I guess NOLA real estate is just as pricy as Charleston...

Nice start to this season and I hope they continue this great brisk pace and fun, positive energy!

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9 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Other than the three variants of Southern Charm, I don't watch any of the other Bravo reality shows so maybe this is normal, but it sure seems like the various Charmers re-locate to new homes a lot.

I noticed that, too. I'm assuming it's because of the show money and additional adjacent show opportunity money. So after a season or more, they can afford to move on up like the Jeffersons.

4 hours ago, Lizzing said:
  Reveal spoiler

Was Reagan already knocked up by the time of the events of this episode and that's why she wasn't drinking?

Yes, I think so. I didn't even know that spoiler, and it was so obvious.


It's a testament to how self-centered Tamica is that she didn't even consider it. Instead, she just kept getting annoyed that Reagan wasn't drinking with her.

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1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:


It does seem sad that none of this cast actually seems to live in New Orleans proper. I guess NOLA real estate is just as pricy as Charleston...

Nice start to this season and I hope they continue this great brisk pace and fun, positive energy!

Reagan lives in New Orleans now.  And I think Kelsey and Justin have always lived in New Orleans.  I don't remember them ever showing where John lives.

I've seen every episode and I can't seem to remember why Tamica dislikes Kelsey so much.  Did something happen off screen?  Or am I just having a senior moment and can't remember shit?

I'm enjoying it so far.  Got my fingers crossed for the rest of the season.

Edited by SoTheresThat
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35 minutes ago, SoTheresThat said:

I've seen every episode and I can't seem to remember why Tamica dislikes Kelsey so much.  Did something happen off screen?  Or am I just having a senior moment and can't remember shit?

Tamica went hard after Gian last season and was kind of low-key harrass-ish to Kelsey, but mainly as a sideways jab while going after Justin for not proposing.  If I'm remembering right, I kinda had a suspicion that Tamica has had an unresolved thing for Justin, going back to high school days.  I'll give Tamica this: she is perfect for reality TV--obliviously self absorbed and can talk till her audience's ears fall off.  

I hope we see Barry Poppins (or whatever that dude's name was) again this year.

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Tamica is one of those insecure women who just can’t be happy for other women because she always feels threatened - wish Bravo shows would stop revolving around this type.

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I'll be a Party of One for liking Tamica.

First of all, I think she's breathtakingly beautiful.  But I love her energy, and the fact that she's open, honest, and vulnerable about her past marital and motherhood struggles, and how she's genuinely working through all these things.

I also love how bonded she became to Barry's son and how integrated she is into his life.  Blended family situations can go all kinds of wrong, but she seems to have taken a huge initiative to include him in their lives.

I also love their daughter (forgot her name?).  She's adorable, she seems smart, and she seems like she has a sweet presence.

Reagan, OTOH, annoys the cr*p out of me.  Her nasal-ly, whiny voice grates on my every nerve.

Edited by Sterling
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I might not be able to comment on this show too long, because I hate almost everyone, to the point where my post may become too negative, and I sort of despise everyone, except I looooove Tamika and...Barry can stay.  Aside from being a Mama's boy, Justin is alright...I guess?  

Jon Moody (I don't know why he gets two names, but he does) is too young for this group, and I have nothing positive to say about someone who paints on their abs.

Jeff--raving lunatic.  So unattractive.  The "makeover" made him look as much like a psycho killer who drinks too much as ever.  Jeff is someone who needs to get off reality TV and get serious in-patient mental health assistance.

Reagan--what a woman.  I...don't have much to say, except that I wouldn't find it particularly unjust if she was to find herself in some kind of Saw XII situation where her vocal cords were cut out in an effort to teach her something about life.  When the woman speaks, my windows crack.  Her breasts look awful and heavy, and that bathing suit "underboob" was not a look--it was Reagan wearing an ill-fitting bathing suit, along with a sarong, because the bitch has clearly put on weight.  She looks like shit this year, so the outside matches the inside.  Nice weave bitch.  This was apparently filmed in early fall, because Reagan and Tamika were talking about this being the last weekend to have a pool party.  Ok, well, the bar is not until February then.  Why study for it now?  And she's opening some kind of bulllshit store?  Whatever.  Miss me, bitch.  I saw the new boyfriend coming from a mile away.  That conversation she was having with Jeff was like a closing conversation.  There is no love lost there. She was so desperate to cut him loose that he let him keep the multi-million dollar home.  And this new guy?  I love how they're hiding his face.  I don't give a shit what his face looks like.  I had to see his hairy, pale, non-fit body in the shower.  That was enough.  

Reagan comparing her "final" divorce, which is only "almost final," (Perry Mason, Roy Black, look out; this woman is coming for your job as top lawyer in the south!) to Tamika's separation was laughable.  Tamika worked that out.  I wasn't sure about the time line for the filing of the divorce/ year long separation from Barry, because they kept changing the goal posts.  Didn't they say it was in 2007?  And she was suffering from postpartum depression?  If her daughter is nine, and this was filmed in 2018, Tamika's daughter wouldn't have been born yet, and she didn't give birth to any other child, so what am I missing?  I don't really care; I love Tamika.

Kelsey--poor Kelsey, she gets the home instead of the marriage, the (ridiculously cute) dog instead of the baby.  I'm glad she lost weight and all, but...honey, you don't look that good that you should show up to a pool party in a bikini and throw lightweight shade at the host who is 20x better looking than you. The amount of pink contouring makeup on that woman's body right under the bikini top, and around her abdominal region, must have caused at least a dozen CVS's to have to tell their customers they are all out of "Blushing Rage" for a year.  And I'm just going to put this out there, because it's how I feel...I think Justin is not marrying Kelsey because he wants to see where this weight loss journey is taking him.  I don't know whether Kelsey is a nice person in real life (I don't like her), but I find her extremely physically ugly in the face, like jarringly ugly, especially when she smiles and when she is in profile.  I noticed it in season one, and once it's seen, it can't be unseen.  I don't make the rules, but I do think that people who have aesthetic burdens--especially women--often have to work much harder to get what they want.  Justin may--consciously or subconsciously--be holding back that ring, because in the back of his mind he is wondering if he wants his spawn to have half the genetic makeup of this woman. I've heard people of both sexes vocalize this type of thing to people they really trust.  It's real.

I think Kelsey is jealous of Tamika for her looks, and I think Reagan is jealous of Tamika for...being Tamika.  She kinda has it all, whereas Reagan is divorcing a guy she never should have married (and I'm tired of this "young love" shit.  Reagan is probably at least 35, which would have put her age when she married around 29, which is about a decade too late to chalk your grown-ass mistakes up to "young love.")

I love that Tamika's idea of "sleeping in" is sleeping until 6:48 am.  Lol.

I do like this show, but I also think it's bullshit that much of the cast not only resides outside of New Orleans proper, but that they reside so far outside of it that legit half of the episode is spent on people bitching about the causeway.  That's a little misleading and stupid.

I like this show, I swear.  I just kind of need the cast to settle.  A few new faces would hurt no one.  

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I am living for Tamika’s absolute hatred of Kelsey it seriously cracks me up how she can not even pretend to not hate everything about her!

Edited by biakbiak
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Reagan basically threw out a mentally ill husband and upgraded.  Hard for me to not hate her for that.  I know and empathize with how difficult it is to be married to someone with these issues, but if you loved him, then even if you couldn't see through the old-fashioned "in sickness or in health" you wouldn't be doing this shit on TV.  And to stick the poor fool with that house!  Someone tell him to sell that shit and move close to supportive folks where he is not out in the middle of nowhere by his lonesome.

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1 hour ago, AuntDahlia said:

Reagan basically threw out a mentally ill husband and upgraded. 

I find it interesting, though, that they are trying to portray it as Jeff wanting out of the marriage. They said it more than once this episode. He is the one that wanted the split. He is happy, he is fine, they are best friends, they talk every day. Yeah, whatever you want us to think. Oh, and, one silly haircut does not qualify as a "makeover". 

I did not need to see Reagan's headless boyfriends naked ass in the shower. So we get to meet the ass before the face. I hoping the season gets better. 

More Roux, please.  

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One episode in and Tamica  2.0 looks an awful lot like Tamica 1.0. She's shown growth within her family unit but she stills acts like an insecure, self-absorbed miserable person with her friends.

I'm confused - last season we saw Jeff trying to hold onto the marriage while Reagan made a poor attempt at pretending they're working on their marriage when we all could see that she wanted out and she wanted out badly. Now this season we see Jeff talking as though the divorce was his idea and he's so much happier since...but both have largely attributed to the struggles of their relationship on the repercussions of Jeff's football career. Did those issues all of a sudden go away as soon as Reagan left the picture? I can believe that two people can have love for each other but decide that their love isn't the kind meant to withstand marriage and that kind of commitment but between the two of them, it seems a bit too put on. I'm assuming at some point, the bottom is going to fall out and there's going to be some incredible awkwardness between the two.

Good for Kesley and Justin on their weight loss. They both look great. I don't know if the weight loss has brought a ton of confidence to Kelsey but I don't feel like her personality really stood out all that much last year. She seemed more on the shy but chill side and already she seems very extroverted.

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I didn’t think that Jeff-free had that much of a makeover, but if Moody helped him get back his confidence then I’m happy for him. He was right telling Reagan that she no longer needs to check on him. I think she left the party because Jeff-free got there and was getting more attention than she was. That’s besides the point that she had a naked man in her new place waiting for her. Freshly showered. I also noticed that a lot of the cast seemed to be wearing her Florentine door knocker jewelry. I wonder where her store will be located. I also think that Reagan was wrong to bring up Tamika’s separation in front of her 10 year old. She won’t make a good attorney if she doesn’t think before opening her yapper. 

Kelsey had a whole room devoted into being her closet. Lucky her. I think that Justin could do better and we shall see once he is finished losing weight. He might drop some other kind of weight. I really think that all her pushing for marriage was scaring him away last season. 

Good for Tamika getting an evening anchoring job so that she could have more family time. She is very beautiful. I imagine her to be a handful for Barry. 

I’ll continue to watch for now. What is with all the boob display that these reality shows have? Is it the ladies dressing slutty or that the cameraman likes to zoom in? I didn’t care for the under-boob look. You are in the south. Dress demurely. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

also think that Reagan was wrong to bring up Tamika’s separation in front of her 10 year old. She won’t make a good attorney if she doesn’t think before opening her yapper. 

Not only the kids, though I bet the ten year old knows since the son would have been old enough to go and might have mentioned it, but Kelsey who she can’t stand and didn’t know.

Edited by biakbiak
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On 6/3/2019 at 6:45 PM, bichonblitz said:

I find it interesting, though, that they are trying to portray it as Jeff wanting out of the marriage. They said it more than once this episode. He is the one that wanted the split. He is happy, he is fine, they are best friends, they talk every day. Yeah, whatever you want us to think. Oh, and, one silly haircut does not qualify as a "makeover". 

I did not need to see Reagan's headless boyfriends naked ass in the shower. So we get to meet the ass before the face. I hoping the season gets better. 

More Roux, please.  

Right?  He was talking about making babies with her Season 1.  I wonder if that's the only way he would agree to film with her is if he made it sound like a mutual split or that he was the unhappy one.

I honestly don't blame Regan for the split.  It was obvious Season 1 that she was done with the marriage.  It would be awfully hard to live with someone who was volatile because of CTE.  I really hope he was able to get help as well.

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I also think that Reagan was wrong to bring up Tamika’s separation in front of her 10 year old. She won’t make a good attorney if she doesn’t think before opening her yapper. 

I think Tamika is the one who sucks.  It's none of her fucking business if her friends divorce their mates.  Save your righteous indignation on marriage being a choice when you almost divorced. 

I don't know how old their kid was, but seemingly they might've picked up on the separation if it was for a year? Seems like something they should be honest about with their kid. 

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Tamica makes absolutely everything about her. I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about Reagan, but during their whole lunch, all Tamica talked about how Reagan's break up affected her.

I think Kelsey and Justin may break up this season. I noticed in his talking heads Justin is talking about Kelsey in the past tense.

I'm excited for a new season of this--way better than the original recipe

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As annoying as Reagan is, I don’t blame her for ending the marriage regardless of the reasons.  You could tell she wasn’t in love with Jeff the first season but that she cares for him.  Jeff looked good in his talking heads with the hat on.  Maybe it’s the lighting but it looked like someone filled in his brows and trimmed his beard.

Tamica is the worst kind of person to argue/reason with because you don’t know what her triggers are and she misdirects her anger towards the wrong person or issue, but I like her family.

Jon is still ridiculous as ever.  What was that fuzzy jacket over his swim trunks and no shirt?  His confidence is...entertaining?

Kelsey was a bit much at the party but she seems sweet and harmless.  Love Roux.

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On ‎6‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 3:51 PM, Mindthinkr said:

I didn’t think that Jeff-free had that much of a makeover, but if Moody helped him get back his confidence then I’m happy for him. He was right telling Reagan that she no longer needs to check on him. I think she left the party because Jeff-free got there and was getting more attention than she was. That’s besides the point that she had a naked man in her new place waiting for her. Freshly showered. I also noticed that a lot of the cast seemed to be wearing her Florentine door knocker jewelry. I wonder where her store will be located. I also think that Reagan was wrong to bring up Tamika’s separation in front of her 10 year old. She won’t make a good attorney if she doesn’t think before opening her yapper. 


It's in Canal Place.

Edited by SoTheresThat
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On 6/5/2019 at 9:41 AM, For Cereals said:

As annoying as Reagan is, I don’t blame her for ending the marriage regardless of the reasons.  You could tell she wasn’t in love with Jeff the first season but that she cares for him.  Jeff looked good in his talking heads with the hat on.  Maybe it’s the lighting but it looked like someone filled in his brows and trimmed his beard.

Tamica is the worst kind of person to argue/reason with because you don’t know what her triggers are and she misdirects her anger towards the wrong person or issue, but I like her family.

Jon is still ridiculous as ever.  What was that fuzzy jacket over his swim trunks and no shirt?  His confidence is...entertaining?

Kelsey was a bit much at the party but she seems sweet and harmless.  Love Roux.

Agree with almost all of this. The only point of divergence is I don't think Kelsey seems sweet. She seems to have not much personality at all. I kind of don't like her. But when I'm super honest with myself, I know it's because I find her SO anti-cute. I'm shallow.

Nonetheless, if I had just lost 30 pounds and got me some abs, I would show up everywhere butt ass nekkid too.

Edited by talktoomuch
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19 hours ago, SoTheresThat said:

It's in Canal Place.

That seems like a high rent place. That’s the area with Saks, Chanel and Gucci, right? I was just there (NOLA) last month. I would have looked for her store if I’d known it was there. If it is still there I will check next time. 

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

That seems like a high rent place. That’s the area with Saks, Chanel and Gucci, right? I was just there (NOLA) last month. I would have looked for her store if I’d known it was there. If it is still there I will check next time. 

That's the place.  High rent is right. 

And her shop is only open Thursday through Sunday from 12 to 5.  Monday through Wednesday is by appointment only.  I don't see how the store can support itself with those hours.  I guess her Bravo paycheck subsidizes it.

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I think that Kelsey went along with Justin's weight loss plan so as not to lose him.  She knows that he's not all there for her, and an in-shape Justin is going to be much harder to hold onto, if she's 30+ lbs. overweight.

I also think that he encouraged her so that, when he lets her go, she'll have a much better chance of meeting someone new.  

Tamika was right about her, in that she's so.....extra.  I found Kelsey to be one of those annoying people who has to speak up, just to speak up, afraid that if she doesn't chime in, she'll become irrelevant.....which she is.

She's just unfortunately not very attractive.  If she had a nose job and did something better with her hair, it would do wonders.  She does have a terrific body now though!

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 12:56 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Kelsey--poor Kelsey, she gets the home instead of the marriage, the (ridiculously cute) dog instead of the baby.  I'm glad she lost weight and all, but...honey, you don't look that good that you should show up to a pool party in a bikini and throw lightweight shade at the host who is 20x better looking than you. The amount of pink contouring makeup on that woman's body right under the bikini top, and around her abdominal region, must have caused at least a dozen CVS's to have to tell their customers they are all out of "Blushing Rage" for a year.  And I'm just going to put this out there, because it's how I feel...I think Justin is not marrying Kelsey because he wants to see where this weight loss journey is taking him.  I don't know whether Kelsey is a nice person in real life (I don't like her), but I find her extremely physically ugly in the face, like jarringly ugly, especially when she smiles and when she is in profile.  I noticed it in season one, and once it's seen, it can't be unseen.  I don't make the rules, but I do think that people who have aesthetic burdens--especially women--often have to work much harder to get what they want.  Justin may--consciously or subconsciously--be holding back that ring, because in the back of his mind he is wondering if he wants his spawn to have half the genetic makeup of this woman. I've heard people of both sexes vocalize this type of thing to people they really trust.  It's real.

This made me laugh out loud!  She really is jarringly ugly in the FACE!

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