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S09.E17: Checks and Balances

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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I do think she is making a lot of money with her hair products.  She's ugly inside and out but she does have beautiful hair.

Okay, here's my beef with "celebrity" products:  Kail has always had beautiful hair, and unless she's been mixing this Pothead stuff up on her own since she was little, what actually has been the source of her beautiful hair is (1) genes and (2) whatever she's been using all along, not this recent concoction.  Because to my eyes, her hair isn't noticeably more beautiful than it was when she was poor and using drug store stuff.



why oh why doesn't she have those moles on her face removed. 

I couldn't agree more.  I understand that her butt enhancement was free, but I really think removing the moles should have been a higher priority.  Might even be covered by health insurance.  But well worth the money even if out of pocket.

But I have a thing about facial moles.

  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Okay, thank you. There's just something about Jo's demeanor that's so....sloth-like. Cory, Jeremy, Cole and Javi all give off an active, "I get up daily and provide services in exchange for a paycheck" vibe. Jo does not. I know people say he flips houses, but we've seen zero evidence of that. You'd think an individual appearing on national tv would use that ace in the hole to promote his business, but no, nada. I don't buy it.

Amber and Matt flipped houses too...ha ha.

  • LOL 7

I don't get why Kail is so pissed she had to pay back the child  support she basically STOLE from Jo for 14 months!  She'd be screaming for the money back herself if the tables were turned.

Sooo Kail's uprooting Isaac and Linc, moving them away from  their friends, school, sports  teams, moving them farther away from their dads, so she can be closer to Chris to more easily stalk him. Got it. If he doesn't make the effort to see her now moving closer isn't going to  change that. She's too dumb to realize distance isn't the issue. She was an easy lay who trapped him into a baby and now he only want to do the minimum necessary as a father and maybe, while he's in between fucks, tap her for another easy lay.

As someone who has built both a production-builder home (big mistake!) and an actual "custom built" home I can tell you what Kail is building is a low quality production-builder home, the kind where you pick out a lot in a subdivision, pick out a house plan ONLY from the few the builder provides and maybe make a few changes and pick out your finishes from ONLY what choices the builder offers. She's trying to play like she's some big shot doing a "custom build" when the reality is she's building a production builder home, which are significantly lower quality. They may look nice on the outside but the construction standards are much lower quality than a true custom home and things fall apart fast. Guess that won't matter to Kail since she's only about outside appearances anyway.  The guy who was at the lot with her and was referred to as a realtor was either a salesman for the production builder company or the realtor who gave her the lead to this particular production builder. When you do a true high end custom build the builder himself or perhaps one of his construction managers is the person who meets you at the lot and goes over timeline, etc, not a realtor. What a pathetic posuer, lol.

If she weren't such an irresponsible slob she would, after being on this show for 10 yrs, have no need for a mortgage on a house. She should have enough money to pay cash.

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As a young child, I also put my dad on the spot about why he left my mom and I also wished my parents would get back together, so I sympathize with Addie a little. 

I laughed at Devoin saying the doll he brought over for Nova had "Michael Myers hair." That doll was a bit creepy, but good on Devoin for bringing it over if it's something Nova wanted. And him helping Nova put together that poster board.

  • Love 8
17 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Okay, thank you. There's just something about Jo's demeanor that's so....sloth-like. Cory, Jeremy, Cole and Javi all give off an active, "I get up daily and provide services in exchange for a paycheck" vibe. Jo does not. I know people say he flips houses, but we've seen zero evidence of that. You'd think an individual appearing on national tv would use that ace in the hole to promote his business, but no, nada. I don't buy it.

Thank you!!! I said Jo wasn't a hard worker once and got flamed lol. If this show had never happened, Jo would TOTALLY be the guy who grew up with money, whom you expected to go places, but is currently single and working a minimum wage job. That is exactly the story of "my Adam!" Has an advanced degree, and has never even tried to find a job in that field because he's lazy, and his minimum wage job is easier. We all make our own choices in life, but why waste your parents' money on that much schooling, and then more of their money because you can't afford to move out (and live in style) on your minimum wage salary! I just totally see Jo being that guy, too. You'd go back to your hometown and see Janet or Eddy at the grocery store, and think, "poor thing! I bet they're buying tons of food for their son, spending their retirement funds. What HAPPENED with Jo?"

I think Jo would be a good friend, and he's a great dad, and maybe should have gone the Chelsea / Leah route of finding someone to support him so he could be a stay-at-home parent. The trouble is, fewer women are willing to do that, and I could see Jo thinking it was "un-manly" or something. Jo seems like the type whose ideal lifestyle is a very part time / bordering on pretend career, like rap was. If he were a female, he would totally be a SAHM who meddles in an MLM just to say he "does" something!

side note, don't mean to ramble on, but I have a Facebook friend who is a teacher, and she suddenly started these really militant posts about how she's a "work from home mom" and how that wasn't a problem, and everyone who thought it was needed to have a seat, or whatever. I was really confused. Was she doing an online school? How could she work from home as a teacher? Did she change careers? One day, someone commented and said, "you will never regret staying home with your children during these years!" and she thanked them, and said she thought staying home helped them. So basically, she is a SAHM, but trying to mislead people about it. Why not just admit it? Her kids are like 3 and 1, so nobody but the most ignorant would say, "yeah, you're doing nothing but watching soaps." Toddlers are work! I think she is miserable, though, as she's been talking about hating being home, and searching for a job for next year. I get the feeling her husband pressured her to stay home, but she wasn't cut out for it. But I see Jo happily being a stay-at-home parent, and saying he works from home, just to mislead people like that. He wants to look like he has a career without doing the work, while this girl actually wants a career. 

Edited by Christina87
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17 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I couldn't agree more.  I understand that her butt enhancement was free, but I really think removing the moles should have been a higher priority.  Might even be covered by health insurance.  But well worth the money even if out of pocket.

But I have a thing about facial moles.

Totally covered by insurance. All she has to do is go in and get them sliced off and pay her co-pay.   Easy peasy. 

Well maybe... I guess there's a pretty good chance she doesnt have insurance. 

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Totally covered by insurance. All she has to do is go in and get them sliced off and pay her co-pay.   Easy peasy. 

Well maybe... I guess there's a pretty good chance she doesnt have insurance. 

Many years ago, like maybe 20, I went in to see about getting a mole removed from my face.  It is just below my lower lip - my mom always called it a "beauty mark".  The doc I went to said the scar it would leave would be more unattractive than leaving the mole so I didn't do anything about it.  I would imagine there have been improvements in procedures since then but I've never asked again because of that.

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Hahahaha slightly O/T...but my last post about female Jo being in an MLM got me to thinking about which types of SAHM's doing MLM's the guys would be, and it was cracking me up, so I hope you'll be amused too!

Jo would be the SAHM who doesn't care about the MLM, but just signs up and makes a sale now and then just to say he "has a career."

Cole would be the SAHM who is all idealistic about the future of the MLM. He would constantly post things like, "I want to give my family the world, which is what they deserve! One day, when I sell enough, we will be millionaires at our beachfront vacation home, Chelsea won't have to work, and we will be so dam happy! I'm so fortunate to be apart of a company that can take you from ordinary to millionaire!" 

Jeremy would be the working mom who is nonchalant about the MLM, and is halfheartedly doing it to make some extra cash. He's be the rare one who got in at the beginning, and has a downline, so he'd just collect money that other people have made, but continue working too.

Corey would be the nice, hard-working regular person that got screwed over by the MLM. He would be a working mom looking for some extra income, without realizing his area was saturated with sellers, and would spend a lot of money on inventory and then sadly fold, in debt and wishing he'd never tried it.

Randy would be the head honcho, pink Cadillac driver, giving speeches at all the MLM conventions. 

David would be the one who bought inventory, couldn't sell it, and then threatened to blow the company up because he couldn't return it. Jenelle would be getting on every online reviewing place possible, and giving them bad reviews. 

Nathan would be the SAHM who pretends that he got rich off of the MLM, driving a fancy car and sporting fancy / trashy clothes and hair, that really he either went into debt for, or his well-off spouse paid for. He would be the SAHM barely supervising the kids at the pool, claiming he was "working" while really surfing Facebook. 

Javi would be the FREAKING ANNOYING SAHM that messages and cold calls everyone from high school, pestering them, trying to create a downline. He's the one you'd see a message from about an "amazing opportunity," and he'd even be tone deaf enough to message fat people personal messages about how his weight loss products would help them.

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On 5/6/2019 at 9:06 PM, A-Lo said:

As a middle-aged person who has gone to college and worked all my life, I am beyond disgusted that this show has enabled a lazy, piece-of-crap like Kail to be able to afford a 2 acre property in a very upscale neighborhood, on which she will no doubt build an enormous house.  There is really something wrong with this equation!

Word. I'll give Kail that she isn't the laziest of the Teen Moms (granted, the bar is not high here and I'm looking at her time on the show over several seasons when making that call, so including earlier seasons where worked & did school, etc) but she's definitely the most entitled.  The entitlement is the worst part, IMO.  

On 5/7/2019 at 12:24 PM, BitterApple said:

In Kail's case it's even more ridiculous because she's already living in a large, modern home with a big yard and pool. I'd understand the move if they were crammed in a tiny house on a busy street with nowhere for the kids to play, but her current set-up is perfectly fine. Kail also mentioned she sunk her entire life savings into PotHead, so if that's true then yes, she's blowing money as fast as she gets it.

PREACH. This is just plain old conspicuous consumption at its height (with a side helping of inconveniencing her exes by moving their kids farther away & moving closer to a dude's to be his occasional side piece). 

On 5/7/2019 at 11:05 AM, queenbee24 said:

I've had this issue with Kail more than anyone else (except maybe Farrah but she at least has other ways of making cash). Kail spends and spends and spends. We've yet to see her launch anything that seems successful like some of the others have done. I don't think she does many speaking engagements. All of her money seems to be from TM2 and she is spending it as fast as it comes in. All 3 of her baby daddies could push for support at this point, it's all a formula based on income. It is going to be a rude awakening for her when this gravy train ends and she has nothing to show for it except a giant mortgage. Thankfully at least Isaac and Lincoln will be financially sound since they have parents who actually work.

Poor little Lux might be really screwed.  He doesn't have a Jo or Javi as a dad and he has 17 more years of childhood left.

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On 5/6/2019 at 7:06 PM, A-Lo said:

As a middle-aged person who has gone to college and worked all my life, I am beyond disgusted that this show has enabled a lazy, piece-of-crap like Kail to be able to afford a 2 acre property in a very upscale neighborhood, on which she will no doubt build an enormous house.  There is really something wrong with this equation!

I know. I recently got my Bachelor's and am trying to find that a job I'm qualified for with a starting salary that doesn't pay peanuts. Yet all these girls are making insane salaries, all because that made the usually piss poor decision to get pregnant and keep their babies as teenagers. The only real justice is that I know these boneheads, aside from Chelsea, are going to fall pretty hard when, or if this show goes away. At this rate, though, the show's going to stick around long enough to document the mom's great-grandkids becoming teen parents.

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2 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I know. I recently got my Bachelor's and am trying to find that a job I'm qualified for with a starting salary that doesn't pay peanuts. Yet all these girls are making insane salaries, all because that made the usually piss poor decision to get pregnant and keep their babies as teenagers. The only real justice is that I know these boneheads, aside from Chelsea, are going to fall pretty hard when, or if this show goes away. At this rate, though, the show's going to stick around long enough to document the mom's great-grandkids becoming teen parents.

Chelsea's going to fall pretty hard, too. Not compared to the average person, but for her, she will. 

It will definitely be hard on her when she realizes she can't buy matching whimsical outfits from target for the whole family, if she also wants to continue her gym membership that month. And it will be even worse if she keeps spending at the normal rate, and Cole starts going into debt, but doesn't tell her for fear of upsetting the princess. When he finally addresses her spending, he will have reached the last straw, and it will not be a fun night in the Pinterest perfect DeBoer house!

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Hahahaha slightly O/T...but my last post about female Jo being in an MLM got me to thinking about which types of SAHM's doing MLM's the guys would be, and it was cracking me up, so I hope you'll be amused too!

Jo would be the SAHM who doesn't care about the MLM, but just signs up and makes a sale now and then just to say he "has a career."

Cole would be the SAHM who is all idealistic about the future of the MLM. He would constantly post things like, "I want to give my family the world, which is what they deserve! One day, when I sell enough, we will be millionaires at our beachfront vacation home, Chelsea won't have to work, and we will be so dam happy! I'm so fortunate to be apart of a company that can take you from ordinary to millionaire!" 

Jeremy would be the working mom who is nonchalant about the MLM, and is halfheartedly doing it to make some extra cash. He's be the rare one who got in at the beginning, and has a downline, so he'd just collect money that other people have made, but continue working too.

Corey would be the nice, hard-working regular person that got screwed over by the MLM. He would be a working mom looking for some extra income, without realizing his area was saturated with sellers, and would spend a lot of money on inventory and then sadly fold, in debt and wishing he'd never tried it.

Randy would be the head honcho, pink Cadillac driver, giving speeches at all the MLM conventions. 

David would be the one who bought inventory, couldn't sell it, and then threatened to blow the company up because he couldn't return it. Jenelle would be getting on every online reviewing place possible, and giving them bad reviews. 

Nathan would be the SAHM who pretends that he got rich off of the MLM, driving a fancy car and sporting fancy / trashy clothes and hair, that really he either went into debt for, or his well-off spouse paid for. He would be the SAHM barely supervising the kids at the pool, claiming he was "working" while really surfing Facebook. 

Javi would be the FREAKING ANNOYING SAHM that messages and cold calls everyone from high school, pestering them, trying to create a downline. He's the one you'd see a message from about an "amazing opportunity," and he'd even be tone deaf enough to message fat people personal messages about how his weight loss products would help them

This is perfect, especially Javi's!

Another thing about Jo is that he is just so dang unattractive.  His head shape and hair are awful. Maybe Vi sees something in him or they have some sort of chemistry but she's so pretty. 

Stella has her dad's eyes.  I don't know how Briana and John will make their relationship work with the distance. I can't imagine him moving down there, he seems like he has a life unlike a lot of these guys that pop up and can jus start living with the girls (Matt, David) and Briana is not moving to New York. 

  • Love 5

I can't believe this show is still on the air:

Chelsea's home gets burglarized and she's traumatized and this fright is possibly causing panic attacks. Very realistic situation and I feel for her but this is tv worthy? 

Kail is building a house on a LOT. You get that people? A lot. not LAND. A lot. And this is interesting to us because?

We got to watch a whole scene of Jo explaining to Vee that he walked up to Kail's house, she stuck out the check and took it because evidently, showing us that scene last week was clearly not enough.

Briana the unclean is on the road to getting knocked up again. I just can't look at her. 

Jenelle is Jenelle.

Why is this still on TV? 

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1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

I can't believe this show is still on the air:

Chelsea's home gets burglarized and she's traumatized and this fright is possibly causing panic attacks. Very realistic situation and I feel for her but this is tv worthy? 

Kail is building a house on a LOT. You get that people? A lot. not LAND. A lot. And this is interesting to us because?

We got to watch a whole scene of Jo explaining to Vee that he walked up to Kail's house, she stuck out the check and took it because evidently, showing us that scene last week was clearly not enough.

Briana the unclean is on the road to getting knocked up again. I just can't look at her. 

Jenelle is Jenelle.

Why is this still on TV? 

On next week's episode...

chelsea decides to go to the grocery store. She's scared she'll have a panic attack on the drive! Will she or won't she?

Kail can't decide which color of hardwood floors she wants.

The Coven discusses the various men in their lives, at 4 am, in front of Nova.

Jenelle (if they don't delete her segments) Skypes with her producer for five seconds, whining about her hussssband. 

Leah can't decide what color nail polish to wear. 

Riveting television!

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32 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

What the heck is the big attraction to Chris???  What's he got going on that Kail is so nuts about him!  I saw him once and he looks like a punk!

My guess would be that he is "hard to get" because he doesn't actually like or want to be with Kail, and to Kail, who's used to being the user, it is a challenge. The idea that she can win him probably feeds her ego.

5 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

Another thing about Jo is that he is just so dang unattractive.  His head shape and hair are awful. Maybe Vi sees something in him or they have some sort of chemistry but she's so pretty

Putting aside attractiveness, since it is pretty subjective, I'm not sure why pretty, young and free Vee wanted to settle down with a teen dad who's only real accomplishment was being a cast member on a trashy reality show. With her looks and seemingly level-headed, chill personality, you'd think she could've done more then tie herself to a drama filled situation. I have nothing against Jo, he has matured a lot, but he hasn't done anything to prove he is any less a slacker then Kail in the last few years, unless there are some hidden businesses we don't know about. 

  • Love 8
35 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

My guess would be that he is "hard to get" because he doesn't actually like or want to be with Kail, and to Kail, who's used to being the user, it is a challenge. The idea that she can win him probably feeds her ego.

Putting aside attractiveness, since it is pretty subjective, I'm not sure why pretty, young and free Vee wanted to settle down with a teen dad who's only real accomplishment was being a cast member on a trashy reality show. With her looks and seemingly level-headed, chill personality, you'd think she could've done more then tie herself to a drama filled situation. I have nothing against Jo, he has matured a lot, but he hasn't done anything to prove he is any less a slacker then Kail in the last few years, unless there are some hidden businesses we don't know about. 

I agree about Vee! Also, I remember at the time, a lot of us thought he was about to dump her when he moved to Dover, and then she told him she was pregnant. Afte the move, it was so hard on her to spend her pregnancy away from her family! Some people speculated that she got pregnant to prevent him from dropping her when he moved (which honestly, I could see either way, and it's hard to judge. You can definitely argue that Jo still has feelings for Kail, and she might have felt insecure enough for desperate measures). I almost wonder if he'd dumped her, if it would have ended up being the best thing to ever happen to her! I'm glad she's happy, but she definitely has more going for her than he does!

  • Love 5

I'm sure Vee loves Jo but honestly I wonder if part of what has kept Vee around Jo has also been that she loves Isaac and she gets to have Janet as her mother-in-law.  I know people differ on their feelings about the rules Janet made for Kail when she lived in their home & although I side with Janet on that issue, I have to say even you didn't side with Janet then, think about how Janet was in Kail's 16&P episode.  She was there for Kail more than Kail's own mom.  Kail called Janet crying from her dad's house because the visit was so weird and Janet genuinely seemed to love and care for Kail. Although we haven't seen enough of Vee and Janet together to know for sure, I suspect they have a close relationship as well.  Janet seems like she'd be a cool MIL who'd be your friend but also would be more than willing to help you out or give you space.

Vee has been in Isaac's life since he was a small toddler and is probably bonded with him as well. Plus, Isaac is such a tender-hearted, smart little boy who seems really chill to be around (even when he was a toddler).  I think Vee worked in a daycare & at one point wanted to teach small kids - she's definitely one of those people who just loves kids. I'm sure she loves Isaac.

I can definitely see being sweet, sensitive Isaac's step-mom and having Janet as family as pluses of being with Jo.  (And I think in the beginning that the "fame" from the show may have been what interested young, immature Vee, but she really came to love Isaac, the Riveras, & Jo and is genuine in her love for them.  She wouldn't leave if the show was canceled unlike some other significant others; her relationships with Jo & his family strong and real with or without cameras.)

Since they've both also dealt with Kail so much, maybe Jo & Vee also went through some trauma-bonding from that. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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On 5/8/2019 at 10:37 AM, Dmarie019 said:

Totally covered by insurance. All she has to do is go in and get them sliced off and pay her co-pay.   Easy peasy. 

Well maybe... I guess there's a pretty good chance she doesnt have insurance. 

I don't ever recall her complaining about them. Did I miss this? Not trying to be snarky at all, I'm just thinking they don't bother her so that could be why she's not haved them removed? I personally don't think they make her unattractive. I'm probably in the minority but I think when she tries, she can be a pretty girl. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, SimonSeymour said:

I assume because Jenelle refers/referred to her property as “the land” constantly and Kail wants nothing to do with that. 

1 hour ago, Dmarie019 said:

I thought the same. It was a slight dig to Jenelle and honestly I thought it was kind of funny. 

I assumed that too. Just wanted to point it out so no one got it twisted.

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On 5/7/2019 at 1:24 PM, ghoulina said:

I'm pretty sure it's 3 bedroom. Roxanne and Brittany have their own rooms. Briana's poor daughters are crammed in with her. That apartment gives me such anxiety. 

Brittany has moved out, so I'm not sure why the girls are still in with Briana.  I do wish they'd go through and purge some shit from that apartment as it seems like the walls are closing in from stuff sometimes and that's a bit hard to watch for me, but otherwise I think it's fine.

On 5/7/2019 at 2:06 PM, kicksave said:

They definitely need to move to a house...those kids need some space and a yard to play in. But Kail's move seems frivolous to me. She and Javi were hardly there together...he was sent over seas and when he came home she had already moved on with Chris and was pregnant. If anyone needs a bigger space it's Brianna and her kids.

I have lived in apartment complexes that look similar to the one that they live in (completely different states), though I have no idea where in Orlando they actually live.  That said, when I lived in the complexes that remind me of the one they are in, there was a playground for kids, a pool, often tennis courts and big open areas for kids to play random stuff in as well.  

On 5/7/2019 at 6:46 PM, BitterApple said:

Okay, thank you. There's just something about Jo's demeanor that's so....sloth-like. Cory, Jeremy, Cole and Javi all give off an active, "I get up daily and provide services in exchange for a paycheck" vibe. Jo does not. I know people say he flips houses, but we've seen zero evidence of that. You'd think an individual appearing on national tv would use that ace in the hole to promote his business, but no, nada. I don't buy it.

Jo is not my favorite father in terms of being a provider, but I do give him a ton of credit for his turn around as an actual parent.  Actually, I don't even want to say that he's not a provider, because I don't think either Isaac or his daughter are going without things, but, I agree that Jo seems lazier than the others.  Still, I greatly admire the way Jo has grown up and worked to make sure that Isaac knew it was fine to love Javi as a parent and that he (Jo), would make sure Javi was in Isaac's life no matter what happened with Kail and Javi.  It takes maturity to recognize that it's just a plus to have more people to love your kids and it won't take away from your place as their father, and he came to that place pretty quickly.  I also like that he has embraced Kail's other kids and they basically work as a tribe.

On 5/8/2019 at 12:55 PM, TexasGal said:

Many years ago, like maybe 20, I went in to see about getting a mole removed from my face.  It is just below my lower lip - my mom always called it a "beauty mark".  The doc I went to said the scar it would leave would be more unattractive than leaving the mole so I didn't do anything about it.  I would imagine there have been improvements in procedures since then but I've never asked again because of that.

I would see another dr.  Maybe ask if you could see a plastic surgeon, even (not sure if you require a referral for your insurance or not).  I had a couple of moles on my face that had been there for years, not anything like Briana's, they were light and smaller.  One was near my eye, though and had started getting bigger and developing veins, which is apparently a concerning thing.  I was at a drs appointment for a sinus infection or something else random and the dr got kind of fixated on it and sent me off to a plastic surgeon to have it removed, and while they were at it, they took off the other one.  It took less than 10 mins, a couple of stitches, and I was was sore for a few days.  No scars at all.  If I feel the exact right spot by my eye, there's a slightly hard patch, but you can't see anything, I just know that's where it was.  So I'd definitely revisit it if you wanted to.  Oh, the other one that was removed was right by my lip.  I meant to add that earlier!

  • Love 6
On 5/8/2019 at 12:58 PM, Christina87 said:

Hahahaha slightly O/T...but my last post about female Jo being in an MLM got me to thinking about which types of SAHM's doing MLM's the guys would be, and it was cracking me up, so I hope you'll be amused too!

Jo would be the SAHM who doesn't care about the MLM, but just signs up and makes a sale now and then just to say he "has a career."

Cole would be the SAHM who is all idealistic about the future of the MLM. He would constantly post things like, "I want to give my family the world, which is what they deserve! One day, when I sell enough, we will be millionaires at our beachfront vacation home, Chelsea won't have to work, and we will be so dam happy! I'm so fortunate to be apart of a company that can take you from ordinary to millionaire!" 

Jeremy would be the working mom who is nonchalant about the MLM, and is halfheartedly doing it to make some extra cash. He's be the rare one who got in at the beginning, and has a downline, so he'd just collect money that other people have made, but continue working too.

Corey would be the nice, hard-working regular person that got screwed over by the MLM. He would be a working mom looking for some extra income, without realizing his area was saturated with sellers, and would spend a lot of money on inventory and then sadly fold, in debt and wishing he'd never tried it.

Randy would be the head honcho, pink Cadillac driver, giving speeches at all the MLM conventions. 

David would be the one who bought inventory, couldn't sell it, and then threatened to blow the company up because he couldn't return it. Jenelle would be getting on every online reviewing place possible, and giving them bad reviews. 

Nathan would be the SAHM who pretends that he got rich off of the MLM, driving a fancy car and sporting fancy / trashy clothes and hair, that really he either went into debt for, or his well-off spouse paid for. He would be the SAHM barely supervising the kids at the pool, claiming he was "working" while really surfing Facebook. 

Javi would be the FREAKING ANNOYING SAHM that messages and cold calls everyone from high school, pestering them, trying to create a downline. He's the one you'd see a message from about an "amazing opportunity," and he'd even be tone deaf enough to message fat people personal messages about how his weight loss products would help them.

This is golden. 

  • Love 1
On 5/6/2019 at 9:06 PM, A-Lo said:

As a middle-aged person who has gone to college and worked all my life, I am beyond disgusted that this show has enabled a lazy, piece-of-crap like Kail to be able to afford a 2 acre property in a very upscale neighborhood, on which she will no doubt build an enormous house.  There is really something wrong with this equation!

Agree A-Lo, but what I tell myself is Kail is a miserable, mean-spirited woman. Yes I'm jealous of someone in a big lovely new house but I wouldn't want her life.

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 I've come to believe that anyone who becomes a reality "star" has some measure of shameless asshole in their personality. Its the necessary ingredient to become such a thing.  

Pleasant, kind, balanced people living their lives is far too boring for the general public to watch, so those types of people do not get financially rewarded the way shameless assholes do.

Can we really blame the shameless assholes for this problem, though?  

Edited by ChristmasJones
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On 5/9/2019 at 12:05 PM, HeySandyStrange said:

My guess would be that he is "hard to get" because he doesn't actually like or want to be with Kail, and to Kail, who's used to being the user, it is a challenge. The idea that she can win him probably feeds her ego.

Putting aside attractiveness, since it is pretty subjective, I'm not sure why pretty, young and free Vee wanted to settle down with a teen dad who's only real accomplishment was being a cast member on a trashy reality show. With her looks and seemingly level-headed, chill personality, you'd think she could've done more then tie herself to a drama filled situation. I have nothing against Jo, he has matured a lot, but he hasn't done anything to prove he is any less a slacker then Kail in the last few years, unless there are some hidden businesses we don't know about. 

I thought Jo and Vee are each successful real estate agents? 

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On 5/12/2019 at 1:46 PM, ChristmasJones said:

 I've come to believe that anyone who becomes a reality "star" has some measure of shameless asshole in their personality. Its the necessary ingredient to become such a thing.  

Pleasant, kind, balanced people living their lives is far too boring for the general public to watch, so those types of people do not get financially rewarded the way shameless assholes do.

Can we really blame the shameless assholes for this problem, though?  

Partially?  I mean, I'll admit that there are times when I let my inner asshole run wild, but I at least have the sense to feel some shame over this and rein it in after a while.  These people?  I don't think they have the self-awareness to do that.  Then again, most of them are so emotionally and developmentally stunted (some by having a kid in their teens), that they lack that perspicacity. 

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