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S05.E08: Chapter Eighty-Nine

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Jane is having a hard time dealing with Rafael avoiding her, so when an issue with Mateo comes up she uses it to get some face time. Rogelio turns to Jane for help when he learns his pilot is in trouble. Alba and Jorge enlist Xo's help to study for their upcoming immigration test. Meanwhile, Petra finally gets to the bottom of who has been terrorizing her.


Original air date: 5/15/19

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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This week on Jane the Virgin: A creepy stalker who ditched her brain damaged tortured husband in Montana without so much as a "hey, this must kind of suck for you" stalked her whiny ex around town after he kicked her out because she wanted to hang out with her presumed dead husband, who she eventually kicked to the curb anyway, and is now in the advanced stages of pouting. 

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Hahaha at the description of the episode. 

I actually enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Stalker Jane, why are you sooo sure about Rafael? 

At least Rafael was with his girls more this episode. 

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9 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

At least Rafael was with his girls more this episode. 

Well he is not with Jane, so he has time to focus on someone else besides her.

I liked it mostly because Jane spent a lot of it with her family.

But I am highly suspicious that Jane with the way that she organizes everything and lists for everything and is super attentive with Mateo, did not pick up that he was struggling with his reading. She is a writer who loves reading and was also a teacher.

I still find Mateo to be insufferable.

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You know Jane and Raf are on the outs because he is actually spending time with his daughters! Normally they are kind of his backup family, but now they've been promoted!

I know we are supposed to have moved on, but it still just depresses me thinking about Michael all alone in Montana dealing with his trauma and brain damage, knowing his wife no longer loves him and is off chasing another guy, and his family with her (Rogelio, Mateo, etc) have all apparently totally forgotten him, even with all these hijinks on the show. I know the show will probably have him show up again for the finale having gotten married to that rancher women or something, but its clear he isnt over Jane, and probably never will be. I know this show has always been a J/R endgame on some level, but this is an awful way to end things for them.

I did enjoy Jane and Rogelio having a plot together for the first time in ages, its good to see their bond some more, and the show becoming some kind of angsty space drama is hilariously on point for stupid network notes. It also didnt involve the stupid love triangle...

Really, in this plot, neither Raf or Jane come off very well. Jane ditched her husband who still loves her for a guy who has told her countless time he no longer wants her, and will hardly be in the same room with her, and is asking like a creep (I did like the "what if you were a guy" bit) refusing to give him space, and Raf is acting like like a petulant jerk, blowing up at her, being unable to even talk to her when it comes to their son, even after she told him she dumped Michael, and is just acting petty and annoying, and both Jane AND Raf are so busy stalking/pouting that they basically forgot about their son and his problems, of which he has many. 

I hope Petra and JR get back together soon, I think they can get past this. The girls just need to have it explained to them what happened in a way they can understand, and get used to her as a good person.

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I really enjoyed the episode. It was nice to see Jane having to work at something in her romantic life. She's never had to pursue anyone before and its definitely hit and miss with her somewhat overbearing personality. Thought male Jane was comedy gold.

I'm not sure where either Jane or Rafael were petulant jerks. They seemed to coparent for Mateo just fine with some progress in the end.

Rafael justifiably got angry at Jane when she almost got him fired with her romantic gesture after he was very clear about where he stood in regards to their relationship right now.

I'm not sure why everyone thinks that Rafael doesn't spend anytime with the twins? He coparents with Petra on a regular basis and he made sure that that he would have room for them in his house. The show is from Jane's pov, so of course Mateo is the focus.

I'm so glad Alba and Jorge finally were able to get together. Thought their interviews were very sweet.

So happy Rogelio called Jane out on being self-centered. I think this is all stuff she needs to hear to grow a little.

I don't miss Michael or the triangle. Never did really. It was nice to refocus on other parts of the show.

Edited by blugirlami21
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I'm glad that Xo told Jane that she needs to respect Raf's boundaries and leave him alone. I get that you can't help how you feel, but you CAN control your actions and that means not parking outside of his apartment to spy on him. Get a grip, Jane.

Mateo is obviously acting out if he's karate chopping everything in sight when he gets upset. Maybe he needs a therapist too.

Jane was so out of line with that picnic. One of the things I LOATHE on tv shows and in movies is when people think it's acceptable to just show up at someone else's place of work. That is NOT okay! From the Bravermans constantly showing up at each other's workplaces to have personal conversations to Ross going to Rachel's office, none of that is acceptable in a real workplace. I hope Raf doesn't get fired, but I am glad that finally a tv show portrayed it as totally unacceptable.

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7 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

I'm not sure why everyone thinks that Rafael doesn't spend anytime with the twins? He coparents with Petra on a regular basis and he made sure that that he would have room for them in his house. The show is from Jane's pov, so of course Mateo is the focus.

I think it is mostly because we don't see Raf co-parenting alone with Petra all that much.  This was a nice change. As you said, the show is about Jane, so maybe it is unfair to expect to see a lot of other characters' POVs but I enjoyed seeing it this time around. 

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Jane was so out of line with that picnic. One of the things I LOATHE on tv shows and in movies is when people think it's acceptable to just show up at someone else's place of work. That is NOT okay! From the Bravermans constantly showing up at each other's workplaces to have personal conversations to Ross going to Rachel's office, none of that is acceptable in a real workplace. I hope Raf doesn't get fired, but I am glad that finally a tv show portrayed it as totally unacceptable.

In Jane's defense, misguided though her attempt was, she thought he was going to be alone because he told her that he was going to the house alone to take some pictures for the showing. Still not the best time or place to do something like that, but it's not like she did it intentionally. 

And it tracks with the earlier episode when he was going to take her on a date to one of the waterfront homes they were showing and sit on the veranda and drink wine. 

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So, I watched, only because there was nothing else to watch last night.

8 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

I'm not sure why everyone thinks that Rafael doesn't spend anytime with the twins? He coparents with Petra on a regular basis and he made sure that that he would have room for them in his house. The show is from Jane's pov, so of course Mateo is the focus.

Well, it was nice to see the twins with Rafael for more than a scene. Typically, it seems like it's a chore for Rafael to spend any time with them since he's too busy parenting Mateo. I feel like they could showcase Rafael with the twins more. Just because it's Jane's show, doesn't mean that they shouldn't show Rafael's relationship with his other children. Much like how we've gotten a whole bunch of Alba and Jorge. It's just nice when they can showcase other characters, and they do do it a lot. 

So, yeah, I'm kind of on Rafael's side, but at least the show also kind of showed that we were supposed to be. Jane meant well, but she totally misread the signs and she should have also not gone while he was at work. She knew he was still working, even if he was alone, and it was really inappropriate to just show up. I know Rafael pointed that out and Jane admitted that she was wrong. It was still frustrating to watch. It's also because Jane has been self centered in this regard plenty of times before. She doesn't really seem to learn. 

What was also frustrating? Neither Jane nor Rafael realized that Mateo was behind on reading. It goes to show how distracted they've both been. But Mateo's also been consistent with being a child who acts out or is simply behind. It is nice, in that sense, to see that Jane/Rafael aren't perfect parents and that they still struggle with caring for their son. But man, that kid probably needs to see a therapist. 

I'm neutral still on Petra/JR. I don't love them nor hate them together. But it was nice to see Petra putting her kids first and it was nice to hear JR say that she wants to try with the twins. 

I did get a good laugh out of the Justin Hartley cameo, followed by the narrator exclaiming that Justin doesn't do cameos.

Of course, I did miss Michael but with how easily they slipped back into the show as if Michael was never a factor for the first seven episodes, it does make me more sad at how they've treated him and how they can easily pluck him out of the show this time and treat him like a non-important character. But hey, I should have prepared myself more for that. 

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It waa also annoying to then have Jane writing that proposal for Rogelio  without any acknowledgement of the parallel between Jane's real life and the telenovela. Rogelio's character had been gone for years and has amnesia. Despite that, the wife is never going to give up on him and she stills loves him no matter how much time had past.

I could even take Jane saying to herself that doesn't sometimes happen in real life. Instead she is thinking about her and Rafael as she writes about the love story of the amnesiac and his loving wide.

Edited by nilyank
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17 hours ago, nilyank said:

I still find Mateo to be insufferable.

I like that choice by the writers. He has been shown as whinny, petulant, acting out and less than stellar academically. There are plenty of kids like that.

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22 minutes ago, khyber said:

I like that choice by the writers. He has been shown as whinny, petulant, acting out and less than stellar academically. There are plenty of kids like that.

I never thought of it that way, and I find that I agree with you.  That said . . . Mateo *is* insufferable!  But considering what he's gone through in his short life ~ not to mention the way Jane treats him like a little prince ~ it's quite understandable.

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the good:  seeing Alba so happy, and as always seeing the women in Jane's family support each other.

the bad: how utterly annoying Jane was with the stalking, and no Brooke Shields.   

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I thought this episode was thoroughly meh. I think at this point I only truly enjoy watching the twins. I really like how those little girls act. And lol at the comparison: while Mateo can't even read yet, the girls come up with complicated plans to break up Petra and JR, which include breaking into Petra's email account and writing emails, among other things. 😂 Again, love them. Hope to see more of them and less of Mateo. Or maybe seeing NO Mateo, that would be great.

I liked that Alba and Jorge got together. But I thought that the way Alba keep saying that after the last interview they could go their separate ways was just... odd. If they ONLY stayed together until he got his status sorted, that would be super suspicious to anyone with eyes, no?

And there's nothing as romantic as seeing Jane grovel to her One True Love™ over and over, while he tells her to fuck off. Super romantic. *swoon* #not

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22 hours ago, funnygirl said:

In Jane's defense, misguided though her attempt was, she thought he was going to be alone because he told her that he was going to the house alone to take some pictures for the showing. Still not the best time or place to do something like that, but it's not like she did it intentionally. 

And it tracks with the earlier episode when he was going to take her on a date to one of the waterfront homes they were showing and sit on the veranda and drink wine. 

She also did this earlier in the season when he first got the job. She just ran in there with some speech. She also did to Micheal at the police station once of twice that I can remember. I guess we just have to chalk it up to “Jane’s hijinks”. Lol geez this show! 

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It says something that even though I watch Riverdale on Wednesday nights and it comes on right before JtV, it still takes me until Friday to watch JtV. Hahahahahaha

Here’s why I never appreciated the talks about Raf not spending time with the twins. Have y’all met those twins? They are QUEENS of shade and one-liners. You think they wouldn’t have said something during pick up/drop off or whenever they interact (like “long time no see Daddio”). Look at how quick they delivered the news about the “drugs” or blatantly telling Jane that their dad is straight up avoiding her. LMAO those girls are freaking hilarious sry. Get them booked! 

I’m so confused about the Mateo reading plot. On the parent’s side, why are the parents NOW hearing about this? I feel this could’ve at least been a letter home or discussed at a parent conference before this situation since it seems like this has been an ongoing problem. Maybe this isn’t done in all states. Idk.

I started to be confused that no one in the family picked up on this but between Jane treating Mr. Sweetface as the prince that was chosen, her general idea that Mateo would somehow just inherit her love of reading, and my assumption that they just didn’t expect Mateo to have any problems AT ALL (because what can be wrong with a prince?), I kind of expected something like this. Also, didn’t he have an aid at the other school?? So, what happened with that? 

Her stalking was ridiculous and expected as well. I have even seen episodes from earlier seasons where Raf was forceful and outward in his gestures and forums would be ablaze about his need to be so outlandish and never listen to her needs. Thanks to Xo who put Jane in check about the role reversal. Sidenote: I really think they are gonna kill Xo. I can’t keep thinking this will happen and I’m sad. It’s life though I guess. Fuck cancer!!

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First, no matter how distracted, I don't buy that Jane wouldn't realize Mateo wasn't reading at the appropriate level. Second, how does rhyming words on flashcards have anything to do with being able to sound out and read words and really understand the crazy grammar English is prone to? Red, read. Stake, steak. Bye, buy, by.  Better to simply read books with the kid and have him read the story back to you. I believe that's how reading is truly absorbed--by loving stories enough to want to know more. Also, I think he'll probably be diagnosed with dyslexia.

I love the twins. Want more of their snide, sarcastic, and clever comments that they manage to drop without seeming overly snotty. 

Can we pretend Michael never came back to life? That was such a fiasco. And can we pretend that Jorge is more interesting? And can we have Jane end up with no one at the end of the show? Xo will likely die, that that will be the HUGE thing that affects everyone and also brings Rafael back to Jane's side. It's been telegraphed like crazy IMO.

Edited by BonnieD
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3 hours ago, CerealKiller813 said:

I started to be confused that no one in the family picked up on this but between Jane treating Mr. Sweetface as the prince that was chosen, her general idea that Mateo would somehow just inherit her love of reading, and my assumption that they just didn’t expect Mateo to have any problems AT ALL (because what can be wrong with a prince?), I kind of expected something like this. Also, didn’t he have an aid at the other school?? So, what happened with that?

I thought they should have known that he was struggling simply by helping him with his homework. It was odd that they had no idea until the teacher told them.

And yes, I too sometimes fear that they will kill off Xo. DON'T YOU DARE, SHOW.

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Well this episode makes me feel a lot better about Jetra since JR is willing to put in effort 1st and only bow out if her presence just further harms the girls. 

Jane the stalker had me cringing. I almost couldn't even watch the full episode. Though when Rafael invited her for breakfast I too thought he was interested in trying again. Considering Jane's behavior he probably should have foresaw her reading more into it and made it clear that this was only about Mateo. 

Mateo is a brat. I keep seeing the possibility of him having ADHD and while it would explain his lack of focus it would not excuse his Karate chopping the cards repeatedly when he knows he should not.  

I am glad Xo got firm with Jane. Someone needed to reel her in. 

This episode left me wishing they had done a short final season. Then they could have avoided the whole Michael/Jason debacle.

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48 minutes ago, miasth said:

I am glad Xo got firm with Jane. Someone needed to reel her in. 

I liked that Rogelio also assisted with keeping Jane in line before she got carried away with texting.

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Minority opinions:

  1. I don't like the Twins. They seem like little know it all brats to me. I also don't think snide/sarcastic remarks from little kids is cute like at all. 
  2. Michael should have stayed dead.

I'm only half paying attention when watching this show anymore.

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The porch swing scene, where Alba says how she spent so long trying to fix Xo that she didn’t realize what a wonderful daughter she is.... sob! Beautiful scene.*

*that I’m probably summarizing incorrectly, which doesn’t negate what a wonderful scene it was.

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On 5/16/2019 at 9:29 AM, nilyank said:

It waa also annoying to then have Jane writing that proposal for Rogelio  without any acknowledgement of the parallel between Jane's real life and the telenovela. Rogelio's character had been gone for years and has amnesia. Despite that, the wife is never going to give up on him and she stills loves him no matter how much time had past.

I could even take Jane saying to herself that doesn't sometimes happen in real life. Instead she is thinking about her and Rafael as she writes about the love story of the amnesiac and his loving wide.

But that always been the theme, though. Jane and Rafael going through all this shit just to find their way back to each other. Which is very telenovela which this is. *In my LLN voice* 

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On 5/18/2019 at 3:15 AM, truebluesmoky said:

I don’t normally like child characters like the twins, but they are such perfect mini Petras with their lines and attitudes that it totally fits for me in this show.

Same! Their characterisation makes so much sense considering who their mother is! Also glad that JR is making an effort (without being pushy) instead of just having that relationship end.

The dialogue about the poor parrot was hilarious 😂- "I set the bird free".

Edited by Olivia Y
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On 5/17/2019 at 7:45 PM, SoMuchTV said:

I'm thinking Mateo has dyslexia or some other LD, and really wondering why someone, especially his teacher, doesn't think some screening is called for.

Or maybe he's just reacting to the constant chaos around him? I'm still wondering how he recognized Michael at the hotel, considering he was a baby when Michael died. Unless Jane did something ridiculous like raising Mateo from infancy with photos of Michael. 

I really don't understand where Rafael is coming from in the way he's treating Jane. Even the Jafael shopper must be having a hard time with this, since his behavior toward her is so cold.

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56 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

Or maybe he's just reacting to the constant chaos around him? I'm still wondering how he recognized Michael at the hotel, considering he was a baby when Michael died. Unless Jane did something ridiculous like raising Mateo from infancy with photos of Michael. 

This has been bugging me all season. Mateo was tiny when Michael died. Why would he have that much awareness of Michael and Michael's role in his life, especially when Rafael has been present the whole time? Jane would have had to have photos around and talked about Michael all the time for Mateo to care that much.

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3 hours ago, Jillybean said:

Or maybe he's just reacting to the constant chaos around him? I'm still wondering how he recognized Michael at the hotel, considering he was a baby when Michael died. Unless Jane did something ridiculous like raising Mateo from infancy with photos of Michael. 

I really don't understand where Rafael is coming from in the way he's treating Jane. Even the Jafael shopper must be having a hard time with this, since his behavior toward her is so cold.

I hadn’t  even considered that about Mateo’s age when Michael died. That is weird. 

Maybe Jorge’s realization about his pride will inspire Raf to move on with Jane. 

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On 5/17/2019 at 12:11 PM, natyxg said:

I thought they should have known that he was struggling simply by helping him with his homework. It was odd that they had no idea until the teacher told them.

Help with homework? Foreign idea to me. Parents should make sure kids do homework, but not help. The idea of homework is for the kid to practice what was taught that day. Plus, he's quite young to have homework yet. I realize that it starts much earlier than it did with me (none until 7th grade), but still. 

On 5/17/2019 at 6:15 PM, miasth said:

This episode left me wishing they had done a short final season. Then they could have avoided the whole Michael/Jason debacle.

Yes, I would preferred that to having my heart broken watching Jane leave Michael. This episode was what I expected, a whole "Michael who?"

But didn't we have a glimpse of Michael way back? He talked with Rafael behind the hotel. Of course, that doesn't fit with this season's plot that he was in Montana the whole time. But I thought many of us predicted he hadn't died based on that scene.

On 5/16/2019 at 1:27 AM, blugirlami21 said:

I don't miss Michael or the triangle.

I miss Michael and never needed the triangle -- Michael and Jane forever!

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Or maybe he's just reacting to the constant chaos around him? I'm still wondering how he recognized Michael at the hotel, considering he was a baby when Michael died. Unless Jane did something ridiculous like raising Mateo from infancy with photos of Michael. 

I really don't understand where Rafael is coming from in the way he's treating Jane. Even the Jafael shopper must be having a hard time with this, since his behavior toward her is so cold.

I don't find it so weird.  People talk about dead relatives with their kids all the time.  They also showed us in flashback that they visited Michael's grave every year.  I can't imagine that she wouldn't explain who Michael was or why they were there.

Most Jafael fans are fine with what is going on with Jane and Rafael from what I see.  I include myself in that.  I don't really see it as him being cold to Jane.  He is friendly and helpful when they are co-parenting.  He doesn't hesitate to text or meet up with her to make it easier for them to parent Mateo together.  He just wants Jane to respect his boundaries.  Which she had to be told over and over by multiple people in this episode before she got on board.  Rafael doesn't owe Jane anything in vice versa.  Actions have consequences.


I miss Michael and never needed the triangle -- Michael and Jane forever!

Hey to each their own.  I've just never been a fan of his at all.

Edited by blugirlami21
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