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S01.E13: Recovering the Satellites

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So Max is dead? I mean I never liked him. Thought he was a shit brother to Michael. 

Rosa being alive/an alien is not that shocking.

Kyle is the best. The scene in the gun shop was so disturbing. I hate how easy people can get their handso n guns. Ugh.

Alex is also the best and deserves better than Michael. He is nothing like his father. Given that Michael knows the abuse he put Alex through he should know better.

I hate this damn triangle. So much for an LGBT relationship not having cliche tropes. and his best friend too. 

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So...is it sad that I think this would be the perfect ending to the series? I mean, Michael choosing to be with Maria, Isobel getting to finally move on with her life, and Liz getting her sister back....with Max dead. I'd be totally fine if the show was cancelled. That way, no disappointment for season 2. AKA, no chance in hell for Maria's heart to get crushed when Michael inevitably chooses Alex over her. 

Ultimately, this was a decent season finale. Noah's dead so that's good. The CGI lightning to kill him was absolutely awful, though. 

Max goes a little nutso because of what Noah told him. But thank goodness it seems like the whole Saviour crap was more to do with saving Rosa....who I'm still confused on. Why did Noah love her so much? Is she really some sort of alien? 

Alex is, once again, some minor character who basically gets nothing to do but cry at Michael for a second episode in a row. Man, I love Tyler Blackburn but I'm really getting annoyed by Alex and how little he actually does. And I still really don't like Alex/Michael. Sorry, show. You don't have a fan in me, which means, if the show gets renewed, I'm just set up for disappointment.

Meanwhile, Kyle gets to take down General Manes by putting him into an induced coma, and getting to prove him wrong by not going dark. 

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Well, I guess it’s not a Roswell season 1 finale if Kyle Valenti doesn’t get shot and “Here With Me” doesn’t play over the final scene.

I liked the episode well enough. Wondered when Noah said it if “she” was Rosa or him knowing Isabel was pregnant before she did. I didn’t love them saying Max is the savior, but I liked how they made that a connection to his love of literature.

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I just need to say that Michael and Maria have amazing - SCORCHING - chemistry.

And that Max/Liz love scene with them connecting was awesome - but a missed opportunity to show flashes.

This show keeps missing opportunities to really sell the magic.  It really is a pale imitation of a pale imitation of OG Roswell.

And no way is Max Evans dead for good.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 10

I...did not see that coming. How the hell did he get Rosa to put her in the pod and what was he planning to do with her? Now I'm wondering if he said all the savior stuff to Max as a head game rather than the truth. So...wow. I don't know where they're going with this but I hope it gets renewed so I can find out. 

Something has to be up with Maria. She's psychic and has some necklace with a super rare flower that messes with alien powers as a family heirloom.

Not a fan of the love triangle at all, and that's all I have to say because it's the least interesting part of the show for me.

Isobel testing new powers could be interesting. I'm betting they'll stick Max in a pod, and eventually figure out how to heal him. Or someone else will come along who can heal him. Noah seemed to think others would come for them, which gave me flashbacks to the beeping signalling the skins in the old series. 

I still love Kyle. I'm glad they went with him fighting smart and not with a gun. I'm shipping him with Isobel and I don't know why. 

Overall that was a decent season finale! Hopefully it's not the end of the series!

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So many thoughts, but while I process:


 I guess it’s not a Roswell season 1 finale if Kyle Valenti doesn’t get shot and “Here With Me” doesn’t play over the final scene.

This made me laugh and laugh.  Can every season end on a variation of this?  But obviously, I don't want Cheekbones to die.

And yes- how easy it was to buy a gun (especially in his emotional state) was very, very scary.

Edited by KittenPokerCheater
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4 minutes ago, izzybee said:

This show was never prestige television, but it definitely took a nosedive in quality in the past few episodes, right? Like plot holes and trite lines, that was all fine, but what's been going on the past few episodes is parody level bullshit lmao. There are so many things I feel, I don't even know where to start.

Michael/Maria/Alex: I don't wish Twitter hate on anyone, but I expect the Malex stans are about to go in on Carina and I won't say she doesn't deserve it. The triangle has gone from cringe-worthy to downright offensive. I have no problem with Michael and Maria getting together (I prefer them), but to have Alex's final shot of the season, the thing that's supposed to predict his arc for the next season, be him literally waiting on Michael's steps while Michael is with Maria... I... cannot find the words to express how awful that is. They could've given Alex a moment with wounded Kyle, his only real friend on this show, but instead they wanted him to like a pathetic gay man waiting on a guy who doesn't want him. Tragic, truly.

The Rosa thing... the entire season was centered on her death and now it's undone. I'd be happy if I never heard the name Rosa ever again to be completely honest. And what an awful cliffhanger if they don't get renewed lmao. 

This is what annoyed me the most. To have the gay character sitting alone waiting for something that wont come. 

Sorry but I find Maria doing this wrong. She knows Alex is in love with him. Of course Michael is worse and literally never showed up after Alex spilled his guts to him. I just find this whole thing messy because it involves friends. It would have made more sense if Maria/Michael hooked up while Alex was away and then he came back. 

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Just now, backhometome said:

This is what annoyed me the most. To have the gay character sitting alone waiting for something that wont come. 

 Sorry but I find Maria doing this wrong. She knows Alex is in love with him. Of course Michael is worse and literally never showed up after Alex spilled his guts to him. I just find this whole thing messy because it involves friends. It would have made more sense if Maria/Michael hooked up while Alex was away and then he came back. 

It's definitely all messy and it's clear that Michael will go back to Alex for good and Maria's heart will be broken. So honestly, all of this feels offensive AND a waste of time. 

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So...is it sad that I think this would be the perfect ending to the series? I mean, Michael choosing to be with Maria, Isobel getting to finally move on with her life, and Liz getting her sister back....with Max dead. I'd be totally fine if the show was cancelled. That way, no disappointment for season 2. AKA, no chance in hell for Maria's heart to get crushed when Michael inevitably chooses Alex over her. 

Ultimately, this was a decent season finale. Noah's dead so that's good. The CGI lightning to kill him was absolutely awful, though. 

Max goes a little nutso because of what Noah told him. But thank goodness it seems like the whole Saviour crap was more to do with saving Rosa....who I'm still confused on. Why did Noah love her so much? Is she really some sort of alien? 

Alex is, once again, some minor character who basically gets nothing to do but cry at Michael for a second episode in a row. Man, I love Tyler Blackburn but I'm really getting annoyed by Alex and how little he actually does. And I still really don't like Alex/Michael. Sorry, show. You don't have a fan in me, which means, if the show gets renewed, I'm just set up for disappointment.

Meanwhile, Kyle gets to take down General Manes by putting him into an induced coma, and getting to prove him wrong by not going dark. 

I feel this way about Maria. At least Alex knows about the aliens and gets involved in some stuff but she still doesn't know about the aliens while everyone else does. and her only role was to be Michael's other choice. It is rather offensive that the black character and gay character are reduced to the love interests. 

Edited by backhometome
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One thing that surprised and annoyed me was that Liz apparently did not know about the Michae/Maria/Alex love triangle. It's been weeks. Aren't they best friends? Don't they talk between episodes???

Edited by Whodunnit
I'm glad that they talked on screen, but it should have happened a day or two after the Texas rounder.
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24 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Sorry but I find Maria doing this wrong. She knows Alex is in love with him.

So Maria should continue to sacrifice her feelings for Alex? It is a tough spot, but at the same time, I am not a fan of that because I am tired of seeing Black women put their feelings aside or having their feelings undervalued for other people when they're rarely the recipient of someone being altruistic in return. It is Michael in the middle, it is Michael who made the moves on Maria, it is Michael who assured Maria that she did nothing wrong when she did initially step back after finding out about Alex. Maria is not forcing Michael to pursue her instead of Alex. 

While I prefer Maria & Michael, this triangle is terribly written overall and for me is only salvageable on some level due to MV & HH's chemistry. It certainly isn't the writing selling it.

I fully expect that if the show is renewed that Carina will screw over Maria in S2, even more than she has in S1, which is really saying a lot. So count me in as low-key hoping it is canceled. 

Edited by Chick2Chic
fixed something.
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Holy hell! The show better be renewed because Max Evans can't just die, ya'll! Also, how the hell are they going to explain to the town how Rosa came back from the dead after 10 years?

I like Michael and Maria but I felt really bad for Alex who keeps getting screwed around by Michael. Grrr. 

Go, Kyle! Loved him getting the better over Manes and putting him in an induced coma. And wearing a bullet-proof vest! Also, it's scary how Americans will sell anyone a guy, even someone who appears to be completely batshit crazy. Thank goodness I live in Canada. 

Please renew this show? Even if it's just so that I can stare at Michael's pretty face for another season. 

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23 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

I fully expect that if the show is renewed that Carina will screw over Maria in S2, even more than she has in S1. So count me in as low-key hoping it is canceled. 


Carina really talks out of both sides of her mouth - and she really doesn't understand the impact this is gonna have on part of the fandom's reaction to Maria.  She's really trying to have her cake and eat it too - and setting Maria&Michael fans up for bleak disappointment.  She's definitely decided that same-sex > bi-racial relationships in terms of importance for her with M/M/A - you can see that come through in her words and the writing.  

I'm so tired of tokenism in race-bent stories.

Oh and she "accidentally" sidelined HH?  Bitch please - that was no accident.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 7
38 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Sorry but I find Maria doing this wrong. She knows Alex is in love with him. Of course Michael is worse and literally never showed up after Alex spilled his guts to him. I just find this whole thing messy because it involves friends. It would have made more sense if Maria/Michael hooked up while Alex was away and then he came back. 

I agree that your scenario makes more sense and gives more cover for this - but it's clear that Carina did the story this way because she wanted to establish Malex as endgame first before showing us M&M (because I think she was worried fans would flock to them - because 1) their chemistry is off the charts and 2) they are book/OG canon with a huge fanbase).  I also believe Carina doesn't mind if her racebent Maria ends up as collateral damage to her fave couple.

I have a lot of anger towards Carina for this because she's set things up for things to go so badly for Maria and I don't trust her to make it right.  She's shown a clear bias for lifting up her same-sex couple at the expense of everything else (not realizing that having Maria be black and with Michael was groundbreaking too) that I'm annoyed.

I hate the Oppression Olympics she's making us play.

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I don't understand how she can suddenly NOW say she "accidentally" sidelined her.  Like, she KNEW she only had 13 episodes, that wasn't some surprise thrown at her.  It was no accident and she's only bringing it up at this point because she's been called out on it and is trying to save face.  Too late, she already looks like an idiot.

I haven't watched the entire episode yet, so I have nothing of value to offer there.  I'm sure I'll be back at some point to hate on it, as usual 😂

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I kind of want every season to end with Max getting hurt, while a different cover of Here With Me plays mournfully in the background. Its like the opening credits of The Wire, but with a thousand times more melodrama! 

Like, wow Noah, way to go from zero to forty in about five seconds! Maybe wait and see if you win this fight between you and Max, God of Thunder, before you declare yourself God. I am a bit disappointed that he is already dead, he could have been a cool reoccurring villain. 

I really hope this is the end of Isobel being victimized over and over again, its just getting depressing at this point. I mean, I do hope that this gives her some context and empathy towards people she messes with mentally, and what an awful violation that is, but that certainly seems like overkill in the karma department. 

I like Michael a lot normally, but he is handling this love triangle all kinds of wrong. Yeah he and Alex have a complicated history, but he just bared his soul to him, maybe dont just run off to hook up with Alex's best friend? So he is keeping Alex at arms reach while sending some serious mixed signals, while also sending mixed signals to Maria, saying how he still loves Alex, but then going off to hook up with her. They both deserve better. 

Speaking of, Maria deserves better in general. She better find out about the aliens soon, so she can be integrated into the plot more often, instead of floating off in subplot land all on her lonesome. She has the stuff with her mom and the alien heirloom now so hopefully she can join everyone else soon, I like her a lot and want to see more of her.

I really hope they dont cancel the show now, that would be an awful cliffhanger to end on! I mean, I dont think max would be for real dead, but without more episodes, thats all we end with. Its taken awhile, but I am kind of feeling Liz and Max more now. 

Rosa being around should be a decently interesting dynamic. She and Isobel were pals, and then she supposedly killed her, except it wasnt really her, Liz is an adult woman now not a teenager, her long lost bio dad is dead, her sister was dating her brother, and the world has moved on ten years since she supposedly died. She was already a messed up teen before, but now? Damn. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Welp. That happened. Let's unpack some shit!

Isobel lied in the dream? head? Isobel's fantasy land?scape when she told Noah that she never loved him. Even though we made such a big point about no one being able to lie in Isobel's special dream? head? Isobel's fantasy land?scape last episode. Called it. Also do you know how to get rid of the evil POC lower class alien and the Nazi alien prison? Just kill 'em. It's cool. It'll be like it never even happened. 

Poor Liz's dad. I know he was there to give her a home base to come back to - otherwise there would be no reason for Liz to ever come back to Roswell (population: 47,775 in real life, population: 200 on the show. It looks like the size of frickin' Mayberry) but Noah and Liz are banging around downstairs, yelling and screaming through an industrial walk-in freezer door and he's still peacefully sleeping? Yes, Kyle, go get the needle and thread from my horrible mom's sewing kit to patch me up but don't wake the man that just slept through a fucking hurricane happening downstairs. 

Liz and Max do not feel earned, I just don't buy it, but they gave me two of the best laughs this episode: the glowy hand orgasm (I'm sorry, that was bad) and the fact that they first started undressing each other in Max's living room, moved to his bedroom, and had glowy hand orgasms and sex. Meanwhile, he's missing the wall to his living room, left the door open to his bedroom which is not only a straight shot down the hallway from the missing living room wall but also the room that they had Noah tied up in while they let him slowly die. Romance, y'all!

Another laugh? Michael is bloody ("It's not my blood" BULLSHIT, GUERIN!) and goes back to his vintage Airstream to exchange his shirt... for a white or cream coloured one while still covered in dried blood. I weep for his laundry.

Another laugh? Max being The Saviour and ending the episode in a Jesus-on-the-cross pose and his arms thrown out as he lays dead on the ground. Seems fitting, what with Easter having just happened. Also Max being Thor and powering up with some of the cheesiest lightning bolts outside of an MCU movie. Gimme Chris Hemsworth any day.

Another laugh? Michael's cheeseball with extra nuts guitar playing.

Not so funny, on the other hand, was how they wrote Maria. Okay, I'll give you that maybe you can't control who you love. But you can control who you fuck. You can have feelings for someone but not act on them. We are not slaves to emotion. We can choose to act like adults and look at someone and say "You know what? There's this guy - you may know him - he's kinda had a thing for you for years. And that's cool, that's his thing. And I may be late to the game and I have a thing for you now. And that's cool, that's my thing. But that other guy and me? I called him one of my best friends two episodes ago and you know, this would really hurt him so maybe, just maybe, we should take a step back and think about this." But no. Who cares? Pretty people making out with pretty aliens! It's fine! At least I expect this bullshit behaviour from Michael, who is a complete cad. C'mon, Maria, be better than a horny fifteen year old.

I'm Team "The Show Could End There". 

Edited by Callaphera
minor typos
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2 hours ago, backhometome said:

Kyle is the best. The scene in the gun shop was so disturbing. I hate how easy people can get their handso n guns. Ugh.

As a Canadian, that gun buying scene is pretty much how I picture the U.S. 

2 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

Isobel testing new powers could be interesting. I'm betting they'll stick Max in a pod, and eventually figure out how to heal him. Or someone else will come along who can heal him. Noah seemed to think others would come for them, which gave me flashbacks to the beeping signalling the skins in the old series. 

Deus Ex Machina Pod? I really wish those pods weren't around. They seem to be the shortcut bullshit answer to everything that ails you on Roswell, New Mexico

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, izzybee said:
1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Can Max Evans please be transformed when he's resurrected so he can be played by a better actor?

Someone shoves his head in a fireplace like on Dynasty and when he recovers from plastic surgery to fix the scarring Max suddenly looks like Jason Behr.

Yikes. I was thinking a more benign transformation a la Doctor Who.
But yes. Does Jason Behr still have an agent? It's not so much a better actor as one who's a little more charismatic and enunciates a little better.


49 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Poor Liz's dad. . . . Noah and Liz are banging around downstairs, yelling and screaming through an industrial walk-in freezer door and he's still peacefully sleeping? Yes, Kyle, go get the needle and thread from my horrible mom's sewing kit to patch me up but don't wake the man that just slept through a fucking hurricane happening downstairs. 

Hah! Seriously. 
Plus Dr. Kyle could see from across the room through a bloodied cloth that Liz had knife wound (and not a gunshot wound) and that it was something manageable with ordinary needle and thread (no damage to internal organs, no need to worry about sepsis).

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I...don't even know where to start.

That whole Max thinking he's Thor shit?  First, that whole thing was cheesy as hell and the effects, my god the effects.  Also, Chris Hemsworth you ain't.  If you were, this show would have a shit ton more charisma.  And humor.

Max and Liz still shouldn't be a thing.  @Callaphera said it best, they don't feel earned.  Their whole trajectory felt forced.  That sex scene was super awkward and cringey.  I always felt like I missed out on the Dreamer sex in the OG, but yeah, at least it couldn't be as awful as whatever the hell this was.  I can't say this enough...Nathan Parsons is the absolute worst and he's the worst Max.  I would feel perfectly happy if Max was legitimately dead and stayed dead.

Of COURSE Alex ends up being the lonely pining gay in the end anyway.  Who didn't see that one coming.  

Oh hey Maria, still in the dark I see.  You have a super special necklace with a super special rare flower that must be important, buuuuuut not today.  Cool cool cool cool.

I had a weird hunch from the beginning of the season that Rosa was still alive.  So maybe she wasn't exactly still alive, but dead and chillin in one of the miracle pods that somehow is the answer for everything?  Her resurrection certainly didn't surprise me.  Especially not with Max's savior complex and healing jazz hands.  Please higher power, don't bring him back.

Seriously and truthfully, now that it's over and done with, I don't really think I like this show.  I wanted to so bad because these are characters I love.  But I don't love these bastardized cartoon versions of them (obviously excluding Maria, we know I love this Maria).  I'm just so disappointed, though I shouldn't be surprised.  If season 2 does happen, I'm not sure I'll be tuning in.  

PS: They really messed up by having so little Arturo.  That man is a pure, radiant gem.

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4 hours ago, ellieart said:

PS: They really messed up by having so little Arturo.  That man is a pure, radiant gem.

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who appreciated him.

About Noah:

Any chance they will stash his body in a pod?

Noah was looking so much like OG Roswell's Agent Pierce.

Edited by shapeshifter
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6 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Thank you. I thought I was the only one who appreciated him.

I could write paragraphs on paragraphs detailing how great he is.

7 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

About Noah:

Any chance they will stash his body in a pod?

Noah was looking so much like OG Roswell's Agent Plerce.

He wishes he could be as great as Pierce.

Unless they stashed him in one of their pods, which I doubt, I'm thinking they may have buried him or something?  Time passed between when he was killed and the rest of the episode and I don't think any mention was made about his body.  They seemed so hellbent on getting rid of him that I doubt they would want to keep him around.  But who knows.  Maybe Carina will explain her intentions on Twitter at some point 🙄

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6 hours ago, phoenics said:

I just need to say that Michael and Maria have amazing - SCORCHING - chemistry.

And that Max/Liz love scene with them connecting was awesome - but a missed opportunity to show flashes.

This show keeps missing opportunities to really sell the magic.  It really is a pale imitation of a pale imitation of OG Roswell.

And no way is Max Evans dead for good.

I agree that they should have shown memory flashes there, not just Liz having an orgasm, lol.

Max is clearly not permanently dead, so I'm side-eyeing Carina thinking she did something that's never been done before. A lot of shows have ended a season with the hero seemingly dead, heh. That said, I wondered how she ever was going to undo Max's legitimate sin when it came to Rosa, and being willing to give up his life to resurrect her does go a long way.

The lightning special effects were definitely bad. But once again, Carina is veering closer to the OG show than the books, with Max being the "savior" (and indicating Michael and Isobel were high-born as well). 

I don't like how the Michael/Alex/Maria triangle is being handled, and I fear for how the Malex fans are going to descend upon Maria. I don't think they can avoid getting her involved if there's an S2, given Rosa being back from the dead and all.

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The good: Dido's song was a nice touch; The totally appropriate death of the Supreme Asswipe Noah.  (the only thing that would have been cooler is if Max had blown him the fuck up.  I wanted a fine red mist of blood slowly sprinkling down like rain) Noah reminds me of my ex-supervisor's cat.  My supervisor thought it was a great idea to solve her rat in the attic problem by getting a shelter cat and locking the cat in the attic with no food except a rat.  Not surprisingly the cat went insane and became feral. Noah was a feral cat; Rosa's resurrection (now what are you going to do with that, Carina?); Kyle's stabbing of Manes and putting him in an induced coma.  (I thought sure Kyle was going to kick him in the head, as I would have. (I'm starting to notice a trend in my thoughts, I may need therapy)  Dude killed your dad in the worst way, cancer is no laughing matter); Max cannot be dead, despite some posters' fondest wishes, the show introduced the Max is the King of his people SL. Someone upthread mentioned that by showing Michael's mother it proved that Max and Michael were not family.  I don't think it was intimated in this series and it certainly wasn't in OG, Michael was always Max's 2nd in command in OG and not his family.

The bad: Overlooking the actual heat generated by Michael and Maria and forcing some lackluster Michael/Alex relationship and even making it worse by love 'em and leave 'em Michael; the crazy, insane gun shop scene.  Here we have a customer, who is slowly unraveling in front of you and you tell this guy with burning anger, "It's your God given right to buy a gun!"  Okay, on the surface, that's some sick shit, but I have to think, please, please, let that be some backhanded swipe at the insane gun laws in this country, otherwise that part of the episode was deranged.

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

As a Canadian, that gun buying scene is pretty much how I picture the U.S. 

Deus Ex Machina Pod? I really wish those pods weren't around. They seem to be the shortcut bullshit answer to everything that ails you on Roswell, New Mexico

I am Canadian too :) and that scene is how I picture it too and it just made me angry. 

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2 hours ago, Whodunnit said:

I love how Kyle decided to mimic that scene from Forever where the doctor was dealing with an immortal villain so he decided to put him on a medically induced coma.

LOL. I don't know what they're going to do with him though? Jesse isn't suffering from some sort of sickness or delusion - he's just a bad person, and there isn't really a cure for that. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

As a Canadian, that gun buying scene is pretty much how I picture the U.S.

I need this right away. "You want paper or plastic."

I think I might be crazy. "We have all had our days."

This guy made me so angry I could kill him. "You haven't met my wife."

I have never used a gun before. "Oh! Get this one, it makes a little red dot, just point and click."

This one is way more expensive. "Not if you use this Groupon."

Thanks. "You should sign up for our Friends and Family Plan."

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

So Maria should continue to sacrifice her feelings for Alex? It is a tough spot, but at the same time, I am not a fan of that because I am tired of seeing Black women put their feelings aside or having their feelings undervalued for other people when they're rarely the recipient of someone being altruistic in return. It is Michael in the middle, it is Michael who made the moves on Maria, it is Michael who assured Maria that she did nothing wrong when she did initially step back after finding out about Alex. Maria is not forcing Michael to pursue her instead of Alex. 

While I prefer Maria & Michael, this triangle is terribly written overall and for me is only salvageable on some level due to MV & HH's chemistry. It certainly isn't the writing selling it.

I fully expect that if the show is renewed that Carina will screw over Maria in S2, even more than she has in S1, which is really saying a lot. So count me in as low-key hoping it is canceled. 

I do think she is wrong. She should at least be honest with Alex. Their last conversation was her saying that Michael meant nothing to her and that it wont happen again. Especially since she knows how he feels about Michael. I am not saying Michael is not the most to blame but she is not being a good friend at all. 

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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

As a Canadian, that gun buying scene is pretty much how I picture the U.S.

LOL. As an American, fair enough.

Yeah, as I feared, when I'm looking around other places, fans are pissed about Malex and especially on Twitter, aren't that afraid of taking it out on Maria. Sigh. I tend to think it's pretty crappy of Michael to hear Alex say he loves him and considers him his family and then go straight to his best friend, but mostly I'm worried this triangle will fall right on Maria's head (if there is an S2, but as I've said in other threads, I think there probably will be, given how much The CW is losing next year and their subpar pilots). 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Not so funny, on the other hand, was how they wrote Maria. Okay, I'll give you that maybe you can't control who you love. But you can control who you fuck. You can have feelings for someone but not act on them. We are not slaves to emotion. We can choose to act like adults and look at someone and say "You know what? There's this guy - you may know him - he's kinda had a thing for you for years. And that's cool, that's his thing. And I may be late to the game and I have a thing for you now. And that's cool, that's my thing. But that other guy and me? I called him one of my best friends two episodes ago and you know, this would really hurt him so maybe, just maybe, we should take a step back and think about this." But no. Who cares? Pretty people making out with pretty aliens! It's fine! At least I expect this bullshit behaviour from Michael, who is a complete cad. C'mon, Maria, be better than a horny fifteen year old.

The reason this doesn't really bother me (it still does but you know) is because I can see it's being done so that people will hate Maria and be even more enamored with Michael/Alex. Sigh. 

What an episode. So bad, so good. I still love this show. The writing sucks, the acting in general sucks possibly more than the writing, it's so offensive, the showrunner is the worst, and yet I enjoy watching it and I really hope we get a season 2.

When they played Here With Me at the end I awwed all over the place. 

How about in season 2 we just have Maria be like, "You know what Michael, you're a little bitch so bye," and then she becomes part of the actual story and also maybe starts hooking up with Kyle. I'd prefer Michael/Maria and Alex/Kyle, but Carina is obviously obsessed with Michael/Alex so wanting anything else for those two characters is pointless.

I wish they hadn't killed Noah. The actor was one of the only good ones they have and they already have one of their only other good ones completely sidelined. Oh well, considering Rosa is now alive and Max is dead but we all know he'll somehow be alive again, maybe Noah can come back from the dead, too.

I'm interested to see where they go with Rosa being alive. I'm confused by how it happened. I figured she might turn out to been half alien (assuming that Rosa/Liz's mom might actually be an alien), but I don't know. Maybe the pods somehow work their magical healing properties on humans, too.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I have no earthly idea what they're going to do with Rosa. There are autopsy photos. Also, she's still 19. Lookalike cousin? Heh. 

And I don't exactly LOVE Rosa, nor do I think she was an especially good sister to Liz (who I actually am quite fond of), so I'm not sure how I feel about it. But her death going down the way it did was a mess for the Pod Squad, so there is that. 

  • Love 5

Re: explaining how Rosa is alive, I'll go with Max's answer when he healed Michael's hand.... It's Roswell.

(If anyone here watches Days of our Lives, they'll recall one of many times Dr Rolf came back from the dead one of the characters said, I thought you were dead! And he said, it didn't take.😂)

What I am really hoping for - since I do not like Rosa at all - is, she'll have to sacrifice herself to bring Max back. Like maybe his soul (or whatever) was transferred to her to bring her back to life and they realize she needs to give it back for him to live but if she does that she'll die again. 

  • Love 2

I’m not sure the actress who plays Rosa is available to join the show on a full time basis.

Max, I thought, got a whole lot more arrogant after the lightening strike (something about how using the powers makes you angry and bloodthirsty?).  Michael said no when Max started to heal his hand.  Granted, Michael is happy he can play guitar again, but he still said No.  And I’m mad that wasn’t respected.  I wonder if Max will be power hungry in season two.

I like Alex, but part of me wants him to leave the show and Roswell because he deserves better than. Michael, and can put his awesome hacking skills to better use. 

And cheekbones (Kyle) really sold the gun scene.  It was really really good.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

 Max harnessing the lightning and then killing Noah with it was so cheesy in the best way for me.

I rolled my eyes and thought, "Well, it does follow The Flash on CW."

but this too:

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

What an episode. So bad, so good. I still love this show. The writing sucks, the acting in general sucks possibly more than the writing, it's so offensive, the showrunner is the worst, and yet I enjoy watching it and I really hope we get a season 2.

When they played Here With Me at the end I awwed all over the place

  • LOL 1
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Well.  That.  Happened. 

I didn't like it. 

Michael Trevino nailed the "buying a gun" scene.  Kyle's obvious distress and the gun owners complete lack of interest in anything but putting guns in the hands of US Citizens felt real.  My only complaint to it was his little speech sort felt like it was stream of conscious thoughts that people wouldn't say out loud.  But the acting was really good.

If I'm supposed to like Michael at this point...I just don't.  The actor does a decent job.  But the character is just awful.  He declares he loves Alex and then is kissing Maria?  Um.  No.  That's just bad behavior.  At this point, I want Alex & Maria to go find love interests that deserve them.  Heck, take Isobel with you.  She deserves a better love interest too. 

Noah was just over the top evil for no good reason.  He has to give Max an Evil Guy Speech that sounds an awful lot like the first draft of Loki's speech in Avengers.  Only he wrote it when he was 13.  None of his season long behavior makes sense.  Why throw the nail polish bottles at Isobel?  He already knew she was alien (at least he should have since the number of nail polish bottles makes more sense with two drinking them).  If he wanted Max to resurrect his dead girlfriend, why not train him to be stronger?  Why hide as Isobel's husband and do nothing for 10 years.

And Max.  Dear Max.  Dude.  You got Liz.  Did you figure one and done?  Great epic love story.  Here let's sleep with the girl, then resurrect her dead sister without consulting her.  Maybe it's because I watched Flash first...but dude have a conversation with Liz before deciding she needs a walking corpse for a sister.  And why can Max suddenly do this now? 10 years ago, it would be less creepy.

Finally, Liz.  Run. Go back to Kyle.  He's easy on the eyes and he treats you with respect.  He remembers to wear a bullet proof vest.  He punishes people with medically induced coma's rather than murdering them or resurrecting dead people.  

  • LOL 1
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7 minutes ago, kirkola said:

And Max.  Dear Max.  Dude.  You got Liz.  Did you figure one and done?  Great epic love story.  Here let's sleep with the girl, then resurrect her dead sister without consulting her.  Maybe it's because I watched Flash first...but dude have a conversation with Liz before deciding she needs a walking corpse for a sister.  And why can Max suddenly do this now? 10 years ago, it would be less creepy.

Yeah, it's not good when Noah called the whole Max being powerful and feeling like God stuff. Max following in Noah's footsteps by healing Michael's hand without permission, resurrecting Rosa without consulting Liz, and also talking about unlocking their full potential or whatever? Max went cuckoo crazy when he killed Noah. I'd be more cautious of him when he inevitably is resurrected. 

  • Love 5

Oh man. The weather was terrible in the weetkend and we needed something entertaining to watch. So we binge watched this because I don’t always love myself and “you know you’ll be entertained one way or another” is a valid argument. This is an almost impressively offensive show. It had to take some effort to be so bad on so many fronts, and that’s after some surface level attempts at being woke. I was almost in awe of how inept or deliberately offensive they managed to be without anyone stopping it.

6 hours ago, backhometome said:

I do think she is wrong. She should at least be honest with Alex. Their last conversation was her saying that Michael meant nothing to her and that it wont happen again. Especially since she knows how he feels about Michael. I am not saying Michael is not the most to blame but she is not being a good friend at all. 

Yeah, I agree with what the other poster said in a broad sense but you don’t hook up with your friend’s ex whatever or person they’re in love with. You just don’t. It’s a hard line for me. So of course they had a WOC who was largely sidelined do that. There’s her role for the season. Awesome. Honestly, they can both do better than Guerin. That’s another uncomfortable part of the show. Maria owns/runs her own bar and is dealing with her mother. Alex is a decorated vet who could likely go do well in the private sector and is dealing with all his stuff. Now they’ll both tank a friendship and damage a support system to go after the town drunk who is bouncing between them. Yeah, he’s been through stuff and is a genius but ffs. This isn’t new ground. The only newer ground is that he’s bi and the show will be offensive with that as well. Go work on yourselves, keep the friendship and find better people.

Annnnnd. I don’t want to know what Noah did with Rosa’s body all those years. Ugh. Yuck.

Edited by amazinglybored
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, kirkola said:

And why can Max suddenly do this now? 10 years ago, it would be less creepy.

That, I think was because he didn't know how powerful he was at 18 and had barely ever tried to heal anyone. This time he had the power of the Thor lightning or whatever still running through him. 

While he probably should have tried to call Liz, lol, I doubt she would have said no to the possibility of having her sister back. There's no indication Max brings people back "wrong", at least from the looks of Liz. But she may not have agreed to allow him to give up his life for it, and it's a tough question to ask her (granted, I'm not sure he totally knew what it would cost him, but he wasn't fixing one bullet wound, lol, he was fixing someone who probably had been dead at least a day before Noah got to her and who had been burned and undergone an autopsy after being murdered by an alien). 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'd prefer Michael/Maria and Alex/Kyle, but Carina is obviously obsessed with Michael/Alex so wanting anything else for those two characters is pointless.

I want Alex/Kyle too!

I'm just not feeling Alex/Michael at all, but there's something there when Alex and Kyle are together. Maybe it's their longer history, troubled as it was, and because they're on the same page which let's them work well together that I can see their relationship becoming romantic. Alex and Michael always seem to be at odds and turn the angst up to eleven every chance they get; it's annoying and not very fun to watch.

I'm not sure I can root for Maria/Michael as long she's kept in the dark about the trio, Michael in particular. It would help if Michael trusted Maria enough to tell her without her having to figure it out herself. Michael probably respects Maria more than anyone, but until I see him actively put her first, I can't support them as a couple.

7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

When they played Here With Me at the end I awwed all over the place. 

I was caught off guard because I did not recognize what song it was until the refrain, then it hit me square in the feels.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

(If anyone here watches Days of our Lives, they'll recall one of many times Dr Rolf came back from the dead one of the characters said, I thought you were dead! And he said, it didn't take.😂)

Aw, man. Marlena being possessed by the devil and Father John was my childhood (I know, it was a couple of years before Rolf showed up but still). I used to race home from elementary school to watch that. That was appointment television. Roswell, New Mexico... not so much. 

4 hours ago, amazinglybored said:

Annnnnd. I don’t want to know what Noah did with Rosa’s body all those years. Ugh. Yuck.

Thankfully I think he just kept her in there because she looked not that decomposed - if she was decomposed at all - and since the pod seems to keep them in the same state they were in when they got into the pod, she would have looked a lot worse if he kept bringing her out and throwing her back in. But then Noah said his pod didn't work the same or was broken in the crash or was the dollar store version (like buying Tilde instead of Tide) so... maybe she wasn't as fresh as I was hoping? 

Ugh. This show, I swear. 

4 hours ago, Cristofle said:

That, I think was because he didn't know how powerful he was at 18 and had barely ever tried to heal anyone. This time he had the power of the Thor lightning or whatever still running through him. 

While he probably should have tried to call Liz, lol, I doubt she would have said no to the possibility of having her sister back. There's no indication Max brings people back "wrong", at least from the looks of Liz. But she may not have agreed to allow him to give up his life for it, and it's a tough question to ask her (granted, I'm not sure he totally knew what it would cost him, but he wasn't fixing one bullet wound, lol, he was fixing someone who probably had been dead at least a day before Noah got to her and who had been burned and undergone an autopsy after being murdered by an alien). 

For the sake of argument, what if Liz knew what it would cost and agreed anyway? That'll take the cosmic out of your love. 

I kinda wish they went there now.

Max: "I could do it. I could bring her back but it'll cost-"
Liz: "Yeah, do it. That's fine."
Max: "-my life, Liz. It'll cost my life."
Liz: "...yeah, I know. I said that's fine."
Max: "Oh. Um."

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