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S33.E14: The Waterboy

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Episode title: "The Waterboy." The main takeaway: Paulie gets purged after repeatedly slamming into the water. Even for BMP, that's harsh. I mean, Paulie is probably going to be a mainstay, so the title seems mean-spirited.

How brutal was Paulie's run? I felt bad for him. I'm thinking the other guys had the same thought: "I wanted him to lose, but I didn't want this." As far as painful fails go, this would rank with Sarah slamming into the mountainside in the penultimate mission of The Gauntlet. I don't like Paulie. I don't like his relationship with Cara Maria. I didn't want him to win . . . but seeing his chances dwindle and his girlfriend ugly cry? I felt bad.

If you think I'm getting soft, I don't want Cara to win. She gets the $750K, Paulie gets a good chunk of that, either in money or gift form.

Damn, that was a brutal fucking mission. That's two in a row, and the finale looks to be as intense (50 miles?!?) I also feel bad for Da'vonne going out after Mattie gave her an opening. Natalie faltering was surprising . . . your typical ANW course is a lot more intricate, but I'd figure she'd get through it without falling.

Eight players left, and only three veterans are there. They have five combined titles, but the feeling is that a rookie could win it all. That hasn't happened since "COUSIN!" Jamie Banks won with Cara Maria on BOTB.

Edited by Lantern7
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I’m clearly heartless. Paulie losing spectacularly and then crying in his talking head made this entire season for me. I just wish Davonne had made the final and Ninja would have somehow lost this one. I have a sneaky feeling Wes might win this thing. And I’m good with that. I like Georgia and Mattie too. Just not rooting at all for Cara or Ninja. 

  • Love 9

I am not sentimental about these performers, and I am glad as all getout that Paulie crapped out.  Seeing he and Cara cry is just icing on the cake.  They have been just cringeworthy all season long.  I can only hope they break up in the off-season so she can hate on him like she has to Kyle in some future season (though, I really think she ought to retire and get on with real life).

  • Love 6

I am happy that Paulie won't be in the final, but that was pretty rough to watch. However, his sobbing about having failed etc. etc. was pretty over the top. Especially since that had to have been filmed at some remove from this, right? He held it together pretty well when he was actually being sent away. I wish they had said how much time they were given to complete the mission. Paulie must have gone incredibly fast to have fallen two (three?) times on the rope swinging part and then three more times from the top of the net in the same amount of time it took Mattie to fall once from the rope.

Oh, Da'Vonne. So close! I hope she comes back, provided she can maintain her spirit.

I'm rooting for Wes, and I think he has a shot (if Turbo, like, dies). I would also be fine with Georgia or Mattie winning. Probably Theo or Turbo as well, although Turbo has not been edited kindly the past couple of episodes.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

Is it just me or does Turbo seem like an asshole these past few episodes?

Not just you and I don't think it is editing. He cruised through most of the season. There was only two times when people did things he didn't like and both times his response was so over the top. From Hunter saying he could beat him to the girls yelling at him. His response to both was so over the top I really don't want to see if someone actually pulled some of the stunts on him that has been pulled on just about every castmate over the years. 

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I’m clearly heartless. Paulie losing spectacularly and then crying in his talking head made this entire season for me. I just wish Davonne had made the final and Ninja would have somehow lost this one. I have a sneaky feeling Wes might win this thing. And I’m good with that. I like Georgia and Mattie too. Just not rooting at all for Cara or Ninja. 

I am equally heartless and not even a little sorry. I had plans last night and haven't watched the episode yet; just the gif of him crying that I saw on Twitter has me CACKLING in delicious, anticipatory glee. The episode title is also schadenfreude gold.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I’m clearly heartless. Paulie losing spectacularly and then crying in his talking head made this entire season for me

52 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I am equally heartless and not even a little sorry. I had plans last night and haven't watched the episode yet; just the gif of him crying that I saw on Twitter has me CACKLING in delicious, anticipatory glee. The episode title is also schadenfreude gold.

I'm joining y'all at the heartless table in the VIP section.  That entire thing was glorious.  Especially after right at the beginning he said something about how he can't believe he'll be in finals with his girlfriend.  I looked at the screen and said to no one, "oh this should be good...."  And it didn't disappoint.  And cap that off with a perfectly delivered deadpan from TJ, "Ya just couldn't do.  This ends your time here."

ryan gosling lol GIF
7 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

Is it just me or does Turbo seem like an asshole these past few episodes? I haven't been keeping up with the forums so I don't know people's opinions on him.

Naw, it's not just you.  I would hate to see what happens when someone bumps into him on a crowded street.  Dee and Ninjas were dicks to him, but he's acting like they threw his baby off a cliff or something and he's finally getting retribution for him destroying his family.  Me thinks he's watched one too many Steven Seagall movies.  

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, xfuse said:

Not just you and I don't think it is editing. He cruised through most of the season. There was only two times when people did things he didn't like and both times his response was so over the top. From Hunter saying he could beat him to the girls yelling at him. His response to both was so over the top I really don't want to see if someone actually pulled some of the stunts on him that has been pulled on just about every castmate over the years. 

Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who's losing a little bit of their love for Turbo. Like I got why he was pissed at the girls but his whole you're dead to me thing has been a bit much. He threatened to break Hunter's arm the day after their tiff but still wouldn't put him into the elimination challenge. But with the girls he seems to want to make them pay for the rest of their lives. Dude, it was a shitty argument.

Paulie crying made me laugh. I'm not sorry. I wanted to him to get Kyle out but then I wanted him to be gone next so that was well done. Maybe if he hadn't dove in head first and tried to rush it he would have been ok.

  • Love 4

That challenge was all about pacing yourself and nailing the rope swing. Paulie going first and being the only one to go balls to the wall hurt him. Plus the dive head first was just stupid. I almost felt sorry for him, but then I remembered who he was and how annoying he and Cara have been. I took delight in his crying as well. See ya, Paulie! 

I’m happy with anyone winning, outside of Cara and Ninja. 

A 50 mile course favors Georgia, IMO. If it is endurance based, I really could see her winning.

I’m rooting for Wes. I’m pretty sure it’s his first individual final since winning ‘The Duel’. I just hope there is a water challenge in the final. That is his biggest chance to build a lead. 

Turbo is probably the big favorite. He seems like he can do it all. I was disappointed to not see him do the challenge in this episode. It seems like something he would have crushed. 

My rankings for the final:

1. Turbo

2. Georgia 

3. Wes

4. Ninja

5. Theo

6. Cara

7. Hunter

8. Mattie

  • Love 4

Am I the only one who feels bad for Hunter?  Ashley never would have won without hunter and she stole that money right out from under him, and had the nerve to blame his “bad behavior”. Please.  Her behavior is ten times worse.   I hope Hunter wins and finally gets some money.  It’s not that I love him, he’s too hotheaded, but he is a pretty good competitor and I would like to see him finally leave a challenge with some money

The one I DO love is Wes, and he deserves the win, he’s so proficient mentally and physically.  I won’t be mad if he wins, but I just feel for Hunter and he needs it more.

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

I have a sneaky feeling Wes might win this thing.

I was coming here to ask is there any way Wes isn't winning this thing. He's had the definition of a "winner's edit," to me: the narrator, the ongoing arcs (Wes vs Bananas, Wes vs Bear), how he actually has a strategy that isn't "you talked behind my back that one time." He hasn't been made to look ridiculous (hi, Georgia and Cara Maria) or excessively self-doubting (yo, Hunter) or borderline psychotic ('sup, Turbo) or the human equivalent of the shruggie emoji (hey there, Theo, Ninja). The only other one I could potentially see winning is Mattie, but she was practically invisible during the partner portion of the show.

If Wes was on Survivor, he'd be the winner for sure. But I don't know how editing on The Challenge goes. I like him, though, 'cause he has a brain in his head -- so I'd be cool if he won.

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It was painful watching Paulie try to get through that challenge but for some reason, I couldn't stop giggling when he was crying when he didn't make it. I like Cara when she is Cara, not when she is CaraPaulieMaria. 

If I had to pick a male I want to win - Wes... female - Cara. Rookie - Turbo. I would also love to see Turbo play our version of Survivor. 

Ninja Nat has been on my last nerve all season. She reminds me of a Sponge Bob character but I don't know who. 

  • LOL 1
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Does Dayvonne have a daughter? Because I'm not sure if she mentioned it.🙄

I really hate that the challengers can watch each other during missions like this, because the person who goes first is at such an unfair disadvantage. I bet that most of the other male competitors would have also tried to speed through the course, only to end up struggling like Paulie did.

I don't hate Paulie and Cara, but I kind of wish I did during this episode. It must have been glorious for those of you who dislike them to watch him struggle (and her ugly cry) like that. 🤣

I'm enjoying this season, and don't want it to end. But, I think if they had stretched it out, it wouldn't have been as enjoyable, so I can't really complain. Onto the final! I hope it's brutal. 

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Rbonnie said:

Ashley never would have won without hunter and she stole that money right out from under him,

Ashley did not steal the money from Hunter, she just didn't share it. It annoys me every time he says that she stole the money from him. It wasn't his money. The rules of the game was simply that whoever had the best time gets to decide and she decided not to do it.

Personally I think that both her and Johnny made a stupid decision because people are less willing to work with you after proving that you are all  in it for yourself. Now if she retired from the game then it would have made sense.

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

A 50 mile course favors Georgia, IMO. If it is endurance based, I really could see her winning.

What is it about Georgia's background that makes her so good at endurance/running? I don't know anything about her and I don't remember them really talking about why she's good at that stuff just that she is good at it. Like is she a former track athlete or something?

I felt bad for Paulie because that was really rough, but I still laughed when he was bawling in the confessional. What a baby! It brought back memories of him crying over having to make pies on BB. Good times!

Yea, Turbo is actually kind of an asshole. I figured that was coming, since no one ever on this show doesn't suck at some point lol. 

I think there's about a 98% chance the winner is Wes or Turbo. I'm hoping for Georgia to win though. But I also wouldn't mind seeing Mattie or Theo win. As long as Hunter or Cara doesn't win, I'm good.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, xfuse said:

Ashley did not steal the money from Hunter, she just didn't share it. It annoys me every time he says that she stole the money from him. It wasn't his money. The rules of the game was simply that whoever had the best time gets to decide and she decided not to do it.

Personally I think that both her and Johnny made a stupid decision because people are less willing to work with you after proving that you are all  in it for yourself. Now if she retired from the game then it would have made sense.

I get it but still it does feel like she stole it.  Had the rules been known beforehand then it would be ok, one wins, one loses.  Had the rules been known beforehand he would have played it differently,  Had the rules been known beforehand he certainly would have demolished her time, he certainly wouldn’t have helped her where she failed...

But going into this, from day one to the very last minute, they believed they were sharing the prize.  When she was told she came in faster (I wish producers would show us the times) she was given the choice to let him keep his half and she chose not to.  That feels like stealing to me. Hunter did not kill himself so that her family could keep it all.  He fought hard so his family could enjoy his prize winnings 

Agree that politically it’s not worth it 

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I want to know what metric was used to eliminate Da’Vonne. Did Mattie climb farther up the net? Did she reach the net first? I’m not suggesting shenanigans, but I probably missed the explanation if there was one.

My understanding (based on Wes's speculation of how they were scoring) is that Mattie and Da'Vonne failed at the same part (swinging across on the rope), but Mattie was faster getting there.

  • Love 2

Not on the Turbo is an asshole train.  He is a shade dramatic but I can live with that.  The worst thing he’s done in my mind was be allied with Paulie.  He seems to have forgiven Ninja.  That might have been because her apology seemed genuine in contrast to that phony Dee who only apologized after Turbo was in the tribunal and had an input on her fate.

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Day is a competitor. She's done enough in my books to not be overlooked. She constantly gets chosen because she seems like the weakest link but what she lacks in size or even muscle, she makes up for in heart and hustle. Felt bad for her that she had to leave so soon after to fighting for her survival.

I had one small moment of feeling bad for Paulie when he was in the ambulance but after watching Wes crush it right after him, my immediate thought was that Paulie needed that slice of humble pie served to him. He's cocky as hell.  Watching Paulie and his ego driven tears and Cara with her stupid tears, it was glorious to watch. Every last drop.

I wonder what a challenge with Paulie and Jordan Wisely would look like Jordan is cocky but there's a swagger to him that I didn't find annoying...then again, I've never been convinced that Jordan is a manipulative narcissist.

Damn, based on the previews, sounds like the legit finales are making a return. A 50 mile long final? I would only consider this if I was allowed to at least use a golf cart, lol.

  • Love 5

I feel bad for Paulie because he did a great job all season and messed up on the last challenge before the final. That must suck!

Da’vonne has so much heart and people underestimate her all the time. Wish she had made it to the final.

I honestly don’t dislike anyone left. I’d be fine with anyone winning at this point, but my favorites are Cara, Turbo, Theo, and Georgia. This final looks like a legit difficult one like on past seasons so I’m looking forward to seeing how it ends.

I was laughing at them sobbing.

Paulies a good athlete but not the best.  Reason he won most of the challenges is Ninja, though Georgia is great too.

Cara talk8ng head:  Hunter will never make that swing, his arms are shot and he’s too heavy.

Very next cut Hunter makes it across.

Cara better hope there are puzzles because she can’t run with Ninja and Georgia.

I don’t know if Luke is an endurance athlete at all.

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