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S31.E03: Here Fishy, Fishy, Fishy

Message added by Meredith Quill

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I have no issues with Korey, but Tyler is quite possibly the most annoying person on planet Earth. The nonstop mugfest that was the Prawn Challenge was beyond excruciating with all the gaping mouth, bugging eyes, etc. stop, just stop and please hurry up and get eliminated!

It's early still, but some of the castings are looking more and more like misfires. Let's be honest....racers are brought back for their "Schtick" see Team Fun or Afghaninable. But Colin is now apparently a changed man and the abrasive personality that made him interesting is now gone and frankly, he's....boring now. It's like a great athlete coming out of retirement...that should have stayed retired.

Brett and what his name from SURVIVOR are just so much cannon fodder. So many interesting duos of the years on that show and they mustered those two up? Really?

Speaking of SURVIVOR...thumbs down to people who purport to be fans of the show but tune out when TAS starts at 9 PM. Viewership drops by several million! Even if you've never watched TAS and you're a SURVIVOR fan, you should show some support and watch IMO.

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I'm very weirded out by the thinking of fans lol.

A team is abrasive: "Oh my God! Horrible people! Disgrace to humanity! Ugly Americans! (In colin's case when he was in TAR 5) He must be abusive! Run away Christie! <insert assortment of other personal attacks and psycho(tic)analysis here>"

A team is calm: Ugh, so booooring! (In the case of Colin) he was so interesting when he was intense 😞 Hope he melts down for our entertainment. Actually, I bet it's fake! People can never change!<insert assortment of judgment and personal attacks here>

Never change, Planet Earth, lmao.

I for one like both versions of Colin. He's showing his age in both cases.

Edited by displayname
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On 5/2/2019 at 2:58 AM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I might be the only person who actively roots for the Afghanimals. 

You're not.

Also, I was happy Rachellie (or as my 12yo calls them, "Team Cringe" because that's what they make people do) did not finish last, because I would have been royally POd that they were saved by a NEL.

  • Love 2
38 minutes ago, eliot90000 said:

EVERYBODY on this show mugs for the camera.  Why single Tyler out?

Probably because of his profession; YouTuber.  That does mean he's more aware of the camera than most, and thus more aware of the audience than most.   Consciously or not, he's playing to the audience more than others.  Or more precisely, the crossover between his audience (including potential new viewers) and TARflies.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, eliot90000 said:

+1000!  EVERYBODY on this show mugs for the camera.  Why single Tyler out?

Janelle doesn't mug for the camera, Nicole doesn't mug for the camera, etc and the list goes on. Tyler uses EVERY opportunity to mug for the camera even when he should be focused on racing like at the end of the prawn challenge as he has to  "strike a pose" when he should be more interested in getting a clue. He so lame.

  • Love 5
On 5/3/2019 at 10:25 AM, burntheflaws said:

Corinne/Eliza can miss me with their bullshit, namely Corinne's "Cam on, or whatever it is. Cam on style." Korea is not Vietnam, and Asians are not a monolith, you idiot. Your Ignorant American-ism is showing.

not only that but I think I heard her say something about having a "dumb cab driver"   those drivers probably know more English than they let on.  I just hate traveling Americans like them.

  • Love 11

i'm digging chill Colin. Until the last leg, one only has to avoid being last. So why burn up all your energy trying to be first?

I like to think that he watched his season of TAR, saw what a colossal ass he was and realized that if he kept up being intense like that, he'd either die of a stroke or be in jail by the time he was 40. And he changed. TAR making the world a better place.

They are still competitive and focused, just without all the drama. Old Colin would have had no patience for the dancing and learning the words and probably wouldn't have finished so high. This kind of leg would not traditionally have been the kind he excelled at. I'm imagining the old Colin trying to do that leg and it isn't pretty.  

  • Love 12

Maybe because I don't think I saw Colin/Christie's original season, I have zero issue with what seems to be a calmer version of Colin.  While it could be an act, I'd argue it would be difficult to keep up an act 24/7 in this type of competitive and exhaustive environment.  Maybe in something like Big Brother where you spend much of our days sitting around and gabbing, but not in this environment.  That would take a lot of focus.

Also while I know you must have some drama filled people, and it can bring entertainment value, I'd still rather see generally nice people not treating others like crap.  Even with Rachel, her drama can be entertaining, but often it is directed inward or at her partner, not poor locals.  Anyone who takes things out on other random people is not entertaining.  

(Just adding in some cases it's not cute if people are actually being abusive to their race partners but I think more often than not what we see isn't abuse.  Not speaking to Colin/Christie since didn't see their original run).

  • Love 7

"Mugging" just seems like a very selective criticism for a team you don't like anyway. If you hate their face you don't like it when they look at you. But if you like them you don't care if they look in the camera or play to the camera or do "bits" for the camera. 

There is no reasonable expectation that teams should pretend there are no cameras. This is a reality show, not a sitcom, and they are not actors. They are supposed to comment on what's happening, that's what the camera crew is there for. What else are they supposed to do when sitting on the sidelines while their team mate does a Roadblock, or while they're doing something inactive like sitting around with a fishing pole waiting for a bite? Or when they're in a taxi cab stuck in traffic? Sometimes we don't see them looking right in the camera and sometimes we do. That's all editing. If the producers feel a team is giving them good material they're going to use it. That's out of the teams' control.

Unless you know any of these people personally in real life you are making a subjective judgment call on how real or fake they are being. 

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1 hour ago, spanana said:

While it could be an act, I'd argue it would be difficult to keep up an act 24/7 in this type of competitive and exhaustive environment.

I don't know that it's an act...

Colin may well have changed. He may have adopted a different personal philosophy and now presents a calmer face to the worldd world. But the pressure of "this type of competitive and exhaustive environment" (aka KF) might cause a relapse.

I'm actually hoping it doesn't.  Because I like Calm!Colin.  Crazy!Colin might have been entertaining, but I have a hard time seeing hims him as likable.

Edited by Netfoot
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It is refreshing to see that colin has matured.  I couldn't stand watching him on his season after a while. It was just painful. I can't believe she stuck with him. 

I hate the reilly sisters. Just awful pieces of trash. They wanted to u turn someone.

I was disappointed that team fun seemed to be talked into u turning another team. 

I can't even see janelle she is just so unrecognizable! I hate all the plastic surgery! 

Edited by hatchetgirl
Janelle is an unrecognizable person
  • Love 1
12 hours ago, displayname said:

I'm very weirded out by the thinking of fans lol.

A team is abrasive: "Oh my God! Horrible people! Disgrace to humanity! Ugly Americans! (In colin's case when he was in TAR 5) He must be abusive! Run away Christie! <insert assortment of other personal attacks and psycho(tic)analysis here>"

A team is calm: Ugh, so booooring! (In the case of Colin) he was so interesting when he was intense 😞 Hope he melts down for our entertainment. Actually, I bet it's fake! People can never change!<insert assortment of judgment and personal attacks here>

Never change, Planet Earth, lmao.

I for one like both versions of Colin. He's showing his age in both cases.

I think that "Colin is abusive" mindset was also perpetuated by other teams, which helped fuel the hysteria back then. From what I remember, it was mostly Mirna who was making comments about Colin being a criminal/abusive boyfriend, and her & Charla's fans immediately jumped on that bandwagon. 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Janelle doesn't mug for the camera, Nicole doesn't mug for the camera, etc and the list goes on. Tyler uses EVERY opportunity to mug for the camera even when he should be focused on racing like at the end of the prawn challenge as he has to  "strike a pose" when he should be more interested in getting a clue. He so lame.

So true..aside from Tyler, it seems like the only other ones this season who always have to constantly be on for the camera are Afghanimals, the Reilly sisters, and even Corinne/Eliza with constantly playing up the mean girl/bitchy side in order to get more camera time. Other than that, I don't see any of the remaining teams this season constantly turning it up to 11 whenever a camera is in their face.

  • Love 3
On 5/2/2019 at 10:07 AM, truthaboutluv said:

I like them too. Having never watched Big Brother, I don't really know much about them but they both seem like nice and mellow people. That said, anyone else get the sense that he seems more into her than she is into him?

Yeah, I've also never watched Big Brother, and they seem like the sort of couple that would be cast on an ordinary season of The Amazing Race. I'm fine with them sticking around—they remind me a little of TK and Rachel from TAR12. I also got the vibe that he's more into her than she is into him, but as others have pointed out, he's much more outgoing and expressive than she is, so it might just be that.

On 5/1/2019 at 10:50 PM, Rinaldo said:

This seemed like the rare TAR dancing challenge in which the judge was decidedly strict, and stayed that way to the end. (Often in the past they've let a lot go, and gotten more and more permissive with the last-place teams.) 27 times? Ouch! But good for that last team for keeping going. 

20 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I thought that Becca and Floyd's first try was better than every other teams winning try and they should have been passed through right then.

I agree that Becca and Floyd's first attempt was better than the successful attempts of several other teams. This leg was made for them. I think it's inevitable that judges ease up on their standards as time goes on—they get sick of seeing the same people and towards the end, they (and the back-up dancers) just want to be able to go home. I don't think the judge for the dancing task was any exception to this, but he was definitely one of the strictest I can remember ever seeing.

I was surprised at how many people chose the dancing detour, since I absolutely would have gone for the prawn fishing. But I recently read an old interview with Uchenna and Joyce where they said their strategy was always to choose the physical challenges because you have more direct control over the outcome. Maybe other teams are racing with the same idea in mind. I seem to remember Korey really struggling with a dancing task when he and Tyler first ran the race, so that's probably why they went fishing at the outset.

Tyler and Korey weren't my favorite team the first time they played and they aren't my favorite team now, but they are a strong one. I was once again reminded this episode at how good Tyler is at working a crowd. It seemed like that was at least part of how the karaoke challenge was judged—everyone seemed to be jumping around and interacting with the crowd on their winning attempt. Of course, it might also be that the crowd got more into it when the racers were on the verge of succeeding at the task.

I've never seen Leo and Jamal's previous seasons. I don't mind racers who try subterfuge (fake fighting, lying about where stuff is, pretending to be lost), but I do think it's largely pointless, since it never seems to buy anyone a massive lead and generates bad feelings in the process. However, f you actively try to mess with other people on the race, you can't be mad when they mess with you right back. Doing so suggests a sense of entitlement that I really can stand.

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1 hour ago, lexington11 said:

So true..aside from Tyler, it seems like the only other ones this season who always have to constantly be on for the camera are Afghanimals, the Reilly sisters, and even Corinne/Eliza with constantly playing up the mean girl/bitchy side in order to get more camera time. Other than that, I don't see any of the remaining teams this season constantly turning it up to 11 whenever a camera is in their face.

It's funny because I feel like this comment left out in my opinion, the muggiest team of them all - Team Fun. And that is why I do think that as the poster above says, this ultimately comes down to personal taste and if some just don't care for a team or individual. Because I know some really like Team Fun and to be fair I don't dislike them per se but if they're eliminated, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

I find the fun meter crap and the over the top excitement over certain tasks just really annoying. And Becca (is that her name? Honestly I have trouble at times even remembering their names) can be really grating to me with the wide mouthed laugh. But I recognize that this is a shallow reason to dislike a team, so again, it really sometimes just comes down to personal taste. 

I definitely get why some may not care for Tyler but for me, I feel like because Korey is so even keeled and low key, that it makes Tyler not annoying for me. In other words they create such a great balance of the two personalities.

I think if Korey was as over the top as Tyler, I would find them incredibly grating. But Tyler's over the topness is just funny and adorable to me because there is Korey on the flip side, so the antithesis of him. I just love their dynamic as friends and as a team and I do think they're really strong racers. But yeah I get why some don't care for Tyler.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 11

I think that "Colin is abusive" mindset was also perpetuated by other teams, which helped fuel the hysteria back then. From what I remember, it was mostly Mirna who was making comments about Colin being a criminal/abusive boyfriend, and her & Charla's fans immediately jumped on that bandwagon. 

Charla and Mirna had long since been eliminated from the race when Colin had his infamous "broken ox" meltdown. They also had nothing to do with his getting dragged into a police station in Arusha after he went non-linear on the taxi driver and refused to pay. Colin's biggest roadblock on that race was himself.

It's so refreshing to see people can change. Old Colin would have probably ended up in the pool trying to catch prawns with his bare hands and would have handed the Survivor who disrupted his singing practice her own head on a platter.  New Colin was patient enough to learn the dance steps and the song.

New Colin is giving me faith in humanity. Who knew?

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On 5/2/2019 at 4:11 PM, EllenB said:

Team fun trying to cross the street reminded me of the scene in Galaxy Quest when Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver are going through The Chompers.

You are correct; it was like that.  (loved that movie)

I have yet to see an episode of BB so I guess I should go look at one just to get an idea of how it works. 

I just finished watching this episode, and I really liked it.   I know the tasks were great for the Funstoppables, and their first from worst place being in Viet Nam gave them a bit of redemption from Floyd's disastrous experience in an earlier season.   (I never can  remember season numbers).

I work with a children's theater and we do some black light dancing on occasion with them so I just loved the dancing.  I was hoping there might be a task with Vietnamese water puppets, but maybe they have done that on one of the seasons I missed.

And I like karaoke nearly as much as black lights.  

I wasn't too keen on the prawns.  And Rachel and Elise are getting on my nerves.  For some reason I am starting to like Nic and Vic.  

All in all, this is my favorite episode so far.  

  • Love 1

I’m still trying to figure out when during the leg Colin had his interaction with the 8 inch nail. The scab on his forehead near his scalp line is obvious during the roadblock task, which was at night as was the arrival in Ho Chi Minh City and the detour. It isn’t present when they started the leg in Laos in the daylight. A mystery.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

It's funny because I feel like this comment left out in my opinion, the muggiest team of them all - Team Fun. And that is why I do think that as the poster above says, this ultimately comes down to personal taste and if some just don't care for a team or individual. Because I know some really like Team Fun and to be fair I don't dislike them per se but if they're eliminated, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

I find the fun meter crap and the over the top excitement over certain tasks just really annoying. And Becca (is that her name? Honestly I have trouble at times even remembering their names) can be really grating to me with the wide mouthed laugh. But I recognize that this is a shallow reason to dislike a team, so again, it really sometimes just comes down to personal taste. 

I'll give you an even shallower reason: Becca's face. I find everything about it and her annoying and punchable. I don't mind Floyd, but she definitely has a "nails on chalkboard" effect on me. 

Like you said: It sometimes comes down to personal taste. 

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On 5/3/2019 at 3:25 AM, SVNBob said:

Anybody find the video of the karaoke online anywhere?

The Race performance, or the video of the original song?  Because apparently Eliza asked about the latter in the V-pop subReddit, around nine months ago, with very little to go on (and no mention of the exact circumstances; just that she'd "heard" it "recently").  And a Redditor was able to find it for her.

Thank you! 

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On 5/4/2019 at 3:48 PM, kili said:

Charla and Mirna had long since been eliminated from the race when Colin had his infamous "broken ox" meltdown. They also had nothing to do with his getting dragged into a police station in Arusha after he went non-linear on the taxi driver and refused to pay. Colin's biggest roadblock on that race was himself.

It's so refreshing to see people can change. Old Colin would have probably ended up in the pool trying to catch prawns with his bare hands and would have handed the Survivor who disrupted his singing practice her own head on a platter.  New Colin was patient enough to learn the dance steps and the song.

New Colin is giving me faith in humanity. Who knew?

I know that, but even during the early airport scenes, where we had the conflict between Colin & Mirna, she had confessionals where she'd say that he was a criminal, abusive, that he probably treats Christie horribly in daily life, etc.

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13 hours ago, eliot90000 said:

I’m not sure we’re watching the same show.  All of those people definitely mug for the camera.  I can’t think of a single contestant who doesn’t.  

In Nicole's case, that's not entirely true, because even on BB, she was extremely self conscious and camera shy, and she generally seemed to be one of the few people on either of her seasons who wasn't there to get some level of post show fame/using the show as a way to get noticed by TV producers

  • Love 2
On 5/3/2019 at 5:13 PM, PierreMonet said:

On the other hand, I can almost guarantee that Tyler 100% giggles in his "real life" whereas B/F almost certainly DO NOT run around with fake giant circles of paper indicating how much fun they are having at any given moment.

Decide for yourself which one is "mugging for the camera".

Given that the Fun Meter thing appears to be mostly during interviews, whereas the posing, giggling, etc., happens during the actual action, I see it the opposite, but that's how opinions go.  We don't have to agree on everything in order to enjoy the show.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, theschnauzers said:

I’m still trying to figure out when during the leg Colin had his interaction with the 8 inch nail. The scab on his forehead near his scalp line is obvious during the roadblock task, which was at night as was the arrival in Ho Chi Minh City and the detour. It isn’t present when they started the leg in Laos in the daylight. A mystery.

They said in Vietnam.  To me it didn't look like a scab as in oldish.  It looked like a fresh wound that had just barely stopped bleeding.  Construction can go on 24/7 and usually does in large cities so a nail falling at night would be just as common as one falling in the day time.

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I really think it all comes down to what a person's definition of mugging is.  I am not horrified by anyone and their level of mugging this season, but I think mugging for the camera is generally defined as when people are deliberately looking into the camera and making cutesy expressions or otherwise, even when they aren't meant to be looking at the camera.  People that are always aware of where the camera is and play to it.

So if Janelle is being interviewed and is looking at the camera, I don't consider anything in that mugging because in that moment she's supposed to be looking at the camera.  People tend to talk about Tyler (ETA: Meant Tyler, not Corey) and his mugging because while it doesn't bother me, he does have a sense of always knowing where the camera is and staring directly into it even in the middle of a task, like he's on an episode of The Office.

In that sense I think there is a difference between racers who might be dramatic and/or maybe overemphasizing their personalities versus racers that actually always can find a camera and stare directly into it even when they aren't supposed to be doing so.

For instance, on a show like Dancing with the Stars, there are some dancers that are known as big muggers because they can always find a camera and stare into it even when half way across the room and they play more to a camera than their partners.

So for me there is a difference between racers that someone might find annoying, and whether or not they mug for the camera.  I don't mind Team Fun, but I could see where people might find them annoying.  Though it seems more Becca than Floyd.   However do I think they mug for the camera?  Not so much.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 5
16 hours ago, theschnauzers said:

I’m still trying to figure out when during the leg Colin had his interaction with the 8 inch nail. The scab on his forehead near his scalp line is obvious during the roadblock task, which was at night as was the arrival in Ho Chi Minh City and the detour. It isn’t present when they started the leg in Laos in the daylight. A mystery.

According to the clip I saw that started soon after the impact, they were still in Laos when it happened.  They keep saying it's a sign of luck in Laos to be hit by a nail.  So it probably happened between the product placement start of the leg, and them actually going to the airport.  We've heard that the Afghanimals and Victor and Nicole went to check out a scenic waterfall, so it seems like everyone had some time to spare before the flight to Vietnam.

The same clip also has them making the same dad joke a couple times about Colin getting "nailed" by the nail, and another reference to the Broken Ox.

Edited by SVNBob
Added link.
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22 minutes ago, SVNBob said:

According to the clip I saw that started soon after the impact, they were still in Laos when it happened.  They keep saying it's a sign of luck in Laos to be hit by a nail.  So it probably happened between the product placement start of the leg, and them actually going to the airport.  We've heard that the Afghanimals and Victor and Nicole went to check out a scenic waterfall, so it seems like everyone had some time to spare before the flight to Vietnam.

The same clip also has them making the same dad joke a couple times about Colin getting "nailed" by the nail, and another reference to the Broken Ox.

Since that nail clip was in daylight, it couldn’t have been in Ho Chi Minh City. The slight reservation about it being in Laos was because the apparent connecting flights had all the teams took required an afternoon connection which filming spoilers indicated was in Seam Reap. But in any event the time between the departure and the end of the leg total was less than 24 hours total. But it would explain why the encounter with the nail didn’t affect Colin and Christie’s placement this leg.

@green, the above is why it couldn’t have been in Vietnam. The teams arrived after dark and completed the leg at night

Edited by theschnauzers
  • Love 2

I also watched the youtube clip with Colin vs. The Nail, and in addition to it being daytime, the other thing that stood out for me is that there was no sense of urgency with Colin or Christie.  They didn't seem like they were in any rush, they took their time to sit down in the travel agency, were looking at the tours, etc.  So I don't think it was during the "race" part of a leg.

And, I give Colin a lot of credit for saying to the local something along the line of, hey, it wasn't your fault, don't worry about it.  They were both being very gracious and understanding, especially given the situation. 

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As a longtime fan of Survivor, I'm finding myself vicariously embarrassed by the Survivor teams.  Corrine and Eliza are just heinous, Brett and Chris are good sports but kind of clueless, and Rupert and Laura were just lame and out of their element.  I mean, none of them seem ready for this type of competition at all.  I'll be able to relax once they're all eliminated.  🙂

Meanwhile, Go Team Fun!!

  • Love 3
Just now, Special K said:

As a longtime fan of Survivor, I'm finding myself vicariously embarrassed by the Survivor teams. 

Rob explained it well when he and Amber first did The Amazing Race. On Survivor, these players have hours of downtime to sit, plot, plan and sometimes overthink the game. On The Amazing Race, the players are always moving save for the few hours of sleep they get between legs and on the long flights. You always have to be quick on your feet, making immediate split decisions, etc.

The girl from Big Brother, the one paired with Victor I think is his name, more or less said the same thing after the first leg. How surprisingly hard it was and how there was almost no time to think sometimes versus on Big Brother where they just hung out in a house for hours. I definitely think the teams who ran the race prior have a small advantage over the others. 

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13 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Rob explained it well when he and Amber first did The Amazing Race. On Survivor, these players have hours of downtime to sit, plot, plan and sometimes overthink the game. On The Amazing Race, the players are always moving save for the few hours of sleep they get between legs and on the long flights. You always have to be quick on your feet, making immediate split decisions, etc.

And Chris more or less said the same thing on the Pit Stop mat back in Leg 1. 

So he and Bret may understand this on the intellectual level.  Doesn't mean that they'll be able to compensate.

  • Love 2
On 5/6/2019 at 7:16 PM, theschnauzers said:

Regarding the nail incident, Colin has confirmed it happened in Laos on his IG account.

Here's what Colin posted on the youtube video discussion:

"Yep, this was in Laos after we checked out of the pit stop...we knew we had several hours before our flight so we were doing research on Vietnam!"

So that explains why they didn't seem like they were in any rush when it occurred.  I suppose if something like that is going to happen, this was the best time/place for it to do so.

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On 5/3/2019 at 4:42 PM, chaifan said:

Same here - I didn't see any errors in their dance.  I was surprised when they weren't passed through on the first try.  My guess is that the judge knew they had it, but felt he had to critique something, so said it needed more energy.  Even that critique was lame, in my opinion, but I'm glad they had the "bring it on" attitude and just did it. 

On 5/3/2019 at 5:27 PM, laserlady said:

Probably a sign that the judge had unrealistically high expectations going in.  If Becca and Floyd had done their first try after one of the other teams flailed their way across the stage, I think they would have passed immediately.

Floyd expressed both these opinions in the Team Fun recap of episode 3.   He said he highly suspects that for tasks like these, the judges are told not to pass the first team on their first attempt, no matter how well they did.

They also talk about the "peace conference" at the airport.  Becca's peace offering trail mix was designed for Tyler and Korey, since Team Fun knew the others were snackers.  Meanwhile, the "gift" the sisters brought as their offering to Team Fun was the bag that held the elephant snacks from the previous leg's Roadblock... and they probably shouldn't have had that with them in the first place.  (Becca uses the word "stole".)   Floyd says that Becca didn't want anything to do with it, but he eventually decided to be magnanimous and took it.

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Message added by Meredith Quill

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